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(A.N.: Each chapter is for each year of their lives, except chapter 25-27, where they're still twenty-five & in the epilogue they're twenty-seven.)

"Do you think they'll like each other?" Debbie asked Jackie. "They're only babies so how do they know?"

"I'm sure they'll like each other," Jackie replied. "They say babies know who they like and trust before they know anything else."

"Harold, Tim, you can bring the babies out now!" Debbie called to their husbands.

"Here they are," Harold Sr. said giving his two-month old baby son to Jackie. "He just had his diaper changed so he should be fine for a while."

"Here's the other," Tim replicated giving Debbie their week old baby daughter. "She just had her diaper changed too, with the help of Harold Jr."

Jackie held her son close to Debbie's daughter. "Brian meet Lenore, Lenore Brian."

"He's cute," baby Lenore thought. "I like him."

"Hmm. She's cute, I wonder if she likes me?" Baby Brian pondered silently. "I like her."

Just then Baby Lenore stuck her tiny hand out towards Baby Brian, who at the same time was reaching out towards her. Their little hands touched, then tightened together as one and both babies smiled happily.

_Chapter 1: Birthday_

(A.N: They call each other's parent's mom & dad, so I'll be sure to state which mom or dad they're talking to first)

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Lenore, happy birthday to you," everyone sang. "How old are you now, how old are you now, how old, how old, how old are you now? Are you one?"

"One!" Lenore shouted excitedly.

"Harold, can you get the gifts from the other room?" Jackie queried. "I would, but we have to watch the kids."

"K, Mommy," four-year old Harold Jr. responded. "I help you out." He then ran to get the gifts, returning a few minutes later with a pile of presents. "Here you go Mommy!"

"Thank-you Harold," Jackie riposted. "You've been a good boy by helping us out."

Brian piped up. "My now?"

"Not yet dear," Debbie told him. "You get to go last."

"K, Mommy," Brian answered. "I wait." Finally it was Brian's turn to give Lenore his gift. "Here Wenore," Brian stated handing her the gift. "For you."

Lenore took the gift from him, then eagerly tore the wrapping paper off the box. She squealed when she found a little stuffed baby duck inside. "Mine! Thanks Duckie!"

"Welcome," Brian rejoined hugging her. "You best friend."

"You my Bwian," Lenore informed him. "I wove you."

"I wove you," Brian told her.

_Chapter 2: Accidents_

"What are you two up to now?" Debbie queried. "You're not doing anything wrong are you?"

"No Mommy," Lenore replied. "We good; we pway (play) tea party."

"That's nice, but please don't spill water on the floor this time," Debbie replicated. "It took forever for it to dry last time."

"We won't Mommy," Brian promised. "We careful now."

"Bwian, you want tea?" Lenore questioned. "You want cookie too?"

"Sure, I hungry," Brian riposted. "You wanna cookie?"

"Sure," Lenore stated as she poured water into Brian's little plastic tea cup. "Hey! Look at Harold!"

They both looked over at five-year old Harold who was playing with six-year old Kevin, who'd come over to keep Harold company. Harold was standing on his head while leaning against the wall, as was Kevin.

"They silly," Brian giggled. "Careful with water."

"Yesth they are," Lenore agreed. "Oops! I spill water."

"Clean up quick!" Brian told her. "No want Mommy find out."

Just then they heard a loud CRASH! They looked over to see Harold and Kevin lying on the floor with pieces of a now broken lamp around them. Debbie came scurrying into the living room to see what had happened and wasn't too pleased to find the eldest two lying in a pile of broken glass.

"What happened in here?" Debbie demanded. "How'd the lamp get broken?"

"Not us," Brian rejoined quickly. "We only drop wittle (little) bit of water."

"Kevin, Harold, what happened to my favourite lamp?"

"We were standing on our heads," Harold admitted. "We fell over and I guess we hit the lamp."

"After I told you two that there'd be no more standing on your heads?" Debbie interrogated angrily. "You went and disobeyed me, now didn't you?"

"Yes we did," Kevin said guiltily. "We're very sorry."

"Stand up you two, and be careful you don't cut yourself on the glass," she verified. "Then Harold, you go to Lenore's room and Kevin, you go to the spare room and stay there until I tell you, you can come back down. I want for you two to think about what you've done wrong and how you've set a bad example for Lenore and Brian."

Harold and Kevin carefully stood up, brushed themselves off, and then quickly tried to get past Debbie for they were ashamed at what they'd done. As Harold scurried by, Debbie stopped him, spanked him, shoved him out of the room, then took Kevin and spanked him before pushing him too out of the living room. She then turned to the two-year olds watching wide-eyed. "I want you two to be more careful with that water, you hear me. There'll be no more accidents today."

"Yesth Mommy," they answered in unison. "We clean up now." They then cleaned up their little tea party and scurried downstairs to the basement rec room to play a non-messy game.

_Chapter 3: Siblings and Danger_

(Part 1)

"Lenore, guess what," Debbie started. "You have a baby sister."

"I have baby sister?" Lenore double-checked. "But I thought I baby sister?"

"You were, but now you're a big sister, just like Harold and Brian are big brothers," Tim informed her. "Don't you wanna be a big sister?"

"NO!" Lenore stated stubbornly. "I wanna be baby sister forever!"

"Why?" Brian questioned his very best friend. "We have new sister to pick on now, you can pick on her."

"You two better not pick on her," Tim retorted. "Or you'll be in trouble, understand me?"

"Yesth Daddy, we understand," they sighed. "We no pick on her."

"Can I hold her?" Brian queried. "I be weally (really) careful."

"Okay, but you have to sit on the chair," Debbie told him. "And you have to support her little head and you can't move too much."

"Okay Mommy," Brian replicated, as Tim placed the baby in his lap. "What her name?"

"Her name's Nikki Johnna," Tim informed them. "Today's her birthday."

"'Happy birthday baby Nikki," Brian said quietly. "I wove (love) you."

"I wanna hold baby now!" Lenore whined, for she always wanted to do whatever Brian did. "I hold her now Daddy?"

"Yes you can," Tim rejoined, lifting Nikki from Brian's lap. Once Brian and Lenore had switched places, he placed Nikki in her big sister's lap. "You wanna sing to her?"

"Yesth," Lenore lisped. "Bwian, you sing too."

The two of them then sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to their new (Lenore's biological) baby sister.

(Part 2)

"Harold, Brian, Lenore!" Harold Sr. called. "Do you wanna go to the park?"

"Yesth!" Lenore and Brian cried scurrying into the kitchen. "We go park Daddy?"

"Yes kiddies, we're gonna go to the park," Harold Sr. replied. "Now where's Harold?"

"In bathroom Daddy," Brian informed him. "He go pee-pee in potty."

"Have you two gone pee-pee yet?" Harold Sr. questioned the sneaky three-year olds. "Or are you trying to sneak out with out going to the potty first?"

"You know us too well Daddy," Lenore answered. "We no pee-pee yet."

"Upstairs you two, we're not leaving until you've both used the potty," Harold Sr. verified. "No arguments either, the faster you use the potty the faster we go to the playground." He then carried them upstairs to the bathroom, once there he stuck Lenore on the little potty and Brian on the toilet, this way they'd be done at the same time. They finished going to the potty, then scampered back downstairs to put their shoes on.

"Need help?" Jackie asked Brian. "Or can you do it?"

"Help Mommy, help pwease (please)!" Brian riposted. "It stuck on me foot!"

Jackie helped Brian put his shoes on, then turned and helped Harold Jr. while Harold Sr. helped Lenore with her shoes and jacket. Finally they were ready to go to the park, Jackie and Harold Sr. watched as the three children ran ahead, stopping at the curb, to wait for them before crossing the road. Once they reached the park Brian and Lenore raced to the sandbox, as Harold Jr. raced to the swings.

"We build castle Bwian?" Lenore queried. "Or we look for tweasure (treasure)?"

"Tweasure first, then castle," Brian responded. "I wove tweasure!"

"K, let's dig," Lenore rejoined, grabbing one of the little shovels Jackie had just placed next to them. "You want blue digger?"

"You have blue digger," Brian retorted. "I wanna red one." They then sat there digging in the park sandbox, until finally Brian's shovel hit something hard. He dug it up excitedly, then pulled it out of the sandbox. "Wook (look) Wenore (Lenore)!" He cried. "Wook (look) what I found!" He held up some weird looking thing, that neither one of them had ever seen before.

"What's it Bwian?" Lenore interrogated. "It toy?"

"Dunno," Brian replied. "Let ask Mommy." They raced over to the bench Jackie was sitting on, once they reached her Brian asked, "Mommy what this?"

Jackie looked up from her crossword book, almost dropping it when she saw what her youngest son was holding. "Brian where did you find that? She asked calmly, quickly taking the needle from him. "You didn't touch the silver part, did you?"

"No Mommy, we no touch silver part," Lenore assured her. "It in sandbox, Bwian find it."

"Next time you find/see one of these, don't touch it!" Jackie stated firmly. "If you do you'll be in a lot of trouble, understand?"

"Yesth Mommy," they whispered. "We sorry."

"And if you ever do find/see one of these again," Jackie continued. "Leave it where it is, and go tell a Mommy and Daddy, okay?"

"Yesth Mommy," they said quietly. "We no touch 'em any more."

"Promise?" Jackie queried.

"Promise Mommy," they assured her. "We be more careful."

"Okay, that's good," Jackie sighed. "Now why don't you go over and see if Daddy will push you on the swings?"

"Okay Mommy," they responded. "Daddy! We wanna go on swings pwease (please)!"

_Chapter 4: Trouble_

"Wait up Kevin's Daddy!" Lenore yelled. "I gotta tie me shoe!"

"We're waiting for you," Gerald Sr. replied. "Now hurry up."

Lenore finished tying her shoe, then ran over to where everyone was waiting for her. "I here!"

"Daddy, are we gonna look at the toys too?" Ten-year old Tim (Gerald's middle son) questioned. "You promised we could look at the toys last time, but you didn't let us."

"If you stay with Jerald you can go now," Gerald Sr. informed him. "But you have to do as he says, and if I find out you weren't listening to him you'll be in a lot of trouble, okay?"

"Okay Daddy!" Tim and Kevin answered together. "Can we go now?"

"Dad!" Why do I always gotta look after them?" Twelve-year old Jerald complained. "Why can't you take 'em instead? I was hoping to go look at the CD's in the music section."

"Because I say you have to look after them," Gerald Sr. snapped. "Do you understand me?"

"Yes sir," Jerald grumbled. "Let me guess, the rug-rats gotta come with me too, right?"

"Yes they do," Gerald Sr. retorted. "And you're to hold their hands until you get to the toy section, and once there you're to keep a close eye on them, understand?"

"Yes sir," Jerald responded. "C'mon you little rug-rats, you heard my Dad, ya gotta stick close to me or you'll get lost."

"Bye Uncle Gerald!" Brian called. "I keep eye on Wenore (Lenore)!"

"Bye Kevin's Daddy!" Lenore shouted. "I stay close to 'em!"

"Bye kids!" Gerald Sr. smiled. "You better stay close to them! Meet me back here in half an hour okay? And bring one toy with you!"

"We will!" Eight-year old Kevin yelled back. "I'm gonna find the one I wanted last time!"

The kids then raced off to the toy section in K-mart, in search of their favourite toy. Once they got there, Jerald watched as the younger four dashed around looking for the 'perfect' toy. He laughed as he watched Tim and Kevin argue with Lenore over the action figure she was holding on to, but soon told the older two to leave her alone. He decided he might as well look around the toy section himself, even though he was too old and mature to actually play with any of the stuff there, he still looked at all the action figures they had out now. He looked up a couple minutes later to see where everyone was; he spotted his younger brothers further down the aisle arguing again over some lame toy. He continued to look in the aisle they were in, but didn't see his little cousin, Brian, or Lenore anywhere. He quickly checked the rest of the toy section before asking his brothers if they knew where Brian and Lenore had disappeared to. His brothers shook their heads, knowing they had to find them a.s.a.p. or else they'd all be in trouble for not keeping a closer eye on them. They searched the other sections, which were near the toy section, before Jerald decided they'd best tell their dad that they'd lost the rug-rats. They finally found their dad in the hardware section; they slowly approached him, for they knew they'd be in a whole lot of trouble.

"Uh, Dad…"Jerald began. "I've gotta tell you something…"

Gerald Sr. looked up, then asked, "Where's Lenore and Brian?"

"Uh, you see, that's just it," Jerald started. "We're not exactly sure; I looked away for like two minutes, to check something out and when I looked up they were gone."

"You mean to tell me you lost them?" Gerald Sr. demanded. "I thought I told you to keep a close eye on them Jerald Jr.!"

"I was Dad," Jerald insisted. "I swear I was, all I did was look away for a short period of time, and they took off."

"You know you have to watch those two at all times!" Gerald Sr. growled. "C'mon we have to find them, now!"

Jerald, Tim, and Kevin trailed behind their father with their heads hung, knowing they'd probably get spanked once they got home. They all felt really bad, for they didn't watch Brian and Lenore as good as they were supposed to and now they were lost somewhere in the store. They made their way to the customer service desk, where Gerald Sr. told the woman behind the desk that he was missing two small children. The woman informed him that they'd caught two small children a little earlier trying to shop-lift toys, and that they'd refused to go with security to the holding room. She gave Gerald Sr. directions to the holding room, then him (Gerald) and his sons made their way over to the security room to see if it was in fact Brian and Lenore. Once they got there, Gerald Sr. ordered his sons to sit on the bench outside of the room and not move an inch until he came back; they quickly and quietly obeyed their father, knowing that they weren't going to get any toys this time either. Gerald Sr. entered the holding room after talking to security, only to find Lenore and Brian sitting in the middle of the room with the toys they'd tried to shop-lift.

"Brian, Lenore, there you are!" Gerald Sr. exclaimed. "We've been looking everywhere for you!"

"Hey Uncle Gerald!" Brian grinned starting to run over to him. "We sit here and pway (play)!"

"We got lost, so we try find you," Lenore piped up. "We no find you, stwangers (strangers) bring us here. I scared at first, but Bwian point out they no scary 'cause they got uniforms and we get to pway (play)."

"I thought I told you two to stay close to Jerald and the other boys?" Gerald Sr. interrogated. "I though you were told not to wander off on your own!"

Brian froze in his tracks, suddenly realizing that they were in trouble. "Yesth, but…"

"But what?" Gerald Sr. snapped. "You took off on your own, completely disobeying orders, and now, thanks to you two, the other boys are in trouble as well."

"We sorry," Lenore whispered. "We only want to show you toy."

"Then you should have asked the boys to bring you to me, instead of taking off on them when they weren't looking!" Gerald Sr. stated angrily. "Now c'mon, we're going home right now!"

"We bring toys?" Brian queried hopefully. "We alweady (already) play with 'em."

"NO!" Gerald Sr. yelled. "They'll be no toys for anyone today, especially you two!" With that said, he picked them both up by the straps on their overalls and carried them out of the room, thanking security for finding them on his way out. Once he was out of the holding room, he snapped at his sons. "C'mon boys, time to go, I found them; needless to say, you're all in lots of trouble. Now give security the toys you're holding and follow me!"

They handed security the toys, all but Kevin who started to whine. "Daddy! That's not fair, Tim and I didn't do anything."

"You were supposed to help your brother watch the rug-rats, but you didn't!" Gerald Sr. riposted. "Now give the man the toy and let's go!"

"Now I'm never gonna get the toy I want!" Kevin complained stamping his foot. "I've waited forever, and I want it NOW!"

"Kevin, I said no, now let's go!" Gerald Sr. growled. "You know better than to talk back, and I said we're going home NOW!"

"I WANT MY TOY! I WANT MY TOY!" Kevin screeched like a spoiled toddler, as he lay down on the store floor and started to throw a tantrum. "I WANT MY TOY! I WANT MY TOY NOW!"


"NO!" Kevin screamed even louder. "I WANT MY TOY! I WANT MY TOY!"


"Gee, and I thought Lenore and Brian were bad when they don't get their way," Tim whispered to Jerald. "Kevin's gonna get it now, and in public too."

"I know whatcha mean," Jerald replicated quietly. "We'd best take the rug-rats from dad like good little gentlemen before he gets even angrier at us." With that said, him and Tim quickly took Brian and Lenore from their father, who more or less shoved them (L & B) at the two of them (J & T).

"KEVIN SCOTT RICHARDSON I SAID THAT WAS ENOUGH!" Gerald Sr. shouted, before picking his youngest son up off the floor and smacking him hard. "We're going home!" He turned to his other two sons, "Now march!"

Jerald and Tim quickly obeyed his orders, carrying Brian and Lenore out for their father, who was angrily carrying a crying Kevin under his arm. No one spoke at all until they got back to the log house, and Gerald Sr. ordered all of them to go out to the barn to wait for him. The eldest two (J & T) carried the rug-rats (B & L) to the barn, with Kevin close behind them and silently waited for their father to return, not knowing how much they were going to be punished. Meanwhile Gerald Sr. had gone in to the house and told his wife, Ann, that they were home, and that all of the children, Kevin especially, needed a serious spanking. He entered the barn a few minutes later, still visibly mad, and ordered them to line up and not move an inch.

"Kevin," Gerald Sr. sneered. "Come here."

