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Love, Live, Dance, Dream


_Chapters 1-3_ (Shortened)

Sheryl (Sher) Embry graduated from Highschool and can't wait to leave to college. Her two bestfriends are Samantha Brooks and Julia Martinez. Sheryl and Julia will be going to Boston, they will live together. Sheryl is going to study Photography, Julia (Jules) is wanting to become a painter. Samantha (Sam) the Journalist, will be going to New York with her boyfriend , Paul, of 2 years (not much love in the relationship). Chapter 2 and 3 Lots of dialoge: Sheryl and Julia get to their new apartment in Boston. Samantha meets up with her boyfriend in New York.

_Chapter 4_

Now November after many months pass from the summer. Julia and Sheryl grew into their new lifestyle. They are happy but not in the love department. Guys came in and out but they never stayed long enough for a meaningful relationship. Samantha on the other hand has been with Paul during the summer and fall making this about their thrid year. With Thanksgiving break coming up Sam thought it would be nice to invite her friends up after the holiday. Of course they wanted to come up but of course professors on campus would never let their students out with out any work (well Sheryl anyway). Sheryl and her classmates given a chance a position as her Photoghraphy Pofessors assistant. To get the posistion she would have to take photos of something of an extordinary event or person that would impress her professor. Going to New York was great , it would for sure have something there for her. The two girls were packing for their flight tomorrow. "Its gonna be so good seeing sam again!" Julia said as she rumaged through her closet.

"I mean New York ! wow!" she continued. "You know, I've always wanted to live in New York. But I just hope I can find something for class." Sheryl replied.

"Will you stop. Don't worry so much! Its a vaction.. Relax!" Julia threw the shirt was holding at Sheryl and danced around the room to a song on the radio.

"I can't relax! You know me, I'm going to go nuts!" Sheryl playfully pulled her hair.

"I got an idea. You have to take pictures of something "extrodinary" right?" Julia said with a glow.

"Yeah , and....." Sheryl gave her a confused look.

"Just take a couple pictures of me! hey I'm 'Extrodinary' and I'm here!" Julai posed in front of the mirror smiling.

"Yeah right!" Sheryl picked up a pillow and tossed it at her friend. The next morning they woke up early and took off to the airport. Hours later they arrived to the Manhattan International Airport. They ran down the gate from the plane in excitment to see sam. Sam waited in front of the gate hopping they would come out soon. At full speed Sheryl and Julia ran into Sam's arms. After a long hug they got their bags and headed to the car.

"I can't beileve you guys are actually here! We have so much to catch up on! I'm goning to take you guys around town. Paul just got tickets to a charity basketball game." Sam didn't stop to breathe during her sentences.

"Alright!" Julia Chimed in. The girls continued to chat . It wasn't until they reached the hotels that Sheryl realized that game was her project. They checked into their rooms and settled in.

"What do you want to do tonight?" Sam asked.

"Lets go out to eat." Sheryl's hunger took over.

"You are always hungary . Isn't there something else you do?"Julia joked.

"Yes, I happen to think about the hot waiters!" Sheryl replied with a cheeky grin.

"Okay you guys I'll be back. I have to tell Paul and change. I'll take you guys to a restaurant with cute waiters, so in an hour okay?" Sam stood up from her chair.

"Okay, we'll see you in an hour." Julia shut the door. The girls showered and changed. By the time they were just about finished Sam arrived. Sam drove them to town square to have dinner. They dinned at the All Star Cafe. Sam kept her promise there were cute waiters. This of course kept them interested. Over the next two days they did sight seeing. News was going around that the Backstreet Boys were going to be on MTV's TRL. It was perfect for Sheryl , she was going to get her pictures for two events.

_Chapter 5_

After two days of site seeing Sheryl slept quietly as the sun's rays lightly bounced upon her face. She stretched a bit before opening her eyes. She got up and went through her purse to find her copy of the key to Julia's room. She opened Jules' door. "Julia wake up!" she choked out while yawning. Julia twisted around and looked up. "What the hell? Its too early!" Julia pulled the pillow over her head. "We have to go to time square today! I got to get the pictures! Its already 9:30. get up girl!" Sheryl finally got Julia up.

They finished getting ready as Sam arrived and they left. The three of them went to town square and had breakfast. By the time they were finished it had been 12:30pm. When they reached the MTV studios they were bombarded by tons of girls. "I think they are all here for the same reason." Julia said as she returned a dirty look to a bimbo looking blonde. "What should we do?" Sam asked trying to keep contact with her friends. "Stay here I guess?!?!" Sheryl said pulling out her camera. She snapped a few pictures of the fans as they held their signs, they were very kind to have followed her instructions. After about an hour and a half of waiting a limo arrived. Automatically girls began to scream, even though they didn't know who was in the limo. Everything went in slow motion. Sheryl was close enough to get some decent pictures but girls kept her back away from her chance. Things went slow for Sheryl as they did for Julia Except for her it was different. As the door opened a guy wearing a leopard colored cowboy hat came out. Julia couldn't believe she was looking at AJ from the Backstreet Boys. He walked down the way towards the door to the studio. As he did this, he looked very calm Julia thought this was odd. He had hundreds of girls screaming for him, gifts being thrown to him, gaurds blocking a pathway for him and hes clam? He waved at some and shook hands with some lucky fans. As he was about to approach Julia she made eye contact with him and shook his hand. It was only a few seconds but Julia saw deep into his eyes. His mystical eyes welcomed her in. She felt she had known him for ages or so it seemed he wanted her to know him. They were interrupted as a guard yelled "Hurry it up!" only for their safety. Sheryl fought free and managed to take a frame or two of Julia and AJ together before Julia let go. AJ was followed by four guys known to us as Brian, Kevin, Howie, and Nick. Julia stood there in a daze as all the guys passed her by. Sheryl snapped her camera as much as she could. After all the guys left the screaming slowly stopped. The three girls found each other and headed to a 1 hour photo shop. After an hour of wondering around Sheryl got her pictures. At the hotel Sheryl looked through each picture looking for the quality she needed. All but a few came out blurry. There was one where Julia and AJ shook hands that stood out from the rest. The picture was so detailed and clear, it showed the obvious connection between the two strangers.

"Hey Jules, what's up with you and AJ?" Sheryl asked as she showed Sam the picture.

"What do you mean? " Julia replied trying to relax on the bed . "I mean, wow! This is only picture that I have seen that came out so detailed and its such an intimate gaze you two have." Sheryl explained.

"What?" Julia sat up.

"The camera doesn't lie." Sheryl began to ponder.

"I don't have the knowledge Sheryl does in that department but I can see it!" Sam handed Julia the picture to show her what she had seen.

"Its nothing. I was just star struck! Trust me. Nothing." Julia laid back thinking to herself: "Wow. maybe......"

_Chapter 6_

"Are you ready to party Sheryl?!?!" Sheryl walked over to Julia and put her hand on Julia's forehead. "Nope no temperature." "Shut up , I'm just asking if you were ready." Julia smiled and squirmed away.

"I am don't worry. The question is: Where is Sam?" Sheryl replied.

"I don't know. She said something about Paul being mad because she was going out wit us again tonight. He thinks she is spend too much time with us." Just as Julia finished explained they heard a knock at the door. It was Samantha in tears. Julia answered the door.

"Ohmigosh, Sam what happened?, Are you okay?" she shut the door and guided Sam to a chair. Sam replied in tears that Paul was threatning to leave her. He said that things weren't the same between them since Julia and Sheryl have been here.

"Don't cry, hes just an ass. If he would put you in that position to pick he's not worth your tears!" Julia said comfortably. Sam continued about her relationship with Paul for about an hour or so. By that time Julia and Sheryl had nothing but anger towards Paul.

"You know what who cares! Tonight is your night Sam! Come on, the night is still young!" Sheryl held out a hand to Sam. "I don't know you guys. I don't feel like going out tonight." Sam wiped her tears away.

"Come on it will take your mind off things!" Julia picked up Sam's jacket and held it out to her to take.

"Okay!" Sam was grateful to have her friends to lift her sprits up.

"Great! Planet Hollywood here we come!" Julia again became excited.


The three friends entered the club. Julia automatically started dancing with total strangers.. Sheryl and Sam talked to the waitress to get a table.

"Your in luck, you got the last open table." The waitress said as she took them to the table in back.

"Thank you very much, we really appreciate it." Sheryl said as she sat down in the booth.

"Cheer up Sam its going to be okay.(Pause) Omigosh! Is that? It can't be?" Sheryl leaned to the side passed Sam .

"What ? Who is it?" Sam turned around looking for someone she recognized.

"Its the Backstreet Boys! They are in the booth next to us!"

"What where......... Whoa! Oh my, It is them." Sam replied surprised to her sight.

"I got to get Julia, she's got to see this! Sit here, I'll find Jules and get something to drink." Sheryl quickly got up and went to find Julia. Sam sat quietly not knowing what to do when a voice said:

"Excuse me? Miss?" Sam turned around to see Kevin Richardson looking right into her eyes."Hi." he said with a sly smile and a chuckle.

"Hi." Sam hesitated, she could fell her face turn red.

"I'm sorry but can we have some of your napkins? If thats no trouble."

"No no , not at all." Sam handed him some napkins.

"Thank you ." Kevin replied to her with his deep sexy voice. Sam took in deep long breaths with her head down on the table.

"Excuse me again. I'm sorry to intrude but are you alright?" Kevin stood up at went over to her table. Sam picked up her head and smiled.

"I think I'm okay, having PMS and meeting one of the greatest performers today, it kinda gives me mix emotions."

"Thank you. Your very kind." Kevin gave out a light chuckle and lightly touched her hand.

"I'm Samantha." She introduced herself to him properly.

"Hi , Sam I'm Kevin." He gave her a smile , she nearly melted. Just at that moment Sheryl came back with Julia following.

"Hi Sam , who's your friend?" Sheryl gave her a 'what a hottie' look. Sam introduced Kevin to them.

"Now I want you guys to meet my friends." He signaled AJ to come over. "Sam, Sheryl, Julia, this is AJ, Nick,Brian, and Howie." They all exchanged glances. The three girls already knew who the were but only pretended for Kevin's sake.

"Would you like to dance Sam?" "I'd love to." Sam got up and took a deep breathe before taking Kevin's hand.

"Julia, have we met?" AJ asked looking into her yes.

"Actually, I think we have. We were in time square today and I was lucky enough to get the chance to shake your hand." Julia blushed a bit to the thought of him remembering.

"I knew it. I could never forget eyes like those. Can I buy you a drink?" AJ offered.

"Sure. To the bar." Julia got up and AJ followed. At the table Howie,Nick,Brian, and Sheryl sat in silence.

"Hey Howie, look at them over there." Nick pointed at two girls giving them the "eye" across the dance floor.

"Oh,lalalaa., Two hotties. See ya later B." Howie couldn't take his eyes off them.

"Come on I got the brunet." Nick got up."No complaints here, Sheryl it was nice meeting you." Howie shook her hand again and left.

"Soooo........" Sheryl looked at Brian in boredom.

"It looks like our friends ditched us."Brian said

"Some friends they are." She replied.

"Do you want to dance?" Brian offered to break the silence. "Sure"


AJ and Julia get to know each other better. "Two more shots my man!" AJ already half drunk demanded more from the bartender. "To us i don't know why but to us!" AJ handed Julia the glass. They drank, AJ leaned in to kiss her. She was drunk but she knew she wanted to kiss him back and so she did.

"Okay!" "Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm your DJ for tonight.I know you all want to party but by demand we are going to play one and only on slow song! So find that one person and here you go!" the DJ started the song.

"Hey its the only slow song, wanna dance.?" AJ asked Julia as he pulled away. "Sure .....okay." Julia a little disappointed by his offer.

"Hey we can finish that on the dance floor." "Good idea!" Julia put a smile on her face and followed him.


As the song started Kevin and Sam stopped. "May I have this dance?" Kevin kissed her hand. "How can I resist?" He put his hand around Sam's waist and pulled her close to him. She didn't know what to do.

"Samantha, I'm going to tell you the truth. I'm very attracted to you I just want to know everything about you. I want to learn about you, your life, the way you think. Everything.I normally wouldn't do this." "Do what Kevin?" She whispered into his ear. Kevin stopped dancing. He cuffed his hands around her neck and chin. He kissed her slowly and softly. His lips felt smooth but strong against hers. She ran her fingers through his hair pulling it playfully displaying to him what the kiss was doing to her. He pulled away leaving her to want more.

"That I mean kiss you." He looked into her eyes. "That was...Very, I don't know what to say." She caught her breathe from the kiss. "You don't have to say anything. Just dance with me." Kevin pulled her in again. This time she knew what to do. She rested her head on his shoulder and kissed his neck , smelling his sweet skin.


"So Sheryl what do you do?" Brian asked as they danced slowly. "I'm a freshman college student." "Really, that makes you 18. Whats your major?" "Yes your right. 18. My major is Photography" "Thats good." He replied. "I bet you know photography all to well. Wow, look at that!" She turned him in Kevin and Sam's direction. "Your friend is kissing my cousin?!?! Already? Damn shes quick." Brian said discomfortly.

"Whoa, Excuse me. Your cousin is all over my friend. My best friend." Sheryl defended Sam. By this time the two had stopped dancing. "What next AJ and Julia?" "Ummm..... I hate to burst your anger bubble but ...." Brian turned Sheryl around in AJ's direction. "Too late." they both said in unison with a low tone.

_Chapter 7_

"Do you believe this?"

"What?" Sheryl asked.

"All of our friends are getting some action but us." Brian smiled lightly. She walked back to the table with Brian following her.

"What about Howie and Nick? Where are they?" She sipped her drink.

"My guess, Nick's naked with some girl on one of the busiest bridges and Howie singing 'My heart stays with you' to some girl stupid enough to believe it." Brian replied.

"I love that."

"What? You love what?" Brian questioned.

"Your sense of humor"

"Humor? Who said I was joking? No, I'm just messing with them." He laughed at his own joke. Brian moved in closer to Sheryl just when their lips touched AJ and Julia collapsed on the table. "Whoa, hey. Julia, Come on Julia get up." Sheryl pulled away to help her.

"I think its safe to call it a night for you." Sheryl put Julia's arm around her neck and tried to lift her up but Julia refused.

Julia stood up on her own and started singing. "Lets talk about sex baby........." Julia jumped onto the table to make a complete ass of herself. AJ joined her and they sang together. "Lets talk about you and me, lets talk about all the good things and the bad things that make me, lets talk about sex." They sang until security came over. "Excuse me, you two are going to have to get those two out. If you don't I will." The security guy was a tall buff bully with arms the size of Sheryl's head.

"We're just on our way out." Sheryl grabbed Julia by the arm." Can you please get Sam?"

"I'll be right back." Brian ran off searching for Kevin and Sam.

"Julia come on. You need to get off the table, lets go. You too AJ." She helped them both down. Brian approached Kevin shyly.

"I know this is a bad time but we have a little problem." He whispered to his cousin trying to interrupt as less as possible.

"Okay we'll be right there." Brian came back with Kevin and Sam following.

"What happened?" Sam grabbed Julia before she tipped over taking Sheryl with her.

"They're drunk, we got to go." Sheryl answered her question.

"I'll pull the car around. Meet me outside." Sam took out her keys and turned to leave, Kevin grabbed her arm.

"Why don't you take the limo?" Kevin suggested.

"But I got my car here." She held her keys up to prove her words.

"Sam, why don't you and Kevin go on ahead and fun. Sheryl and I can take care of this. Right Sheryl?" Brian looked at Sheryl to make sure it was alright with her.

"AJ, thats not the chair you have your hand on." Sheryl yelled.

"Sorry Sheryl." AJ chuckled and moved his hand.

"Sheryl?!" Brian took AJ from her so he could not cause any more trouble.

"Oh, Yeah. Sorry. Go have fun you two!" She replied.

"Are you sure?" Sam asked to be sure.

"Positive. Go before I change my mind!" Sheryl firmly replied to show her responsibility.

"Now Brian, use the limo and take them. If you need me call me on the cell. You know the number....." Brian interrupted Kevin. "Yes, I know the number!" "Okay were leaving!" Kevin took Sam's hand and they walked out to the dance floor again. Brian and Sheryl helped the two intoxicated nuts out of the club and into the limo.

"Where are you guys staying?" Brian asked. "At the Kingston hotel." Sheryl replied.

"Why don't we go to our hotel its closer."Brian suggested.

"But Brian I don't want to go back to our hotel." AJ whined.

"Yeah Brian, I don't want to go to his hotel." Julia chimed in and pointed at AJ.

"Brian, they don't want to go back to AJ's hotel." Sheryl mimicked AJ and Julia making a puppy face.

"Ha ha very funny" Brian smiled and again leaned in to kiss Sheryl. Just as their lips touched ...

"Excuse me sir. I'm sorry but where would like me to go. I can't stay here. Its a no parking zone." The shulffer asked.

"No, its okay. Lets go to the Kingston hotel please." Brian turned to Sheryl to finnish the kiss.

"Brian the moods over." Sheryl shook her head. "I know, we were so close this time."

AJ and Julia continued to mess around with each other all the way to the hotel. They went up to Julia's room. She opened the door and sat Julia on the bed. "Now that you guys are here, GO TO SLEEP!" Sheryl took Julia's shoes off and pushed her down.

"Okay, lets sleep AJ."

"But I don't want to."AJ rebelled.

She pulled him down and whispered in to his ear: "Just pretend until they leave." AJ nodded, they closed their eyes and waited.

"Now that these two are out of trouble" Brian asked. "I don't know if we should leave these two alone."Sheryl stretched. "They'll be fine." Brian replied. "Okay, lets go get something to eat." Sheryl wanted to get out as much as Brian.

They stood up, shut off the lights, and locked the door.

_Chapter 8_

The moment the door lock snapped laughter filled the hotel room. "They're gone!!!!" The two shouted together and jumped on the bed. "Lets get another drink." AJ suggested.

"Good idea. Man its hot in here.? Julia took off her sweater.

"I know, I mean its really hot!" AJ followed her moves and took off his shirt. In about half an hour they were down to their underwear and finnishing the last of the champagne.

"Are you still hot?" AJ asked. "No but I want to paint." Julia went to the closet and pulled out the art set she takes everywhere.

"Damn I have no paper!" She looked around the room. "Why don't you use me!" AJ laughed.

"Good idea! Why don't I." Julia agreed with him.

"Hey was just joking! What are you taking out the paint for, you have no paper."

"Okay, I won't." They turned away from each other. Three seconds later they both picked up paint and threw it all over each other.

"I bet I can paint better than you." AJ told her as they wiped off the paint.

"AJ?? I am an artist by profession! I'm sure you can't!"

"You don't think I can? Fine, we'll just have a contest to prove it!"

"Okay! Fine! Loser cleans up and buys more to drink." Julia Smiled.

"Okay, deal. I'll go first. Turn around." He lightly painted a sun on her left shoulder.

"Okay, my turn." She painted a flower on his chest. AJ dipped his finger into the red paint and painted a heart on her chest. They looked up at each other. He put 'A+J' in the center of the heart. He touched her cheek with his hand and glided his thumb against her lips.

"I want to kiss you" AJ told her while placing his hand on his heart then to hers.

"What are you waiting for?" They passionately kissed, with his strong arms around her tightly holding her close. They moved from the floor to the bed without parting their lips. He grabbed the bucket of ice left over from the Champaign. He picked a cube from the the many and placed it on her neck. He smoothed the ice down her neck to her belly button. He followed the path of the ice with his tongue and kissed the coldness away with his soft warm tender lips. AJ went from her neck to her nicely painted toes and back up to her lips again.

"AJ, I want to tell you, I have to go back to Boston I three days." She tried to warn him of her life back in Boston.