Kevin slowly made his way towards his father, knowing he was in way more trouble than the others were, and that he should've kept his mouth shut when they were in K-mart. Once he'd reached his dad, he looked him straight in the eye, trying not to show the fear that was slowly entering his body. His father silently turned him around, pulled his pants down, and smacked him good and hard eight times, one for each year he'd lived. When his father had finished spanking him he walked back to his spot in line crying.

"Jerald Jr." Gerald Sr. ordered. "You're turn."

Jerald walked over to his dad faster than Kevin had, for he wanted to get this done and over with as soon as possible. He dad smacked him five times, before sending him back to the line and telling Tim to come over to where he was standing. Tim was spanked four times, for he was younger than Jerald, but still old enough to know how important the responsibility of looking after the four-year olds was. Finally it was time for Lenore and Brian to receive their punishment(s).

"Brian," Gerald Sr. said firmly. "Leave Lenore where she is and come here."

Brian very slowly made his way over to his Uncle, and glanced up at him nervously, for this would be the first time his Uncle had ever spanked him. "I weal (real) sorry Uncle Gerald."

"Turn around Brian," Gerald Sr. replied tonelessly, not wanting to give in to the little scared blue eyes that had looked up at him. Then made sure him or Lenore wouldn't be wearing a diaper. "You two have been potty trained, right?"

"Yesth Uncle Gerald," Brian whimpered.

Gerald Sr. then spanked his little nephew for the first time ever, three times in a row to show he meant business, then sent a sobbing Brian back over to where he'd been standing. "Lenore, it's your turn."

Lenore inched her way over to him, so slow that a snail could've past her. She looked at him quite scared before whispering, "I sorry Kevin's Daddy, I sorry."

Gerald Sr. quickly looked away as he turned her around pulled down her pants and spanked her little bottom three times. He knew that Brian and Lenore would be scared because he'd never been mad at them before, but he also knew they deserved to be punished. He hoped that none of his sons realized he hadn't spanked Brian or Lenore as hard as he'd spanked them, for then he'd most likely have to punish them even more for complaining. He then told the quintet that they were all grounded for the rest of the week, and weren't allowed out of the house unless accompanied by an adult.

Chapter 5: Emergency

(Part 1)

"Brian, son, I'm afraid you have to hold still so we can take a blood sample," Doctor Smith told him. "We need to see if you're getting any better."

"I don't wanna needle!" Brian whined tiredly. "I have too many alweady (already)!"

"I'm afraid we need another," Dr. Smith replied. "Now hold still, and maybe this one won't hurt as much as the last."

Brian held still for the Dr., but still winced when they stuck the needle in his arm. He didn't like the fact that he had all these weird tubes stuck to him, and that they'd stuck drips, or whatever they were, in his feet because they'd run out of veins in his arms. He also didn't like the fact that lately he wasn't allowed out of the bed, even to go to the potty; he wasn't allowed to play anymore either. What he hated even more was the fact that he couldn't see his cousins (Jerald, Tim, & Kevin), or Lenore, who was practically his little sister. He always asked why Lenore couldn't visit him and each time he was given a different excuse, the last excuse had been,

"You're always tired, and she'll just wear you out ever more." He didn't believe that even for a split second, he was the one always wearing them out, Lenore would only want to play tea party and she'd end up having to play soccer instead because of him. Of course she never seemed to care what they played, just as long as she was with him, he didn't really care either, as long as she was there with him. All of a sudden he (Brian) felt a sharp pain in his chest, and the next thing he knew the Doctors were holding him down again, and literally beating his little chest to try and break up the horrible blood infection that was in his small body.

"STOP!" Brian cried. "STOP! THAT HURT!"

The Doctors never seemed to listen when he wanted for them to stop hurting him. He knew that because of that fact he would always hate Doctors, for they were supposed to help him, yet here they were hurting him even more.

"PWEASE (please) STOP!" Brian yelled. "THAT HURT! YOU HURTING ME!" Even though he was in pain, and wanted to see Lenore very badly, he was glad she didn't have to see him suffer like this; that she didn't have to see him looking so small, weak, and frail, because he was dying from the infection. He didn't want her to have to watch him fade away like his mom was having to, he knew it'd kill her (Lenore) inside just as much as it was probably killing his mom.

(Part 2)

"Lenore, Sweetie, I'm afraid I have some very bad news," Debbie began. "You know how Brian's in the Hospital right?"

"He very sick and we must pray for him," Lenore answered knowingly. "I no see him 'till he get better, yesth Mommy, I know."

"Well, Sweetie, I'm afraid you won't be able to play with Brian anymore," Debbie continued, trying not to cry in front of her already very worried daughter.

"Why not Mommy?" Lenore cut in. "Bwian in trouble again?"

"I guess you could say that Pumpkin," Debbie responded sadly. "He's kind of in trouble."

"So, we always play when we in trouble, no one care," Lenore stated. "Why can't we play now?"

"Because…." Debbie trailed off as she started to cry. "Because he's gonna go be with God real soon Honey."

"I go with him, right?" Lenore queried, unsure as to why he mother was crying. "I go with Bwian and visit God Mommy?"

"I'm afraid not Sweetie," Debbie replicated. "Brian has to go alone this time."

"But I always go everywhere with Bwian!" Lenore cried. "He go everywhere with me too!"

"You can't go with him this time Lenore," Debbie told her confused five-year old. "He has to go all by himself this time, you can't go with him to visit God because Brian's not visiting God, he's staying with God."

"Why Bwian stay with God?" Lenore questioned. "Why he not stay with his Mommy and Daddy?"

"Because he can't Lenore!" Debbie snapped unintentionally. "He can't stay with you either; he has to go and be with God by himself, until we're able to join him there!"

"I no understand Mommy," Lenore said shaking her little head. "Where he going? Why he going? Why he leaving me?"

"He's going to Heaven, because he's dying," Debbie informed her. "He's dying because he has a rare blood infection, that even Mommy's and Daddy's die of. The Doctors don't think he's going to live much longer, so we have to get ready for his funeral."

"NO!" Lenore shrieked, suddenly seeing everything quite clear. "HE NO GO; HE STAY! HE NO LEAVE! GOD LET HIM STAY, FOR HE GOOD BOY! ONLY BAD BOYS GO AWAY FOR GOOD!"

"Lenore, I'm afraid it doesn't exactly work that way," Debbie rejoined. "Even good boys go away for good."


"No Lenore, you're not going!" Debbie yelled accidentally, for she didn't want to get mad, for she knew her daughter would have a hard time understanding. "You're staying here, and Brian's going!"

"NO!" Lenore screamed one last time before running next door, past Harold Sr. who didn't have a clue what was wrong with her, into the Littrell house, and up the stairs, straight into Brian's room, where she plopped down on the bed and cried her little heart out. "No Bwian! Don't go, I wove (love) you lots! You my only friend! I need you, who else scare way Boogie Man?"

Harold Sr., who'd followed her upstairs, heard her cries, and knew her parents had probably told her that Brian was dying. He shook his head sadly, before going into the room to comfort her.

(Part 3)

"Mr. & Mrs. Littrell, and Mr. and Mrs. Crowder," Mrs. Finch began. "I hate having to tell you this, knowing how ill little Brian is and all, and that you've already got enough to worry about, but I think you'd wanna know what's going on here at school. Lately Lenore hasn't been very co-operative; she won't listen to me or any of the other adults here. She's forever yelling at the other students, and won't share anything; if anyone touches something that's sitting in front of her she'll attack them. She also refuses to leave her desk near the other students, where I placed her after Brian was submitted to the Hospital; she keeps putting her desk next to Brian's empty one, and acts as though he's still here with her."

"She doesn't have an imaginary friend here too, does she?" Tim (Mr. C.) queried. "She has one at home, but we were pretty sure she wasn't bringing him here."

"If his name's Brian, then yes, he comes here with her," Mrs. Finch told them. "She claims that it really is Brian, and that they're playing together and that the other students keep stealing Brian's toys. Therefore she has to beat them up because Brian's too sick to defend himself, yet really wants his toy back. I've sent her to the corner quite a lot this past month, more than the other months, and I'm starting to get a little worried about her strange behaviour."

"We're getting a little worried too," Harold (Mr. L.) replied. "She doesn't want to do anything with anyone anymore, all she wants to do is play with her imaginary friend and carry her baby duck around. We know she wants to see Brian really bad, but she can't because it'd hurt her even more, for no one wants her to see him dying."

"That's another thing," Mrs. Finch continued. "What's so important about that little stuffed duck? She brings it to school with her everyday and sits it in Brian's old seat, and God help you if you dare even accidentally touch that duck. I've tried to take it from here a couple times, but each time she'd either kick me or she'd bite me."

"Brian gave her that duck for her first birthday," Debbie (Mrs. C.) informed her. "Ever since, she very rarely lets it out of her sight. She sleeps with it every night too, whether or not Brian's in the bed with her, she still has to have the duck in her arms."

"Well, I'm afraid if this keeps up, I will have to fail her," Mrs. Finch told them. "For she's not doing her work either, and I can't pass someone just because I like them; I'm afraid it doesn't work that way."

"We understand," Jackie (Mrs. L.) replicated. "We'll all talk to her when we go home, and we'll try and make sure she doesn't bring that duck to school anymore."

(Part 4)

A couple months later (summertime)…..

"Bwian come home today?" Lenore asked. "He come home right?"

"Yes Lenore, he's coming home today," Debbie told her. "But I'm afraid you can't see him until tomorrow."

"Why no see him today?" Lenore queried. "I know he wanna see me."

"Because he'll be too tired to see anyone today," Debbie replied. "I promise you can go over first thing tomorrow though, okay?"

"Okay Mommy," Lenore answered. "I wait 'till tomorrow."

The next day…..

"Lenore, wake up dear," Debbie started. "Brian's wait…"

Lenore jumped out of bed before her mom had even finished her sentence. She dashed downstairs, out the side door, and ran straight into the Littrell household.

"Learn to close the door, will ya?" Harold stated as she whizzed past him, and into the kitchen.

"Hey Mommy, hey Daddy!" Lenore said excitedly. "Bwian up?"

"He'll be down in a few minutes Lenore," Jackie informed her. "He's just getting up."

"K, Mommy," Lenore responded as she sat down. "Daddy, may I have some cereal pwease (please)?"

"Sure Cupcake," Harold Sr. replicated. "I see you were so excited you forgot to get dressed."

"Yesth Daddy, I weal (real) excited!" Lenore rejoined. "Fwosted Fakes (Frosted Flakes) pwease (please)."

A few minutes later Brian entered the kitchen, he froze when he spotted his very best friend in the whole wide world sitting at the table eating their favourite cereal. "Wenore," he whispered.

Lenore looked up from her cereal when she thought she heard someone call her name. "Bwian!" She shouted jumping up and running over to him, forgetting she wasn't supposed to excite him too much.

Brian grinned as she hugged him tight and he hugged her back. He was so happy to be home and to be able to see his very best friend again. "I miss you," he told her. "I miss you lots."

"I miss you Bwian," Lenore replied. "I miss you more."

"C'mon kids, I think it's time you finished or at least started breakfast," Jackie piped up ten minutes later, for the five-year olds were still hugging each other as though their lives depended on it. "You want Frosted Flakes too my Baby Duck?"

"Yesth pwease (please) Mommy," Brian riposted as they (him & Lenore) walked over to the table hand in hand. They ate their breakfast while still holding hands, Harold Jr. wasn't too please to find Brian in his seat, but didn't say anything for he knew how much Frick and Frack (B & L) had missed each other.

"Lenore, why don't you go home and get dressed now, then come back when you're done?" Harold Sr. suggested. "Brian will still be here when you come back."

"I no leave Bwain!" Lenore exclaimed. "I stay in pajamas!"

"In that case, why don't you borrow some of Brian's clothes?" Jackie suggested, before she threw a tantrum. "This way you don't have to leave him."

"K, Mommy," Lenore answered. "I borrow Bwian's clothes." Her and Brian then went upstairs to get dressed. She managed to swipe a pair of his jeans, one of his favourite blue shirts, and a pair of white socks.

"We twins Mommy," Brian pointed out when they returned to the kitchen a few minutes later. "Wenore and I twins!"

"Yes you are Brian," Jackie laughed. "Now why don't you two go play some board games or watch T.V. for awhile?"

"We downstairs," Lenore verified. "We pway (play) there." With that they went down to the basement rec room to play. They played Candy Land for awhile, then decided they wanted to play Simon Says.

"Simon says jump up and down!" Brian cried, jumping around like a kangaroo. "Simon says…run round room." The two of them ended up racing each other around the room, both forgetting that Brian wasn't supposed to be running, for he was still supposed to be recuperating.

"Brian Thomas Littrell, I thought we told you not to run around," Harold Sr. riposted. "I thought we told both of you that you had to play quiet games today?"

"Sorry Daddy," Brian apologized. "We forgot."

"It's time for your nap Brian," Harold Sr. told him. "It's time for Lenore to go home so you can rest."

"I no tired!" Brian insisted. "Wenore no go!"

"Brian, you have to have a nap," Harold Sr. retorted. "Or else you'll be too tired later on, and it could make you sick again."

"No nap!" Brian screeched. "I pway (play)!"

"Brian…" Harold Sr. began.

"I nap with you, k?" Lenore questioned both Brian and Harold Sr. "I tired, I up late last night."

"Wenore come?" Brian asked hopefully. "Pwease (please) Daddy?"

"Well…" Harold Sr. started. "Okay, but no talking once you're in bed."

"K Daddy, we no talk," Lenore promised. "C'mon Bwian, nap time." The two of them then went up to Brian's room, followed by Harold Sr. to take a nap. Harold Sr. tucked them in, told them he'd better not hear them talking, then returned to the living room to finish reading the newspaper.

"You pass gwade (grade) one Bwian?" Lenore queried quietly.

"I fail," Brian sighed. "You?"

"I fail too," Lenore responded. "I bad girl when you gone; make teacher mad."

"Least we together next year," Brian whispered. "I be with you always."

_Chapter 6: Fire and New Friends_

(Part 1)

"Bwian, what this?" Six-year old Lenore asked. "This funny stick neat."

"That danger," six-year old Brian told her. "No play."

"How danger?" Lenore queried. "It only stick."

"Start fire," Brian replicated. "It danger, put down."

"No, wanna play," Lenore riposted. "It neat."

"Put down please!" Brian insisted. "It danger, we get trouble!"

"No trouble, no danger!" Lenore retorted. "It stick, stick no danger."

"Yesth it is!" Brian verified. "Don't use!"

"I try first," Lenore responded. "Curious."

"No! Don't!" Brian cried. "You get hurt!"

"Stick no hurt!" Lenore stated stubbornly. "It safe." She then scraped the red part of the stick on the rough part of the book it had been in. "There more, want one?"

"No, put down!" Brian rejoined. "You try, there nothing; now put down!"

Lenore ignored him and scraped it on the book again, suddenly there was a flame at the end. "Ouch!" She yelped as the flame touched her hand. Without thinking she threw it on the floor, then reached into the book and got another. She tried this one too, and when it flamed, it burnt her fingers and she threw it onto the floor. "That hurt!"

"Stop!" Brian yelled. "Fire!"

"What?" Lenore asked. "What you mean fire?"

"Look!" Brian shouted pointing to where she'd thrown the sticks. "Fire!"

"Uh-oh!" Lenore said, as they backed up into the corner to get away from the hot flames that were in front of them. She threw the book into the flame, again not thinking, and clung to Brian for dear life just as the fire alarm went off and they screamed.

Jackie and Harold Sr., who'd been upstairs with Harold Jr. and his friend John, heard the fire alarm go off and wondered what was wrong. Suddenly they heard screams come from the basement and immediately knew something was terribly wrong. They raced downstairs (Harold Jr. stayed upstairs), saw the fire, then quickly grabbed buckets from the other room and filled them with water. Finally the fire was out, and they were able to see the terrified six-year olds huddled in the corner they'd been trapped in. Harold Sr. started towards them, but something on the floor caught his eye; he bent down and picked up the little, once red, but now charred, book.

"Were you playing with these?" Harold Sr. demanded. When no one answered, he continued, "Who was playing with these?"

Brian and Lenore still didn't answer; instead they backed further into the corner they were in.

"I asked you two a question and I expect an answer!" Harold Sr. snapped. "Now, who was playing with these?"

Before Lenore could say anything, Brian stepped forward. "I was Daddy," he whispered. "I play with 'em."

"Brian Thomas Littrell, you know better than to play with matches!" Harold Sr. yelled. "You could've gotten not only yourself, but Lenore as well, killed!"

"I sorry Daddy," Brian apologized. "I no mean start fire."

"You didn't mean to start a fire; no one means to start a fire!" Harold Sr. roared. "I can't believe you'd be so stupid as to play with something we've told you was dangerous!"

"I sorry," Brian said quietly.

"Sorry won't cut it this time," Harold Sr. growled. "Get over here."

Brian looked up at his father scared, for he knew what was coming, yet what they didn't know was that he wasn't the one who'd started the fire.

"I said come here!" Harold Sr. bellowed.

Brian slowly made his way over to his father, who immediately yanked his pants down, and smacked his bare bottom repeatedly until he was satisfied that his son had learned his lesson.

"Now go to your room and stay there!" Harold Sr. ordered. "Lenore, you're not to follow him!" He then stormed out of the now charred rec room.

Brian pulled his pants up, then quickly raced up to his room still crying. He was kind of embarrassed by being punished in front of Lenore, even though they'd pretty much always been punished in front of each other because they usually were always in trouble at the same time for the same thing.