"Julia, I know. I want to be with you in Boston, New York, Egypt. I don't care!" He lightly laughed and reassured her. She smiled and they continued.

"I'm sorry. If were going to do this. Lets do it right." She grabbed her purse and pulled out a condom.

"No, don't be. I was going to say something." He put it on and asked her: "Are you ready?"

"For you, Any time."


"I had a great time Kevin. I normally don't dance at all." Sam smiled as they walked out of the club.

"Do you want to take a walk?" Kevin asked.

"Sure, I'd love to. Wow, it feels good to be out here, instead of that 'sweaty' club." They talked about her and what she was doing in New York.

"Tell me, what was wrong when I first saw you tonight?" He asked."It was nothing I didn't want to come, but Julia and Sheryl made me. I got to remember to thank them." "Thank them for what?"He asked. he stopped walking and pulled her close. "If they didn't make me go I wouldn't have met you." "I guess that means I got to Thank them too." They kissed passionately until she pulled away. They continued to walk in silence. "Whats wrong Sam?" Kevin broke the silence. "Its just that if I think about it. I wonder why someone like you is here with me. I mean I'm basically nothing compared to you." She honestly admitted to him. "No, I would never compare us. And to tell you the truth, you better believe it because I'm here." Kevin took her hand and they walked down the street hand in hand.

_Chapter 9_

Dishes clatter and conversation continues as Brian and Sheryl are seated at a table in the back as requested. "Are you okay with this restaurant? Do you want to leave?" Sheryl sat down with the waiter pushing her chair in for her.

"All I want is for us to be alone. Its okay here, I got the thing I wanted. Time with you." Brian flashed her a sly grin.

"Nice one!"

"I know I've been waiting to say that."

"Can I offer you a drink before you start?" The waiter handed them each a menu. "Yes. How about some white wine. Is that alright with you?" Brian looked at her for an answer. "That would be great." She replied. "Wonderful choice sir. I'll be right back." The waiter left.

"Is there a reason you asked me here?" She asked softly. "What do you mean? I wanted to know you better." He replied to her answer. "You do know I have to leave in 72 hours right?" "Yes, but there was something about you I could let pass." Sheryl could feel herself blush when he took her hand in his.

"I don't want to start anything that I know will hurt me in the end." "I wouldn't hurt you Sheryl." I'm sure you wouldn't. But you have to understand what this is doing to me. Looking into your eyes, holding your hand. Its hard to fight because it makes me........." "Tingle all over and its kinda hard to breathe." He finished for her. "Yeah, how did you know?" She was confused by the way he knew her answer. "I know because thats what you do to me." She nearly melted when he kissed her hand. "Now I remember why I wanted to kiss you. Twice." Once again they tried to finish a whole kiss. They leaned in close to each other. Just as their lips touch the waiter placed a wine glass in between them.

"Excuse me. I'm sorry." He said two-seconds to late. "Ha, Thank you" She rolled her eyes. "The moods gone right?" Brian asked although he knew the answer. "Right." She put her head onto the table and quickly lifted it up with a smile. "Lets make a toast." He handed her a glass. "Okay. I got one. To our first kiss. If it comes it comes. If it doesn't we'll have another toast." She replied. "Two the kiss." They said together and drank.


After dinner they decided to take a walk. "So tell me, what is it like to be a Backstreet Boy member's girlfriend?" "Umm, well. I hope that their feelings for each other can hold up during touring. Oh and I can tell you that pictures and fans will probably be around her just as much as the guy and basically her privacy would be gone."

"I would say that is a small price to pay if a person can make you laugh tingle all over." They stopped walking and leaned in for a kiss. "Sheryl! Brian! Wow, who would have thought we would meet in the same place in such a big city." Kevin and Sam approached them. "Oh, I'm sorry if we interrupted anything." Sam took a step back. "No, its okay. Its happened before." Sheryl said.

"We were about to take Sam back to the hotel." Kevin said. "I don't want to go home." Sam explained. "Umm, Julia and AJ are knocked out in her room. You could stay with me if you want." Sheryl suggested to her. "I don't know. Maybe I'll stay with Kevin tonight. If thats okay with him. Kev?" Sam turned to Kevin. "Of course you could stay with me. Anytime." He was surprised at her question as well as the other two.

Sheryl gave Sam a devilish grin. They walked back to the limo and went to The Hilton Hotel where they took the elevator up t the 10th floor. They turned the corner and stopped at 10213. "Good night Sheryl , Brian." Sam gave Sheryl a hug and Brian a good night look, She stepped into Kevin's room and looked around. "You two kids have fun but, ahh. I gotta go." Kevin winked at them and shut the door.

"Brian you don't have to take me back. I'll just take a taxi." "What, are you kidding me? In New York City. This late? what kind of person would I be if I let you do........." Sheryl's laughter broke through his point of his sentence. "I'm sorry go on." She continued to laugh. "What's so funny?" He looked around to find something wrong. "Its just so cute when you get protective." She slowly stopped. "Really?" "Your just so cute. It just makes you so desirable." She confessed to him. To that he slowly moved closer to her as she did the same. "I think this time I'm going to get to kiss you." He whispered close enough to feel her breath on him but too far to touch her lips with his. "I think you should hurry before something hap....." Before she could finish he cut her off. They softly kissed as he guided her head slightly with his right hand. His left caressing her cheek and neck. The kiss lasted about a minute before Sheryl gently pulled away to end the kiss. With her forehead pressed lightly against his chest she closed her eyes to comprehend what had just happened.

"Stay with me tonight." He asked holding her against him for as long as possible. "Stay with you? I would love to." Sheryl replied. He held her hand as he opened the door and let her in. He shut the door and took his jacket off. "Wow." She whispered. "Did you say something?" He took her jacket and put in the closet with his. "Yeah. I said wow. We just had our first kiss and this is a great room!" She turned around to face Brian. "We did, didn't we. Why don't we try the second kiss?" He suggested with a cheeky grin spared across his face. "Good idea" He ran over to her and they laid across the couch as they kissed.

_Chapter 10_

AJ and Julia panted to catch their breath form their 'full body workout' of pleasure. "Wow!" She said nothing more. "You said it babe!! Wow!" AJ kissed her forehead and layed down beside her. Julia began to fall asleep in AJ's arms. She started to drift off but was awaken by a flicking sound. She looked up and saw AJ lighting a cigarette. "AJ don't smoke. You know thats bad for you!" She tried to pull it away from him. "I know its not good for me but I just had the greatest sex in the world so I think its okay for me to light up." "Well if you put it that way, I guess its okay. But this is the last one! Promise me!" "Julia, I promise you this is the last one!" "Thank you."

"What are you doing tomorrow?" She closed her eyes again as she asked. "I have to go to some celebrity basketball game to raise money for charity." "Get out of here! We have tickets for that!" Julia sat up in disbelief. "Really? Are you going?" AJ looked at her for an answer. "Yeah. I'm going!I get to see my AJ play basketball! And anyway, Sheryl needs to get pictures for her class or some shit like that." She again laid down after her excitement was over. "Is she any good at it?" AJ slowly inhaled a puff of smoke. "Sheryl? She's great. She had offers but she turned them down for classes. Why?" "I dunno we could recommend her to some people for a magazine cover were supposed to do." AJ explained. "Would you really do that?!" She again sat up. "Yeah if shes any good at it. There should be no problem. I'll just tell the other guys." "Great! What time is it?" She looked around for her watch she lost somewhere during their 'activities'. "It's 2:30 am" AJ put out the cigarette. Julia laid in his arms and they fell asleep.


Mean while:

Kevin shut the door after saying good bye to Sheryl and Brian. Sam didn't waste anytime. She walked over to Kevin and pulled him by the shirt collar into a kiss. They started the kiss standing but somehow ended it with Kevin on the ground and Sam on top of him. "I had to do that, Sorry." She got up and helped Kevin up. "No, don't be. I'm glad you did. Believe me." He was caught off guard but managed to reply. Sam went over to the balcony and opened the door. She went outside and leaned on the railing looking out to the city. Kevin joined her. "Now what do you want to do? If you want to shower or anything I could......" Kevin stopped him self in mid sentence. "What am I say? I mean what are we waiting for?" Kevin grabbed Sam and they began tearing off each others clothes and going at it right on the balcony.


Sheryl and Brian were about to really get into their second kiss. Brian moved down to her neck. He began to nibble on her ear and back to her lips when they were interrupted by a little squeaky bark. Brian stopped and turned to see Tyke his little dog looking at them. "I'm beginning to think someone is puposely planning this." Brian sighed and got up. She laughed and pulled him down for one last kiss.

He picked up Tyke and began talking to him as if he were a human being. "This is Sheryl" He turned Tike to face her. "Hi." She gave him a little kiss on the nose. Brian got up and let Tyke out to do his business on the balcony. Brian stepped out took a deep breath and stretched. He turned to his left a then his right. He was surprised by what he saw. He turned around and came back in. "Its a nice night lets go outside." Sheryl got up and walked towards the balcony. "I don't think you want to go out there." Brian tried to warn her. "Why? Whats wrong?" She opened the door, bent down to pet Tyke, and stepped outside. She turned to her left to see nothing. Then to her right, her jaw dropped to the floor. She turned around and pointed at the site she saw. "I told you. It wasn't pretty was it?" He let the dog in and shut the door. "Did you see that? I mean Kevin?" "Yes I know , Samantha?" they looked at each other and said "Yuck" They quivered at the thought. "I don't think she knows what shes doing? Shes making a mistake." "How is she making a mistake?" Brian asked. "You don't know this but she has a boyfriend at home waiting for her to come home." "So your telling me shes cheating on her boyfriend with Kev?" Brian looked confused. "Yes! This going to end up like one of those Jerry Springer 'Love Triangle' shows. Kevin's going to be heart broken if he finds out. Hes the victim of the three." "What are we supposed to do?" Brian began to see thing much clearer. "Stop her. Him. Them." She was now just as confused as Brian was. "I think we should just let them make their own choices. I think they want the same thing." Brian was being very logical. "Your right. I like it when your right." They kissed for a little bit until they both pulled away and looked at the ground. "Did you get the image of them together too?" Brian gave her a funny look. "Yep. I just want to go to sleep. Is that okay." "No problem." He took her hand and went into the room. He gave him a shirt from his suitcase. They laid next to each other and fell asleep.

Chapter 11

Julia tossed and turned until she woke from her deep sleep. She sat up and looked for a clock. She grabbed AJ's wrist to read 7:48 on his watch. She tried to get out as quietly as possible not to wake up AJ. She grabbed her robe and went to see if Sheryl was in her room. She knocked and No one was there so she used her key. She pushed the door open to see an empty room. She thought that Sam would be there with Sheryl because of her fight with Paul. She awoke from her thoughts locked the door and went back to her room. Julia ran the water in the shower until it was the right tempeture for her. She went in to bathe. AJ was awakened by the sound of the water. He had an idea. He got up and lightly opened the curtain out enough for him to get in. Julia had her face in the running water so she had no idea of AJ's surprise. "Good morning sexy." he put his arms around her. Julia was startled but was greeted by the sound of a familiar voice. "Good morning!" Julia turned around and kissed AJ. One thing led to another and the two were in the shower longer than expected (if you know what I mean). After another full body work out of pleasure AJ shut off the water. He and Julia got dressed and ready. By the time they were finished it was 9:30. They decided to find the rest of the guys to have breakfast. They took a taxi to his hotel and snuggled the whole way.


Sam woke up to the phone ringing. She picked it up and. The lobby had called, Kevin wanted a wake up call at 8:30. She woke Kevin up. Sam went into the shower thinking of what she had done the night before and how everything has changed. She got dressed without saying anything to Kev. "Is something wrong?" He asked her while putting on his shoes. "No, I'm just not a morning person." She rubbed her eyes to cover the real reason. "You don't regret anything from last night do you?" "No, no. Kevin you were great. It was great and I don't." She kissed him gently. The kiss was followed by a knock. "Who could that be?" He got up and answered the door.

"Hey Kev!" AJ greeted him happily. "Good morning Kevin. Is Sam here?" Julia asked hoping her friend was there. "Hey you two. Sam, she's inside, come on in." Kev let then in a shut the door. Sam stood up and gave Jules a hug and an 'I need to talk to you but not now' look. Julia got the message and asked where the other 4 were. Kevin said they would be in their rooms. The four of them went next door to Brian's room. Kevin knocked loudly incase they were asleep.


Sheryl laid in Brian's arms listening to him breathe. She felt very comfortable around him, enough to spend a night with him. Brian stretched a little before opening his eyes. "Good morning sunshine." Brian moved her hair to the side. "Good morning, yes because I'm waking up next to you." She looked up at him. They lightly kissed and was interrupted by a loud knock. They only sighed. Brian got up to answer the door. Sheryl followed him trying to keep warm from the November morning chill. "Don't you look cute in my clothes." He stopped at the door and smiled as he looked her up and down. "A compliment for me or your clothes? Just answer the door." She returned his smile. Before Brian could open the door Kevin had announced that it was him. He opened it and saw Kevin, AJ, Sam, and Julia all staring at him. "Hey come on in." Brian scratched his head. "Your not up yet?" Kevin asked him. "Well, we are now." Brian replied. "We? Is Sheryl here?" Sam asked him. She would become concerned if he had said no. "Yeah." He pointed at her. Sheryl held up her hand to signal where she was in the room. Before Brian could shut the door. Nick's and Howie's opened. A brunet walked out of Howie's room and a blonde came out of Nick's. The guys smiled at each other and then at Brian he let them in and shut the door. "What is this a wake Brian and Sheryl party?" He looked at all the people in his room. Sheryl said hello to everyone and went into the room to change, Brian followed her. In about 15 minutes they came out ready to go.

The group decided to go to breakfast in the lobby restaurant. While they ate AJ told the other guys about giving Sheryl a recommendation to a company this week about her photography. Once they finished they had about three hours until the game would start. "Oh, I forgot my purse up stairs." Sheryl pointed up and looked at Brian. "Here, we got to go warm up and ready before the game before we are late." Brian handed her the keys to his hotel room. "Okay, Thanks. I'll get it later." She took the keys. The five guys left with their body guards around them. The three girls took a cab to the club from yesterday to get Sam's car.



The guys sat in the limo as Alfred drove to the arena where they would be playing. It was quiet in the limo. "So, who got lucky last night?" Not thinking that anyone would answer Brian asked to break the ice. The other four guys all answered together, "I did." "Are you guys all serious? All of you?" Brian laughed. "I was with Julia and may I say, Wow! I mean wow! It was the best experience I have had!" AJ exclaimed. "I see you had fun." Howie patted AJ on the back. "Howie and I met these hot girls at the club and they came back with us. What about you Bri. Sheryl seems nice." AJ asked taking a sip from his bottled water. "No!! We didn't because ewe were sickened by the sight of Kevin and Samantha!" Brian turned to Kevin giving him a dirty look. "I guess you saw us huh?" Kevin lightly blushed. "I hope we didn't ruin anything for you guys." "Ummm, Yeah!!"Brian shook his head while smiling at his cousin. "Well I'm glad I did. May I remind you of that person you call your girlfreind? What was her name? Oh yeah! Leighanne!" Kevin's smile became a serious look. "Hey nothing happened last night. You took care of that. But there wasn't anything that happened yesterday." Brian reassured Kevin. The limo came to a stop. The guys got out and went into the arena.



"Do you want to get your purse?" Sam asked Sheryl as the guys left. "No. I don't need it yet but you need to get your car. Lets go." Sheryl replied. The three of them got a taxi. "What did you two do with Kevin and Brian last night?" Julia asked them with a cheeky grin upon her face. "I'll tell you what we did. We dragged your drunk asses to the hotel so you two woudn't get hurt or hurt someone else. Thats what we did." Sheryl lectured Julia as if she were her mother. "Okay. Thank you Sheryl, for taking care of me. What about you Sam?" Julia layed her head on Sheryl's shoulder. Sheryl rolled her eyes at Julia and shook her off. "Sam?" Julia poked Sam with her finger. Sam was lost in her thoughts. Thinking about what she did and about Kevin and Paul. "I'll tell you what they did. They did it on the balcony. It totally ruined the night for me and Brian, but its okay." They continued to take turns poking Sam with no response from her. "Whoa!! You mean, you saw them? You guys probably didn't do much after that did you?" Julia made a face. "Nope, we got through a kiss and a half out of the whole night. May I add that that one kiss was one hell of a kiss!" Sheryl made a joke hoping it would wake her friend.

"I got to thank Brian for taking you out. When you guys left AJ and I discovered that we were perfect for each other." Julia searched her purse for her still missing watch. "So I guess you two shared the experience!" Sheryl again attempted to make a joke. "Twice!!" They both laughed but stopped when the saw how unhappy Sam was. "Sam whats wrong? Is it Paul?" Julia's voice became serious. "Its just that Kevin and I now have a relationship that we can't fight and I'm still with Paul." Sam finally admitted. "Well then why would you give it up to him?" Sheryl asked trying to be as comforting as possible. "I wanted him. I mean he was so sexy and I couldn't fight it any more. Also, My feelings for Paul changed after I met Kevin. I just don't feel the same way about him that I used to." Sam shed a few tears as she spoke. "So what are you going to do?" Julia asked. "I guess I'm gonna break it off with Paul. I want to be with Kevin." Sam wiped her tears from her face. "I haven't felt the same for Paul since we moved here from Vegas. It all just changed." Sheryl handed Sam a tissue from Julia's purse. They got to the parking lot and paid the driver. They walked over to Sam's Jeep Cherokee. "I'll drive, you just sit and relax." Sheryl took the keys and drove back to their hotel for her to have a chance to shower and change. After about an hour Sam decided to call Paul and tell him its over, but she got the machine: "Paul, I stayed with Jules and Sheryl. I'm fine but we really need to talk later. I'll call you back." Sam hung up and they were off to the game. When they arrived to the main gate a familiar face greeted Sheryl. "Ms. Embry?" Alfred asked her to be sure. "Yes hello." Sheryl shook his hand. "Mr. Littrell asked me to give you and your friends these." Alfred handed her a white envelope. "Thank you so much." Sheryl smiled at him and he left. She tore open the envelope to reveal three floor seat tickets to the game. "We got floor seats!" Sheryl handed them each one. "That beats that crap Paul got us. What was it seats 36, 37, 38 row ZZ?" Julia finally got Sam to laugh and they were on their way.

Chapter 12

The game started.......In the middle of the game Sam decided to call Paul again. She called him and went back to her seat trying to keep tears in. "So, did you tell him? What did he say?" Julia asked her. "Yeah he didn't want to believe its over. I told him I was moving out after you guys leave and I hung up on him." Sam put on a fake smile and waved at Kevin as he passed by them. Sheryl was up taking pictures of every celebrity she could focus on with her camera. Most of the time she could only look at Brian but she did her best to manage to take some pictures of Nsync and David D. making some shots.

After another hour the game was over all the people ran around looking for the nearest exit. Sam and Julia stood up to look for Sheryl. Sam turned around and saw Paul standing in front of her with a single red rose. Julia saw what was happening and went on her own. "What do you want?" Sam asked as she sat back down. "Just give me one more chance, to be with you. I don't care about your friends now." Paul sat next to her. "Now you don't care? What happened to spending too much time with them. Its over I don't want to be with you any more." Sam turned away from him. "You have to have faith in our faith." Paul grabbed her hand. "See thats just the thing, I found out that what we had isn't love. What we had was me afraid to turn away from the past even if it was driving crazy! I found someone who can show me real love. He Loves me for me." Sam changed her tears into anger and yelled at him for the first time. "Sam, I want us to share our dreams together and make this work." "Paul, I don't want to live out your dream of us. This isn't going to work will you please just leave " "Who is this guy that you are seeing! I'll kill him!!" By this time the arena was basically empty. It was just an old couple, them and a janitor cleaning up some seats. "No! You won't! If you say you love as much as you do then leave. Let me be happy." Sam took her hand back for his grip. "I do love you. I guess your right but, can I have just one last kiss?" "No, Paul I don't think thats a good idea." "Come on this guy is taking you from me I just want to remember you." Paul pleaded to her. "Okay, but after this please leave," Sam agreed. He pulled Sam close to him and they kissed. She didn't enjoy it one bit. It felt different from before. Back then she kissed Paul with feelings but now its nothing. This wasn't what she and Kevin shared.

As she thought of Kevin she had the feeling someone was watching them. She stopped and turned to see Kevin standing on the court with a dozen roses in his arms. "Sam, Whats going on?" Kevin had no emotion in his eyes. "Hi. I'm Paul her boyfriend, I mean ex-boyfriend from 5 minutes ago." Paul compared the rose he had brought Sam to Kevin's Dozen. "Kevin, Let me explain." She pulled farther away from Paul and closer to Kevin. Kevin dropped the flowers, turned around and left with no explanation. "Damn it Paul!!! Just leave !" Sam's voice echoed in the empty arena. "Fine! At least now I know who you left me for. Good bye Samantha." Paul picked up his rose and threw it in Sam's direction. He then turned around and left. Sam picked up Kevin's roses and cried. She felt horrible for what she did to Kev and sorry for herself for making the mistake of losing the greatest guy for some loser who wanted a kiss. She went over to where Paul's flower had landed. With her foot she smashed it to show her anger at Paul. "I have to get Kevin back."


Julia found Sheryl taking pictures of the two groups known to be rivals: Nsync and BSB minus Kevin in a corner by the locker rooms. She thanked them for their time and they all split. AJ went over to Julia for a kiss. Howie and Nick stayed and chatted with Justin and Lance from Nsync. The rest of Nsync went into the locker room Brian approached Sheryl from behind as she was arranging her film. "Did you get any good pictures?" He put his arms abound her. "Tons! I'm going to get the position and they'll be begging me for more!" She put the film down to return his hug. "I have to go back and get my purse so I'll see you later." Sheryl announced. "Okay. I'll see you later." He gave her a quick soft kiss and left.

Sheryl packed up her film and camera. She turned to her right and saw AJ and Julia all over each other. "Get a room!" Sheryl joked, grabbed her bags and said good bye. They just laughed and continued. "Where's Kevin?" Julia stopped. "Why would you want to know?" AJ kissed her neck. "I hope he doesn't see Sam and Paul together." "Who's Paul?" AJ stopped. "Sam's ex-boyfriend. He came back to get her back." "Uh oh. He went to find her with roses and a grin. I got to go change. Wait for me here." AJ went into the locker room. Ten minutes later AJ and Brian came out. Nick and Howie went to a club with some members of Nsync. They took the limo to Julia's hotel. AJ said his good byes and went back to their hotel. Already at the Hilton hotel Sheryl took the elevator up and walked to Brian's room. She opened the door and went in, shutting it behind her. Looking around the room for her purse. She petted Tyke and went into the bedroom. She found her purse, shut off the light and opened the door.

Just as she opened the door a tall busty blonde was in front of the door way. "Hi, Can I help you?" Sheryl was startled but managed to keep a straight face. "I think I have the wrong room. Is Brian in this room." The blonde looked at the room number for verification. "I'm sorry why are you looking for him again?" Sheryl began to get confused. "I'm Leighanne, his girlfriend." Leighanne began to put the pieces together of why Sheryl was there. Sheryl could tell by the way she accented 'girlfriend'. "Who are you?" Leighanne's voice had changed from what she had sounded like when she first met Sheryl. "So your telling me you two have a relationship together. His girlfriend?" Sheryl didn't answer her question. "Yes! His girlfriend of two years! Are you some bitch sleeping with my man?" Leighanne yelled. "Hey! One, I'm not sleeping with your man and Two, don't ever call me a bitch!" Sheryl's anger began to rise. She stepped out of the room to face Leighanne in the hallway. "Then what the hell are you doing in his room?" "I'm in here because I have a key that he gave me. Thats why! And I was invited up here last night by Brian." Sheryl replied. "Oh, so you're some homewrecher who wants to sleep with my man. Is that why you accepted the offer?" Leighanne's face began to turn red.

Just then Brian and AJ got off the elevator and could hear people arguing. Brian recognized Leighanne's voice. The two stayed behind the corner to listen. "Who said anything about sleeping with him! And he never told me he had a girlfriend and I can see why!" Sheryl returned the insult to Leighanne. "You little psychotic bitch!" Leighanne slapped Sheryl across the face. Sheryl looked down and dropped her purse. She put her hand on her stinging cheek. Her right fist began to clench tightly as she looked back up. "I know you didn't call me a bitch again!" Sheryl pulled her arm back and swung at Leighanne full force to complete a right hook punch. Leighanne fell back from the impact. She shook her head and held her cheek and jaw with her hand. "I gave you a fair warning about that. Oh and you don't have to worry about me, Brians all yours." She picked up her purse and turned to see AJ and Brian turning to see what they had heard. "Wow, nice punch Sheryl!" AJ nodded his head. "Thank you. She deserved it." Sheryl replied with a straight face. With out a word to Brian she turned the corner to the elevator. Brian signaled AJ to help Leighanne up off the floor, and ran after Sheryl.

Chapter 13

AJ helped Leighanne up and into the room. "Sheryl wait!" Brian ran after her. She threw the hotel key at him and turned around to push the elevator button. He stopped her before she had a chance. "Sheryl..." He began to explain but was interrupted. "How? How do you do it?" She demanded to know. "Do what?" Brian asked cautiously. "How do you give that look? How do you hold my hand let alone kiss me knowing you have a girlfriend?" She looked at him with only anger in her eyes. Brian didn't answer knowing she had more to say. "How dare you? I knew this wasn't going to work! But you told me to trust you! You said you wouldn't want to hurt me or anyone else. And as much as I'm disliking her at the moment your hurting Leighanne too!" "I'm sorry! I'm guilty of that I know! But. I just wanted you okay!" Brian yelled. She never heard him yell before. It caught her by surprise, she quickly regained her thoughts and responded. "You wanted me? Is that it? You already had Leighanne and you wanted more? Let me be the one to tell you Brian, that you can't have everything you want in life! I wanted this to work but I didn't get it! I put my guard down for you and you hurt me. End of story." She pushed the elevator button repeatedly in anger. "You don't understand! This was it! You were what I was looking for. But if I told you about Leighanne you would have backed away! I just wanted you around, as a lover a friend! I don't know I wasn't thinking." He explained to her. She was doing a very good job at keeping the tears in until the end. She sobbed as she began to talk again. "You lost me as a lover for the reason that you are with Leighanne. And your going to lose me as a friend if you continue to lie to me this way." "Please don't cry. I don't want to see you cry, Sheryl please." He pulled her close trying to remember the sent of her hair while holding her tight. The difference this time, she didn't return his hug. The elevator door opened. She turned away, went in and pushed for the lobby.

She got off the elevator rubbing her temples with her hand. She wasn't paying much attention to where she was going, hoping it would lead to the door but instead she ran into someone. "I'm sorry, excuse me." Sheryl looked up to see Kevin. "Hi Sheryl. Sorry I was preoccupied with something else." He scratched his forehead. "Funny, me too. Are you alright?" She asked him. "I was going to ask you the same thing." He pointed at her eyes. "I'll tell you if you tell me." Sheryl pointed at his eyes indicating she too knew he was crying. They went into the hotel lounge and were seated at a booth in the back. "Okay, now tell me why are you crying?" He folded his arms waiting for an answer. "Its Brian." She revealed. "My cousin? Wow, what could he to hurt you?" Kevin was surprised. "One word clue for you Kevin: Leighanne." She doodled on a napkin with a crayon for kids. "Oh, that. What happened?" She briefly explained to him everything that happened from the beginning, when she and Brian went to dinner to when she ran into him.

"Your turn. Why is such a big guy like you crying? Not that thats a bad thing but, why?" He told her that he saw Sam and Paul kissing after the game. "It looks like were in the same boat." Kevin pointed out. "We may be in the same boat but were paddling in different directions." She began to explain to him. "You still have a chance with Sam. She was breaking up with him when I left. She couldn't stop thinking about you this morning. If I know Sam well enough shes probably looking for you." She tapped at her watch and looked at him. "You still have a chance with Brian. He wants to be with you. I know he does. Don't you like him?" He asked her. "Of course I do. Why would I be crying for someone I didn't care for. The thing is why am I crying for him? I've known the guy for what 2 days?!" She continued to draw on the napkin. "I'll tell you why. I happen to know." "You do? Please tell me!" She stopped and focused her attention to him. "Because you love him. You love my cousin." He told her. "What? No. I'm sorry Kevin, I think your talking about AJ and Jules. Now they are in love." She shook her head and picked the crayon back up. "A person doesn't act like this if they're not in love. I know, I've been there. Hell, I'm right where you are at! If you don't believe me, look at your drawing." Kevin pointed at the napkin. She looked down and saw that she had drawn 'b+s= <3' all over the napkin without knowing.

"Okay, so maybe I have a really big crush on him. But hes still with Leighanne, so theres no point in telling him. Please don't tell him. I don't want to be the one that breaks them up." She crumbled the napkin and threw it behind her as she spoke. "I won't tell him" Kevin gave his word on it. "Aww, You love Sam. You're in love with my bet friend.Shes looking for you ya know. Go do what you gotta do." She changed the subject and smiled. "Thank You Sheryl." He kissed her hand and stood up. "No, thank you.I can see why she loves you." She stood up and leaned up to kiss Kevin's cheek." If you'll excuse me, I'm going to be depressed back at my hotel. Thank you." With that, she turned around and left.


Kevin stood there for a moment and decided to go up stairs to see if she was waiting for him there. Sam wasn't but he ran into AJ coming out of Brian's room. "Hey, AJ. Have you seen Sam anywhere?" Kevin asked him. "Hey! No, how did it go?" AJ wanted to know but was very egar to leave. "Is Brian in there? Why are you so nervous looking?" "Yeah hes in there. Damn you should have seen what happened.Anyway, I got to go meet my woman!" He jumped up and down to show his excitement. "Yeah, I know what happened. I see now. Go have fun." Kevin too wanted to leave. "Thanks. Bye." AJ left. Kevin knocked on Brian's door and peered in looking around for Brian. He was on the balcony. "Hey cuz. How are you feeling?" Kevin poked his head out to the balcony. "Hey, come on out. I'm okay. It just hurts." Brian put his hand on his chest. "Whoa, are you sure? Is it because of the game or certain people?" Kevin began to get concerned because of his health condition. "A little bit of both." Brian took long deep breaths. "Where's Leighanne?" Kevin looked out into the city. "She left to get some air. Wait. How did you know she was here?" "I ran into Sheryl down stairs. She told me everything." Kevin gazed into the afternoon's light.

"Everything?" "Everything. I don't like saying it but I warned you about this. I like her. You two would have been great together. Even if you guys weren't dating. Its cool to have her around." Kevin gave his thoughts on the situation. "I know. But thanks for helping me out." Brian opened his arms for a hug. they hugged but quickly let go due to male ego, even when no one was around. "What about you and Sam? How did it go?" "I wouldn't say too well. Thats why I'm looking for her. It seems you and Sam have someone but wanted something else." Kevin squinted at the sun as it slowly began to set. "Really? Sam? Wow." Brian began to breathe heavily again. "Lets go inside." Kevin helped Brian in and into a chair. Kevin handed him a bottle of water. He took it with a horrible look of pain on his face. Kevin took things into his own hands and called an ambulance. He helped his cousin into the elevator and down to the lobby. His breathing got worse until he collapsed in the lobby. People turned to see what happened. "The paramedics are on their way. Could someone wait outside and tell them were in here?" Kevin yelled to anyone who would help. "I'll do it!" The door man of the hotel offered to help. A front desk worker and a guest at the hotel helped Kevin give Brian CPR. The paramedics came and took Brian. Kevin followed. He tried to thank the people who helped as fast as he could and rode with Brian to the hospital.

_Chapter 14_


AJ arrived at the Kingston Hotel. He caught the elevator up before it closed. He looked up to see he was sharing the elevator with Sheryl. They said hello but didn't have anything to say to each other. "How are you feeling?" AJ asked to break the ice. "Could be better. How are you and Julia?" She answered as they exited the elevator and walked down the hall way. "We're doing good. The sex is great!" AJ didn't want to bring up relationships related. Sheryl laughed. "At least two people are getting some." Sheryl searched for her key as AJ knocked on Julia's door. Julia answered the door with Sam behind her. Sam got the message and left the room. "Oh Sam!, Kevin was looking for you. He said he wanted to talk things over?" AJ told her before he forgot. "Thats great! Thank you!" Sam's frown became a smile. Sam had Julia everything before AJ go there. "Well you guys. We'll see you later." Julia pulled AJ in and gave the other two a look. "I think its our que to leave. Sam." Sheryl unlocked the door and turned the lights on.Sam saw Sheryl's eyes and demanded to know what had happened to her. She explained everything and how she knew about Kevin. "Sheryl, its okay. He might not be the one for. All things do happen for a reason." Sam hugged her tightly in a way of comforting and thanking her for talking to Kevin without words. "Remember, its always the darkest before the dawn." Sam added before letting go. "Thanks." Sheryl smiled.


After being pulled in by Julia he pushed the door closed. "Anything interesting happen while you were gone?" Julia slowly unbuttoned his shirt. "Not much. There was some arguing between three people, I can't remember who." AJ tried to focus on his point but Julia had taken off his shirt and was working on his pants. He kissed her and took off her shirt as well. "Who was arguing? What was it about?" Julia kissed him between every word. "It was Sheryl, Brian, and Leighanne." AJ told her. "Who's Leighanne?" Julia stopped but AJ continued. "Baby, whats wrong?He too stopped. "Oh, Leighanne. She is Brian's girlfriend."Julia sat on AJ thinking. "Come on honey. its not our business. It between them." Aj kissed her neck hoping to get her back. "Fine. Sheryl got in an augment with Leighanne, Brian's chick. Leighanne slapped Sheryl, Sheryl punched Leighanne, and for a good oh 10 minutes Sheryl and Brian argued before Sheryl cried and left. Happy?"AJ explained to her in one quick breath, hoping that after she understood hey could finish what they started. "I hope shes okay. Do you think I should talk to her?" Julia asked scratching her neck. "Shes fine. I saw her in the elevator and besides shes got Sam." His voice turned into a beg. "Okay. If shes alright." "Thank you."AJ whispered. "Now where were we?"

"We were here." AJ picked her up and laid her on the bed. He took off his pants and began to caress her. entire body. She kissed him softly as he continued. He started working on her bra but had difficulties taking it off. AS he struggled he said, "Um, this is ruining the mood." Julia ooked at him and him a 'damn I want you' look. He got the message and quickly took off the bra without any other problems He pulled out a condom and put it on. He decided to arouse her as she had done to him before. He slowly put himself inside of her. He grinded like in the laydown beside me choreography move. She softly whispered in his ear." Get down, get down and move it all around." He gave her a smile and proceeded to go deeper inside of her. This made Julia moan very loudly. He new she enjoyed it so he continued his sex act on her. Julia wanted to repay him for the pleasure she had just experienced. She out her legs around his waist. AJ knew what she wanted to do, so he got up off the bed taking her with him. She was still tightly around him. He put her against the wall and began to push again. Her fingernails clawed into his back. She didn't know how much that encouraged him. With the pressure of the wall, Julia moved in circular a motion causing them both to cry out in bursting pleasure. Sweat beads ran down from their faces and bodies. They moved back to the bed. As they kissed, their tongues fought for the chance to tease and taste. AJ then suddenly jerked into high gear to give them both the best orgasm of the night. They were about to climax again when there was a loud knock at the door. "Who the hell is it!" AJ quickly got off her as she yelled angrily at the door. He sighed and grabbed his boxers and slipped them on.


Sam couldn't stop smiling, thoughts of Kevin filled her head, daydreams, and wishes too, Sheryl laid on her bed with ice on her forehead, trying to relax as much as possible. Sam awoke from her thoughts as the phone rang. "I'll get it." Sam stood up "Hello?" Sam answered. "Hi, Sheryl? A familiar voice asked. "No, this is Sam, Kevin?" Sam asked. "yeah, I need to talk to you, but before that, I called to tell that Brian went into the hospital." Kevin said with sadness in his tone. "Ohmigosh, is he alright??" Sam was stunned by the thought. "what happened?" Sheryl sat up. "Brian went into the hospital." Sam tried to listen to Sheryl and Kevin all at once."Okay, Sheryl go tell AJ and Jules, tell them its an emergency." Sam pointed next door . "Okay,." Sheryl grabbed her purse and jacket, and raced outside. Sheryl knocked on the door loudly in hysteria. Inside AJ quickly got off Julia as she yelled angrily at the direction of the door. "Who the hell is it?!!?" AJ sighed as he grabbed his boxers and slipped them on.

"It's Sheryl!!" her voice muffled by the door. "We were in the middle of something couldn't you hear?" Julia yelled to make sure Sheryl heard. "Jules, its an emergency. Brian went into the hospital." Sheryl put on her coat as she talked. AJ quickly got up and answered the door when he heard of his friends condition. Sam came out of the other room and stood beside Sheryl. "Were going to go ahead. Meet us at Roosevelt Hospital." Sam grabbed Sheryl's arm. AJ shut the door and began to get dressed. Julia sat up putting on her clothes as quickly as possible. "We'll finish this later. After I find out if Brian will be okay." AJ pulled on socks and shoes. "This can wait, I think the fact that he's in the hospital is much more important." Julia put her hair in a ponytail, grabbed her purse and opened the door waiting for AJ. He button his pants and ran out the door.


Sam dropped Sheryl off at the front entrance and went to park the car. Sheryl ran down the hallways looking for the information desk. "Hi I need to know where Brian Littrell is at?" Sheryl asked trying to catch her breath. "Sheryl over here!" Kevin came into view and walked towards her. "thank you ." She told the nurse who had done nothing for her. She ran down the hallway. Kevin caught her before she ran right pass him. "Where is he? Is he okay?" Sheryl brushed her hair away from her face and held on Kevin to keep her balance. "The doctor is with him. Calm down. Sit over here." Kevin sat Sheryl down on the waiting room seat. Sam came looking for someone she recognized. She saw Kevin and stopped looking. "Sam I'll be right back, I have to call Howie and Nick. I need to talk to you, I'll be right back don't go anywhere." Kevin pulled out some change from his pocket and left. Sam nodded her head and sat next to Sheryl, who had her face buried in her hands. Sam put her arm around Sheryl to comfort her.

AJ and Julia ran right passed the waiting room, It took them a few seconds to realize it. "Is he okay?" AJ asked catching his breathe. "The doctors with him" Sheryl looked up, The two new comers sat down to breathe. Kevin came back. "I just called Howie and Nick, They're on thier way." Kevin explained. "what happened to him?" Julia asked looking up at Kevin. "He collapsed in the hotel lobby." Kevin walked back and forth as eight eyes followed him. The doctor came out and asked if anyone was here for Brian Littrell. They all stood up and said "We are." together. "I'm Dr. Mitchell, Brian had a circulatory implication. Hes going to be alright but I want to keep him over night for observation. "Dr. Mitchell shook all of their hands. "Thank you. Can we see him?" Kevin asked. "Sure but only family for now." "I'm his cousin." Kevin announced. The other four sat down knowing that they weren't family. "Anyone else?" Dr. Mitchell turned to the four sitting. Sheryl opened her mouth to say "NO" but Kevin interrupted her. "Shes his girlfriend!" Kevin leaned over the table between them and pointed at Sheryl. "Okay. Down the hall and its the first door on your right. Room 220." The doctor pointed and left. "Thank You." Kevin and Sheryl said in unison. "Thank You, Kevin." She took his hand and kissed it. "no problem." Kevin opened the door for Sheryl and himself.