"Lenore, you're not to play in here until we've cleaned it up," Jackie told her. "You can still play down here in the basement, but you're not allowed in here." She then went back upstairs as Harold Jr. came down, with his friend John, to play.

"What happened to the rec room?" Nine-year old Harold asked. "Why was Brian crying?"

"Fire," Lenore responded. "Bwian in trouble."

"Brian started a fire?" Harold queried. "Uh-oh. Did Daddy punish him?"

"Yesth," Lenore answered. "Too many times." She then retreated to a corner in another part of the basement to think, while Harold and John played pirates. Half an hour later she decided she'd best tell the truth about who'd started the fire. She slowly made her way upstairs and into the living room, she'd dragged her feet the whole way, but she'd still reached them sooner than she'd wanted. "Uh, Mommy, Daddy…"

Jackie looked up from her book. "Yes Lenore."

"I…I…I have to tell something," Lenore began. "You say honesty best."

"Yes, we do say that," Harold Sr. acknowledged. "So, what is it you're trying to tell us?"

"Um…Bwian no bad boy," Lenore started. "He good boy, not bad boy."

"Lenore, he started a fire," Jackie reminded her. "That means he was a bad boy, not a good boy."

"He good boy!" Lenore insisted. "I…I…I bad girl…Bwian no start fire. I…I start fire. Bwian say no play, I no listen, he say danger, I say stick safe."

"If he didn't start the fire, then why'd he take the blame?" Harold Sr. questioned. "Why'd he lie?"

"Bwian no see me hurt," Lenore informed them. "He want me safe, no hurt; he lie 'cause he no wanna see me hurt."

"Why didn't you tell us all this earlier?" Jackie queried. "Why'd you wait until now to come clean?"

"I scared," Lenore admitted. "I think hard, head hurt now, decide truth best. Feel bad 'cause Bwian in trouble. I really sorry."

"Lenore, you could've gotten us all killed!" Harold Sr. shouted. "Thanks to you Brian got in trouble for something he didn't do!"

"I sorry Daddy," Lenore whispered. " I really sorry."

"Guess it's your turn now," Jackie sighed. "When will you kids ever learn?"

"No Daddy, I aweady (already) sorry," Lenore cried. "I really, really, really sorry!"

Harold Sr. said nothing as he strode over to where she was standing, pushed her pants down around her ankles and spanked her until he was sure she'd learned her lesson. "Go to Harold's room and stay there until I tell you you're allowed out."

Lenore raced up to Harold's room in tears, and stayed there until finally Jackie came in and told her she was allowed to go see Brian, but she had to go to bed early everyday for two weeks starting that very day. During those two weeks Brian always went to bed when she did, which made his parents worry a little, until he explained why he never stayed up until his regular bedtime.

"I keep her safe," Brian told his parents. "I scare Boogie Man way, she no like dark."

His parents then understood even more just how close the two of them (B & L) really were.

(Part 2)

"Wenore, I want you to meet Chris," Brian told her. "He my new best friend."

"I thought I your best friend?" Lenore queried. "You replace me Bwian?"

"No, you still best friend," Brian replicated. "Now I got two!"

"I got one," Lenore answered. "No fair, you no like me anymore!"

"Yesth I do!" Brian insisted. "I love you!"

"You don't!" Lenore cried. "Or I be only best friend!"

"I have two if I want!" Brian yelled. "You no boss!"

Lenore looked over at Chris. "I hate you!"

"Why?" Chris Cawood asked. "What I do?"

"You steal Bwian!" Lenore shouted. "He no like me now!"

"Not me fault!" Chris declared. "He me best friend too."

"It no fair!" Lenore shrieked. "Bwian my Duckie not yours!"

"Wenore!" Brian hollered. "Enough! I like you more!"

"You do?" Lenore questioned. "You like him less?"

"Yesth!" Brian assured her. "No one ever replace you."

"You still like me, right?" Chris checked. "We still friends?"

"Yesth!" Brian informed him. "You me friends!"

Lenore turned to Chris. "Sorry," she apologized. "You okay, just no steal Bwian form me, k?"

"K," Chris rejoined. "I won't; we friends too?"

"I guess," Lenore riposted quietly. "I try be nice."

Brian grinned at his two best friends as they shook hands, and promised to at least try and get along with one another.

_Chapter 7: Chicken Pox_

"I itch," seven-year old Brian stated as he scratched his stomach. "What are these red spots?"

"Dunno Duckie," seven-year old Lenore responded as she too started to scratch. "I'm itchy too."

"Why are you two scratching?" Tim (Mr. C.) asked as he entered the living room. "You don't have fleas, do you?"

"Not unless they leave these spots Daddy," Brian replied. "They really itchy."

"Uh-oh," Tim sighed. "Looks like you two have the chicken pox."

"Chicken pox?" Lenore queried. "But they don't look like chickens Daddy."

"Whatever you do don't scratch them," Tim told them. "If you do, you could wind up with little scars."

"But they itchy!" Brian complained. "They sore too!"

"C'mon, I think you'd best have a bath now to get rid of the itch," Tim replicated. "Upstairs with you. Don't stall, the bath will make you less itchy."

"K, Daddy," they riposted. "We'll have a bath."

"You're having it one at a time," Tim told them. "No more of this bathing together thing; the water's not going to hurt you."

"But Daddy!" They whined. "We do everything together."

"I said no," Tim replied. "C'mon Brian, you're first 'cause you seem to have them worse."

"Fine!" Brian pouted. "See you in a few minutes Lenore."

"See you in a few too Brian," Lenore sighed. "Actually it'll be more than a few minutes 'cause I gotta have a bath too."

Two weeks later.....

"Hey Brian!" Lenore shouted. "Look! The spots are gone!"

"Mine are gone too!" Brian cried. "Now we can go to the park and play!"

"YEAH!" They cheered. "WE CAN PLAY!"

"What's this I hear?" Tim questioned. "Your spots are gone?"

"Yes Daddy," Lenore answered. "They're all gone!"

"Well, guess it's back to school for you two tomorrow then," Tim informed them. "You've been out long enough."

"Uh…we're not done recuperating just yet though," Brian insisted. "We should have one more day off at least to play, just to make sure the spots aren't coming back."

"You are going to stay home tomorrow," Tim started.


"But it's to catch up on all the school work you've missed," Tim finished. "If you finish it early, then you may play outside for awhile."

"Aw nuts!" They groaned. "We wanted to play at the park all day."

"I'm sure you'll have time to play at the park once you're done your school work," Tim rejoined. "I don't think it'll take you all day to do it."

"We'll do it right after breakfast!" Brian exclaimed. "Then we'll have more time to play at the park."

_Chapter 8: Broken Bones & Secret Crushes_

(Part 1)

"Be careful you guys!" Gerald Sr. called. "We don't want anyone getting hurt!"

"K Dad!" Sixteen-year old Jerald called back. "We'll be careful!"

"Yeah, we won't hurt 'em, much!" Fourteen-year old Tim joked. "We'll only hurt Kevin!"

"Hey!" Twelve-year old Kevin cried. "That's not fair! Harold's younger than me!"

"Pick on the eight-year olds!" Eleven-year old Harold verified. "They won't mind!"

"We do too mind!" Lenore yelled. "Just 'cause we're the youngest don't mean ya always gotta pick on us!"

"Whatcha mean we?" Brian queried. "I'm older than you!"

"Only by two months!" Lenore reminded him. "So, you're still as young as me!"

"Two months is a big difference!" Brian insisted. "It means I'm more responsible!"

"Kids!" Gerald Sr. riposted. "That's enough arguing! There'll be no picking on anyone, got it!"

"Got it!" They all shouted.

"Let's play tag," Tim suggested, then cast an annoyed look at his older brother (Jerald). "I'm sure we can all play that."

"Sure, let's play!" Kevin exclaimed. "One, two, three not it!"

"Not it!" Everyone, but Lenore shouted.

"That's not fair!" Lenore complained. "I'm always it!"

"C'mon, don't whine!" Harold riposted. "You're such a baby!"

"I am not!" Lenore screeched. "I'm only giving you a five second head start before I come after y'all!" With that said everyone took off in different directions, to try and avoid being tagged for as long as they could. Lenore finally caught up to Jerald and tagged him. "You're it!" She then raced off to hide behind the swings with Tim.

"I'm gonna get y'all now!" Jerald threatened teasingly. "Look out 'cause here I come!" He raced after everyone, laughing as he ran after the younger five, who squealed, whenever he came near them.

They played for quite awhile until the accident happened. Brian was it and he was closing in on Lenore, who was standing near the edge of the wooden platform next to the fire pole. He was trying to sneak up on her, but just as he neared her she turned around.

"Brian!" Lenore shrieked. "I don't wanna be it again!"

"Tough!" Brian retorted as he tagged her. Just as he tagged her, she tried to sidestep his touch, slipped and fell off the platform, landing in a weird position on the ground.

"OWWWWW!!!!!" Lenore screamed in pain. "OWWWWW!!!!!"

Gerald Sr. rushed over to where the kids were playing when he heard screaming, that didn't sound anything at all like playful screaming. When he reached the clan he found them all crowded around Lenore, who was lying on her back, with her right arm twisted in a strange way under her. He carefully picked her up, ordered everyone to the van, then rushed her to the Hospital. The Doctors immediately took x-rays, only to discover that she had indeed broken her arm. They set her arm back in place, causing her to scream at the top of her lungs, gave her a needle to ease the pain, then placed her arm in a cast. After they were through at the Hospital, Gerald Sr. drove back to his log cabin, and carried her inside to rest. The boys followed, wanting to apologize for being so reckless. Soon they were all shooed out of the living room, so that she could rest while watching cartoons. A little later Brian snuck back into the room.

"I'm really sorry about making you fall," Brian stated. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I was only trying to tag you."

"I know you were only playing Brian, I was only playing too, until I fell," Lenore answered. "Then I was in pain and couldn't do anything, but scream my head off."

"You're not mad at me, are you?" Brian asked worriedly. "You know it was just a horrible accident, right?"

"I'm not mad at you Brian," Lenore assured him. "I was at first, but realized you'd never ever hurt me on purpose, and that it was only a freak accident."

"I'm glad you're not mad at me," Brian smiled. "Well, I'll leave ya alone now, before Uncle Gerald finds out I'm in here again."

"Brian," Lenore began. "Could you…um…please stay with me? It's kinda lonely in here when I'm all by myself and I need someone to watch these cartoons with me."

"Sure I can," Brian replicated still grinning. "You want me to sit on the couch with ya?"

"Uh…yeah," Lenore replied. "Could ya? I'm getting kinda cold, and it'd be nice to borrow some body heat from ya."

"No problem," Brian verified. "I'll gladly keep ya warm, I'll get ya a blanket too." He then went and got a blanket, returning a few minutes later, then sat with her for the rest of the night watching cartoons until they had to go to bed.

(Part 2)

Two days later, Brian woke up next to Lenore, they were still at his Uncle Gerald's and Aunt Ann's visiting Kevin and his family. He sighed, when he realized Lenore was still asleep, then quietly climbed out of the bed. He got dressed, then looked back at his sleeping best friend, and watched her sleep for a few minutes. "Oh my God," he said to himself. "I can't believe it; I've gotta crush on her." He sat down at the desk, in a black folding chair, and decided to write a song for her.

(A.N.: I know this is an Aaron Carter song, that Nick Carter and Brian Littrell wrote, but it fit my purpose, so I decided to use it for this chapter. There will be two other Aaron Carter songs included in this story, so be on the lookout for them.)

My mama told me I'm too young to love

But I know what I know and can't get enough

I'm thinking 'bout you and me holding hands

Pushing you on a swing

We can do anything

'Cause when I think of you all I know

Is that there's nothing I won't do to be with you


Ain't that cute - holding hands in the park

Ain't that cute - can't stay late after dark

Ain't that cute - was in love from the start

Ain't that cute - I could swear you stole my heart

I often wonder the meaning of love

Is it something meant just for grown-ups?

Harold always told me just to follow my dreams

But with love on my mind it's so hard to see

And still I think of you all I know

Is that there's nothing I won't do to be with you


It's true if I'm wrong

Then tell me girl what I should do

Or would you even care

I told you love could be so simple

Between me and you

Oh, baby


Brian finished the song, and smiled to himself, very proud at his piece of work. Although he'd realized earlier, he did indeed have a crush on his best friend, he decided not to tell her, so he hid the song in his pocket, hoping she'd never reach into it and find the song he'd just written. He looked back over at the bed, where Lenore slept soundly, and smiled to himself again, for she looked so peaceful when she was asleep, and he loved to watch her sleep, just as much as she loved to watch him sleep.

Chapter 9: An Essay

"Okay class, we're going to read our essays today," Ms. Hersh told her grade four class. "Who would like to go first?"

"I would!" Chris Cawood, one of Brian's best friends cried. "I wrote my essay on my Dad."

"You may go first then Chris, since we now all know what you wrote about," Ms. Hersh informed him. "You seem very eager to go any ways."

"My Dad means a lot to me because he's my super hero," Chris began. "I think of him like Superman or Batman, for he's strong and caring. He always tries his best to take care of me and my little sister Grace, and he loves my mom a whole lot. My Dad always tries his best to help people out whenever he can. Because of that everyone likes him, 'cause he thinks of others first before himself. Well, that's why I'm proud he's my Dad."

"Very nice Chris," Ms. Hersh stated. "A little short, but other than that it was good. "Who's next?"

"I'll go Ms. Hersh," Brian offered. "I wrote mine on my Mom."

"Go ahead and read your essay then Brian," Ms. Hersh replied. "I know how much your Mom means to you, so I understand why you wrote about her."

"My Mom is always there for me, whether I'm feeling down or really excited 'bout something," Brian started. "She was by my side the whole time I was in the Hospital four years ago, and I love her even more for that fact. She's always trying her best to teach my brother and I right from wrong, which isn't always easy, considering I tend to get into trouble a lot. I try my best every day to make her proud of me, and feel real happy when she smiles at something I've done or laughs at a joke I've told. My Mom makes great macaroni and cheese, and cool cookies, so I guess I also love her for her cooking. My Mom is always there when needed, whether it's for a pat on the back or a swat on the butt for something, she is there for me when I need her the most. This is why my Mom means the world to me and I love her lots."

"That was really sweet Brian," Ms. Hersh complimented. "I'm sure your mother would love to hear your essay, if you haven't already read it to her."

"I haven't read it to her yet, but I will soon," Brian replicated. "I know she'll like it a lot, for it came straight from the heart."

"I know she'll like it too," Ms. Hersh responded before picking the next person to go up. Half an hour later she looked over at one student, who usually had a hard time with essays, even though she had a knack for writing. "Lenore, do have an actual essay this time?"

"Yes I do Ms. Hersh," Lenore answered proudly. "I did it all by myself too, no one but me has heard it yet either."

"Fine then, you may read it to the class now," Ms. Hersh verified. "Who'd you choose to do your essay on?"

"My very best friend," Lenore replied. "I know you said to pick someone we look up to, and that we should pick someone who's literally a family member, but I had to pick this person 'cause I look up to him the most."

"Fine, just as long as you didn't make it really short like your last essay," Ms. Hersh sighed. "But I had kind of hoped you'd all pick your mother or father or aunt or uncle, someone like that, you know?"

"My best friend is always nice to me, whether I get him into trouble for something or not," Lenore read. "He's always there for me, especially when I need a friend. He always knows how and what I'm feeling, sometimes even before I do. He cheers me up when I'm feeling down, and comforts me when he can't cheer me up right away. He's my partner in crime, therefore everyone calls us Frick 'n' Frack; he's Frick and I'm Frack. We're very rarely apart, and when we are it's usually not that far, for one of us is most likely just around the corner secretly keeping an eye on the other. I almost lost my best friend when we were five, for he was very sick and he almost died of a rare blood infection he'd gotten. I remember I felt as though the world were about to end when my Mom told me he was dying and I'd never be able to play with him anymore. I also remember feeling sick inside, as though I was going to lose my insides at that very moment; I did loose them, but not until later on. I remember how I wasn't allowed to see him when he was in the Hospital 'cause I was too young, but his brother and cousin were willing to risk getting punished, and kindly snuck me in a few times, until the one day we were finally caught. I couldn't then and still can't imagine my life without him, for he means the world to me. He keeps me safe the best he can, and always scares the evil Boogie Man away for me at night, and holds me close during thunder and lightening storms, for he knows how scared I am. He likes me for who I am, and not 'cause I try to be what people want me to be like some people I know. He protects me from bullies and anyone else who tries to hurt me, which sometimes results in taking the blame for something he didn't do. I always have and I always will love him for all the above and many more reasons. He is my very bestest best friend in the whole wide world! He is Brian Littrell, who, to me, is not only my best friend, but my brother, my strength, my protector, my heart and soul, my everything. Without him, I don't know if I'd be able to survive in this world for it's a very scary place to be without a single friend. I love you Duckie, I always have and I promise I always will."

Ms. Hersh wiped her eyes, "That was very nice Lenore, I can tell that came straight from the heart."

"I almost cried when I wrote it," Lenore admitted. "I love Brian way too much so I couldn't even imagine writing my essay on anyone else."

"You really think of me like that?" Brian asked, his eyes filling with tears. "You consider me your world?"

"Yes Brian, I do," Lenore rejoined. "You always have been and you always will be my everything."