Brian laid in the bed hooked up to a heart monitor, with an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth and an IV in his arm. Kevin approached Brian, he was awake but was barley able to speak. "Hey cuz, your going to be alright." Kevin told him seriously. "Thanks Kevin, if it weren't for you ......" Brian began but Kevin stopped him "No, Lets not think about that. Someone's here to see you." Kevin moved to the side putting Sheryl into Brian's view. "I'll leave you two alone. Take it easy Brian." Kevin turned around left the room shutting the door behind him.


Julia rested on AJ's shoulder thinking about how wonderful things with AJ were. He had no health problems, no girlfriend holding him back, and was perfect for her. Julia smiled at her thoughts. Kevin came back to see Sam. "Can I see you for a second?" Kevin knelt down and whispered into her ear. Despite his whisper Julia still heard. "Uhhh, AJ, lets go get some coffee."Julia stood up pulling AJ unwillingly with her. "Kevin, listen to me. What you saw was nothing. Its over between Paul and me. He just wanted one last kiss. I didn't enjoy it at all. I thought about you the ........" Sam babbled on to explain. "Shhhh." Kevin placed his finger over her lips to stop her."Samantha, I believe you. I don't care about Paul, hes not a problem to me. When I saw him all over you I thought my world ended. But when I left and thought about living without you it killed me. Sheryl pointed some things out that I should have known. I had to have you.' Kevin put his head against hers. "I'm sorry Kevin, I'm so sorry. You have such a big impact on me. You showed me what it feels like to be HAPPY in a relationship." Sam kissed him softly. "No. Don't be sorry for anything, just be with me please. Only me." Kevin's voice quivered as tears fell down from his eyes. She had never seen a man cry before.. Her feelings for him overpowered her when she saw how sensitive he was.

"Of course only you." Sam and Kevin kissed as they cried softly. Just then AJ and Julia turned the corner with two cups of coffee. "Still thirsty?" Julia asked AJ as she saw them kissing. "Yep one more cup for me, seeing as how I don't even like coffee." AJ turned around as he sighed. "Those two. Kevin chuckled and shook his head. Sam leaned on Kevin, resting in his arms. "Do you need any help tomorrow with finding a new apartment?" Kevin asked playing with a strand of her hair. "Yeah, but you have to much to do. With the photoshoot and Brian's in the hospital and all I'm sure Julia will help me." She played with his shirt button that had a loose thread. "No ,I'll help you . I mean because Brian's in the hospital the shoot will be on Friday and Julia would want time with AJ. So I'll have all tomorrow to help you." Kevin explained. "Okay." Sam closed her eyes to savior the moment.


"Why do we to get more coffee? Kevin doesn't mind." AJ whined. "Babe, I saw them kissing. I think they want to be alone." Julia pulled two more cups from the stack. She filled them both up 3/4 of the way. She took a hand full of both sugar and cream. "AJ come here." She motioned her head to him in her direction. "Yeah? what?"AJ looked at her and the handful of cream& sugar and then back at her. "Put this in your pockets." She whispered not to make a scene to the nurses.. "No babe,Thats more than enough for us."AJ refused."hey , ohmigosh!!! Look over there!!" As AJ turned around Julia shoved them into his pockets. "Julia!! thats not fair but very smart." AJ smiled. They quickly kissed. They both grabbed two cups and headed back to the waiting room.


"Here you go, you guys. I hope you like coffee." Julia handed them each a cup. "I hope you guys like cream and sugar." AJ pulled out the tons of packets and threw them onto the table. "Wow, thanks you guys." Kevin looked at AJ oddly. "It was all Julia's Idea. She cares so much about us getting the proper amount of Sugar!" AJ said sarcastically. The doors flung open with Howie, Nick and Leighanne coming through them. Kevin stood up in his surprise of Leighanne's presence. Sam and Julia sat in confusion of why the blonde was there. "AJ whos that?" Julia whispered into his ear. "Thats Leighanne. I told you about her, you know Brian's chick." AJ whispered back to her. Julia's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Leighanne's left cheek was red and a bit swollen by Sheryl's punch earlier that day. "How is he?" Nicked asked Kevin. Howie and Leighanne both looked at Kevin for answers. "He's fine they just want to keep him over night for observation." Kevin repeated what they doctor had told them. "Okay good." Howie scratching his head as he replied. They all had a relaxed look on their faces after they heard Kevin's response.

"I'm sorry, We haven't met. I'm Leighanne Wallace, Brian's girlfriend." Leighanne smiled and held out her hand to Sam and Julia. "Hi, Samantha Brooks. I'm here with Kevin." Sam hesitated as she thought and shook Leighanne's hand. "Hi." She moved from Sam to Julia. "Hi, Julia Martinez. I'm with AJ and I'm Sheryl's bestfriend." Julia gave her a fake smile and shook her hand. "Oh I see." Leighanne took back her hand and turned to Kevin. "Can I see him?" she asked as Howie and Nick sat down. "Umm, he's in room 220, but ummm." Kevin couldn't answer her question without saying that Sheryl was with him at the moment. "He's with the girl he should be with so you'll just have to sit down and wait." Julia stood up to Leighanne as Kevin sat down. "He would be with me if that were true." Leighanne pointed at herself. "No dear, he's with Sheryl." Julia gave her a smart elic smirk. "Oh, so he's with the bitch again." Leighanne threw her hands up in the air. "Hey, don't call her a bitch!! By looking at your face I can see that Sheryl took care of that. But you just can't get it through your head can you?" Sam had now stood up and joined Julia in Sheryl's defence. The four guys sat quietly not disturbing the females as they argued.

"You know what don't have to listen to this. She has no right to be in there. She did this to him!" "No." Sam and Julia both yelled as Leighanne ran to find 220. Julia and Sam ran after her. They were followed by the guys gear to see what would happen and to stop anything that might get out of hand. Leighanne found the room and as she grabbed the knob Sam caught up with her and pulled her shoulders back. "She deserves to be in there as much as anyone else here. So the least you could do is have a little compassion for her feelings!!" Sam spilled out angrily "Her feelings? Her feelings? She's tearing Brian and me apart!!" Leighanne yelled. "Okay, then have a little compassion for the people in this hospital and stop yelling. Anyway, how? You don't have any trust in Brian do you?" Sam moved her to the side as she explained. "I do trust him. You have no right to say that I don't." Leighanne's anger began to build up but this time she kept her voice down. "I didn't say that you didn't trust him I only asked. But if you did you would think that Brian could come pass this. Nothing happened last night and nothing will as long as you are around. So why are you going to interrupt her time with him? She wouldn't stay with him because of your relationship. So she isn't a threat to you.!" Sam lectured Leighanne as Kevin, AJ, Julia, Howie, and Nick were amazed by Sam and applauded her. "Yeah!! You tell her Sam!" Julia smiled. "It's all about trust!!" AJ commented as they other three continued to applaud. "I don't have to listen to this!" Leighanne pulled the door open.

_Chapter 16_

After Kevin left, Sheryl could only think that she had something to do with this. "I didn't think you would come." Brian's voice was muffled by the oxygen mask. "Are you kidding me? Of course I would come!" She bit her lower lip to keep the tears in. "Please don't cry I'm okay, .... (Silence).... Sheryl , I'm sorry. I feel so horrible. I should have told you and I regret that I didn't!" Brian moved his mask to make his sentences understandable. "Brian, put that back on ." Sheryl tried to place the mask back on. He stopped her and kissed her hand instead. "Please don't do this to me." She closed her eyes as tears fell stinging her dry skin."I can't take it. I can't do this anymore." She put his mask back on and took her hand back. "Listen to me. I can't just forget someone like you. Everything that happened yesterday I will never forget. Or even think about regretting." He moved his mask again despite of Sheryl's gestures. "I'm not asking you to. But thats the thing it was yesterday, the past. Our chance is over. To think of it, we didn't even stand a chance! Not with Leighanne still in your heart." Sheryl's tears stopped once the thought of Leighanne came in her mind. "I know what your saying." Brian sat up. "I hope you do because, two days could NEVER begin to compare two years of togetherness." She sat down on the chair by his bed throwing her hair in all different directions as her emotions began to spill out. Brian sat quietly not knowing how to respond to her. "and the worse part is, I thought this was it. I have finally found him. The one who was real, true, and just right for me. I was ready to give you my heart." Sheryl got up and began to walk around the room. She stopped at his bedside. "I don't want to hurt you." He spoke from his heart. She could tell by looking into his eyes. "I know and I don't want to hurt you either. But I don't want to be the one to break up a relationship. I do have feelings for you and they want to come bursting out, I'm not going to lie to you. but I know that I have to control them. " She spoke from her head not considering her heart. "Tell me what you want. tell me what I could do to make you happy?" Brian looked at her with sadness in his eyes. "What would make me happy is that you try to make things work with Leighanne. Try to be happy with her. Make the relationship work. Be happy. Thats it." She did her best to keep the tears in, which worked.

"I don't want to hurt Leighanne, I don't, but what about you and me?" Brian questioned. "Just think of me as your friend. This will make things easier and for the best." She moved hair from her forehead that had been causing her to sweat. "I promise to to try to be happy. But I hope you know its going to be difficult" he took her hand again. "Hey your Brok, Tough as stone. You can do this." She leaned in and hugged him tighly.He kissed her cheek. She closed her eyes to hold all her emotions back. The door suddenly flew open unexpectedly. Leighanne, Sam, Julia, Kevin, AJ, Howie, and Nick all jammed in the doorway to see Brian and Sheryl looking at them oddly. "So wheres the party?" Brian joked. "You get out of his room !" Leighanne angrily yelled at Sheryl. "Bye Brian, remember the promise." Sheryl whispered into his ear. "Go, hurry, out!!" Leighanne walked towards Sheryl demanding her way. "Brian I'll see you on Friday for the shoot. Oh and Leighanne I think you need a little ice, your face is starting to swell up like your head." Sheryl walked out proud and with courage. "Just get out! Everyone!" Leighanne felt her face with her hand. They all squeezed out of the door way and Kevin shut the door.

Once out side of the room Sheryl's Courage became hopelessness, and her pride changed into heart break. She went back into the waiting room realizing what she had done. She could have had the man of her dreams but instead she gave it all up for someone who yelled and humiliated her in front of everyone. Sheryl sat down on the chair. Sam and Julia caught up with her. "That bimbo has no feelings for anyone but her self." Sam paced back and forth. Julia comforted Sheryl. "Whoa, down tiger" Kevin came in and tried to calm Sam down. " I know, I shouldn't let her get to me." Sam took slow deep breathes. "Samantha that was a great speech. Good for you." Howie commented to Sam as they all returned to the waiting room. "Thank you, Howie." Sam walked over to Sheryl's side. "I think I'm going to take a cab back to the hotel. I hope this doesn't ruin anyone's day. Please enjoy yourselves." Sheryl's voice sought everyone's attention. "No way. I'll drive you back to the hotel." Sam objected. "Sam you have to much to deal with. With moving out and Kevin." Sheryl pointed at Kevin putting him on the spot."Besides I really want to be alone." She picked up her purse and stood up. "Are you sure?" Julia asked to be sure. "Yeah. but I'll see you all on Friday at the photo shoot." She looked around the room at everyone. She opened the door and was out of site to everyone.

_Chapter 17_

After Sheryl left the waiting room was taken over by silence, "This must be so hard on her. She's probably crying her eyes out wondering how a little trip to New York could hurt so much." Julia predicted to the rest of the group. "With Brian alright, I thinks its okay to get something to eat." AJ suggested to Julia. "I don't know if I can have fun knowing that Sheryl is in total heart break." Julia replied. "How do you know she's heart broken? She wants us to go. She even told us before she left." AJ again tried to persuade her to go. "I'm a female, we know about each others feelings! But I guess your are right." Julia stood up. "Of course. Lets go. Bye you guys." AJ held the door waiting for Julia. "You guys try to relax." Julia told the group and left. "Do you want to go? " Kevin turned to Sam. "I guess so, I don't think that Leighanne wants to see me here, but I want to say good-bye to Brian before we leave." Sam replied. "What about you guys? What are you guys doing tonight?" Kevin turned to Nick and Howie in concern. "I want to see Brian so I'll wait for Leighanne to finnish." Nick being his best friend wanted to give Brian support. "Me too" Howie chimed in with a smile following. "Okay we'll see you guys soon." Sam said good-bye as she and Kevin went to Brian's room to say good-bye. Kevin knocked on the door before opening trying not to disturb them. "I'm sorry but I just wanted to say good bye before we left." Kevin looked to see Leighanne sitting on the chair with an annoyed look. "Thanks, Come on in." Brian smiled and welcomed them in. "Brian, I hope you feel better." Sam reached over Leighanne not considering her space and gave Brian a hug. "Thanks, Sam" Brian was surprised to see so Sam come in to be so kind seeing as how he hurt her bestfriend. "Bye Cuz, I'll see you later." He gave Leighanne a good bye look and closed the door.


AJ and Julia took a cab to a restaurant. They discussed their thoughts and tried to have as much fun as possible. When they entered the restaurant, heads turned, and chattering began. Obviously, they had noticed AJ. Just then 4 girls came in behind them snickering and giggling. "Excuse me, are you AJ Mclean?" One brave girl had the courage to ask. "No. I'm not, but always mistaken." AJ lied right threw his teeth to the fans to keep them from going nuts. "Oh, I'm sorry." the girl turned away confusingly. "AJ? They were fans. they probably just wanted an autograph. That would take what? A minute of your life?" Julia whispered as they walked to their table. "I know but they are teenyboppers, and besides that minute and my life is for you ." AJ pulled out her chair for her pushed it in as she sat to be a gentleman. "That is too sweet" They kissed softly.


Sam and Kevin walked out to her car in silence. "Where do you want to go?" Sam asked unlocking the door." Are you hungry?" Kevin asked as he got into the car. "No are you?" Kevin shook his head. (SILENCE) "Do you want to start packing?" Kevin broke the silence. "No lets do that tomorrow." Sam spoke as she drove out of the parking lot. Kevin's cell phone rang as he patted around his jacket to find the phone. He picked it up with his smooth voice greeting the other person nicely. Sam stopped at a red light. She watched Kevin talk wondering who the caller was. She could hear the words he was saying, she was mesmerized by the movement of his lips. He flipped his cell phone closed and sighed. "Who was that on the phone?" Sam began to drive again. "It was the record company. I have to go in tomorrow to clear some legal things with my song." Kevin answered. "And how long would this legal matter take?" Sam turned the conner. "Its going to last basically the whole day. I'm sorry. I didn't know." Kevin took her hand asking for forgiveness with his touch. "No its okay." Sam drove to Kevin's hotel. the couple spent the rest of the night talking. They fell asleep in each others arms.


AJ paid the bill and headed back to the table. He was stopped by a group of girls wanting his autograph. This time they knew who he was. He signed three and quickly got Julia so he could escape. They got up and went towards the door. Screams and whispers began to get louder. "AJ is she your girlfriend?" one girl's question stood out among the rest. Julia and AJ looked at each other. "Yes. She is my girlfriend." AJ told the crowd and they left. Julia felt loved and protected by AJ's words and his arm around her. They sat quietly in the cab. They went back to her hotel, holding each other before going to sleep.

_Chapter 19_

"Hey what are you doing?" Julia came into Sheryl's room. "I'm packing to get the hell out of here." Sheryl continued stopping only to find more things to pack. "Isn't it a little earily?" Julia sipped her cup of coffee she brought with her. "No. I have to wake up at the crack of dawn, go down town to the studio to get ready for the shoot that I don't really want to do at the moment, then I got to look over the film , pick out the best one with the group , rush to the airport in order to make our flight and finish my project before we start school again on Monday." "So I guess its not too early." Julia said. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to yell like that to you. Let's just say STRESS." Sheryl tied her hair back. AJ came in, he and Julia went back to her room. (You know what they are going to do).


They went up to the second floor and Kevin suddenly stopped at number 213. He took the keys out of his pocket and he opened the door. "Well, this is it.. what do you think?" They went in and closed the door behind them. "Its..its perfect..and it already has everything!" "Yeah, I figured it would be more difficult to go to your old apartment and get some of the things, so I figured you'd just like to have some new furniture." "Kevin! I can't believe this. This is for me?" Kevin had given her an apartment. "Its all for you. We can start our relationship here." Kevin showed her around the place. "Kevin.." she looked around. "Why are you so nice to me?" she hesitated as she said, "I feel like I don't deserve you or your love." Kevin slowly went towards Sam and he put his arms around her and he whispered soflty in her ear, "Don't say that. I love you. Do I deserve your pure heart..and beauty?" Sam put her head against his chest thinking that he was lying and that he said that only to make her feel better.

Kevin brought up Sam's chin with his finger and he kissed her forehead. Then he kissed her brow, then her eyes, then her cheek and then her chest and Sam shivered. Kevin took her up in his arms, he was surprised at how light her weight was, and he took her to her new bed. Kevin layed Sam on the bed and he took her shirt off, Sam unbottoned Kevin's shirt and slowly took it off, revealing his musculous body. Kevin took the rest of his clothes off as Sam took the pins off of her hair to let massive curls bounce down to her slender shoulders and her back. Kevin ran his fingers through Sam's hair and then his fingers went to her back as he unlatched her bra and he took it off her body. Sam pulled Kevin down towards her and Kevin separated her lips with a kiss, a long lingering kiss. Kevin let his hands go up her thighs and raised Sam's skirt to remove her undergarment. Then he felt Sam tremble as he thrust himself inside of her. Kevin whispered in Sam's left ear as he slid his tounge around her ear and down to her chest then down to her thighs. Sam's body jerked with shock as Kevin's tounge made its way to her tender slit she caught her breath. Sam made a soft sound of protest but he silenced her with a kiss, and Sam kissed him passionatley for she knew she would never get her fill. Kevin slipped Sam's skirt off and then he whispered, "I love you."

Sam looked into Kevin's eyes and she smiled as she responded, "I love the way you look at me, the sincerity in your eyes. The way you make me feel, your weight on me, your sweet words and that voice of yours that makes me smile." Kevin thought for a little then he said, "I love the smell and feel of your skin. The way your hair adorns your face. And a smile that turns me on." Sam didn't expect for Kevin to say something like that so she giggled. Kevin grinned as he kissed her again, then he began to show her every way that he knew how to love.... hours laters........ ........Kevin caressed her body as he set down besides her. Sam slowly closed her eyes and she said, "I wonder if this is all a dream..." Kevin kissed her as if to reassure her that it wasn't. "Why would you think that?" Kevin asked as he looked at Sam waiting for her to open her eyes, when she did they looked into each others eyes and smiled. "Because, I think that I'm just too happy right now.and soon I'll wake up to realize that it was all one wonderful, yet stupid dream." "How can it be stupid?" Kevin asked rasing his head as he pulled on the sheet a little bit. "I meant stupid as in, it can never come true and I actually believed that it was." Kevin smiled as he held her close then he spoke, "You know, I think I feel just about the same way. I think that right now, I love you more than I ever knew or thought was possible." Sam closed her eyes and smiled. Kevin kissed her softly and still holding her close, they fell asleep with their heartbeats echoing each other.

_Chapter 20_

Morning came but Sheryl was up before the sun rose. She took a taxi up town to the studio with her camera. When she arrived a mid thirties women approached her. "Good morning. Sheryl Embry?" She shook Sheryl's hand. "Yes. Just call me Sheryl, and you are?" She greeted the lady with a smile. "I'm Carol from Jive records. we want to see you do a shoot for a magazine cover. Is that alright?" "Thats Great!" "Good. I'll take you up and you can meet the crew. okay?" Carol showed her to the elevator. "Okay." Hours later the guys arrived and went to make-up. Sam and Julia soon arrived after them. They sat and watched as Sheryl began. The guys followed her directions and soon they were nearly finished. They took a break and sent the film to developing before picking the final shots. AJ joined Julia at the coffee stand. The rest of the guys all chatted with Julia and Sam. Sheryl disappeared down the stairs and out the door. Nick noticed and followed her. He found her sitting on the steps. "How are you holding up?" Nick sat next to her. "I'm not a smoker but you wouldn't happen to have a cigarette and some matches would ya? I'm kidding. I just needed air." "I understand." He picked up a stick from the ground. "I really want to get out of here." "Just keep your mind on work and you'll be fine. Nick dropped the stick. They were called back into the studio. The group went over several frames before choosing two that were the best. The crew packed up and left a little after 5:30. "Julia, the plane leaves at 7:15. Lets go!" Sheryl grabbed her coat and was ready to leave. Sam had already packed their bags in her car, making it much easier for them. They all rushed to the airport and arrived there around 6:45 due to traffic. They rushed through the airport. Some people stopped at the sight of the Backstreet Boys quickly passing them. Others were amazed by the number of people. Five is guys is already enough but add three more girls and you are sure t draw some attention. They reached the gate and checked the bags in. "All that and I still got time to say good bye to my baby." Julia pulled AJ aside from the group. "Howie. Nick. It was great to meet you guys and call me anytime your in Boston." Sheryl gave them each a hug. "It was great to meet you too. Have a safe trip back." Howie smiled. "I will call you if I'm in Boston, if you call me when your in Orlando! Take care." Nick made a deal with her. "I 'll will definitely do that!" She pinched his cheek. Sheryl turned to Kevin. "Thank you for pushing me in the right direction." She whispered into his ear as they hugged. "Hahaha, You've done more for me than you think." He replied. "Take care of Sam or Jules and I will have to kill you."Sheryl was near tears when she turned to Sam.


"AJ I don't want to leave." Julia held his hands in hers. "Then don't. Come with us. Be with me." AJ's lower lip began to quiver. "I would but I have so much going on in Boston. I have school and I don't want to leave Sheryl." She lifted his glasses to see tears forming. "I know, but it was worth it to ask. I love you." It seems the tough guy has met his match. Julia was the first girl other than his mother to make him cry. AJ pulled away to pull a long box out from his coat pocket and what seemed to be a card and handed it to her. "Aww AJ, you didn;t have to do that." With AJ still tighly holding her she opened the box to reveal a diamond and saphire tennis braclet. "You mean so much to me. I've never met a girl that could drink more than I can and still have a great personality that brightens my day." He took it out of the box and put it on her. "I love you too AJ. I love you." They kissed only stopping to wipe tears away. AJ and Julia came back to the group. "Kevin! BubBye. You and Sam are so wonderful together. Take care of her or we'll kill you." Julia gave him a slight peck on the cheek. She did the same for Nick and Howie. She turned to Brian. "Oh how I would love to hurt you. But your an okay guy so I'll spare you." "Now why would you want to hurt me?" Brian asked as they lightly hugged. "Because you hurt my friend. But anyway, It was fun." Julia turned to Sam. Without words the three friends hugged each other tightly.

"We'll call you wen we get back." Sheryl was the first to let go. "Thank you. For inviting m up here. I met the one guy perfect for me." Julia followed Sheryl's move and stepped back. "AJ! My main man! You better not hurt Julia. You saw what I did to you know who!" Sheryl hugged him playfully. "Yes I saw and No way will I ever hurt her! Take care." "You too." Sheryl saw Brian from the corner of her eye. She turned to Brian. "Could this be any more uncomfortable?" Sheryl tried to be funny which wasn't working. "No. But have a safe trip back home." Brian looked up from the ground. "Thanks and good luck on the new album." They eventually hugged. The group watched them. "Ladies and gentleman we are now boarding flight number 4931, nonstop from New York to Boston." The airport worker said over the intercom. Sheryl kissed Brian on the cheek softly and pulled away. Julia and Sheryl picked up their bags and waved good-bye to the group. AJ followed them to the gate kissing Julia until she was too far away for him to reach her. The group waited until the plane took off until they were ready to leave. Tomorrow it would be Kevin's turn.

_Chapter 21_

Once the plane left fans started to approach the. The guys' body guards immediately rushed them away, pulling Kevin from Sam. He looked back at her but girls blocked his view. Sam went back to her new apartment. She opened the door and in the chair closes to her. She realized that there were roses on the table and walked over to read the card. It read: "To: The Beautiful Samantha. XoXoXo, Kevin" She smiled and walked into the bedroom. Kevin sat on the bed with chocolate cake and milk. "I know this isn't much but this is a new place." Kevin greeted her. "No. Its perfect." She sat next to him and they fed each other cake.


Julia cried the whole plane ride back, occasionally looking at the bracelet AJ had given her. Her tears fell one by one, right after each other but she didn't sob or sniffle. They were tears of joy and happiness. Sheryl wouldn't have known that Julia was crying until she looked at her. They didn't say much to each other but it was alright, they both needed the time. They arrived to Boston and took a cab back home. "You know, in the many years I've known you. I haven't seen you cry like this before." Sheryl quietly approached the situation. "I miss him so much. But I dunno whats wrong with me. I normally wouldn't do this for any guy no matter what." Julia's sentence wasn't understandable because of her cries. They paid the driver and went inside. "Home sweet home!" They both said together.


Morning came over New York that burst a cold air to the soon December month. Kevin was already up when Sam woke up. He had to make sure all the guys were ready by the time he got to the hotel. Sam got up and ready by the time it was to go. "When does your flight leave?" Sam asked sadly. "It leaves at 12:45." He sensed her pain and kissed her hand to comfort her. When they got to the hotel the guys were ready and waiting in the lobby for them. They immediately rushed to the airport to beat out the crowds and fans. At the airport they were disguised and rushed around for safety reasons until they reached the gate. "Is this when I say good-bye?" Sam held Kevin's hands. "Well, I don't want to call it good-bye . How about I love you and I'll be back in two weeks?!?" Kevin hugged her tightly as he spoke. "Two weeks? Wow, thats never sounded so long before. But I guess I have to deal with it.(<~~~~~inside joke, Angie)" She looked in his eyes falling into a deep gaze. She promised herself she wouldn't cry but it wasn't working. He pulled her in for a lasting kiss to fill her every doubt. She pulled away leaving Kevin wanting more. Kevin and Brian were going to Lexington, while the rest of the guys were going back to Orlando and to their families before they were to meet up again to start their newest album in Florida. Sam hugged them all good-bye and watched them leave.


TWO WEEKS LATER: "Julia!!! Jules!! Are you home?" Sheryl stormed into the house with happiness written all over her face. "I'm coming, what is it?" Julia pulled the sleeves of her sweater down. "I got it! I got the position as professors assistant!! It was the magazine shots!! I got it!!" Sheryl screamed and jumped up and down, not know how else to express herself. "AHHH!! Wow congratulations!" Julia gave her a hug. "Thank you! What happened to you? You left your classes early. Are you alright?" Sheryl still couldn't help but smile. "I have something to tell you." Julia informed Sheryl. "Why do I hate explanations that start off like that?" Sheryl went into the living room and sat down on the chair. Julia sat down but quickly stood up and paced around the room think it would be easier to say it standing. "What is it?" Sheryl now became concerned. "Okay....." Julia took a deep breath in. "Sheryl..........."

_Chapter 22_

Kevin comes off the airplane and straight into Sam's waiting arms. They held each other for quite some time. "I missed you so much!" Kevin kissed her softly. "I missed you too! That was the longest two weeks ever." They walked out quickly before someone could notice him. Sam drove back to the apartment. "How was the recording?" Sam asked him. "It was okay, We started off really good. What are we going to do about the Christmas and New Years?" Kevin asked with Christmas only two weeks away. "My mom wants me to come home for Christmas, but I wanted to spend it with you too." Sam was torn between the two choices. "How about you spend Christmas with your family and spend New Years with me? We're going to have a big party. Will you come?" He asked. "That sounds great." She agreed with him.


BOSTON: "Sheryl. Okay, I think I'm pregnant." Julia blurted out "You think your what? Wait you think.? " Sheryl's eyes widened and she questioned Julia. "AJ right?" "Yes AJ. Its only been AJ since....... well its AJ's okay." Julia was still pacing around the room nervously. "Have you taken a test?" Sheryl followed her around the room. "I just...." Julia was about to explain that the reason she left early was to take the test but was interrupted by the timer going off. She stopped and looked at Sheryl. She went into the bathroom. Sheryl returned her a look and waited. Julia picked up the little white stick with the answer to her entire future in its little tiny window. She closed her eyes, took a deep breathe and looked down. She Kept her eyes locked on the stick walking out to Sheryl. Julia just stood there for a while just thinking. "Jules? What is it?" Sheryl took the stick Julia handed her even though she knew what the answer was.

"Sheryl what am I going to do?" Julia had tears strolling down her face. "You have to tell AJ." Sheryl sat next to her hugging her tightly. "AJ.... I wonder how hes going to take it. What is my mother going to say? And Kevin and Sam!" Julia blurted out with her cries. "I think I have some business to take care of." Julia got up too k the phone and dialed AJ number. It rang three times before he picked up: <<"Hello?">> "HI, AJ, are you busy?" Julia started. <<"I'm never to busy for you. Baby I missed you so much.">> " I missed you too, AJ theres something I need to tell you." <<"Okay, go on babe.">> "Okay, AJ, I... I mean I'm ... you know what I need to do this in person." << Are you okay? Your scaring me Jules.">> "No AJ. I'm not okay. Its about our relationship. Its pretty serious and it will change our lives forever." <<"I dunno what it is but I'll be on the first flight out of here. I'll be there in a couple hours.">> "Okay, I really need you here with.... (Hesitation) I.... AJ I got to go." Julia dropped the phone and ran to the bathroom. <<"Julia? Jules? Whats happening?">> "Jules try not to make a big mess in there!" Sheryl said before picking up the phone to AJ. "Hello?" <<"Sheryl, Is she okay? Where is she?">> "Whoa,whoa, calm down. She went to Chris Kirkpatrick's house where do you think, she had to go?" Sheryl tried to calm him down. <<"Now's not the time to play stupid Nsync jokes okay!">> "Hey don't get pissy with me! I didn't get her.......You know what just get your ass up here and fast alright." Sheryl said and hung up.


ORLANDO: AJ turned to Brian, Howie, and Nick to explain to them what just happened. "Does anyone care to join me in Boston?" He asked. They all agreed to join him while Kevin was in NY with Sam. They took the next flight to Boston. Within hours they arrived.

_Chapter 23_

New York: Kevin and Sam spend their time together before Kevin would have to leave again. Well you can imagine what would happen between these two who haven't seen each other in a long time. (Wink Wink hint hint) Need I explain more? I think not! *lol* Boston: Later that night after Julia's puke fest she sat in her room watching her favorite movie ' Hercules ' hoping it could take her mind off of things. Sheryl was in the bathroom cleaning up Julia's mess. "Was it me or did I not ask you to not get any on anything?" Sheryl yelled from the bathroom with her yellow rubber gloves, her hair messed up and a sponge. "I'm sorry. Thank you Sheryl." Julia yelled back. "No its okay." She replied, the door bell rang."I got it." She got up and answered the door. She saw AJ, Nick, Brian, and Howie starring at her from the gloves to her hair. "Hey! I'm not enjoying the cleaning or the looks!. Get in here!" She dropped the gloves and sponge to hug them all hello. "Hi, wheres ......." AJ asked it was obvious he was concerned. "Shes in the room." Sheryl cut him off and pointed in the direction of the bedroom. "Thanks, Sher." AJ followed the sound of the TV. Julia met him half way in the hall. "Julia are you okay? You scared me on the phone." He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. "AJ, your here already? Theres something I think you should know." They went out into the living room with the others. Julia hugged them all hello and gave them a look. They look at each other." Nick I got N64 in the room if your interested." Julia tried to get rid of them one by one. "Sure." Nick went into the room. "Umm, Anyone want to help me clean the bathroom?" Sheryl got the message and hurried things along. "Sure." Brian agreed. "Why not." Howie replied.The three walked into the bathroom and shut the door. They all looked at each other and all out their ears against the door to listen.

AJ sat down pulling Julia with him. "Now, what is so important that I had to fly all the way up here?" AJ asked holding her hand. "How do I start?........... Okay, AJ theres another person in this relationship." Julia started. Once AJ heard he let go of his grip on her hand. He couldn't think about someone else touching her the way he did. Or holding her hand as he just did, let alone kiss her. He stood up. She tried to get a hold of him but he backed away. "AJ, this is hard enough on me. Please don't make it worse. Just listen." Tears fell down her cheeks. He walked around the apartment and ended up in the kitchen. "Who is he? Where is he? I'll kill him!!" AJ didn't realize how angry he was until he threw a glass cup on the ground making it shatter loudly. "What? He lives here! I'm not even sue its a he yet!" Julia pointed at her stomach. "You want to kill our baby?" Julia's heart shattered like the pieces of glass on the floor. "Our baby? What? Our baby as in you and me?" AJ questioned her. "Yes! Our baby! The other person is this baby! AJ, I'm pregnant!" Julia's tears continued. "Our? Your preg...? Julia!!" AJ ran to her in excitement and relief. "Yes, I'm pregnant! What? You thought I would cheat on you?" Julia was relieved by his excitement but frowned to his thoughts. "You said it, but anyway, you're! Are you sure?" AJ asked feeling very stupid for thinking Julia would do that to him. "I took a test. I'm pretty sure." She was flooded with relief and love for AJ when he kissed her and lifted her up. "I'm sorry. I love you. I mean your giving me a baby! I love you!" AJ truthfully spoke. "Its okay baby, I Love you too!"


IN THE BATHROOM: The three in the bathroom soon got restless from just sitting there. Howie and Brian rummaged threw the shelves and medicine cabinet as Sheryl warned them not to. Howie took something out and examined it. "Sheryl whats this?" Howie looked at Brian, the object and then at Sheryl again. "Howie, thats a tampon." Sheryl laughed. "Ewwww." Howie dropped it and shuddered with a disgusted look upon his face. Brian laughed and continued to look through the medicine cabinet. He came across some nail polish. "Hey Sheryl?" Brian asked looking at Howie. "What? I don't like that look you guys are giving me." Sheryl sat against the wall. TEN MINUTES LATER: Brian and Howie each held one of Sheryl's hands delicately painting her fingernails. "Well, I hope you two are having fun." Sheryl watched them. "Yes. Now I know why girls fuss over this so much." Howie admitted. "Finally! A guy that understands." They were all getting a bit light headed from the polish.

"I wonder if they are finished." Brian stood up and lightly opened the door peering out quietly. "It's okay, you guys can come out now." AJ said still hugging Julia. Brian told the others and went to get Nick. They all came out to the living room. "You guys, Julia and I have news to share." AJ started. "Julia's pregnant!" They all shouted together and laughed. "Uh... Yeah. How did you guys know?" AJ was confused. "Hey your pregnant? I didn't know?!" Nick was the only one in the house who didn't know. They all just looked at him and continued to congratulate the couple. "AJ walk with me, talk with me." Sheryl pulled AJ aside from the group to the kitchen as they watched. "Is there such a reason you broke our glass cup? Wait a minute, thats my cup." Sheryl pointed at the floor with disappointment in her voice. "I'm sorry. I'll pay for it." AJ said as Sheryl began to weep. "That was part of my family for so long and its not replaceable. That one meant so much to me." She continued to cry holding her hands in her face. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know. I'm really sorry Sher." AJ spoke as he picked up the pieces of the glass off the floor. After a little bit more crying she stopped. "Naw, nevermind. I can go to Walmart and get some more later." She crossed her arms and watched him clean. "Hey! I thought....?" AJ turned around to see Sheryl smiling ready to laugh. "Thats right. You break it you clean it. Don't be breaking our stuff now." She grinned at him. He picked up the last of it and chased her out to the living where the rest of the guys watched and laughed. Julia and AJ called Sam and Kevin to tell them the news. As expected they gave the couple a lecture. But in the end they were very supportive. That night the group went out to eat to celebrate the couples news and Sheryl's position

_Chapter 24_

Time passes.......

Christmas past and New Years was well on its way. Everyone was invited to the New Years party tonight hosted by none other than Kevin and Samantha. The others will meet up in NY.


<"I love you and miss you."> AJ spoke to Julia from Orlando. "I love you too. I wish you were here." Julia told AJ and looked down at her stomach. <"I wish I was there too."> "I want to cry, but I won't because I'll see you a little later. But I still want to." Julia said sadly. "I'm going to be sick." Sheryl said in the background. <"Tell her I heard that."> AJ spoke. Julia did so and waited for Sheryl reply with a witty remark. <"Baby, Nick wants to talk to you."> "Nick? Okay put him on." <"Hey Julia how are you?"> Nick's voice became clear to her. "I'm good Thanks! How about you?" Julia replied. <"I'm doing good. Is Sheryl there?"> "Yeah, hold on let me get her." Julia handed her the phone informing her that it was Nick. "Hey there stranger." She greeted him happily. <"Hi. How are you?"> "I'm doing okay. I can't wait to see Kevin and Sam again." <"Me too. But I don't have a date for the party."> "Me neither. No one to kiss when the ball drops." Sheryl immediately thought of Brian. <"How about you and I go together? I mean as a friendly thing."> Nick suggested. "Sure. I'd like that. Anyway for hotel rooms, we'll all be paired up so we'll just share. Separate beds of course." <"Of course. Okay so I'll see you there." > "Alright. Bye." She hung up. She turned to Julia with the news. "Jules. Nick......Me......New Years.......Together?" Sheryl said confusingly. "Use verbs dear. It doesn't work if you don't." Julia understood but teased anyway. "Whoa thats weird I mean thats his bestfriend." She teased some more making herself laugh.


Julia and Sheryl arrived in NY and checked into their hotels. "Hi, welcome to the Belagio Hotel how can I help you?" A woman with the name tag 'Carmen' asked. "Hi. I'd like to check in." "Yes, may I have your name please?" Carmen asked. "Yeah. It's Julia Martinez and Sheryl Embry." Julia told the lady. "Yes. Ms. Martinez Mr. McLean and Carter are already upstairs." Carmen handed them the keys. They took the keys and took the elevator up stairs. They wondered around looking for the rooms. They were a little confused until a door opened and caught their attention. "Baby!!" AJ ran towards Julia and hugged her. He kissed her lightly and bent down to kiss her stomach and kissed the 'baby'. He hugged Sheryl and helped them into their rooms. Brian, Nick, Howie, Leighanne, and a short haired brunet all came out of their rooms. Everyone hugged hello, all except Leighanne and the new girl, they just watched.