"I think of you like that too," Brian replicated, as lone tears escaped from the corner of his eyes. "But I just didn't know how to write it all down, so I wrote 'bout my Mom instead."

"I understand," Lenore assured him. "I know how much your Mom means to you, mine means a lot to me, but for some reason I couldn't write 'bout anyone else, everytime I'd try to, you'd pop into my head." The two of them then hugged for a very long time, until finally it was time to go to the gym so the essay finalists from each class could read their essay to the whole school. Lenore was chosen to read for her class, and won in her age level; she went on to the state championship for essays and won in her category there too.

_Chapter 10: Lost_

"Mom, is it alright if we go for a bike ride?" Brian asked his mom. "I know it's early, but we've already had breakfast."

"Fine dear, you two may go for a bike ride," Jackie answered. "But you have to be back in time for supper, okay?"

"Okay Mom," Lenore replied. "See ya later."

"See ya later," Jackie responded. "Be careful, and don't forget your helmets!"

"We won't!" They called as they ran out the front door. Soon they were on their bikes and riding around town. They knew how far they were allowed to go without being accompanied by an adult, and they intended to go that far no matter how long it took them. After awhile they had no idea as to where they were, and didn't know which way they'd come in the first place.

"Brian, where are we?" Lenore queried. "Have you ever seen this part of town before?"

"I think I've seen this part of town a few times before, it looks vaguely familiar," Brian replicated. "But I ain't sure as to exactly where we are just yet."

"We're lost, aren't we?" Lenore questioned. "We've gone too far, haven't we? We're gonna be in trouble for going here, aren't we?"

"I don't know Lenore!" Brian riposted. "I know we're lost, and we must've gone too far by accident, but as for getting into trouble, I don't know."

"Now where do we go?" Lenore interrogated. "Do we stay here or keep riding?"

"It's only ten o'clock," Brian informed her. "We still have like seven or so hours left until supper, therefore we have plenty of time to get home."

"What if we never get home?" Lenore panicked. "What if we're lost forever and ever and never get to see our Mom's and Dad's again?"

"Lenore, we'll get home eventually!" Brian snapped. "Now stop panicking 'cause you'll just make our situation even worse."

"Sorry," Lenore apologized. "You know I don't like not knowing where I am when we're without an adult."

"Don't worry, okay?" Brian said. "I promise you we'll be home in time for supper, now c'mon, I'm pretty sure home is this way."

"Okay," Lenore sighed. "But if we get in trouble, it's your fault 'cause you led us here."

"Fine!" Brian stated. "Now c'mon." They rode their bikes around for quite awhile until they found themselves on some sort of highway, which had the odd car go down it. "This place looks kinda familiar, but I dunno why."

"It looks kinda familiar to me too," Lenore piped up. "I think I've been here before, but not on my bike, in a car." They continued on down the road carefully avoiding the odd rock or hole that was in their way. Suddenly Lenore felt herself flying, for her bike had hit a deep hole she hadn't seen. She flew over her handlebars, with the bike flipping up in the air with her. She somehow accidentally hit Brian with her bike and sent him flying into a ditch, as she landed hard on the pavement, with both her legs stuck in her bike. "Brian?" She called. "Where are you? Are you okay?"

Brian could hear her calling him, but couldn't answer right away, for he'd knocked the wind out of himself and was kind of eating leaves and dirt. Once he could breathe again, he spit the leaves and dirt out of his mouth and stood up. "I got thrown in the ditch, but I'm okay!" He shouted. "Are you alright?"

"I'm stuck!" Lenore yelled. "My legs are caught in my bike somehow and I can't move!"

"Hold on, I'll be there to help ya in a minute!" Brian called back. "Just let me climb outta this here ditch!" A few minutes later he reached the top of the ditch, only to see Lenore lying in the middle of the road, with her legs caught in her bike. He quickly ran over to help her out. "Need help? He joked. "Or would ya rather just lie here all day?"

"Brian!" Lenore groaned. "Ya know I need help, now can ya please get my legs out of my bike, they're starting to hurt."

"They aren't broken, are they?" Brian asked worriedly. "If they are we shouldn't move 'em."

"They're not broken Duckie, they're just stuck tight," Lenore assured him. "Can you please hurry, I think I hear a car coming."

"On this road?" Brian laughed. "Since when do cars come down here? This has got to be the most deserted highway I've ever seen."

Lenore giggled, "Very funny. Now could ya kindly get me outta here?"

Brian then started to try and unhook her legs from her bike, but they were wedged in tight. "I think you're stuck here for awhile; I can't get your legs out, I dunno how you fell, but they're in there and they ain't coming out."

"BRIAN!" Lenore screeched suddenly. "CAR!"

Brian turned to see a pickup truck roaring down the deserted highway straight towards them. "Hang on, I'll try and move ya off the road 'cause I don't think the truck's gonna stop!" Brian started to drag her off of the road, but realized he wasn't going fast enough.

"DUCKIE!" Lenore shrieked. "HURRY!"

"I'M TRYING BUNNY!" Brian shouted. "I'M TRYING!"

"WE'RE GONNA DIE!" Lenore cried hysterically. "WE'RE GONNA DIE!"

"WE'RE NOT GONNA DIE!" Brian hollered. "WE'LL MAKE IT!" Just as he finally got her moving again he heard the truck tires squeal as the driver tried to stop to keep from hitting them.

"AAAHHHHH!" Lenore screamed just as the truck stopped inches from the two of them. "BRIAN!"

"It's okay Bunny," Brian said as he bent down and hugged her. "We're okay; you're okay."

"Oh my God!" Lenore sobbed, as she buried her head in his chest. "I thought we were gonna die!"

"Shh. Its okay, it's okay," Brian re-assured her. "We're still alive."

"What are you two doing way out here without an adult?" A familiar voice queried. "Are you okay?"

Brian looked up, then let out a relieved sigh. "Hey Uncle Gerald."

"Is she okay?" Gerald Sr. questioned. "What happened?"

"She fell off her bike, sent me flying into a ditch, and she's now stuck in her bike," Brian rambled. "My bike's still in the ditch, I looked like a dead scarecrow, 'cause I was eating dirt and leaves and couldn't move 'cause I'd knocked the wind outta me."

"Need help?" Gerald Sr. asked a sobbing Lenore, who was still lying on the road. "They're not broken, are they?"

"No," Lenore choked out. "Just sore, can you please get them out?"

Gerald Sr. then went to work on getting her legs unhooked from her bike. Ten minutes later all was well, and they were all now in the truck heading back to the Richardson household. Once there Gerald Sr. called their parents to let them know what had happened at that they were both safe. Lenore and Brian ended up staying for supper; then they wound up spending the week with the Richardson family, then went home with their parents that weekend.

_Chapter 11: PMS_

"Brian, would you leave me alone already!" eleven-year old Lenore snapped. "Jeez, how many times do I have to tell you, I can't and don't wanna go swimming!"

"Excuse me for asking ya what ya wanted to do!" twelve-year old Brian retorted. "Must I remind you, your birthday's less than a month away and if you want a good gift, you'd best be nice to me."

"I said, leave me alone!" Lenore riposted. "I don't wanna do anything today!"

"Why not?" Brian interrogated. "You got PMS or something?"

"I wish it were that something," Lenore moaned. "This is more painful than I though it'd be."

"You…" Brian trailed off.

Lenore nodded, "Unfortunately, yes."

"Oh God," Brian groaned. "Now three weeks outta four a month are gonna be a living H-E-double hockey sticks for me."

"Sorry!" Lenore rejoined rudely. "It's not my fault I'm a girl!"

"I didn't say it was," Brian replicated. "Jeez, ya ain't gotta take it out on me ya know."

"Sorry," Lenore apologized. "I've been kinda moody lately; my mom says it's 'cause of my evil friend here."

"So, what's it like to be a woman?" Brian queried. "Is it as great as you'd thought it'd be?"

"It's a living H-E-double hockey sticks!" Lenore informed him. "My stomach hurts like heck!"

"You just wanna watch a movie then?" Brian questioned. "Or do ya wanna play a board game or something?"

"How 'bout a game of b-ball?" Lenore interrogated. "Maybe that'll get my mind off the cramps for awhile."

"Okay, let's go then!" Brian exclaimed. "I'll get the ball; we can shoot hoops right here in our driveway 'cause Dad fixed our net."

"He did?" Lenore replied. "Great, hurry up and get the ball then!"

The two of them played b-ball until it was time for supper, they returned to their game again after supper and played until it was time for them to go in for bed.

_Chapter 12: Sisters

(A.N.: My sister's really twelve & loves all five BSB members, including Brian, even though her fave is Nick)

"What do you mean you hate Brian?" Twelve-year old Lenore demanded. "How can you hate such a lovable guy?"

"He's disgusting!" Nine-year old Nikki retorted. "He's weird, and ugly, and stupid!"

"He is not!" Lenore shouted. "How dare you insult my very best friend like that!"

"I'm not insulting him, I'm only stating the truth!" Nikki riposted. "He's also the meanest guy in the world!"

"He's not mean!" Lenore cried. "He's the sweetest guy alive! How in the world can you say all this mean stuff 'bout him?"

"It's all true, that's why!" Nikki yelled. "If you ask me, Harold and Kevin are way better!"

"That's only 'cause you've got crushes on 'em!" Lenore screamed. "I can't believe they even like you, considering you're always rude to Brian and try to get him into trouble everytime you see him!"

"What do you care?" Nikki interrogated angrily. "At least you're not getting into trouble!"

"He's my bestest best friend, that's why!" Lenore growled. "If you hate Brian, then I hate you!"

"You can't hate me!" Nikki screeched. "I'm family!"

"As far as I'm concerned Brian's more apart of this family than you are!" Lenore shrieked. "You never wanna do anything with me any ways, so why should I like you!"

"Because I'm your sister!" Nikki reminded her. "That's why!"

"Yeah, well, for your information, Brian was the first outta all us kids to hold you!" Lenore stated. "He even sang to you, and told me not to feel jealous; he used to try and protect you from danger!"

"I don't care!" Nikki rejoined. "I hate him and that's final!"

"Then I'm no longer your sister!" Lenore bellowed. "Maybe by blood, but that's it. I also refuse to acknowledge your presence from now on, unless Mom and Dad are around and say I have to talk to you!"

"Fine!" Nikki riposted.

"Fine!" Lenore replicated before storming out of the house to go find Brian, so that they could do something together as usual.

_Chapter 13: Bullies_

"Hey Runt!" fifteen-year old Bobby Brown called. "Why ain't ya in kindy-garten?"

"I'm just not, okay?" Lenore snapped. "Now leave me alone!"

"Well, you should be!" Bobby yelled. "You're so short, you're probably shorter than a two-year old! You can't be that good at anything either."

"I'm not that short!" Lenore snapped. "How would you know what I'm good at?"

"I'm King of the world, that's why!" Bobby retorted. "I know everything!"

"Yeah, whatever!" Lenore riposted. "I don't care what you think, ya ain't King of the world!"

Bobby strode up to her. "I am too King of the world, and you're gonna be my Queen."

"No I ain't," Lenore rejoined, starting to walk away. "I ain't never gonna be your Queen, not even for all the money in the world!"

Bobby grabbed her arm and pulled her back towards him. "Oh yes you are Missy, you're gonna do as I say from now on, or your precious Brian will be grounded to a pulp."

Lenore glared at him. "Ya wouldn't dare!"

"How much ya wanna bet?" Bobby challenged. "He's just as short as you, therefore he can't be all that strong or fast."

Lenore laughed to herself, "If only you knew how fast and strong he is."

"What are you laughing 'bout my Queen?" Bobby interrogated. "The thought of your friend having the crud beaten outta him?"

"No." Lenore said flatly. "The thought of you thinking I'm gonna be your Queen, just 'cause you've threatened to hurt my best friend."

"Why you little… "Bobby trailed off as he punched her in the stomach. He continued to beat her up until finally the bell rang, signaling that recess was over. "Don't even think 'bout telling anyone it was me either, or I'll beat ya up again!"

Lenore collapsed to the ground and lay there, knowing she'd probably get in trouble for being late, but she didn't care. She'd tried to fight back, but Bobby was stronger than she'd thought. Sure she was used to having boys beat her up, for she did pretty much have five older brothers (Jerald Jr., Tim, Kevin, Harold Jr., and Brian), but they'd always taken it easy when she was there with them. She lied there until she heard familiar voices, which sounded quite worried, as to why she hadn't come in after recess.

"Lenore!" Brian cried when he spotted her lying on the ground. "What happened to you?"

Lenore winced, "Nothing."

"Sure, and I'm the Easter Bunny," Chris retorted. "Now c'mon, who did this to you?"

"No one," Lenore gasped. "I…I can't say."

"We best get you inside then," Brian replicated. The two of them then took her to the teacher's bathroom and cleaned her up the best they could. Once they'd finished in the bathroom they returned to class; when they entered they were met by questioning stares.

"What happened?" Mrs. Parsons (their grade 7 teacher) asked. "Why is she all messed up?"

"We found her lying out in the middle of the playground," Chris replied. "She won't tell us what happened or who did this to her."

"Lenore, what happened?" Mrs. Parsons queried. "Who did this to you?"

"I did," Lenore lied. "I fell flat on my face while playing, and knocked the wind outta myself."

Brian and Chris looked at Mrs. Parsons, who looked back at them. The three of them knew she was lying, but weren't sure as to why.

Two days later…..

"Hey Queeny!" Bobby yelled. "I heard ya lied to your teacher and friends 'bout what happened; good job!"

"Whatever," Lenore sighed, for she still felt bad for lying. "Now if you excuse me, I have to go."

"Where?" Bobby interrogated. "You're supposed to go where I go, not where you wanna go."

"I'm shooting hoops with friends, which is something you don't have," Lenore riposted. "I can see why too, you're too mean and stupid to keep any."

"Why I outta…" Bobby began. "Ya know what happened last time ya bad mouthed me."

"Yeah, so?" Lenore shot back. "It ain't gonna happen again, that's for sure."

"It will, if ya don't keep ya big mouth shut!" Bobby roared. "So I advise ya to keep it shut starting now!"

"You're not my boss!" Lenore snapped. "I ain't doing nothing for ya! You're just a big old jerk, who has no self esteem whatsoever; therefore you have to pick on people in order to feel better about yourself! Well, sorry bub, but that just ain't how it works!"

"That's it!" Bobby hollered. "You're gonna get it now!" He then chased her around the playground, until finally he caught up to her and knocked her to the ground. He then started to beat her up again, enjoying every minute of it.

Meanwhile, Brian and Chris were shooting hoops and waiting for Lenore to show up so they could get on with their game. After about half an hour (they have an hour for lunch) they split up to go look for her. Brian finally spotted her being beat up by Bully Bobby, and knew he had to help her out fast. He raced over to where they were and pounced on Bobby's back and started to punch him. "Leave her alone!" Brian shouted. "Leave her alone!"

Chris could hear Brian shouting at someone; once he spotted him (Brian) fighting with Bobby and Lenore lying face down on the ground he ran to get a teacher. He eventually found Mr. Patterson, who immediately followed Chris after he'd (Chris) explained what was wrong. They went over to where this big crowd had gathered and they could hear people chanting 'Fight, fight, fight!' Mr. Patterson pried Bobby off of Brian, who immediately dashed to Lenore's side, and helped her up. The three of them were told to accompany him (Mr. Patterson) to the office, where they could explain what was going on there. Chris followed so that he could state what he'd seen, so that they'd have more solid proof.

In the Principal's office…..

"What's this I hear you two boys were fighting?" Mr. Hawkins queried. "I'd like for each of you to tell your side of the story before I decide on what to do with you."

"I'll go first!" Bobby insisted. "I was playing with Lenore here, when all of a sudden, for no reason at all Brian pounced on my back and started to punch me."

"What do you have to say to that Brian?" Mr. Hawkins asked. "What's your side of the story?"

"Chris and I were waiting for Lenore to show up so we could play our game of b-ball. When she didn't show up, Chris and I split up to go find her, so we could start our game," Brian started. "When I found her, she was lying face down on the ground, and Bobby was beating the crud outta her. I got mad and jumped on Bobby's back to try and stop him from hurting her anymore, then he started pounding me."

"I saw Bobby beating Brian up," Chris piped up. "When I couldn't find Lenore, I decided to find Brian. I found him fighting with Bobby and Lenore lying face down on the ground eating dirt."

"Thank-you for your input Chris," Mr. Hawkins replicated. "You may go back to class now."

"Okay," Chris said as he got up and left. "Bye."

"Lenore what's your story?" Mr. Hawkins questioned. "Has this happened to you before?"

"This is the second time in two days Bobby's beaten me up," Lenore admitted. "He beat me up 'cause I insulted him 'cause he wouldn't leave me alone. He told me if I told anyone that it was him, he'd hurt Brian and beat me up again. He's beaten me up quite a few times this year though, most of the time it's for no reason at all or 'cause I'm defending some little kid he's picking on."

"Bobby, you shall stay here with me while I call your parents, for I've had numerous complaints against you this year," Mr. Hawkins stated. "Brian, I'm letting you off with a warning, no more fighting, it doesn't solve anything."

"Yes Mr. Hawkins," Brian rejoined thankfully. "I won't, I promise to try and avoid it from now on."

"Lenore," Mr. Hawkins continued. "If this ever happens again, let some one on our staff know immediately, and we'll put an end to it right away. You shouldn't have to come to school in fear of being beat up."