"Sheryl, we meet again. How are you?" Leighanne said coldly moving closer to Brian and tightening her grip on his arm. "Ahh yes, Leighanne. Cut the crap. You don't like me so don't pretend to." Sheryl and Leighanne exchanged looks while the group watched. "Your right I don't like you." "Good, because I despise you." Sheryl said raising an eyebrow. "Howie! Whos this?" Julia stepped in between them to stop whatever could start. "Uhh. This is Heather, my girlfriend and a friend of my family." Howie introduced Heather to Julia and Sheryl. "Hi, I'm Julia. I'm with AJ." Julia hook her hand. "Hi, AJ talks about you all the time. Its great to finally meet you." Heather replied. "Hi, I'm Sheryl. Sorry about that." Sheryl smiled and shifted her gaze to Heather. "No, its alright." Heather smiled again. They all went back into their rooms and changed for the party. Julia slipped on the a simple silver floor length dress. "Ohhhh! Julia! Your going to steal the party scene and the new year!" AJ commented to her. "Awww. Thank you. Your not too shabby yourself." Julia kissed him and came out to the hall to see if anyone else was finished. Outside they saw Howie, Heather, Leighanne and Brian all waiting. "I guess we're just waiting for Sheryl and Brian." Howie said looking around at everyone. "I'll get them." Brian walked to their door and knocked. Sheryl answered the door in a long, dark blue evening dress. Brian looked her up and down. He shook from his thoughts when he saw Nick coming out of the room. They were all on their way to Sam and Kevin's. AJ nervously squirmed around in the cab. "Whats with you babe?" Julia asked AJ. "Umm I dunno.I'm just nervous yeah thats it. I'm nervous." "Okay. Whatever you say babe." Julia turned away

_Chapter 25_

Howie knocked on the door. Kevin answered the door smiling. The party had already begun when they arrived. Sam was spotted in a red flower embroidered slip dress entertaining guest. She came running over hugging everyone and saying hello to some. The evening began with a lot of Laughter, music, dancing, and alcohol. "You have such a great apartment Sam." Julia said looking around the kitchen. "Its all because of Kevin." Sam spoke as she wiped up some sort of liquid on the counter. "Wow! Your window has a clear view of the city." Sheryl sat next to Julia. AJ came into the kitchen looking for Julia. "May I have this dance?" AJ lightly bowed and held out his hand for her to take. "Yes, you may." She took his hand and smiled at the other two. "Oh Sam, Kevin is looking for you and Nick for you Sheryl." AJ and Julia went out into the party and slowly danced. "Hey, what is it with you and Nick anyway?" Sam stopped to listen for an answer. "Your over Brian?" "No, Nick and I are just friends. He's nice and sweet, but Brian is still here." She patted at her chest." I dunno, Nick's growing on me." Sheryl admitted. "Ohhh, okay. Are you sure theres not a little something, something going on?" Sam asked with a grin. "Yes I'm sure and NO there isn't!" Sheryl shook her head.

The party continues.......

"Okay everyone we have about 20 minutes until New Years. So everyone get into a circle and we can tell each other our resolutions for the year." Kevin informed everyone. They all did as told and Kevin started. "My resolution is to make someone else feel as happy as I am right now at this moment." He held Sam's hand tightly and looked into her eyes making her blush. "My resolution is to believe that not every guy that I allow myself to love is sent from the devil and is here to break my heart." Sam spoke pulling Kevin close and kissed him gently. "Hey, thats not supposed to happen until midnight!" Howie yelled from across the circle making everyone laugh. Some guests told their resolution. Some funny, some serious, then came Howie's turn. "Mine would have to be to spend more time with my friends and loved ones." He turned to Heather who was up next.

"I don't really know a lot of you guys so Mine would be to get to know all the people Howie speaks so wonderfully about." Heather smiled and blushed. More people went then came Leighanne and Brian. "For me it would be to get outside and do more active things." She looked around the room and smiled. "Yeah, well with those hips and that blimp for an ass I would say you need it." Sheryl whispered. Only Nick heard making him laugh out loud in a silent room. "Sorry, its the alcohol laughing." He apologized and continued to laugh quietly. "My resolution is to be happy." Brian looked at Sheryl and then at the people around him giving him all blank stares. "What? he can laugh but I can't be happy?" Everyone laughed and continued. "Mine would be to eat healthier." Nick shared. "My resolution is to pass spring semester." Sheryl turned tot he next person. After other guests, Julia spoke. "It would have to be to do everything possible in my power to have a healthy pregnancy for this baby." Julia turned to AJ. "My resolution for the New Year is to be a good father and......Husband. Which means." AJ looked at the people and then at Julia. She was confused with what he said and what he was doing. AJ got down on one knee and pulled out a little black box. He opened it to reveal a typical diamond engagement ring with a gold band. "Julia, I love you more than I can say and words on paper can express. You have my heart and you are giving me a child. Let me love you this way and more as your husband. Julia, will you marry me?" AJ let tears fall as he gazed into his eyes. Her heart was screaming 'yes' but her head was screaming 'kiss him now'. She was confused on which to do first. She shook her thoughts away and did both. "Yes, AJ. Of course I'll marry you." She answered him and cried as he placed the ring on her finger. He jumped up and they kissed. The people applauded and watched them kiss.

Kevin looked at his watch and turned on the TV. "Everyone put your hats on, Its one minute until midnight." Kevin spoke as he placed his hat on. The people all looked at him oddly. "Kevin, Hats?" Brian asked. "Ummmm, okay so no hats. What?" Kevin slowly removed his hat from his head as the count down began. "10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3..2...1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" Everyone all yelled out. Kevin kissed Sam softly which lead to a passionate lip lock. Howie pulled Heather close to him and kissed her letting her feel his heart beats. Brian and Leighanne kissed celebrating the New Year. Sheryl didn't know how to start. It was Nick, how was this going to work. Her thoughts continued until Nick gently moved in closer putting his hand behind her neck and kissed her softly. AJ kissed Julia with all his love. All the emotion his heart bared went into this kiss. He pulled away and bent down and kissed her stomach. "Happy new year Julia, and of course you too little baby." AJ held her tightly never wanting to let her go. Sam Pulled away from Kevin remembering where she was. She stopped what she knew would happen if they continued. Kevin held her and kissed her neck softly. "Happy New Years Sheryl." Nick pulled away. "Happy New Year Nick." She smiled at him. She was amazed about how good the kiss was and was more afraid about how much she liked it. Everyone went over to congratulate AJ and Julia on their engagement and the party continues.

Chapter 26

The party continued, Nick and Sheryl danced closely as Brian watched from a distance. The party soon ended around 3:30 to 4:00 am when the guest all began to leave. Only, the Sheryl, Julia and the rest of the guys were left. They all helped Sam and Kevin clean except Nick and Sheryl. They weren't drunk but intoxicated enough to be helpless. After a while of clean Sam forced them all to go back to the hotel and sleep. They thanked Kevin and Sam and were on their way. AJ and Julia helped the two drunk back. "Were we like this when Sheryl and Brian helped us?" Julia asked AJ trying to keep Sheryl still. "Like what and when?" AJ questioned. "Acting like idiots when were drunk the fist night we met." Julia refreshed his memory. "Oh, that. We were much worse." AJ open the door to Nick's room. He dragged Nick in and sat him on his bed, Julia did the same for Sheryl. They went through Nick and Sheryl's bags and pulled out clothes for them to change into. Julia pulled Sheryl into the bathroom and splashed cold water on her face a couple of times. She threw the clothes at Sheryl, told her to change then waited outside. By that time AJ had already gotten Nick changed and into bed, although he wasn't sleeping. He took Julia's hand and lead her out of the room and into theirs. "I love the way that ring looks on your finger." AJ sat on the bed, kissed her hand and pulled her close. "Don't worry that will be there for quite some time." She told him and kissed his forehead. "I still can't believe you want to be my wife. We are going to be married! Wow!!" AJ put his head on her stomach as if her were listening to the baby. "Now why wouldn't I want to marry you. Your so good to me." She pulled away and went into the bathroom to change. AJ did the same. They were changed and ready for bed. They drifted off about to fall asleep when they heard loud laughter and noise. AJ sat up. "Who is that?" AJ asked wondering if it was Nick and Sheryl or Howie ad Heather. It couldn't have been Brian and Leighanne, they were across the hall making it harder to hear them.

Even after all the cleaning Sam still wasn't pleased with the way the apartment was. She moved the coffee table until it was at her liking and began to wipe the tables. Kevin came up to her and helped her. "You know we could do this tomorrow. Lets go to bed Sam." Kevin dropped the paper towel. "I'm almost done. I just need this table and the kitchen." She continued to wipe. He kissed her deeply taking her by surprise. She dropped the towel as they continued to kiss. Kevin finally pulled away. "All done." She said making him laugh. He swept her up and carried her to the bedroom.

AJ and Julia looked at each other. AJ got up and got two glass cups. He handed one to Julia. She placed the glass against the wall and put her ear against the cup to hear anything. AJ did the same but with the opposite wall. "Jules, I don't hear anything from Howie and Heather's. Oh wait, Whoa!! I think its them!" AJ smiled in delight. "No AJ, wait I think its Nick and Sheryl. I know her laugh!" They both looked at each other. "Both of them?" They said together. They laughed and quietly went outside in the hall It was obvious what Howie and Heather were doing so they listened at Nick and Sheryl's door.

Nick and Sheryl laughed and joked about stupid things around them. They ended up collapsed on the bed catching their breath from the laughter. It was silent between them. They found themselves moving closer to each other and into a kiss. She felt herself falling for him. Her mind wandered to thoughts of Brian. She quickly pulled away, but Leighanne was soon in her mind next to Brian. Before Nick could ask what was wrong she had already silence him with her lips.

AJ and Julia sat at the door closely listening. When the laughter stopped the questions and predictions began. "Gee, I wonder what they are doing now!" AJ said sarcastically. "No, Sher wouldn't do that. Not even drunk. . . . . . . I think." They continued to chat. Brian came out of his room looking at AJ and Julia oddly, asking for an explanation without words. "We couldn't sleep." Julia answered him. "Yeah, well neither could I. I could understand the talking part but I don't understand why its out here." Brian replied. "Um, well we heard noises and junk from over here. So we thought we should check it out." AJ explained himself as if he were a child in trouble. "What kind of noises?" Brian sat down by them.

_Chapter 27_

"Shouldn't you be in there with Leighanne?" Julia asked ignoring Brian's question. "Shes sleeping. What kind of noises." Brian asked again. Julia and AJ looked at each other. "Okay. We heard laughter coming from their room, but it all of the sudden stopped." AJ told Brian truthfully. "Really." Brian tried to hide the fact that it bothered him. "Well, I'll see you two kids tomorrow." Brian got up and went back into the room. "Night." Julia said softly sensing his feelings. AJ and Julia continued to listen until all the 'interesting' sounds were over.

Kevin carried Sam into the bedroom and gently let her down. She turned around and lifted up her hair, revealing her neck and almost bare back. Kevin slowly unzipped her dress.She let the dress fall to the ground and she took off his shirt. They moved to the bed. "Sam I love you. Please wait for me while we're on tour." Kevin said as he continued to kiss her neck. "Of course I'll wait. I'll be here when you get back." She reassured him. "Yes. Stay here. You just wait." He continued. "What do you mean when you say ' just wait ' ?" She asked him. "I do have my future to look for you know." "I mean....I know about your schooling but you're still going to wait for me.........aren't you?" Kevin stopped to explain himself. "I will wait for you but I do have places to go Kev. I'm a journalist. I go where the news takes me." She sat up and pulled away from him. "So your telling me that your not always going to be around?" Kevin asked. "Yes thats right. She took a shirt from the dresser and pulled it over her head.

"Sam. I'm going to be gone for so long. I just want to come home to you." "I understand! But I'm not going to watch you pursue your career and only wish that I had done the same. I can't just sit around and wait. What would I do with my life?" She sat on the bed next to Kevin. "I don't want you to physically sit and wait. Just don't go too far." Kevin replied. "Oh so you can go around the world doing what you love which is sing to tons of screaming females and I can't get an article for an assignment?" Sam prepared herself for anger. "I didn't say that." Kevin shook his head. "But you meant it" Sam started. "No!" Kevin interrupted her. "Okay. What ever." Sam pulled the covers over herself and turned away from Kevin. "Sam! Don't do this!! Sam come on talk to me!! Sam." After a while Kevin gave up and went to sleep.

Nick continued to kiss Sheryl, moving down to her neck. She ran her fingers through his hair lightly pulling on it. She moaned in delight but stopped when again Brian reentered her mind. "Brian." She whispered to herself. "I can't do this." She told Nick. "What?" Nick looked up. "I can't do this. I'm sorry." She sat up and looked away. "No. Its okay. you don't have to be sorry. This wasn't meant to be." Nick touched her shoulder. "Thank you." She told him. He sat up to move to his bed. "Nick?" She called. "Yeah?" He looked back. She didn't respond but tugged on his arm asking him to stay. He didn't answer, instead he crawled back into her bed and put his arms around her. "Its okay Sheryl, your not alone. Everything will be okay. I promise." He told her and they silently fell asleep.

_Chapter 28_

AJ stretched his arms above his head and opened his eyes to see Julia. He looked around to find his watch. He picked it up, it read 1:37 PM. He poked Julia until woke up. "What is it?" She asked. "Good Morning!! Its almost 2:00. Come on wake up!" AJ smiled when he saw the gleam of the diamond ring upon her finger. "And I'm waking up ............ why?" She rubbed her eyes. "Because I wanna spend the rest of the day with you." AJ replied. "Good reason." She got up and went into the bathroom. Of course AJ followed her in with wild thoughts pleading to come out.

Brian wondered around his room until he finally decided to go to AJ's room. He knocked on the door and as he predicted AJ answered. "Hey! Happy New Year!!" AJ's reached his ears. "You too. I can see your happy. Congratulations on the......" Brian tapped on the ring finger. "Thanks! Come on in!" AJ replied. "Umm, Can I swing by later? I need to talk to Nick about something. Does Julia have a key?" Brian asked. "Yeah sure! Hold up let me look." AJ searched a bit and found it in her purse. "Here you go!" AJ tossed the key in Brian's direction. "Thanks." He said catching the keys. He walked up to the door. He quietly opened the door and entered the room. The only light was from the window. He stepped towards the light. He took a step back as his smile died out to the vision of the figures in bed.

Kevin reached his arm over to Sam. When he felt she wasn't there, he forced himself up. He looked in the bathroom and around the house for her. As she said the night before, she was in the kitchen cleaning. Kevin came in trying his best to show that when he thought she was gone it didn't bother him. He grabbed a cup and poured himself some coffee. "Good morning Samantha." Kevin said stiffly. "Morning Kevin." She wiped her wet hands on a towel and left the kitchen. She changed and did her hair. Kevin appeared from the bathroom fully dressed and ready for what was left of the day. He went up to her wrapped his arms around her and lightly kissed her neck. "Sam talk to me. I don't want our relationship to be like this." He nuzzled his face into her neck, tightening his grip around her. She fell into the moment and leaned against his chest. She quickly brought herself back to focus. "I don't like this either but what happened yesterday really hurt me." She pulled away and grabbed her purse. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Away from here to think." She turned around and left. "Bye." He whispered to himself.

Brian didn't know what to think. He saw his bestfriend's arms around the one he wanted. Brian starred at her as thoughts rushed into his head. Nick had a tight grip around her bringing their bodies close. She moved a little before settling in a spot. "Brian." She whispered. At first Brian thought he was spotted but he could see her sleep peacefully. "Shes dreaming of me....I hope." Brian thought to himself. He walked up to Nick and tapped him on the shoulder. Nick stretched and turned his head. "Brian? What are you doing here?" Nick asked with his eyes still half closed. "Yes its me. But the question is what are you doing THERE?" Brian pointed at the bed. "What?" Nick looked around and realized that he was still wrapped in the bed with Sheryl. "Oh! Brian, man let me explain. Its not what you think." Nick quickly let go of Sheryl and was now fully awake. "Are you sure? It really looks like you and Sheryl......" Brian couldn't finish his sentence but Nick knew what he meant. "No we didn't do anything. Brian I swear. She didn't want to be alone again." Nick got up and away from the bed. Brian didn't really know how to respond. "You know I would do anything like this to you. What kind of friend would I be if I hurt you? You know I wouldn't Bri." "I'm sorry Nick. I know you wouldn't. Its just seeing you and her together." Brian put his hands to his face. Nick walked over to Sheryl's bedside. Brian noticed Nick move and followed him with his eyes. Nick knelt down and kissed Sheryl softly. Brian's eyes widened.

"Umm....Hello? What the hell! Did....? You? What was all that talk about not hurting me?" Brian's anger began to rise. "Wow, thats the first time I heard you use a curse word! Anyway, I am trying to prove a point!" Nick was shocked at Brian's language and grinned at himself for being correct. "What point? Why? Yes, I cursed because you just kissed her!" Brian yelled but brought his voice down when he saw Sheryl move. "This point! How did you feel when you saw me kiss her?" Nick paced around the room rubbing his chin like an over paid doctor. "I felt like beating your face in! If you weren't my best friend of course." Brian replied. "Exactly! You got jealous.. Now remember that feeling." Nick explained. "" Brian shrugged. "Would you feel the same way if I had kissed Leighanne?" Nick questioned. Brian thought before he answered. "No." Brian said quietly. "AH-HA!!" Nick jumped and pointed up in excitement. "AH-HA what??" Brian mimicked Nick's moves. "Admit it Brian! Why can't you just leave Leighanne and give all your love and commitment to her?" Nick pointed at Sheryl sleeping off the alcohol from the night before. Without words Brian walked up to Nick and hugged his best friend. After the hug Brian knelt down and kissed Sheryl's forehead. He moved hair from her face to the side as he spoke. "Soon Sheryl soon. I promise." Brian got up and left the room.

_Chapter 29_

Sam walked out of the bedroom and out the door. She slammed it shut and pushed the button for the elevator. She waited quietly watched the light shine as it approached each floor. Her attention turned when she heard the door open. Kevin came out into the hallway and called out her name. "Samantha. Please come back and talk to me." After Kevin finished his sentence as the elevator bell rang and the door opened. He thought that she would ignore him and leave. But to his surprise she turned around and went back into the apartment. She threw her keys in the direction of the table but missed. She didn't care, but instead took off her jacket. Kevin paced around the room as she sat on the chair waiting. "What! Kevin, I'm listening! What is it? Am I pregnant and didn't know it and somehow you did? What?" She yelled as she referred to her friend's situation. "No that would be Julia and AJ. But I think its the other way around. Jules knew and AJ didn't." Kevin replied hoping it would make her laugh. It didn't. "Oh okay, I see now. So have you been seeing someone for the last 2 years? Is that it?" She yelled again.

"Again no. That would be Sheryl and Brian." Kevin pointed out. "What? Are we going to get married now?" Sam stood up. "Now we are back to AJ and Jules again. Why are you doing this?" Kevin asked. "Why? You asked me here to talk. I'm here your not talking so I guess I'll talk about our friend's problems." Sam said. "Okay! Sam listen to me! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He pulled her down with him to the couch with him. She didn't speak she just sat and listened to him. "I can't imagine to think about a life without you.Thats how much I care for you. I didn't mean for what I said to come out that way. You do what ever you heart tells you to. Don't let a jerk like me stop you." Kevin finished. His grip was on her shoulders. He looked into her eyes, searching desperately for forgivness .The moment was cut short. "Kevin don't give me those eyes! It's not going to work, not this time." She pulled from his grip and away from his gaze. "Sam, come on. I know you want to kiss me." Kevin put his hand on her shoulder.

"And what makes you say that?" She turned around to face him. She was dying to burst out laughing and kiss him but instead kept a straight face. "Because, I'm trying my hardest from ripping off both our clothes right here and now." He tugged on the pockets of her jeans and pulled her close to him. "I'm sorry. Forgive me. Please Sam, I can't stand this." Kevin out his forehead against hers and spoke softly. "I forgive you. You know I can't stay mad at you." She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his nose lightly. "I promise nothing like that will ever happen again. I love you Samantha Andrea Brooks!" Kevin declared his love for her. "I love you and you know it!" She smiled and kissed him tenderly.

_Chapter 30_

After a couple days in New York Julia and Sheryl go back to Boston. All of their lives continue. The Backstreet Boys go to Europe to record their newest album. 4 Months later: In the course of 4 months AJ and Julia have introduced each other to their familes. The wedding was set. The date,the dresses, the tuxes, flowers and location have all been picked. AJ and Julia will fly all of their guest down to Orlando for their spring wedding. The couple already deal with pregnancy and talk about an earily age marriage, now they must deal with the media. Everyone wants to be part of a 'Backstreet Boy' wedding.


Camera lights flashed and questions were heard from every direction as Julia, Samantha, and Sheryl appeared from the airport gate. Four body guards approached the three of them. Julia regconized them as the guy's gaurdssent by AJ. The gruads rushed them quickly as possilbe but were told to watch over Julia, now 5 months pregnant, carefully by AJ. The camera and reporters followed tehm until they entered a prohibited win gof the airport. Outside a van ready to leaveand the guys with Heather waited . AJ paced aound nervously while the others watched. The doors suddenlybrusted open making everyone jump up. Julia appeared from the dark hall followed by Sam and Sheryl. AJ quickly ran to Juila's open arms. Kevin did the same with Sam. Sheryl dropped her bags and hugged Nick and Howie hello. She turned to Heather and smiled at her, but then decided to hug her too. Brian patiently waited his turn. She turned to him and, they hugged briefly. Kevin lifted Sam up and spun her around twice to hear her laughter before he set her down and held her in his arms for the first time in weeks. AJ cuddled Julia tightly taking her into their world. Julia found herself intears when she felt his hand on her stomach. They were interupted by the sound of people rushing to them. The reporters found their way to them. "Guys we can do this later, I think we have company."Howie pointed at the 6 or 7 people running towards them. They all crammed into the vsn and headed to AJ's private Orlando home. The wedding was in 3 days making just about everyone involed a nervous reck.


"Sam? Sheryl? Heather?!! Where are you guys!" Julia yelled into the house with AJ and Brian following her. "What is it?" Sheryl ran into the kitchen with Sam and Heather following behind her. "We need to go to the fitting." Julia took a bottled water out of the refridgerator. The 3 just looked at her oddly. "The dresses! Fitting the dresses." Julis reminded them. "Oh yeah. Are we late?" Sam checked her watch. "Lets just say we were supposed to be BACK from the fitting 15 minutes ago." Julia grabbed her purse. "AJ gimme your keys." She demmaned. "Babe, I got to talk to the band and Decorators." AJ refused. They started to argue nicely while the other 4 just watched. "Alright thats enough. Brian keys now. Jules lets go." Sam stopped the fighting. Brian handed her his keys and she pulled Julia away.


"I'm not sure my dress is even going to fit. Okay not fitting! Not fitting! The zipper won't go past my waist!" Julia yelled out as she did her best to pull her wedding dress zipper all the way up. "Calm down, we're coming, we're coming. We're here! Let me see, turn around." Sam rushed in from her dressing room before Julia could have another one of her pregnancy mood swings. Sheryl rushed in close behind Sam. "Well heres your problem.Its stuck from the thread. Here." Sam zipped up the dress. "There. Look it fits....Perfectly." "Okay, Thank you." Julia let out a deep breath. "Jules you look great.Who would have thought that of the 3 of us you would be the first to get married. "Wow. Julia's getting married." Sam figeted with her dress and stopped when she got annoyed.

"How are you guys doing in here?" Heather peered in. "Come on in Heather." Julia motioned her in. "How does your dress fit?" "Its just right." Heather replied. "Atleast someone's does....." Sam continued to mess with her dress. The 3 just looked at her. "Thanks for lettin gme be in your wedding." Heather spoke. "Oh no problem. Besides I like you and I can tell Howie does too so its only natural."Julia smiled at her. "How are things with you and Howard anyway?" Sam asked Heather to start a conversation. "We're doing great. Just like you and Kev and of course AJ and Jules here." Heather smiled at the thought of Howie. "Whats up with Brian and.....uhhh.. whats her name oh yeah Leighanne?" Julia asked making a joke and out of couriousity. "Oh, well after their break up Brian's a changed man. I dunno but he seems different to me." Heather answered. "What? Break up?" Sheryl looked up at Heather.

_Chapter 31_

"Yeah! didn't you know?" Heather asked. "None of us knew, when was this?" Sam finally gave up on her dress. "About a month or 2 ago. I can't believe AJ didn't tell you." Heather sat in the chair by the door. "So does this mean anything for you and Brian?" Sam turned to Sheryl. "I dunno I mean its been two months since the break up. If he really wanted to be with me wouldn't he have already made move?" Sheryl replied still surprised by the news. They were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in." Julia said wondering who it could possibly be. The door opened and entered a tall Brunette. "Cole!!!! You made it!!" Julia ran to Cole and hugged her almost knocking her down. " I had to come you know I had to!" Cole answered keeping her balance. "Hi you guys!" Cole hugged Sheryl and Sam. "Heather this is Nicole Faulkner. But we call her Cole. Cole this is Heather Corean, shes Howie's girlfriend." Julia introduced the two. "Hi." "Hi." They shook hands and smiled. "See, Cole here is a close friend from Vegas that I had to have in my wedding!" Julia continued. "Now everyone is paired up! Heather and Howie, Kev and Sam, Cole and Nick, Me and AJ of course and Sheryl here with Brian. My wedding is set!!! " Julia smiled in relief. "Thats great but you guys got to introduce me to this Nick fellow. If I'm gonna be paired with him I'd like to know who he is.....and plus hes pretty cute!" Cole smiled in delight.


The guys:

"Take it off baby!" all eyes of the guys turned to a middle aged man holding up a $5 bill up to a stripper in the club. "AJ! Theres the brave guy thats getting married!" One of AJ's buddies yelled out. Kevin, Brian, Nick, AJ and Howie all joined the group of guys. A waitress approached them, she took their orders. A few minutes later she came back with their drinks. She handed it to them but stopped at AJ. "I hear your the lucky guy thats getting married." She said placing her tray down. "Yes, that is correct." AJ waited for her to hand him his drink. But she didn't. "Well the guys here wanted me to give you a present before you tie the knot." She then ripped off her clothes and began her routine on him. The guys all cheered as AJ began to turn red, shaking his head back and forth. "I'm going to kill all of you!. Every single one of you." AJ said still shaking his head. "Yeah, sure AJ just enjoy it while you can." Howie laughed. "You! You did this! Oh man D. Your going down!" The guys just continued to cheer!

The Girls:

"This party sucks!" Julia joked. "I'm only kidding. It's only because I can't have any damn alcohol!" Julia smiled. "You know this party is kinda lame." Sheryl said sipping her drink. "Didn't you help organize this party?" Cole asked. "Yes, Yes I did. That says a lot about me doesn't it." Sheryl replied making everyone laugh. "It isn't lame but I mean we don't even have a stripper!" Julia pointed out. "Are you sure about that?" Sam asked with a devilish grin upon her face. "What?" All heads turn to Sam. "Come on in!" Sam yelled. A door brursted open with a tall, dark, muscular man in a suit coming out. Music started as he came up to Julia and began to take off the suit piece by piece. "Samantha of all people did this?" Cole asked. "Wow, living on the East sure does change a person." She then joined the girls screaming to encourage the stripper and placing money in his pants. "I know it wasn't planned but hey its still all good." She saw the looks on their faces and knew they had agreed.

"Come on, I think we'll call it a night for you two." Kevin did his best to keep AJ up and Howie from collapsing onto the ground. "Nick a little help please!" "Sorry, I'm coming. Sorry. I had to put Brian in the car." Nick took a hold of Howie before he slipped off of Kevin's arm. "So where to first?" Nick asked Kevin as he got into the car. "Well lets get AJ home first. Heather should be there so she could take Howie. And Brian's house is on our way home."


"Thanks for coming you guys! I'll see you tomorrow at the wedding!" Julia said good-bye to the last of the women leaving AJ's house. "That was an interesting party." Heather commented to Sam, Sheryl, Cole, and Julia as she tried to clean up some of the mess. "Well, if you put 25 women in a room with a man ripping off his clothes you'll get what we just had....Chaos." Sam replied. "Well I think our work is done here. Sheryl are you ready to go?" Sam grabbed her keys. "Yeah. Cole are you and Heather going to stay here?" Sheryl asked looking at both of them. "Yeah, I'll wait for Howie." Heather replied. "I'm staying with Julia." Cole too replied. "Okay, Jules, we'll see you tomorrow. Try to get some rest. Bye." Sheryl turned towards the door. "Bye you guys." Sam followed Sheryl. Sheryl opened the door. "Holy sh........." Sheryl yelled as she and Sam both jumped up at the sight.

_Chapter 32_

"Holy Sh......" Before Sheryl could finish her sentence AJ fell onto her. She caught him almost falling herself. "AJ! You scared us half to death!" Sam said angrily, pulling the door open. "Hi you guys." AJ said, drunk and barely awake. "Oh yuck. Breath mint buddy." Sheryl said still holding him up. "I can't believe you would do this. And right before your wedding too! You do know that this is going to hurt Julia don't you?!" She said. "You talking about hurt? You tore Brian apart!" AJ was too drunk to think about his words. "Gee-Golly, Thanks" She smiled at him and let her grip of him go. AJ fell to their feet making a loud sound. "Sheryl!" Sam tried to lift him up. "What?!?!?! You heard what he said, I wasn't going to let him get away with it!" Sheryl stood in amusement as she watched Sam try to help AJ up. Nick and Kevin came from the car with Howie. "This is new." Nick joked holding onto Howie as Kevin lifted AJ up. Julia, Heather, and Cole appeared from the other room. "What happened? And where's Brian?" Heather asked as she went over to Nick's side to help him with Howie. "They got drunk, and Brian's in the car probably puking all over my back-seat." Nick replied. Kevin walked AJ to the living room and threw him on the couch as Julia followed and sat beside him. "Thank you Kevin." She told him before he turned to Sam. "Oh no problem. Baby I'll see you at home. We got to take the other 2 home." He said to Sam. "Okay." She said and gave him a quick kiss. Sheryl and Heather tried to get Howie to sit down but he refused. "I don't believe we have met. I'm Nick." He introduced himself to Cole. "No, we haven't. I'm Cole." She replied and they shook hands. "Are you attending the wedding or a part of it?" He asked trying to make conversation as he waited for Kevin. "I'm going to be part of it." Cole replied with her heart racing and her palms sweating. "Thats great. Friend of Julia's?" "Yeah, long term from Vegas. I think we are paired off together." She said as smoothly as possible. "Thats even better." Nick flashed her a grin of delight. "Okay, come on Howie, your next on the list." Kevin helped Howie regain his balance. "Cole are you going to stay here? I wanna go with Howie." Heather asked. "Yeah I am. I'll take care of Jules and J. Don't worry." She replied. "Okay. Thanks." She rushed out the door following Kevin. "I think thats my que. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Cole." Nick smiled again before leaving making her melt into a puddle on the ground. "Okay....bye." She said faintly.


"Hey! Sleeping Beauty, wake up." Julia sat next to AJ. "Come on wake up!" She whined. He grunted and continued to sleep. "Fine then." Julia leaned down and kissed him, slowly moving down to his neck. "Baby, I need you." AJ moaned. "I need you too....but to wake up!" Julia stopped before she reached his chest and stood up. "Jules! Don't stop! Julia?? Awww man." AJ pulled her down and kissed her. "Good morning." He said softly. "Yes, it would be if it were still morning. It's 1:30 in the afternoon, wake up!" She smiled. "Why? why do I have to wake up again?" He asked. "Why?!?! Your asking me why? Because we are flying 150 guests down here for our marriage thats why! But you can sleep, its okay." "No! Look I'm up! Look at me I'm up!" AJ quickly jumped out of bed, afraid that she would have another pregnancy emotional breakdown. Of all the touring and work the guys have been through today seemed the busiest. The hours passed, forcing AJ to say good bye to his bride until tomorrow. "Are you going to be okay here?" AJ asked Julia while tightly hugging her. "Yeah, don't worry I have Cole, Sheryl, Sam, and Heather. I think I'll be okay." She said sarcastically. "We're finally getting married! Wow it seems like forever." He kissed her forehead. "AJ we gotta go. You have a big day ahead of you." Kevin said with Sam in his arms. "Okay." He called back. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow, and you too of course." He looked down and kissed her stomach. "Bye," She kissed him again and let her tight grip on him go.


"Julia, wake up. Come on honey wake up. your going to be late." "Mom? I'm not going to be late." Jules replied. "You will be if you don't wake up." Her mother pulled the covers off of her daughter. "Okay, I'm up." Julia sat up and went into the bathroom. After she finished her grooming needs she went down stairs. Already up her mother, AJ's mother, Sheryl and Sam were cooking. Cole walked in with Heather behind her. "Hey, good morning." Sam said looking up. "Hi." Julia replied. "How did you sleep?" Sam asked. "Did you even sleep?" Sheryl joked. "Actually I didn't sleep. I got all these butterflies in my stomach swirling around." Julia spoke truthfully. "Don't worry thats natural." AJ's mother said setting plates on the table. "I hope so." They finished eating all went to the salon to get their hair done.

"I'm not nervous, I'm not nervous, I'm not nerv..." "Yeah, keep repeating it. Its not going to change anything. You know its okay to be nervous." Howie stopped AJ and told him. "Your right. Its okay. Alright lets go play some golf." AJ tried to keep his best to keep his mind off of things.

_Chapter 33_

After all the hair of the bridal group were finished they headed to the church. Inside they got dressed. "Okay you know how I said I was nervous before? I lied. Now I'm REALLY nervous." Julia said pulling up her dress. "Relax a little. Your so up tight, its making me nervous." Sam said help her. "Do you hear that?" Cole asked. "What?" Heather stopped all movement to listen. "It sounds like its from outside." Sheryl walked over to the window and lightly lifted up the window blinds. She peered out to see a swarm of people outside snapping pictures of the window. "Whoa, note to self: do not do that again." "Did they get a picture of you?" Julia asked in concern. "No. Well, my right eyeball maybe." Sheryl replied. "Okay good. AJ and I want this to be a private wedding." As she spoke they heard people tap on the window and asking questions. "Damn the press!" Julia yelled.

"Damn the press!" AJ yelled from the limo. He and the rest of the guys were fully dressed and ready, but they had no way of getting into the church due to the crowds of people. "Is there a back door or something?" Kevin asked the driver. "No, I don't think so." He replied. "I guess we'll just have to go through." AJ said as the limo stopped. Their body guards waited outside for the emerge from the limo. When the door opened the screams began. Flowers, cards, gifts, and unknown objects flew in their direction. Some even hitting the guys. They rushed in as fast as possible.

Twenty more minutes until your freedom is gone....... how the hell do you feel?" Howie joked while fixing his tie. "I'm not nervous, I'm not nervous. I'm not. I'm okay because I'm not nervous." AJ continued to repeat to himself. "Hey AJ!! Its time, go take your place up the isle. AJ awoke from his thoughts and took his place next to the priest. "Okay everyone take your places. Bride's maids we need you out here" The wedding coordinator spoke. "This is it." Julia smiled. "Yep, here we go. Good luck." Sam hugged Jules and left the room. "Yes,! Good luck...although you won't need it" Sheryl did the same as Sam. Sam appeared from the room and into Kevin's view. She smiled at him and took her place. Cole took her place by Nick. "Cole you look....your..... you look great." Nick pulled himself together to finish his sentence. "Thank you. Okay I have to do this, because you are just tempting me by the way you look in that tux. So please I beg your pardon." With that Cole pulled him down to her and kissed him. She quickly pulled away when she heard Sheryl coming. "Ummm... that was..." Nick was speechless. "Shhh. don't talk now. We'll talk later." Cole smiled at him and winked. "Okay" He chuckled and did as told.

"Hi Sheryl" Brian said. "Hi, I think theres something going on between those two. They're acting a little strange." Sheryl smiled and turned to see Nick and Cole laughing. The music started, to amuse the crowd Tyke, Panda and Bear were sent down the isle dressed in tiny doggy tuxes made to fit them. Soon after the dogs Kevin and Sam, Howie and Heather followed. Tagging along Brian and Sheryl, and last but certainly not least Nick and Cole. They all stood quietly in their assigned places. Traditional wedding march began and the guest all stood up for the bride. Julia came into view walking slowly at her father's arm. AJ lost his breath and his "Are you still nervous?" Kevin whispered to him. "No. Not anymore. Not after this." He replied.jaw dropped to the ground. "Are you still nervous?" Kevin whispered to him. "No. Not anymore. Not after this." He replied.

_Chapter 34_

AJ's Thoughts: "Wow! Just look at her. I don't think my legs are going to make it. Damn! Shes so pretty and shes mine! Why is her dad giving me that funny look? Uhh-Oh, I think he knows what I'm going to do to his daughter tonight."

Julia's Father's Thoughts: "That punk is lucky my princess loves him."

Julia's Thoughts: "Oh, these undies are itchy! But I gotta smile. Smile.. come on Julia smile. Gosh he looks cute with those glasses on. But whats with the stupid look on his face? I hope he knows my father is watching him."

Kevin's thoughts: "Sam so pretty in that dress. I can't wait to get home and ripe it off her body....Oh yeah church!! Man AJ's got this horney/weird look on his face."

Samantha's Thoughts: "I'm gonna kick AJ. What a dork! Get those thoughts out of your head! You're in church!"

Howie's Thoughts: "My little buddy is getting married! HA!! He's having naughty thoughts! And in church of all places!"

Heather's Thoughts: "I think I'm going to sneeze. Damn these flowers! Oh AJ!!! Man that guy is just sex oriented isn't he?"

Brian's Thoughts: "Look, my shoes are shiney!! Hey! Bad AJ! Bad AJ!! What a naughty little boy!............Ha! Shiney shoes!"

Sheryl's Thoughts: "He he he, my eyeball is going to be in the newspapers! Oh AJ, buddy, those thoughts are for the wedding Night, not wedding Day!"

Nick's Thoughts: "This old man, he played one. He played knick knack on my thumb, with a knick-knack-patty-wack give a dog a bone. This old man came rolling home."

Cole's Thoughts: "Is Nick humming a song during the wedding march? I hope he knows that hes pretty loud. I can hear him from here!"

Nick's Thoughts Again: "This old man he played two..............."

Julia reached AJ and placed her arm through his. "You look great." He whispered. "You do too, but lose the thoughts babe. Later I promise." She winked at him and looked up. "Ladies and gentleman we are gathered today to join these two people in holy matrimony. If there is anyone who thinks they should not wed, please speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest said and looked at the crowd. All was quiet in the church. "Okay, well let's proceed." "NOOOO!!!!! NO! Don't marry him!" A man came rushing in through the doors causing everyone to turn in astonishment. "Don't marry him! You can't! Marry me!" The mysterious man ran down the isle and fell to the ground at Julia's dress. "Sam! I Love you! Marry me, not him!" The man whimpered. "What? Samantha?" Julia pulled her dress away from the man. "What?!?" Kevin and AJ looked at each other and then at Sam. "Paul? What are you doing here?" Sam realized who the man was. "Not now, I'm trying to get Sam to marry me and not this fool here." Paul said to Sam and quickly turned back to Julia's dress. "Okay buddy, no more of wrinkling my dress.!" She pushed him with her foot and pulled it away from him. "Julia?" Paul stood up slowly. "Yes, Julia!" Julia mimicked. "Now will you stop slobbering all over my dress? Have some dignity man!" Julia finished. "I'm sorry Jules, I thought this was.... I'm sorry." Paul began to back away. "Yeah okay, this is a private wedding. Get out and leave Sam alone." Kevin began to get angry. "Kevin, its okay. Paul have a seat. I think you've done enough. We'll talk later." Sam said stepping in between Kevin and Paul before something could happen. Paul did as told. It took a while for the guests to settle down but the priest continued.