"Yes Mr. Hawkins," Lenore answered. "I will, I promise."

"The two of you may go back to class now," Mr. Hawkins told them. "And make sure this never happens again or you'll both be getting detentions."

"Yes Mr. Hawkins," they replicated as they scurried out of his office.

"Phew. That was close," Brian sighed. "I though for sure he was gonna call my mom and dad."

"I'm sorry I lied to you Brian," Lenore apologized. "I would've told you, but I was afraid he really would hurt you."

"It's okay Lenore," Brian assured her. "It's done and over with. Now let's go get you cleaned up some before we go back to class."

"Okay, but no laughing when I complain 'cause it stings," Lenore verified. "Deal?"

"Deal!" Brian said as they did their secret handshake. "I promise, no laughing."

Chapter 14: Fishing And Something Special For Someone Special

(Part 1)

"Hey Lenore, want me to bait your hook?" fourteen-year old Brian asked. "This way you can get your line in the water before me and maybe catch the first fish."

"Sure," fourteen-year old Lenore answered. "Ya know I ain't gonna touch the dang worm."

Brian baited her hook, then handed her fishing rod back to her. "There ya go, the worm's on and I don't think he's gonna fall off anytime soon."

"Thanks Duckie," Lenore responded. "I bet ya I'm gonna catch the first fish!"

"No ya ain't, I am!" Brian insisted as he tossed his line into the water. "And no butt fish this time Bunny."

"Like I really wanna catch your butt on my line again," Lenore said sarcastically. "I don't think so bub, then again, who would."

"I know plenty of girls who'd like to have my butt as the catch of the day!" Brian retorted. "You should consider yourself lucky that you caught me instead of a fish that you could've ended up accidentally killing."

"Very funny Bri," Lenore stated dryly. "I don't kill 'em on purpose; it's not my fault they get themselves stuck on the line and lose all that blood."

"I didn't say it was," Brian replicated. "I just said you should feel lucky you caught me instead."

"Am I supposed to feel privileged or something?" Lenore rejoined. "Whoa! I think I caught something!"

Brian asked, "Need help reeling it in?"

"YES!" Lenore shouted as she just about fell into the water because of whatever it was she'd caught. "HELP!"

Brian set his fishing rod down on the ground, then quickly went over to help her. "Hold on, I'm coming." He reached her just in time because she just about lost her footing on the rock she was standing on. Brian grabbed her around the waist, and steadied her, before placing his hands (he's behind her, so his arms are around her, to make sure she doesn't fall in) on the handle over hers. "K, let's try this again."

Lenore grunted as they both began to reel her catch in. "This thing's heavy."

"No kidding," Brian managed between grunts. "Here it comes." They finally were able to pull the fish in, and onto the rocks with them. "Holy shish kebabs!"

"Hurry and get the camera Bri!" Lenore exclaimed. "We need a picture to prove I caught one this big!"

Brian ran over and got their camera from his knapsack, then ran back to where she was to get a picture of her and the fish. "There we go, now hold him up high."

"Whatcha think I am, nuts?" Lenore questioned. "I ain't touching him! Now please get the hook outta his mouth before he ends up dying here."

Brian set the camera down after taking the picture. "Okay, I'll save him for ya." He then got the fish off of the hook, and helped him (fish) back into the water. "There ya go Bunny, he's safe and sound, until the next fisher catches him."

"Hopefully he's smart enough not to get caught anymore," Lenore riposted. "I hope he doesn't get caught again later on."

"Ya never know, now if ya excuse me I gotta check my line," Brian then went back over to his spot on the rocks, placed the camera back in his bag, then picked his rod up off the ground. "Hey I think I caught one too!" He reeled his line in, only to find a boot hanging off of his hook. "Ah nuts!"

Lenore laughed, "You sure caught something all right!"

Brian tossed it aside, "Oh well, maybe this time I'll catch a fish." He then threw his line back into the water.

Two hours later, both of them were getting bored, so they decided to pack up and head home. They gathered there things, then carefully climbed off of the rocks. As they were climbing off the rocks Brian slipped and accidentally dropped the bucket of worms, which flew back a little causing for some of the worms to land on Lenore, who immediately started to scream.

"Get 'em off!" Lenore screamed. "Get 'em off!"

"Hold on a sec," Brian replied. "Let me get up first."

"EEW!" Lenore shrieked. "GET 'EM OFF!"

"I'm coming Bunny," Brian informed her. "They ain't gonna hurt you."

Lenore started to cry. "Bri-yuhn get 'em off me! Please get 'em off!"

Brian was at her side in a matter of seconds; he quickly started to brush the worms off of her. He stopped, when he realized the last one was on her chest. "Umm…uh…eh…"

"I don't care Duckie, just please get it off," Lenore cried. "It's making me feel sick."

Brian swiped the worm off of her chest, then wrapped her into a hug. "It's okay Bunny, they can't hurt you."

"They were so ugly!" Lenore whimpered. "I hate 'em so much."

"C'mon, let's go home now," Brian told her after wiping her tears away with his thumbs and kissing her cheek. "I know ya probably wanna have a shower to get rid of the slimy feeling."

"Okay," Lenore replicated. They then picked their stuff back up, and continued on their way home. Once they got home Lenore dashed for the shower and returned just as Brian finished putting everything away. They then retrieved Chris from his house, and went to the park to shoot hoops with Harold and his friends.

(Part 2)

Brian watched as Lenore joked around with Harold Jr. and laughed as Chris tried to tickle her. He knew he'd fallen in love with her long ago, but didn't know whether or not she felt the same way. He wanted so badly to tell her, but was afraid he'd lose her friendship if she didn't feel the same way about him. He sat down and started to write, which was something he'd been doing quite a lot of lately. This is what he wrote:

Remember when we never needed each other

The best of friends

Like sister and brother

We understood

We'd never be alone

Those days are gone

Now I want you so much

The night is long

And I need your touch

Don't know what to say

Never meant to feel this way

Don't wanna be alone tonight


What can I do to make you mine

Falling so hard, so fast this time

What did I say, what did you do

How did I fall in love with you


I hear your voice

And I start to tremble

Brings back the child that I resemble

I can not pretend that we can still be friends

Don't wanna be alone tonight


Oh I wanna say this right

And it has to be tonight

Just need you to know

I don't wanna live this lie

I don't wanna say good-bye

With you I wanna spend the rest of my life


What can I do to make you mine

Falling so hard, so fast this time

Everything's changed, we never knew

How did I fall in love with you

Once he'd finished, he read it over, then sighed, for he loved her so much, yet knew that she'd never know unless he finally had the guts to tell her. He placed the song in his pocket, as he'd done with many others he had written for her, and like he always did, prayed that she wouldn't reach into his pocket and find the folded up piece of paper.

Chapter 15: High School

"Are you sure we have all our classes together?" Lenore asked worriedly. "I don't wanna be in any class unless you're in it with me."

"All our classes are the same Lenore," Brian assured her. "Our elementary teachers made sure we'd be together."

"Thank God for that," Lenore sighed relieved. "Otherwise I'd be afraid to go to class."

"There's nothing to be afraid of," Brian verified. "It's just school, but bigger and with more teachers."

"I know, but still," Lenore replicated. "I dunno why, but I've gotta bad feeling 'bout all of this."

"Maybe you'll make some new friends," Brian riposted. "Then you'll have a girlfriend to share all your secrets with."

"A girlfriend would be nice," Lenore agreed. "But you'd still be the only one I'd tell all my secrets too 'cause you're the only one I really trust."

"Don't ya trust Chris or Harold?" Brian interrogated. "Ya know Harold's here in grade thirteen 'cause he wanted the extra year."

"I know Harold's here," Lenore rejoined. "I trust him and Chris both, but not as much as I trust you; I trust you more than anyone in this world."

"I dunno why we're arguing 'bout it 'cause I trust you more than anyone too," Brian stated. "Let's just get to class before we're late."

"We haven't gone to our lockers yet," Lenore reminded him. "We're still trying to find them, remember?"

"Oh yeah," Brian answered. "Well, let's hurry up and find 'em." They finally found their lockers, which were side by side. "Which one's mine again?"

"Three Twenty-one," Lenore informed him. "Mine's three twenty." They quickly opened their lockers and placed their stuff inside, grabbed the binder they'd need for their first class, then raced around the school trying to find the right room. They eventually found the classroom they were supposed to be in, shortly after the last bell rang signaling that they were both late. They dashed into their classroom totally out of breath and looked around at their fellow classmates.

"Hello," Mr. Rantz, their grade nine science teacher, said as they came into the room. "I take it you two had trouble finding your way around."

"Uh, yeah," Brian responded. "We kinda got lost, sorry we're late."

"That's okay, just tell me your names and then you can take a seat," Mr. Rantz instructed. "I'm afraid you'll be sitting up front though, because no one else took the seat right in front of my desk."

"That's okay," Brian answered. "My name's Brian Littrell, and this is my best friend Lenore Crowder. She's a little shy right now 'cause she's still kinda nervous 'bout this whole high school thing."

"Pleased to meet you Brian, Lenore," Mr. Rantz replied. "I'm your science teacher Mr. Rantz."

The two of them sat down in their seats for the announcements, and paid close attention as class began soon after their national anthem.

Chapter 16: An Unexpected Death

"Brian, I'm afraid I have some bad news," Jackie started all teary-eyed. "Your Aunt Ann called earlier to tell me that your Uncle Gerald is in the Hospital dying from cancer."

"W…W…what?" Brian stuttered. "U…Uncle G…Gerald?"

"I'm afraid so dear," Jackie replied pulling him into a tight hug. "We knew he was sick, but didn't exactly know how sick until just recently."

"Why Uncle Gerald?" Brian pondered to himself, before asking, "How's Aunt Ann, Jerald Jr., Tim, and Kevin?"

"Not too good my Baby Duck," Jackie responded. "Kevin's flying back tomorrow to see his dad and Jerald and Tim are coming back home too."

"Does Lenore and her family know 'bout Uncle Gerald yet?" Brian questioned. "Have you told them yet?"

"I've told her parents, and I'm sure they've told Nikki," Jackie began. "But as for Lenore, she slept over at a friends house last night and isn't home yet, so she won't know about Uncle Gerald until she gets home."

"I wanna see Uncle Gerald," Brian told his mom. "I wanna go see him and tell him I love him." (p) "We're gonna go see him later," Jackie informed him. "I think the Crowders are gonna go and see him later too."

Meanwhile in the Crowder household, Lenore was being informed that her favourite 'almost' Uncle was dying of cancer.

"He…he…he's what?" Lenore stammered. "U…U…Uncle Gerald?"

"I'm afraid so Pumpkin," Debbie said sadly. "We knew he was really sick, but we never expected for him to die from it."

"I wanna see Uncle Gerald," Lenore stated firmly. "Whether or not you want me to, I'm gonna go see him and tell him how much he means to me."

"We're all gonna go see him later," Debbie told her. "Kevin, Jerald Jr., and Tim are coming home tomorrow to see him."

"Kevin's coming?" Lenore asked. "I wanna see him too."

"We'll see Lenore," Debbie replied. "I don't know if he wants to see anyone but family just yet."

"I am family!" Lenore insisted before running next door to find Brian. She ran into the house, running smack dab into eighteen-year old Harold, who looked as though he'd been crying. "Uh, sorry Harold."

"Watch where you're going runt," Harold joked halfheartedly. "And learn to close the door, you've been coming over here for sixteen years now, and have still yet to learn to shut the door behind ya."

"Sorry Harold," Lenore replied. "I'm…uh…sorry 'bout Uncle Gerald too."

Harold pulled her into a hug, as he started to cry again. "We're gonna go see him later, you wanna come?"

"I think we're gonna go later on too," Lenore verified. "But if we aren't, I wanna go with you guys, and I wanna see him again tomorrow."

"I'm sure he'd like that," Harold replicated. "If you're looking for Brian, he's in the kitchen with Mom and Dad."

"Thanks Har (pronounced~hair~)," Lenore responded before going on into the kitchen. "Uh, hey Mom, hey Dad, hey Bri."

"Hey Lenore," Harold Sr. answered. "I take it you've already heard the news."

"Uh, yeah," Lenore rejoined. "My Mom just told me, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault," Jackie riposted. "You have nothing to be sorry for, he's just as much your Uncle as he his Harold's or Brian's."

"Yeah, I know, but still," Lenore replicated. "Uh, Bri, you wanna go shoot hoops or something?"

"I dunno Lenni," Brian sighed. "I mean, I think I'm still kinda in shock."

Lenore looked pleadingly at him, "Please Bri?"

Brian acknowledged her pleading look and sighed again. "Okay, fine, we'll shoot hoops." The two of them then left to play b-ball in their driveways.

The next day…..

(A.N.: neither family visited Gerald Sr. yesterday, because they were too upset and when they called, Ann told them he was getting some well deserved rest. They all go today though, including Nikki, who was never as close to him as the others.)

"Who wants to go see him first?" The nurse interrogated. "I'm afraid you can only go one at a time."

"I'll go first," Nikki offered. "I probably won't take as long as everyone else." Nikki then followed the nurse into Gerald's room, and smiled when she saw him. "Hey, how's it going?"

"Okay," Gerald Sr. replicated. "How are you? How's the family?"

"I'm doing okay," Nikki responded. "As for the family, well, you'll see for yourself soon."

"I'm sorry I won't be here for your thirteenth birthday," Gerald Sr. apologized. "I'd like to be, but at this rate, I don't think I will be."

"You'll be there, just only in spirit instead of literally," Nikki informed him. "Well, I really dunno what else to say."

"That's okay, I'm just glad you came to visit," Gerald Sr. replicated. "I really appreciate it."

Nikki started to cry then. "I don't want you to die! You mean more to me than everyone thinks, I just never knew how to show it, and for that I'm sorry."

Gerald Sr. signaled for her to come closer to him and then hugged her. "You don't have to be sorry for anything."

"I love you…Uncle Gerald," Nikki stated. "I always have and I always will."

"I love you too," Gerald Sr. clarified, shocked that after all these years she'd finally called him Uncle Gerald. "Now c'mon, no more tears, I'm not dead yet."

Nikki hugged him one last time, then went back out to the waiting room so someone else could go in and visit him. Lenore went in next, for she wanted for her turn to be done and over with because she hated Hospitals.

"Hey Uncle Gerald," she said as she entered the room. "I hope you get through this."

"You can come closer Lenore," he riposted. "I don't bite, much."

Lenore smiled a little, "Unless it's Aunt Ann's homemade chili." She then sat down on the side of his bed, even though she was kind of afraid she'd hurt him by doing so.

Gerald Sr. laughed, "Yep. So, how are ya doing?"

"Not too good," Lenore replied. "I don't wanna lose you, you mean a whole lot to me. You were there for me at times when no one, not even Brian, was. I appreciate everything you've ever done for me, and just wanna say you're my fave 'almost' Uncle. I've seen you more over the years than I've seen my own biological Uncles, but I think that's mainly 'cause you live closer, and aren't afraid I'm gonna try and burn the house down again. I love you Kevin's Daddy, and wish you didn't have to go." She then leaned over and hugged him tight.

"I wish I didn't have to go either, but we all have to go at some time," Gerald Sr. sighed. "I love you too Sweetie." He waved to her as she left, and wasn't too surprised when Brian came in next.

"Hi Uncle Gerald," Brian whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too Brian, you're one of my favourite nephews," Gerald Sr. rejoined. "You take good care of Lenore for me, ya hear?"

"Yes Uncle Gerald," Brian replied. "I'll take good care of her for ya, I promise. I'll take good care of Mom and Dad too."

"There's a boy," Gerald Sr. riposted. "Now run along and send one of the other's in, I don't want no tears from ya just yet either, ya got that?"

"Got it Uncle Gerald," Brian answered as he left. "I love ya lots!" After Brian, Jackie went in, then Harold Sr.; Harold Jr. followed shortly after, then Tim (Crowder), Debbie, Jerald Jr., Tim (Richardson), Ann, and finally Kevin.

"Hey Dad," Kevin said with tears in his eyes, for it hurt him so much to see his Dad hooked up to all these weird machines. "How ya doing?"

"Kevin, my boy!" Gerald Sr. exclaimed. "To tell ya the truth, I've been better, way better."

A few minutes went by where neither one of them said anything.

"Son, I want you to take real good care of your Mom for me, okay?" Gerald Sr. told him breaking the silence. "I know that's not exactly what you wanna hear right now, but I've got to get it off my chest."

"I will Dad, I promise you, I'll take real good care of Mom," Kevin assured him. "I won't ever let you down Dad."

"I know you won't, that's why I asked you son," Gerald Sr. replied as tears formed in his eyes, tears that he didn't want his youngest son to see. "Now c'mon over here and give me a hug."

Kevin walked over to his Dad and hugged him tight. "I'll miss ya Dad, I love you so much." Kevin then broke down and started to cry; he turned away, for he was ashamed to be crying in front of his Dad.

Gerald Sr. watched as he youngest son started to cry, and felt his own eyes flood with tears. "Kevin, son, it's gonna be all right."

Kevin looked back at his father, who was now also crying. "It's not gonna be all right Dad; it's gonna be weird with out ya here, who else am I supposed to go to for advice."

"You still have your mother and your brothers, "Gerald Sr. reminded him. "You also have your Aunts, Uncles and cousins."

"It's not gonna be the same," Kevin trailed off.

Gerald Sr. sighed, "I know it's not gonna be the same, but you'll have to try and deal with it."

"I will Dad," Kevin re-assured him. "I'll do the best I can to keep the family together for ya."

"Thanks son," Gerald Sr. replied. "I'll see ya later."

"Bye Dad, I love ya," Kevin stated as he left the room. Once he'd left the room his mother went back in to see his Dad; it was then he noticed just how many people were sitting in the waiting room. He saw his family, Brian's family, family friends, then he spotted Lenore's family, but didn't see Lenore anywhere. "Where's Lenore?" He asked. "I could have sworn I'd seen her here earlier."

"She went outside," Tim (Lenore's Dad) told him. "She couldn't stand staying in the Hospital any longer, so she said she was gonna go for a walk."

Kevin nodded, and then he too went outside to get some air. He spotted Lenore almost immediately after he stepped outside of the Hospital doors; she was sitting under a tree watching all the people and cars go by. He went over and quietly sat down next to her, he watched as she looked up at him with red eyes, then quickly looked away.

Lenore had seen Kevin sit down next to her, but didn't know what to say, so instead she just glanced at him. She'd quickly looked away after he'd met her gaze, for she didn't want anyone to know she'd been crying. She felt Kevin take her hand and give it a little squeeze, but still she didn't say anything.

Kevin hadn't expected Lenore to say anything when he'd taken her hand in his, but had kind of hoped she'd at least look at him, but no such luck, she seemed to turn away from him even more. He finally decided to speak. "Lenore?"

Lenore turned and looked at Kevin, crawled into his lap, and then started to sob her heart out. She felt him put his arms around her and was glad for the hug, she glanced up and noticed he was crying too, which made her cry even harder. The two of them sat like that until everyone else had come out and left, Kevin had told them that he'd bring her home later on, and that if Brian wanted he could stay with them. Brian stayed and the three of them returned home later on that night completely exhausted.

The next day they visited Gerald Sr. again, then most of them left for they had other things to do, even though they weren't as important they still had to be done. Two days later, they got a call from Ann, saying that Gerald Sr. had died in his sleep from the cancer. They all went to his funeral and promised to never ever forget him, for he'd been such a strong, kind, caring, respectful, and loving man, who'd had strong morals that he'd raised his sons up with.

Chapter 17: Friends/Enemies

"Lenore, what's wrong?" Brian queried as he sat down next to her. "Why are you crying?"

She sniffled, "Nothing's wrong."

"Don't lie, ya know I don't lie liars," Brian stated. "Now c'mon, what's wrong?"

"If ya don't like liars, then you'll hate my so called friends," Lenore replicated bitterly. "They're the major liars, not me!"

"What do ya mean?" Brian asked confused. "I though y'all were good friends?"

"We were, until now," Lenore rejoined. "I found out that they were using me."

"How were they using you?" Brian questioned. "I thought they were your best friends?"

"You're my only best friend," Lenore riposted. "Half of them were just using me to get closer to you, 'cause they wanna go out with you. The others were just going along with the gag, and it turns out they were talking 'bout me behind my back. They also only wanted to get the homemade goodies which I usually bring in, and stupid me was nice enough to share the food with 'em."

"They used you to try and get to me?" Brian acknowledged. "Why those no good lowdown dirt bags! How dare they use you like that, they've no right to treat you like that!"

"Yeah, well, they did," Lenore replied. "And now you and Chris are the only friends I've got in this world again. And don't say your other friends like me 'cause I know they don't, and I only like some of them 'cause they at least say hi to me in the halls."

"Guess it just goes to show ya who your true friends are, and which ones aren't," Brian stated. "I still can't believe they'd all treat ya like that!"

Lenore watched as he stood up. "Brian, where ya going?"

"To give those no good so called friends a piece of my mind!" Brian retorted. "Stay here, I'll be back in a few minutes." He then went off in search of the girls who'd been saying they were Lenore's friends for the past two years. He finally found them sitting around the picnic table they'd all claimed when they were in grade nine.

"Hey Brian," Kelsey flirted. "You wanna go out later?"

"No!" Brian snapped. "I'm busy later; I've made plans to do something with Lenore."

"You always have plans with Lenore," Kelsey complained. "You never spend time with anyone else, unless it's like Chris or Cindy."

"What do you care?" Brian interrogated. "You're not one of my friends and never will be!"

"Why not?" Cynthia asked. "Don't you like us anymore Brian?"

"No!" Brian growled. "Not after what you did to Lenore; how dare you use her like that!"

"Who told you we were using her?" Natalie queried worriedly. "We sure didn't."

"Give it up, your scam's been revealed!" Brian snarled. "I can't believe you can use someone like that, make them think you're their friends, then treat 'em like trash!"

"Yeah, well, it's easy ain't it?" Shirley smirked. "She sure is gullible to believe that anyone in this school would ever actually want her as a friend!"

"I thought y'all were more mature than that, but I guess I was wrong!" Brian yelled. "You're all nothing but no good evil jerks, who don't know what a real friend is!"

"Mind telling us exactly what a real friend is then Brian?" Jolene retorted. "Is it someone who gets mad when you leave 'em outta your plans, someone who gets jealous when you have a girlfriend? Is it someone who has to have you all to themselves, someone who refuses to share you with the rest of the world?"

"In a way yes," Brian riposted thinking of how those kind of applied to Lenore. "A real friend is someone who's always there for you, someone who trusts you, someone who cares enough to only wanna see you happy, someone who likes you for who you are and not what you try to be! That's a real friend, and if you ask me, Lenore's all of that and much more, but you're all just to blind and stupid to realize that!" He then turned around and stormed off, he was so mad at the fact that someone could hurt his very best friend like that. He returned to the tree he'd left Lenore sitting under and sat down next to her.

Lenore looked over at Brian with tears still in her green eyes, for she'd watched him go over and tell the girls off. She knew he was her real friend, he always had been and always would be no matter what. She was glad to have him as one of her only friends, and knew that he hated seeing people treat her the way they did.

Brian looked up to find Lenore looking at him, with a little smile on her face even though she was still really upset. He smiled warmly back at her, then pulled her closer to him; he hugged her tightly as she tried to stop crying. They sat there together until the bell rang signaling for them to go to their lockers, after going to their lockers they headed to their next class. They went to their next class hand in hand, they took their seats, which were right next to one another, and pushed them together after making sure it was okay with the teacher. During the rest of the day, everytime they were in the same class, they'd keep glancing over at one another; Brian wanted to make sure Lenore was okay, and Lenore wanted to make sure that Brian was still there next to her.

Chapter 18: A Golden Opportunity

(Part 1)

Brian was in his American History class talking to Lenore and a few other friends, when an announcement came over the P.A. system. He ignored it like he usually did, for it was the middle of class and he was deep in discussion. His thoughts were interrupted when the teacher called his name.

"Brian, you're wanted at the office," Mrs. Steele informed him.

Brian looked at her confused. "Me? Why?"

"They didn't say," Mrs. Steele replied. "They just said you're to go to the office."

Brian stood up, then walked out of class, no sooner was he out of the room than did he hear Lenore call for him to wait up.

"Mrs. Steele said I can come with you," she said. "She knows how close our families are, and how much I worry about you."

"Well, let's go then," Brian answered, as they broke out into a trot, then a panicked run. They arrived at the office both a little out of breath.

Mrs. Cue, the secretary smiled at them. "You have a phone call Brian," she told him. "You may take it in the newspaper room."

"Did anything happen to my grandpa?" Brian asked worriedly. "He's been sick for a while now."

"It's not your Mom," Mrs. Cue verified. "I honestly have no clue as to who it is."

They (B & L) quickly went into the next room, and Brian picked up the phone, holding it so they could both hear. "Hello?"

"Hey 'cous, wuzzup?" The voice queried.

They (B & L) looked at one another confused then suddenly Lenore grabbed the phone from Brian. "Hey Kev, wuzzup? Long time no hear from."

"Hey Lenore," Kevin replied. "Stuff, how are you?"

"Good," Lenore responded. "What kinda stuff?"

"I joined a band," Kevin replicated. "There's me and three other guys."

"Another one?" Lenore sighed. "Don't ya remember what happened last time?"

"Yeah, I do, but these guys are really dedicated to this, so I don't think we'll be breaking up anytime soon," Kevin rejoined. "Besides we're still looking for a fifth member."

"Cool," Lenore riposted. "I hope it works out this time."

"Me too," Kevin answered. "Now may I please speak to Brian."

"Well…"Lenore began. "Since you said please, I guess ya can. Bye Kev, I love ya."

"I love ya too."

"Hey Kevin," Brian said after he'd grabbed the phone from Lenore. "Wuzzup?"

"Well, ya see, I've joined this band and we're looking for a fifth member," Kevin started. "I told them 'bout ya and they said if ya want ya can come down here and audition for the last spot."

"Really?" Brian questioned with disbelief. "Does my Mom know 'bout this?"

"I called her first to see if it was okay to call you at school," Kevin informed him. "I figured I best ask her first before getting you all excited."

"They really wanna hear me sing?" Brian asked, with excitement in his voice. "But what if they don't think I'm any good?"

"Hey, if they like my singing, then they'll most definitely like yours," Kevin assured him. "You've got that smooth voice that every group needs."

"Thanks for the compliment 'cous," Brian rejoined. "Well, can I talk to ya later?"

"I'll call ya at home at three, okay?" Kevin queried. "I'll let ya go back to class now, oh and tell Lenore I'll call her later on tonight for her birthday."

"K, I'll talk to ya later then," Brian replicated before hanging up the phone. He gave Lenore the message, then they both returned to class, and Brian explained to everyone what was going on. Everyone was extremely happy for him, and wished him lots of luck.

(Part 2)

The next day…..

"So much for celebrating my birthday tonight," Lenore complained. "Jeez, ya only turn eighteen once, and now I've got no one to celebrate with."

"I'm really sorry Lenore," Brian apologized. "But if I wanna audition I gotta fly there today."

"I know, but still," Lenore sighed. "I was really looking forward to going to that club with ya."

"Maybe next time," Brian promised her. "But this is something I really wanna do."

"Hope ya have a good flight," Lenore told him. "And give Kev a big hug for me."

"I will," Brian assured her. "Now give me some love."

Lenore hugged him tight and tried really hard not to cry, but failed as lone tears rolled down her face. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, but I'll be back in a few days if things don't work out," Brian informed her. "I'll be thinking 'bout ya a lot too."

"I won't let ya outta my mind," Lenore rejoined. "You're always on my mind any ways, so that shouldn't be too hard to do."

"Well, I gotta go now or I'll miss my flight," Brian stated wiping the tears off her face. "I love ya and please don't cry, I'm not going away forever."

"I love ya too," Lenore whispered. "I'll try not to cry too much."

Brian said good-bye to his family, then ran off to board his plane. His family watched as the plane took off of the runway and prayed for their son's safety. Lenore on the other hand left the airport in tears, for she missed him already, and wished she could've gone with him. She ran outside, wrote a quick note, then left it under the windshield wiper on Harold Sr.'s car, before running from the parking lot and going for a long walk.

(Part 3)

The next day…

"Are ya sure they'll like me Kev?" Brian asked for the zillionth time. "Are ya sure my voice is what they're looking for?"

"For the zillionth time, yes!" Kevin exclaimed exasperated. "Now c'mon, we're gonna be late if ya don't hurry up."

They entered a room where they found four other people just sitting around. Kevin greeted them and introduced his nervous cousin. Then a heavyset man began with the introductions.

"This man here, is Howie Dorough, he's twenty," Lou Pearlman introduced. "This young fellow is Alex McLean, he's only fourteen. The small blond sitting there eyeing you is Nick Carter, he's only twelve."

"Hey y'all," Brian drawled in his thick accent. "How y'all doin'? My name's Brian Littrell."

Nick giggled then at his accent, but was given a stern look from Lou, which made him quickly shut-up. "Hey, you sound kinda funny."

"I do?" Brian asked. "I thought you were the one that sounded funny."

Nick looked at him, but said nothing for he couldn't believe that someone had actually responded to his teasing.

Alex thought this was right down funny, so he started to laugh his head off. "You're good," he told Brian. "Everyone else has yet to make him speechless."

"Now that we're done with the introductions, will you sing for us Brian?" Lou questioned. "You can pick the song, it doesn't matter what you sing."

"Um, I think I'll sing --------- by Boys II Men," Brian rejoined. "It's one of my favourite songs." When he finished singing everyone applauded, and Lou gave him a pat on the back.

"Let's hear what you all sound like together," Lou suggested. "You can pick the song, but don't take forever picking it."

The boys discussed what song they were gonna sing before Howie spoke up. "We're gonna sing I'll Make Love To You by Boys II Men." The boys then started to sing, once they'd finished the song Lou applauded.

"Boys, I think we just found our fifth member," He said. "Congratulations Brian, you're in the group."

"I am?" Brian asked shocked. "Gee, thanks."

"Told ya you'd do fine 'cous," Kevin piped up. "Now c'mon, I'll show ya were you're staying."

(Part 4)

Later on that night (phone conversation)…..


"Hey Lenore!"

"Hey Brian! How'd the audition go?"

"That's what I wanted to tell you 'bout."


"I made the group!"

"You did? Wow, that's great!"

"You don't sound too happy 'bout it."

"I'm happy for you, really."

"You wouldn't be lying to me, now would you?"

"No Brian, I'm really happy for you; I knew you'd make it, for your voice is just so angelic."

"Thanks. So how's everything going there? Did you go to school yesterday?"

"Nah, I kinda skipped."


"I just did; Mom and Dad didn't really mind though."

"They didn't?"


"My parents didn't have ya hide for skipping? (p) "They said they understood."

"As long as you didn't get into trouble; did ya miss much?"

"Nope. Any ways, how's Kev?"

"He's good; says hi and sends ya his love."

"Tell him I love him back. Who do I hear in the background?"

"Oh, that's Kevin and Howie, they're talking 'bout tomorrow's rehearsal."

"Who's Howie?"

"He's another guy who's in the band."

"Oh, okay. "Who else is in the band?"

"There's Howie, he's twenty; then there's Alex and Nick. Alex is fourteen and Nick is twelve."

"Kinda young aren't they?"

"That's what I thought at first, but when ya hear 'em sing ya end up with a different opinion."

"Ah, k. Well, I guess I'll let ya go now so you can rest."

"Are ya sure there's nothing bothering ya?"

"I'm fine Brian. Nothing's bothering me."

"K. Well, bye then."

"Bye Bri."

"I love ya."

"I love ya more."

"I love ya way more."

"K, you win. Bye Duckie."


After Brian's last good-bye Lenore hung the phone up and sighed. "There is something bothering me," she thought aloud. "You're not coming home anytime soon by the looks of it; I'm stuck here without a friend in the world."

(Part 5)

The next night, Lenore was bored out of her mind, for she hadn't fully realized just how bad she missed Brian; sure she knew she'd miss him a whole lot, but hadn't thought it'd hurt this much. She knew she loved him, more than 'just' as a best friend, she loved him with all her heart, and would do anything for him in a split millisecond if he'd ask. She sat down on her living room floor, and let her hamster, Timon Seaver, out of his cage, and watched as he roamed the living room (she put boards up in the doorways so he couldn't escape, and he was trained, so he knew where to go to the bathroom.). She placed her piece of paper on the floor, and started to write how she felt, little did she know she'd end up writing a song.

(A.N.: Here's another Aaron Carter song; I've changed a few words like last time so it'd fit my purposes.)

I'm gonna miss you forever

I'm gonna miss you Brian

Gonna miss you Brian

I always think about you

All the time you're on my mind

We play together you and I

I can't believe it's true

That now I have to see you leave

You're the only one for me


My boyfriend

My best friend

I don't wanna see you go, I just wanna let you know

That I have a crush on you

I can't wait no longer Brian to say what I feel

The first time that I saw you

I knew it from the very start

You had a place deep in my heart

I can't believe that it's true

Now I have to see you leave

And baby I just can't believe


You and me together Brian I'll wait forever

It's only a matter of time ('cause)


Lenore finished writing the song, put Timon back into his cage, then sat down to re-read what she'd written, and debated on whether or not to send it to Brian. "Nah, I better not," she said aloud. "It'd make him feel bad and homesick more than he already is, and I don't wanna do that." She then hid her song in her diary, and prayed he'd never even know about it.

Chapter 19: Prom Night

(Part 1)

Lenore picked up her phone, which was ringing like crazy. "Hello?"

"Hey Lenni."

"Hey Bri, wuzzup?"

"Not much. Whatcha doin' right now?"

"Getting ready to watch a movie."

"Why aren't ya getting ready for ya prom?"

"I haven't anyone to go with; I'd go with Chris, but he's got a date."

"What 'bout Harold?"

"He's busy at his job in Louisville."

"What 'bout me?"

"You're all the way down in Orlando silly."

"Oh yeah, I guess I forgot. Did ya get your diploma?"

"Yeah. Did you get one?"

"Yep. Oh by the way, I sent ya a parcel."

"Ya did? Ooh, what is it? What is it?"

"My Mom has it and should deliver it sometime tonight."

"Hold on, there's someone at the door." Lenore put the phone down then dashed to the door. "Hey Mom."

"Hey Lenore," Jackie replicated. "Brian sent you a parcel, but I got it instead, so here it is."