"Alright, that was very interesting. Now where was I? Aww yes, Will you please join hands. Alexander James Mclean do you take Julia -Anne- Martinez to be your lawfully wedded wife, for richer and poorer, through sickness and health till death do you part?" "I do. I certainly do." AJ replied. "Do you Julia-Anne-Martinez take Alexander James Mclean to be your lawfully wedded husband, for richer and pooer, through sickness and in health, till death do you part?" "I do." Julia said trying her best to keep from crying......It wasn't working. AJ wiped the tears from his eyes and dried Julia's face with his hand. Sam and Sheryl looked at each other and just smiled. AJ and Julia placed on their rings. "You may now kiss the bride." The priest said. AJ pulled Julia into his arms and covered her lips with his.

_Chapter 35_

Applause spread through the church as AJ kissed his bride sweetly. "Ladies and gentlemen may I introduce to you for the first time ever, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McLean!" The priest said loudly as the applause became louder. "I love you." AJ whispered into her ear. "I love you, Alex." She smiled at him, touching his face as she did.


"Here they are, Mr. and Mrs. McLean!" Kevin said into the room as happy as ever. After the traditional dinner, it was now time to party. "Mambo # 5" from Lou Bega blared into the room. "We need to talk." Paul told Sam signaling her to follow him outside. Sam made her way to the door through the crowd of people. Kevin caught a glimpse of her leaving and followed. "Paul, how could you? What were you thinking? You just busted in through the doors!" Sam paced back and forth angrily, with her shoes heavily hitting the pavement. "I'm sorry! What more do you want? It was a mistake. I thought it was you in the white dress." Paul stood up. "What if it was me? Did you think that I would leave Kevin for you? He is the best thing that ever happened to me." Sam made her point, clear as ever to Paul. Kevin then appeared, hearing everything Sam said. He took her against him for a long smooth kiss.


::Still Kissing::

::Sigh....still kissing::

"Hi." Sam said after she pulled away. "Hello." Kevin replied. He again leaned in to kiss her again. "Hi! Remember me? Yeah okay, I obviously made a BIG mistake. Don't let her get away. Cause if she does she'll take your heart with her." Paul told Kevin and turned to leave. "Hey! Why don't you stay for the rest of the party." Kevin suggested. "Are you sure its okay." Paul asked. "I'm sure it is." Sam replied.

"If the groom will be so kind as to help us. We want to sing a song for a special someone in the crowd. The words mean everything so listen up." Brian informed the wedding party. AJ starts off the song. Nick follows up. Brian walks up to Sheryl, sitting at a table with Sam and the rest of the bride's maids. He takes her hand and the chorus starts: "Tell me, the words to say, the road to take, to find a way back to your heart What can I do to get to you, and find a way back to your heart. I don't know how it got so crazy, but I'll do anything to set things right. Cause your love so amazing, baby your the best thing in my life." Nick joins Brian, as he sings his part to the crowd. The song continues....... "I beg and plead, fall to my knees to find a way back to your heart." The group comes back together. AJ finishes keeping his eyes locked on Julia, smiling happily. The crowd applauded and began to simmer down. "I hope that the words meant something. Sheryl, You've stolen my heart. Will you give me another chance to find my way back to yours?" Brian announced into the microphone. Sheryl blushed as she felt all the eyes around her look in her direction. She stood up bravely. The wedding party all sat quietly waiting for an answer. Her shoes clicked as she walked across the dance floor to Brian. He had his head down, fearing that her answer would be 'No'. She lifted his chin to meet his eyes. Without warning she kissed him, giving it every last drop of love and emotion she had saved for him. Their lips fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. He dropped the microphone and pulled her close to feel her body against his. The crowd applauded and the band began to play "Please Forgive Me" by Brian Adams. People got up and joined the couple on the dance floor. She nuzzled her nose into his neck to whisper, "What took so long? I missed you." "I'm sorry. I got lost, but I think I just found my way home." Brian said holding her tightly, unable to let go, fearing that if he did he'd lose her again.

_Chapter 36_

"AJ, Jules! Congratulations! It was a great wedding, we're going to go." Howie said with Heather besides him. "Okay. Thank you for coming! Careful on the road okay!" Julia hugged them. "We're going to go with them. You guys really know how to throw a party!" Cole said her good-byes and Nick followed. "There so hot for each other its bursting out of their ears." Julia told AJ. "You said it babe."

AJ and Julia said some more good-byes and left the still wild party in a limo. "Are you ready to go?" Kevin asked Sam. "Yeah, Its only the drunk and weirdoes that stay longer than this." Sam grabbed her purse. "I'll find Brian and Sheryl." Kevin turned around and spotted them sitting and watching the people dance. "Lets go you two." Kevin told them. They left in Brian's car. He drove them to Kevin's house. "Thanks B." Sam said getting out of the car. "Bye." Kevin followed Sam. "Bye." He replied. "Call me tomorrow Sheryl?" He asked. "Yeah." She kissed him softly.

"It looks like its going to rain" Sam said looking out of them window "Night Sheryl" "Night" Sheryl replied. Sam smiled in return and went up stairs. Sheryl laid in the guest bedroom tossing and turning. "What am I doing?" She asked herself. She got up and changed into a T-shirt and jeans. She silently crept out of the house and into the rain. It was warm, fast, yet soft rain hitting her skin smoothly. She made her way down the sidewalk deep in thoughts, she didn't realize her surroundings until she walked right into someone. "I'm sorry, excuse me." She said moving aside for the person. "Sheryl?" The man asked. She looked up from the ground to see Brian. "Brian? I was just ........" "Going to see you." He finished her sentence and pointed at her. "Come here." He pulled her close and put his arm around her, guiding her with him. They walked silently in the rain to his house. Once there he unlocked the door and let her in.

Dripping wet he walked up the stairs as she followed trying to stay warm. They stopped at the closet. He handed her a towel and took her hand as he lead her into his room. She studied his room from carpet to the chairs. He opened his closet door. Sheryl stood quietly as he searched for clothes. He handed her his flannel pants and matching shirt. "Thank you." She took the clothes. He pulled out a white T-shirt and pants. "You can change in here. I'll go outside." He went out and pushed the door lightly to close it. She then started to change. The clothes were to big for her. She rolled up the pants as much as possible. She twisted her long hair to excrete most of the water onto her towel. She picked up her wet towel and came out. Just at that moment she saw Brian putting on his dry pants. "You can just put your clothes over there. I'll take care of it." Brian slicked his wet hair up bringing out a new hair style for Sheryl to see. Her desire for him became much more intense as she watched him. His sex appeal shot off the charts when he took off his shirt exposing his buff arms and strong chest and stomach. She couldn't take it any longer. She came up to Brian from behind. She wiped the water off his back with her towel. He turned around for her to continue. Her heart raced when their eyes met. She put her arm around his shoulder to dry his neck. She felt his breath on her skin, she dropped the towel and kissed him. Her fingers ran through his wet hair as her nails scratched his bare back. She began to unbutton her shirt but couldn't help but hold him instead. The months with his touch or kiss were difficult for her and this was her time to refresh herself on how she fell for him. As she kissed his neck, he torn the shirt buttons open with one rough, quick, pull and tossed it across the room. He then bent down and swept her up and carried her to his bed.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked her to be sure she was ready. She kissed him long and passionate. With that all the clothing they had on at the time flew in different directions..............Sweat and passion filled the room as their bodies strained against each other. He looked into her eyes, "I love you." Brian said three words that stopped all the movement. She couldn't believe his words until she said the herself. "I love you, Brian." She replied to him. The love was so intense she felt a physical warmth around her. They continued to gaze into each others eyes falling in love all over again. He kissed her entire body, stopping only to notice how much she loved it. He nuzzled into her neck as they began to climax again. He repeated "I love you" over and over into her ear......... "I love you Brian." She whispered to him before she fell closed her eyes in the safety of his arms. He didn't allow himself to sleep until he was sure she had. He kissed her forehead and too drifted off.

_Chapter 37_

3 months later:

The guys are finishing up the first half of their World Tour in Europe. The second half will be postponed until after the birth of Julia and AJ's baby.


"I passed!! Oh mi gosh I passed!!!" Julia yelled after she opened her grades from school. "Thats great!" Heather gave her a hug and went to refill her coffee cup. "Julia, Julia, Sam, Cole, Heather, Julia, Julia!!!! I passed!!" Yeah! " Sheryl came running into the room. "Me too!!! After all that happen we both passed all of our classes! What about you Sam, how did you do?" Julia asked. "I really don't know. I haven't gotten my grades yet." Sam replied. "I'm sure you did great." Julia said smiling happily. "Of course she did!!! yeah!!! I passed!!" Sheryl jumped up and down laughing with the rest of the girls. "Whoa." Julia whispered to herself and sat down. "Jules you okay?" Cole asked rushing to her side. "Yeah, I think. Its just all that excitement I'm.........whoa!" Julia stopped in mid sentence. "Okay I think I just had a contraction." "Are you sure?" Heather asked. "I think she would know." Sam said holding on to Julia's hand. "Oh wow, okay. Oh...Pain." Julia tried to adjust to the pain. "Oh this is it! The baby is coming." Cole said with excitement. "No. Its not. I think it was just a false alarm. It just stopped." Julia was flushed with relief. "but call AJ. I want him to be here if anything happens."


"You guys didn't have to come home so early ya know. It was just a false alarm." Julia sat on the couch while all nine of them stared at her. "I know babe, but I want to be with you the whole way." AJ held her hand. "Okay! No more of this! Don't stare at me! I'm not going to explode you know!" "Shes right. We got time." Kevin got up to break the ice. Nick and Cole went outside to be alone. Howie went to find Kevin. Heather and Sam chatted on the couch. Brian and Sheryl disappeared somewhere and AJ sat silently with Julia in his arms.


"Ahhhh-ohhhhh." Julia's screams attracted all nine people again. "This is it. This is it! Is this it????" AJ looked to Julia for an answer. "I thought I felt one a few minutes earlier. They are about 7 minutes apart." Julia informed him. "Okay everybody knows what to do. Stay calm. Now everyone do what your supposed to do." AJ announced.

Everyone nodded at each other.

Everyone looked at each other.

Everyone went nuts.

"I'll get the bag." Howie yelled. "No dude thats my job!" Cole contradicted. "No. you call the doctor." Howie said in a rush. "No, because that would be reserved for me." Kevin announced. "Kevin, you go get the cars with Brian." Nick demanded. "Hey, don't tell me what to do!" Kevin began. "Julia, do you need anything?" Sheryl asked. "No.....AHHHHHh!" She replied. "You guys stop it! my wife is about to give birth and all you can do is argue?" AJ got in the middle of Kevin and Nick. The commotion got louder when everyone decided that they each had something different to say. "Hey you guys are we forgetting something? People?! You guys...ohhhh...... PEOPLE! If you guys don't shut up and help me, I'm going to give birth live in person in this living room and once my baby is out and healthy I'm going to wrap my hands around each and every one of your necks stopping the oxygen from getting to your brains so you might begin to know how much pain I am in. at the moment." Julia quickly held all their attention in the palm of her hand. "Gees, I hope she doesn't puke green junk and spin......" Nick commented making Cole laugh. "Sheryl call my doctor, Sam get the bag. Howie get the door. Kevin and Nick get the cars. Cole get my jacket. Heather get my shoes. Brian help me up and AJ help me out!" they all did as told and were soon on their way to the hospital.


"Honey, remember the classes. Thats right you're doing great. Breathe." AJ nervously told her.

((Julia: Breathing))

"Are we ready?" Kevin asked in the drivers seat. "Hmmm gee let me think?!?! Start the mother fuu.... Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!! " Julia yelled. "Breathe. thats right." AJ continued to coach her.

((Julia: Breathing / screaming))

"Thats a yes Kev. Go!" Sam lightly hit Kevin's arm from the passenger side.

((Julia: Breathing))


"I think my water just broke." Julia said in pain. "Thats okay honey we'll get you another after the baby comes." AJ told her. "No!! My WATER...broke! AJ my water? That means the baby will be coming out!" She said.

((Julia: Breathing))

"Oh! Her water broke! It broke! Kev, pedal to the medal her water broke!" "I'm going. I'm going." "Kev, Your driving as slow as you talk! I got a baby coming. lets go!" AJ said getting all frustrated.

((Julia: Still breathing))

"Shut up you two!" Sam said. The guys continued to argue.


Nick, Cole, Sheryl, Brian, Heather and Howie: sing along to Ricky Martin's song: "Shake your bon bon. Shake your Bon Bon!!!!"


"Oh mi gosh! I can't believe you are doing this now!! Be ashamed of yourselves! You AJ, your going to be a father! And Kevin, you're a freaking adult, act like one! Ahhhhhhhh!" "I'm sorry Julia." "Me too babe. I'm sorry. You're doing great."

_Chapter 38 (Part I)_

At the hospital:

All ten of them rush into the hospital. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on here?" the nurse asked them. "She's giving birth!" They all yelled out in excitement. "Okay. I need the mother and father. Everyone else in the room down the hall. Geezs theres a lot of you." The nurse called for a wheel chair. They all said their good byes and did as was told. AJ came into the waiting room "Hey how's she doing?" Sheryl asked sitting up from the chair. "She's doing great. You can see her, but the doctor said only a few at a time." AJ responded and sat down. "Okay." Sheryl replied Sam, Kevin, Sheryl, and Brian all stood up and went into Julia's room. "Hey you guys! I was wondering when you were going to come visit me." Julia smiled. "Wow you seem so much more relaxed." Kevin said. "Well that's because I'm in between contractions right now. Come and see me again in about 5 minutes and you'll be sorry." They all laughed. "In labor and still making everyone laugh!" Brian said to her. "Here's a question for both couples. Do you guys ever think of having kids anytime?" Julia said with a sly grin. "I mean my kid has got to have a friend to play with ya know." Sheryl and Brian looked at each other and then at Julia. "Not anytime soon." They told her together. "It's worth thinking about but we're not ready yet." Brian told her. Julia frowned in disappointment and turned to Sam and Kevin with a smile. "No, Jules. No kids." Sam said. "Yeah, I would love kids. " Kevin smiled at the thought. They said together, "What?" They turned to each other. "Uh-oh......and the plot thickens." Brian commented taking a seat next to Julia's bed pulling Sheryl with him, steering a clear path to the doorway for Sam and Kevin. "We'll be back" Sam said pulling Kevin out of the room.

The Waiting Room:

A middle aged man walks in, picks up a magazine, sits down and begins to read. He stops when he notices how nervous AJ is. "Your first kid huh?" The man asks. "Yeah, is it obvious?" AJ replied. "More than you think. Here's a tip, when she's pushing don't ever give her your right hand to hold. She'll squeeze and pull and you my friend will never be able to sing your name the same again." The man told him and looked down to continue reading. "Thanks. Is this your second child?" AJ asked. "No, sixth." The man said calmly not looking up from his magazine. Just then Brian came running in the waiting room. "Ummm AJ. Julia's having another contraction. She's screaming for you.......or is that Sheryl ? I think Julia's got her hand or something." Brian announced. The middle aged man looked up and smiled. "I rest my case."

Julia's Room:

"My hand! My hand, Julia I know it hurts but my hand." Sheryl said trying to get her hand back from Julia. "Okay the contractions over. Julia, do you want something for the pain?" The nurse asked her. "No. I can handle it." She replied. "Okay tell me when your ready." The nurse said and left the room. "I'm sorry Sheryl. Is your hand okay?" She asked. "I didn't know you had so much strength. Oow....." Sheryl whined. AJ and Brian came in. "Jules, I'm sorry I'm not leaving your side again. Sheryl I'm really sorry." AJ said trying to hold back his chuckling. "Yeah whatever." She rolled her eyes at him. Brian took her hand and kissed it as if the pain would disappear. "Better?" He asked. "Oh yeah." Sheryl said about to kiss him. "You know thats how we ended up here." Julia commented. "Hush! " Sheryl told them and finished her kiss with Brian.

The Hallway:

"What was all that about in there?" Sam asked "I told Julia the truth. 'Tthats it." Kevin told her. "So you're ready ? And you want" Sam verified to herself. "I'm not saying NOW. But some time soon. I mean I'm not getting any younger Sam." He took her hand as he spoke. "I know but there's still so much we can do." She said to him. "So you don't want kids? At least not with me." Kevin asked. "No, I didn't say that. And I didn't totally dismiss the idea, but lets slow down." Sam told him. "Okay. No problem I can slow down. We can wait."

_Chapter 38 (PART II)_

Julia's Room:

"Anything for the pain Julia?" The nurse asked again. "No, I'm okay." She replied. "Your doing great Julia. Breathe Slowly. In and out. Thats great honey." AJ continued to coach her. "Okay Julia, the has come. It's time for you to start pushing. Is that okay with you?" The doctor asked. "Yes, Let's get this baby out. Oh about the pain medicine." Julia said. "You mean the epidural?" the doctor asked. "Yeah that, would be great right about now. I'd like some of that." Julia smiled. "oh, its too late for that now." The doctor continued. "But you'll do fine Julia I know you can do this." "What? Its too late!? No I need it!" Julia said as people around her prepared for the birth. "Julia its too late for it now. The window of opportunity has closed." The doctor informed her. "AJ honey. I want the epidural. Get it for me honey." Julia turned to AJ. "Honey shes telling me the window is closed." AJ replied. "Julia, the window is closed." The doctor repeated. "Break it! Break the damn window!" Julia yelled. "Julia its too late. Its time to push. You'll do great Are you two ready?" the doctor asked. "Yes." they replied.

15 minutes later:

"Push Julia Push! You're almost there! push push!" the doctor told her. "Yes. good honey. Push Jules. Come on push. You can push come on. You can do it! Push Jules." AJ said standing by her. "What the hell did you think I was doing this entire time AJ? Flying a plane?!?!?" Julia said in pain. "Here honey hold my hand. I'm here for you." AJ said. "No! It was you! You did this to me.!" Julia yelled. "Huh? Julia I'm here for you. Take my hand." AJ again insisted. "No! Don't touch me. Don't touch me. I hate you!" She growled. "Okay. I get the point. I'm sorry." AJ took a step back. "No AJ don't leave me I love you. I love. Stay with me." Julia reached for him.

All eight people leaned their ears against the door to listen for a simple cry. The silence was broken by the sound of the baby's cry. They all smiled as happiness filled their hearts. The door swung open and they all toppled onto each other on the floor. They all looked up to AJ in tears of joy. "So?!?! What is it?" They asked. "Its a boy!" AJ yelled in joy. They all cheered and congratulated him.

Later that night:

The group all gathered into the room. "Oh, he so small. What did you guys name him?" Cole asked. "I'd like everyone to meet Scott James Mclean." Julia announced as she held him in her arms. "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Scott James Mclean. Happy birthday to you." The group sang to him softly. "Thank you for this wonderful gift. I love you." AJ kissed her forehead. "No. Thank you," Julia replied. "I have something for you." Nick told Cole. "Really?" She smiled. Nick pulled out a rose from behind his back. Cole melted at how sweet he was and in return kissed him gently. "Someday Howie. Someday." Heather kissed him. "Don't worry I can wait if its with you." He held her tightly. "Awww the baby is so cute." Sheryl commented. "Yeah. Hey Sheryl." Brian said looking at her. "Yeah?" "I love you oh and how's you hand?" He asked. "Aww I love you too and believe it or not it still hurts." She replied. He took her hand and placed it on his heart. "Samantha." Kevin whispered. "Yeah?" She smiled at the baby and turned to him. "Marry me someday?" Kevin asked in a whisper. "Yes. Someday." She replied.

~Written by Anna (



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