"Thanks Mom," Lenore said as she took the parcel from here. "I don't mean to sound rude, but I gotta go now 'cause I kinda got Brian on the phone."

"That's okay, I understand," Jackie rejoined. "You hurry on back to him."

"Bye Mom."

"Bye Lenore."

Lenore then dashed back to the phone. "Bri, you still there?"

"Yeah, I'm here. Who was at the door?"

"Mom was, she brought the parcel over."

"Are ya gonna open it?"


"No tomorrow, yes now."

"Well, okay." She opened the package and gasped when she pulled out a gorgeous baby blue gown. "Oh my God, Brian, it's gorgeous."

"So, I take it you like it then?"

"Yes, but it must've cost you a fortune."

"That's for me to know and you to try and guess."

"Why'd you buy me the dress, you know I don't dress up unless I really have to."

"I just thought you'd like to have something really nice to wear to your prom."

"But I ain't goin' to the prom."

"Oh well, you can keep it any ways. Now can you do me a favor?"

"Anything for you Duckie."

"I want you to put the dress on, and get all ready to go out. Pretend you have a handsome prince waiting to take you to the prom."


"Just do it; and I'll get all dressed up in a tux down here. Then I'll call ya at seven and we can pretend we're at the prom with our dream dates."

"Well, okay, I guess. I mean what can it hurt?"

"Good. Now go get dressed, and I'll call ya back at seven."

"K, I love ya."

"Love ya too. Bye"

"Bye Duckie." Lenore hung up then went up to her room to get dressed, she had no clue as to why Brian wanted to go through with this crazy idea, but decided to go along with it for his sake. Little did she know that Brian had really called her from next door, not Orlando; he'd come back for their prom, and wanted to take her for he knew it'd make her really happy and hopefully make up for the long period of time he'd been away.

(Part 2)

At exactly two minutes to seven Lenore was sitting next to her phone all dressed up; she couldn't wait for Brian to call her back, even though she wished he could be there to see her all dressed up with no place to go. At seven o'clock on the dot, the doorbell rang instead of the phone. "I wonder who's at the door now?" She pondered. She walked to the door, and opened it; her jaw dropped open and her eyes practically bugged out of her head when she saw who'd rang the doorbell. "Brian?" She asked in disbelief.

"Hey Bunny," Brian smiled. "Told ya I'd call."

"Oh my God!" Lenore exclaimed hugging him. "But how, when, what, why?"

"I flew here yesterday; I came to take you to the prom."

"Me?" Lenore squeaked. "Why me? There's a whole lot of other girls who'd love to go with you."

"Yeah, but outta all of 'em, I'd rather go with you," Brian informed her kindly. "You're my best girl, and I wanted to make this night memorable for you."

"Really?" Lenore queried as she blushed. "Gee, thanks Bri, you're the best friend anyone could ever have."

"Now shall we go?" Brian questioned. "Our limo awaits us at the end of the driveway."

"You got a limo?" Lenore interrogated shocked. "Wow, I've never been in a limo before."

"Me neither actually," Brian laughed. "I guess we can share this experience together then."

"I'm glad I get to share this night with you," Lenore stated quietly once they were in the limo. "I couldn't imagine going with anyone else."

Brian whispered, "Me neither Bunny, that's why I decided to surprise you."

"I really appreciate all of this Duckie," Lenore whispered back. "You can't even begin to imagine what this means to me."

"Oh, I can imagine quite a lot," Brian replied. They continued on their way to the prom in the limo and met up with Chris and his girlfriend Cindy. They stayed out until one o'clock, then returned to Lenore's house to chat. Of course Brian spent the night, and Chris and Cindy stayed over too, for Lenore had insisted upon it, so they could all catch up with one another in the morning. That night when they went to bed Lenore hugged her little stuffed duck, Baby Duck, tight, before curling up right next to Brian, who placed his arms around her. No one but the two of them knew he was in her room, even though they weren't doing anything wrong, they still didn't want anyone to know that they still occasionally shared a bed; which was something they'd been doing their whole entire lives.

Chapter 20: BSB In Canada

Lenore danced around her house to the music she had blaring from her CD player. She'd stuck Boys II Men in along with four Backstreet Boys CD's. One was the actual album and the other three were singles; she loved to listen to Brian and the others sing, and listened to her CD's pretty much everyday. She'd only seen them perform twice because she was still in school and no one wanted her to miss too many classes and fall way behind. She'd heard they'd made it big over in Canada and were going to go tour there after they're European tour, and wished them the best of luck. She hoped that the States would discover their talent soon, and welcome them with open arms, for she was anxious to see them perform again. She was getting a little tired of dancing so she decided to call Brian or Kevin and see what they were up to.


"Hey Bri."

"Oh, hey Lenni, wuzzup?"

"Not much, just dancing to my music."

"Let me guess you're listening to us again?"

"How'd ya know?"

"I can hear the music in the background."

"Oh yeah, sorry, guess I forgot to turn it down. I'm listening to Boys II Men too though."


"Yeah really; thanks to you I'm hooked on 'em."

"Good, they're better than Alvin and the Chipmunks."

"Don't forget the Ninja Turtles."

"They're better than them too."

"I'm glad ya got me outta the cartoon stage; it was starting to get a little annoying."

"You're telling me? I had to put up with them 'cause that's all you ever wanted to listen to."

"Yeah, and I'm sorry for putting ya through all that too."

"Ya ain't gotta be sorry, no sense in dwelling on the past."

"You been hanging with Kevin and Howie too much again?"

"Maybe, why?"

"You said dwelling instead of thinking or anything like that."

"Oh well, guess that's in the past now too."

"Yeah. So, how's everyone else?"

"They're good. Getting ready for practice, but that's 'bout it. How's Mom and Dad?"

"They're good too. Mom's been at the church a lot more lately 'cause it's almost time for the annual fundraiser she helps out with every year. Dad's been busy too, but that's only 'cause he got a promotion at IBM."

"Dad gotta promotion?"

"Yeah, he did. He's now the junior vice-president."

"Cool. So how are you?"

"Good. You?"

"I'm good too; boy that's just peachy, everyone's good."

Lenore laughed. "Yeah. So how's it feel to be pop stars over in Canada now?"

"Pretty good. It's kinda cool at the fact that people are starting to recognize us a little more often than usual. I mean, just the other day Nick and I were shooting hoops at a park, and these girls ran up to us screaming our names. They asked for our autographs and we took pictures with 'em and all, then they asked to hear us sing, so we sang a little of Quit Playin' Games, and they went nuts. I mean it was like crazy, Kevin and A.J. were chased by girls the day before and Howie was mobbed."

"Whoa, that is nuts. I guess a whole lot of people like you guys a whole lot and now wanna piece of y'all, meaning any piece."

"Yeah. Well, I'm afraid I gotta go now for they're starting the rehearsal without me, and I gotta rehearse for the show tonight."

"K, I'll let ya go then. I know it's important for ya to rehearse and I won't keep ya from ya duty anymore than I absolutely positively have too."

"Thanks for understanding. It's great to hear ya voice again; I wish I could see ya, but we're real busy with our Canadian tour right now."

"Yeah, I know whatcha mean. Well, adios mi best amigo!"

"Adios mi best amigo!"

"Don't steal my lines you."

"Sorry, thought it sounded cute so I had to do it too."

"Well, any ways, bye Duckie."

"Buh-bye Bunny."

They both hung up then and returned to what they'd previously been doing. Lenore went back to her dancing and Brian returned to his rehearsal, which he'd actually been in the middle of when she called, but didn't want to hurt her feelings so he talked to her for a little bit instead. Luckily for him, everyone else understood why he'd taken the time to talk to her instead of telling her he was busy and blowing her off.

Chapter 21: Girlfriends, Heartbreaks, And Songs

"Samantha, whatcha mean ya wanna break up?" Brian queried. "I thought you were happy with our relationship?"

"I am, I mean, I was, but it's starting to go no where," Samantha replicated. "Therefore I wanna take a break for awhile and see what happens."

"If it's because of my busy schedule, well, there's nothing I can do 'bout that," Brian stated. "It's not my fault I have to try and be everywhere at once, when it's practically impossible to do."

"I know it's not your fault Bri," Samantha responded. "It's just, I don't think I can handle a long-distance relationship anymore without having some kinda breakdown."

"If you really wanna break up, well, then, I guess I understand where ya coming from," Brian rejoined. "But I really wish you'd reconsider the options again and look at what's at stake here."

"I've already thought everything over, and I really think we should end this," Samantha riposted. "I'm really sorry Brian, but that's my final decision."

"If that's what you want, then fine," Brian retorted. "I wish you the best of luck in life, and I hope we can remain good friends."

"Me too," Samantha answered. "But, I'm afraid I must leave now." Samantha then turned and left the apartment, trying not to cry, for she knew she was breaking up with a great guy.

Brian sat there, still kind of in shock, for he hadn't seen any of that coming. He'd thought everything was fine, then suddenly it was like BAM! And his heart was shattering into a million pieces. He thought about what she'd said and what they'd had but couldn't really understand why she'd dumped him. He sat down at the kitchen table and started to write down whatever popped into his head, once he'd finished writing he realized he'd written a song. He talked to their manager, who agreed to let him record the song and possibly put it on their next album. They eventually made their second album and his song, which he'd entitled, That's What She Said, was placed on the album as number nine. He decided to send a copy of their album to Lenore and see what she thought of his song he'd written after having his heart torn to pieces by his girlfriend.

Lenore opened the package Brian had sent her and smiled when she realized it was their next album, which wasn't even out in stores yet. She read the note, which Brian had placed inside of the box, on top of the CD.

Dear Bunny,

Hey! Wuzzup? Not much is up here, except as you already know I'm still trying to get over my recent heartbreak. I wrote a song 'bout it and it's number nine on the album. I'd appreciate it if you'd listen to the song, then tell me what you thought of it. Remember, don't go telling me you like it just because I wrote it. If you don't like it, then I want you to be honest and say so, you're my second toughest critic, and your opinion really matters to me. Well, I have to go now, so I'll let ya go back to whatever it was you were originally doing. I love ya lots! Buh-bye! Love, Your best friend always, Brian

Lenore smiled for he'd used blue pen on purpose because she'd complained the last time because he'd used a black pen, then placed the note on the kitchen table, went into the living room and put the CD in the CD player, and put number nine on. She knew she'd like it no matter what because he'd written it, but knew he was right, she couldn't say she liked it just for that reason. As it came on she turned it up and sat down on the floor near one of the many speakers she had for her sound system. This is what she heard:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah


There are people that say what you wanna hear

Even on a rainy day they'll tell you the sky is clear

When you really, really love someone am I right when I say that you want them near

And if you can even tell them things that they wanna hear

Always forever

All the things she said

Never say never

Those simple lies that she fed

I will never leave you

All the love I though she had

But can you blame me no

Mmm'cause that's what she said

That's what she said

She told me we'd see forever

That's what she said, she said yeah

And there are people that say what they really mean

Mmm-she said she'd always be there, she said she'd always care

But just when you think that you can trust that someone you love

Tell me why do you know how stars can fall from above

Always forever

Were things she said

Never say never

Those simple lies that she fed

I will never leave you

All the love I thought she had

But can you blame me no

Mmm 'cause that's what she said

That's what she said

She told me we'd see forever

That's what she said

Uh-oh oh yeah

That's she said

She'd told me we'd be together-yeah, yeah, yeah

That's what she said, she said yeah

'Cause you made promises that you couldn't keep

But you're not hurting yourself

You're only hurting me

Why would you say things

That you really didn't mean

Oh, how can I make you see just what you did to me


You said how much you really care

Just when I thought I was enough

Girl how could you dare

If I were you I could not lie even once

To the face of the one that I love so much

Always forever

All the things she said

Never say never

Those simple lies she fed

Oh I will never leave you

All the love I thought she had

But can you blame me no

Mmm 'Cause that's what she said

That's what she said

She told me we'd see forever

That's what she said

Uh-oh oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

That's what she said

She told me we'd be together

That's what she

Oh that's what she said

Once the song had ended Lenore realized that she was crying; she knew that she liked the song and it wasn't just because Brian not only wrote it, but sang it as well; she liked it because it was very moving and had made her cry. She decided to write him back and tell him just what she thought of the song.

A couple weeks later a tired Brian walked into the apartment he shared with Kevin and Howie, only to find Howie sitting on the couch watching T.V. and Kevin at the piano practicing Ten Thousand Promises for his own satisfaction. He smiled to himself when he spotted the mail on the hall table with a blue envelope in front of all the others. He knew it was from Lenore because she always used her special blue envelopes when she wrote to him; she also used her special blue paper and favourite purple pen.

Dear Duckie,

Hey! Wuzzup? How are ya? I'm fine. I listened to the new album, all I can say is this: It Rocked! I know everyone will like, no wait, love it to pieces! I listened to That's What She Said like you requested; I'm not just saying this 'cause you're my best bud, I'm saying this 'cause I mean it: It's one of the best songs I've ever heard! It's very moving and touching; it shows the downside of love in a way. Believe it or not, but it made me cry, I was sitting here crying my eyes out for that's how moved I was. I can't get enough of the new album, but still like to listen to the old one. It's just so cool. I love it, I can't believe how different y'all sound, especially Nick! One question though, how come Kev never gets to sing? Why is he always backup or only talking? He deserves to sing just as much as the rest of ya!!! My order is: Stop the oppression and let Kevy-Kev sing!!! Well, tell everyone I say hi and am really impressed with the new album, as are Mom and Dad, even though I made 'em beg to hear it (lol)! Harold and Chris begged me to play it for 'em too (lol)! Everyone here loves the new album lots and all have different fave songs. Chris likes If You Want It To Be Good Girl Get Yourself A Bad Boy, Harold likes Ten Thousand Promises, Dad likes All I Have To Give, and Mom likes Anywhere For You! While I on the other hand have a few faves; I love As Long As You Love Me, That's What She Said, All I Have To Give, Hey Mr. DJ, That's The Way I Like It, and Backstreet's Back. I love 'em all though, including every song off the first album. Oh yeah, off the first album my fave songs are; Quit Playin' Games, Let's Have A Party, Nobody But You, Darlin', Just To Be Close To You, and I'll Never Break Your Heart! Well, I guess I best let ya go now for this letter's getting kinda long and my hand's starting to hurt. Talk to ya again later! Adios mi best amigo! Love always, Your best friend, Lenore P.S. Don't go stealing my lines again Mister Macho!

Brian laughed at her last sentence, knowing she hated it when people repeated something she said moments before. He told Kevin and Howie what she'd said about the album and told them her orders to let Kevin sing more. They all laughed, then continued on with what they'd been doing. Brian called her later on that night and they talked for two hours about everything that was anything.

Chapter 22: A Concert

"Hey Duckie!" Lenore squealed when she spotted him coming towards her. "I missed you."

Brian hugged her tight. "I missed you too Bunny."

"It's been so long since I last saw you!" Lenore complained. "I was lost for months and didn't know what to do with myself."

"It's been too long," Brian replicated. "I felt like that too at first, but then Nick and I kept hanging out, and he kept my mind of things."

"Gee thanks, it's nice to know ya new best friend keeps ya mind off of me, ya oldest best friend," Lenore retorted jokingly. "I feel so appreciated now."

Brian grinned, "Ya know what I mean."

"Lenore, my fave 'almost' cousin!" Kevin exclaimed coming over and hugging her. "Long time no see girl!"

"Back at ya," Lenore responded. "It's been way too long since I last saw y'all."

"Hey Lenore, remember us?" A.J. questioned. "Or did ya forget 'bout us completely?"

"How could I ever forget you A.J.?" Lenore asked as she hugged him too. "You're the crazed one who talked me into dying my hair green like yours instead of blue like I'd wanted to."

"That'd be me," A.J. smirked. "Told ya she'd remember us D."

"Who said I was worried?" Howie queried before kissing her cheek. "How ya doing?"

"I'm doing okay," Lenore answered. "Whoa, wait a minute, this blond guy in front of me can't be Nicky, can it? Nah, Nicky's the scrawny little runt that all the girls seem to love for some reason, therefore he can't be the tall, young, hot, sexy, gorgeous, blond-haired, blue-eyed, babilicious, stud in front of me."

Nick blushed, "It's me."

"Whoa, I see someone's voice changed too," Lenore acknowledged. "Well, there's an improvement."

"Very funny," Nick stated as she hugged him, then pulled him down towards her to kiss his cheek. "Advice to ya, grow some."

"My advice to you," Lenore began smiling. "Shrink back to ya old height so I ain't gotta yank on ya shirt to get ya down to my level to give ya a kiss."

Everyone laughed; Lenore then went and took her seat out in the front row. She couldn't believe all the people who'd come out to see the show. She joined in the chant as they impatiently waited for they Boys to come out. Finally the Boys came out and sang That's The Way I Like It, then Hey Mr. DJ, and Just To Be Close To You. Then they did the solos, first was Howie with My Heart Stays With You, then A.J. with Lay Down beside Me, then Kevin surprised everyone by singing and dancing to Nobody But You. Brian came out after his cousin and sang That's What She Said, then last but not least Nick came out and sang I Need You Tonight. After the solos they sang Let's Have A Party, Quit Playin' Games (which made everyone scream), All I Have To Give, Anywhere For You, then I'll Never Break Your Heart. For their encore they sang As Long As You Love Me, Get Down, We've Got It Goin' On, and finally Everybody (Backstreet's Back). After the show Lenore met the Boys backstage in their dressing room, and told them what she thought of the show.

"Oh My God, that was so awesome!" Lenore exclaimed as soon as she walked into the dressing room. "I've never heard so many screaming girls before in my life!"

"Kinda exhilarating ain't it?" Brian smirked. "It's still kinda like a rush to go out there and perform for all those screaming fans."

"No kidding," Lenore replicated. "I must've heard like a zillion girls screaming 'Nick, Nick, he's our pick!' I thought some of 'em were kinda funny though, like the mother behind me kept screaming 'Kevin I love you!' I also heard a whole lot of arguing over who was better Howie or A.J., ya know, stuff like that makes all this kinda funny."

"Girls were screaming for me mainly, right?" Nick asked. "Did any mothers scream for me?"

"Yes Nicky, girls were screaming your name, I even heard one girl scream out a marriage proposal," Lenore giggled. "I think I heard a grandmother scream ya name, 'cause if I'm right, the old lady near me was screaming for ya everytime you were in front of her."

Kevin laughed, "Some girl proposed to him? A grandmother screamed his name? Oh man, this is just too much!" Everyone laughed, except Nick, who joined in the laughter eventually.

"K, that's it, I can't laugh anymore!" Lenore declared. "My sides are sore and my face is killing me!"

"Killing you, don't ya mean killing us?" A.J. teased. "My face is sore too ya know, too much laughter ain't good for ya health."

"If it's killing ya, then don't look at it!" Lenore joked. "Laughter is good for ya health, it keeps ya young and in shape."

"What, are ya saying Kevin's old?" Howie queried. "If ya are, then ya saying I'm old too."

"I didn't say anyone was old, you did," Lenore riposted. "Any ways, isn't it time to leave yet?"

"Why, are ya in a hurry to leave me again?" Brian questioned. "Don't ya wanna see me anymore?"

"I'm not in a hurry to leave ya Duckie," Lenore replied. "Of course I wanna see ya a lot more silly; I just wanna go to bed sometime soon, for unlike y'all, I still have jet lag; how soon do we forget, I only got here this morning."

"Oh yeah, ya aren't used to flying," Kevin acknowledged. "Was this the first time ya ever flown anywhere?"

"Yeah, it is," Lenore said embarrassed. "I've never flown anywhere before, and it's my first time outta Kentucky in a real, real long time."

"Jeez, I'm only sixteen and have flown pretty much across the whole world," Nick stated. "Must be kinda weird to be out here in New York for the first time ever."

"It kinda is actually," Lenore admitted. "I still can't believe I saw the Statue Of Liberty; I mean what else was I supposed to do; they wouldn't let me see you guys until just before the show 'cause I forgot my stupid pass to get back here this morning."

"Ooh, ya must've suffered a whole lot then," Brian joshed. "Ya were so upset that ya couldn't see me right away 'cause ya were being dumb and figured ya could get in without a pass."

"Yes I suffered, I was extremely upset that I couldn't see ya when I wanted to," Lenore retorted. "I didn't mean to forget the stupid pass okay? It was a freak accident; I could've sworn I had it on me."

"Any ways, why don't we all go back to the Hotel now, for I'm sure Lenore and B-rok would like some time to themselves to catch up with one another," Howie suggested.

With that said, they all piled into the limo and returned to the Hotel the Boys were staying in. Bunny and Duckie (Lenore & Brian) talked pretty much all night until they both fell asleep on the couch.

Chapter 23: Heart Surgery

(Part 1)

"Brian, I'm afraid you'll have to have open heart surgery in order to fix the hole in your heart," Dr. Clifton told him. "The reason why you've been feeling tired a lot lately is because your heart is getting worse; I advise you not to put the surgery off any longer."

"S…s…surgery?" Brian stuttered. "But what about the tour? I can't disappoint all our fans by not being there to perform for them."

"I'm afraid you don't have much of a choice," Dr. Clifton stated. "It's either you keep your health or you put on a show for the rest of the world."

"I'll have to get back to you on this," Brian rejoined before standing up and walking out of the Hospital. "What am I supposed to tell everyone else?" He drove around town for awhile before heading home, he knew he best tell someone so he could have another opinion on the whole surgery thing. He decided to call Lenore, even though he knew it was probably a bad idea, he also knew she'd give him her honest opinion no matter what. Once he got home he made sure no one else was home, then went into his room to use the phone.


"Hullo? Wuzzup with that?"

"Oh, hey Bri, wuzzup?"

"Not much. Uh, listen, I gotta talk to ya 'bout something really important and I need ya to listen without interrupting, then I need ya to give me ya honest opinion."

"K Bri, I'm listening."

"Um, well ya know how I've been real tired lately, and I said my chest was kinda sore?"


"Don't interrupt."


"Any ways, I went to the Doctor's today and they took some x-rays, tests and stuff."

"What they say?"

"I said no interrupting!"


"They said that I, uh, still have that hole in my heart, and that it hasn't healed, instead it's gotten worse. They say it's probably because of all the performing, stress, and fast food lately. The Doctor also said he highly recommends I have an operation sometime soon in order to fix the hole. I told him I'd think 'bout it and get back to him; what do you think I should do?"


"Uh, yeah."

"Oh my God, Brian, what the heck are you, nuts? Of course you're gonna have the surgery; ya gotta stay alive and keep everyone, me especially, happy! Whatcha mean you'll think 'bout it? There's nothing to think about, you're having it and that's final!"

"Lenore, it means I can't tour with the guys for awhile, ya know how disappointed the fans will be? I can't let the fans down."

"So, this is what it's about? Fans? Screw the fans! Brian, ya wanna make 'em happy, then have the surgery! They don't care if ya can't perform, sure they'll be a little disappointed, but at least they'll know for sure that you'll be coming back better than ever! All they care 'bout is the fact that you're okay, and that you're doing what ya love! Now you go back and tell that Doctor you're having the surgery, or I'll be forced to come down there and knock some sense into ya; and ya know how much I hate to fly!"

Brian laughed, "Okay, okay, I get the picture. "When should I schedule the operation then? I'd like to at least finish this leg of the tour."

"Gee suspension! I see ya gonna be stubborn 'bout missing the rest of this leg of the tour! In that case schedule it for like May or something, but don't go past May, or forget your heart killing ya, I'll kill ya myself!"

"Okay, so I'll tell the Doctor that May's good. Well, I guess I best call Mom and Dad and let them know, even though they're gonna be real worried 'bout nothing."

"Nothing? God Brian, what's your problem today? First ya say ya don't wanna have surgery, now ya saying Mom and Dad are gonna be worrying 'bout nothing! Surgery is something 'big' not something ya just shrug off!"

"I know, I know, but still, I don't want 'em to get all worried and tell me to slow down or anything. Ya know how I like to be active as much as possible."

"Have ya at least told the other guys yet?"

"No, not yet, but I will soon. Probably after I call Mom and Dad."

"Wonder what Kev will say 'bout it? I hope he ain't gonna flip out on ya."

"Me too. Well, I gotta go now so I can call home and let Mom and Dad know 'bout the whole surgery thing."

"K, I'll let ya go now. Bye Duckie."

"Bye Bunny." They both hung up. Brian then called home to tell his parents about the heart surgery that he was to have. He hoped they wouldn't be mad at the fact that he decided to postpone it until May instead of having it right away like he should.

(Part 3)

"Are ya sure you're gonna be okay Frick?" Nick asked worriedly. "Are ya sure you're not too tired to perform tonight?"

"I'm fine Frack, now please stop asking me the same old questions," Brian sighed annoyed, for everyone kept asking him the same old questions every five minutes or so it seemed. "I'll be fine, ya have nothing to worry about, if I get tired I'll let y'all know, okay?"

"Okay," Nick replicated reluctantly, for he was worried about his best bud. "But no hiding ya pain from everyone else just so ya can finish the show."

"I won't, now can we please get on with this?" Brian riposted. "I'd like to go out and please the fans a.s.a.p. (a.s.a.p. = as soon as possible)"

"Backstreet, what time is it?" Fatima (choreographer) called.

"It's time to go to work y'all!" The Boys replied.

"What kinda work?" Fatima asked.

"Hard work, huh!" They (Boys) responded before running to their places so they could begin the show. During the show everyone noticed that Brian wasn't keeping up to the other guys as good as he usually did, for he was getting a little tired, and everyone could see that, but knew he wouldn't quit unless he absolutely positively had too. After the show they had a little meet and greet with a few of their fans; one girl approached Brian and handed him a letter. She told him he was to read it once he got home and that it was very important that he read it as soon as he had the chance. The Boys went home awhile later, and once he was in his room, Brian sat down on his bed and opened the letter that the girl had given him.

Dearest Brian,

Hey! My name's Sydney, I'm 14 & in grade eight. I heard 'bout ya upcoming heart surgery, & how ya post-phoned it until May 8th 1998 (this year) so ya could finish this leg of the tour. I really think ya should have had it like last month, but it's your decision, not mine. I know what it's like to have to have open-heart surgery, 'cause I had to have it not too long ago myself. My heart wasn't working properly & the Doctors found a small hole in it, which was making me tired all the time & short of breath whenever I did something really active. It was then that I heard 'bout you guys and your music. I was lying in the Hospital bed the day after my surgery and I heard this beautiful song come over the radio; when it ended the announcer was like, & that was the Backstreet Boys with Who Wrote The Book On Love. I was like, Backstreet who? I asked my older sister, Jordan, to find out whatever she possibly could on a group called Backstreet Boys; she went out that very day & bought your CD for me as a get-well present. Listening to your music showed me that there are a whole lot of reasons to live and to try and live for as long as you possibly can. It showed that when you set your mind to something you can do anything ya wanna do. I put my mind to getting well a.s.a.p. & to try and meet you guys, so I could tell y'all my story. Well, if you're reading this, then I guess I must've accomplished both goals, and gave ya this letter in person, for I swore that that was the only way you were ever gonna get this. I just wanted ya to know that I wish ya the best of luck with your surgery and a real speedy recovery for I love ya so much! Don't worry 'bout us fans, we'll be fine while you're in the Hospital; worry 'bout your health before ya go worrying 'bout us 'cause we're fine. We understand if ya can't be there 'cause ya need a very important surgery, we're more understanding than ya think. Have your surgery a.s.a.p. & don't worry 'bout us, we'll let ya know how we feel by sending ya get-well cards & stuff. If ya have any questions feel free to write or call me anytime; of course you'll have to prove it's really you though. Tell everyone I send them my love! Say hello to your family for me too please! Well, if I didn't say it before it was great meeting ya, y'all made a big dream come true probably without even knowing it. Well, I'll let ya go now, for this is getting quite long. I love ya lots! Ciao!

Love always,


P.S. My address is ----------------------- & my phone # is --- --- ----!

P.P.S. Write back a.s.a.p. please!

P.P.P.S. Remember: Take care of yourself before ya try to please us by being wherever it is you're supposed to be!!!

Brian finished reading the letter; he couldn't believe how understanding and supporting she was. He also couldn't believe that someone as young as her had already had to have heart surgery and had come through with flying colours. He was glad to hear that their music had helped her to get through a tough time in her life. He hoped that their music did that for all their fans, for that was pretty much what a lot of their fans told them; that their music had helped them get through some tough time in their life. He was still worried about the surgery, but felt a bit better knowing that someone else had gone through pretty much the same thing.

(Part 4)

It was May 8th (1998), the day of the surgery, and everyone was gathered at the Hospital to visit Brian before he went in the operating room for his surgery. Brian smiled at everyone as they all filed into the room one by one. Brian had known that Lenore would be the first one in his room, and he'd been right. After her came his Mom and Dad, his Aunt Ann, then Harold, Kevin, Nick, Tim (Richardson), Howie, A.J., Chris, and finally Jerald Jr. They all stood around his bed holding hands as they said a meaningful prayer. He was amazed at the fact that Lenore too had her head bowed and was joining in the prayer, for her family had never been really religious. Sure they'd believed in God and everything else, it was just that they never really said prayers or went to Church all that often unless it was a special Holiday. They finished the prayer and everyone wished him lots of luck, before filing out one by one. Soon only Kevin, Howie, Lenore, A.J., Chris, and Nick remained in the room with him.

"So, this is it," Brian joked. "The day I officially become a sitting duck instead of a couch potato."

They all looked at him as though he'd lost it. "I know you'll be alright," Howie stated, trying not only to convince Brian and everyone else, but himself as well. "You're a tough guy, you'll pull through this with flying colours."

"Of course I will," Brian grinned. "I'll be coming out looking like a rainbow, as colourful and as bright as ever."

"We're serious here Bri," Kevin riposted. "We're real worried 'bout ya."

"Why?" Brian queried. "Nothing's gonna happen, I mean, it ain't like I'm gonna come out totally demented with a tail, beak, and wings."

"Brian Thomas Littrell, if all ya gonna do is make jokes, then I'm leaving!" Lenore threatened standing up. "I'm sick of ya joking around as though the surgery is no big deal!"

"Sorry," Brian mumbled. "I'm just trying to cheer y'all up some so y'all won't be so dang worried 'bout lil' ole me."

"Of course we're gonna worry 'bout ya Rok," A.J. began. "Why wouldn't we? You're like a brother to all of us. Lenore and Nick especially. They'd both be lost without ya around to cheer 'em up all the time."

"I know, I know, but still," Brian sighed. "Ya dunno how much I wish I were on stage performing right now instead of being in this bed preparing for a major heart surgery."

"We know whatcha mean," Chris replicated. "We wish ya were on stage performing instead right now too, but wishing ain't gonna solve the problem at hand."

"You gonna be okay Nicky?" Lenore questioned. "Ya look like ya gonna be sick or something."

"I'm fine," Nick managed, before running into the bathroom and throwing up his insides. He was kind of embarrassed at the fact that he'd let them all know what he was feeling at the moment, but was glad to be able to lose his supper and that they couldn't read his mind.

"Well, I guess we best be going now," Kevin trailed off. "The Doctors are gonna be in here any minute now and they're gonna be ushering us out as fast as they can."

Everyone, but his best buds said good-bye and went out to the waiting room to wait. His three best friends came closer to his bed (Nick had finished hurling his guts out), joined hands, and said another quick prayer for they were really worried about their very best bud. They then hugged him before leaving the room.

Lenore, who was the last one out kissed his cheek, then whispered in his ear. "Don't ya dare leave me Brian, I need ya more than ya know. Trust me. I love ya Duckie." She looked at him, saw that he was trying hard not to cry and hugged him once more, causing him to sob.

"I'm scared, I'm so scared," he whimpered. "I don't wanna have to have the surgery."

"Ya have to Brian; be strong, if not for yourself, but for Nick, and me," Lenore said quietly. "I gotta go now, and remember, don't ya dare leave me!" She then stood up and walked out of the room in tears, for she was afraid he'd go into the surgery and never come back.

(Part 5)

Two months later…..

"Heads up B-rok!" Lenore shouted as she threw him the b-ball. She stopped where she was once he'd caught it and watched proudly as he dunked the ball into the net. She was so happy to see him back to his old self again and doing what he loved.

"Hey Lenore, are ya gonna stand there all day staring at Brian or are ya gonna play b-ball?" Kevin interrogated. "He's not going anywhere anytime soon so c'mon and play."

"I'm playing, I'm playing!" Lenore groaned, ashamed that she'd been caught staring at him. "I was just watching him dunk the ball."

"Yeah, sure ya were," Nick started. "And I'm a super-hero!"

"Y'all might as well be super-heroes," Lenore replicated. "I mean, why not, y'all have a whole lot of people looking up to ya and all."

"True, how true," Howie acknowledged. "But that don't mean we protect the world from unearthly disasters."

"Unearthly disasters?" A.J. smirked. "Uh-oh, I think D. has been reading Nick's comic books again."

"Nick's comic books?" Kevin asked. "Ah, man, Howie! I'd understand if ya read like Spiderman, but Nick's comic books, now c'mon, that's stooping pretty low."

"What's wrong with my comic books?" Nick demanded. "Why y'all dissing my reading material?"

"There's nothing wrong with 'em Nicky," Lenore assured him. "For I read 'em too, but then again, I also read Kevin's Spiderman comics."

"So that's where they keep disappearing too," Kevin verified. "It's you that's stealing 'em, not Caos!"

"That'd be Lenni," Brian laughed. "Always borrowing without asking; don't worry 'bout it Kev, she still borrows my stuff without asking me beforehand."

"So?" Lenore retorted. "What's the point in calling ya all the way down in Florida to find out if I can indeed borrow a pair of boxers you've happened to have left behind?"

"Ya wear his boxers?" A.J. queried as she nodded. "Eew gross!"

"For your information, they're clean!" Lenore snapped. "Now can we please get back to our game here so my team can kick your team's butts?"

They then returned to their basketball game; they played for a few more hours, then went back to Lenore's (they're in Kentucky) place to hang out, and eat pizza.

Chapter 24: Something's Wrong

(Part 1)

Lenore put the noose around her neck and debated whether or not to jump. She was scared and frustrated all at the same time, she also wished Brian were there with her to talk her out of what she was about to do. She decided to make it go slow, so this way, if she chickened out she could stop at anytime she wanted. She slowly tightened the rope, but stopped once she could barely breathe. She started to think about Brian, and how much she missed him, how she'd miss him even more if she continued what she was doing, and how much he'd miss her if she followed through with her evil deed. She quickly stopped, and fought with the rope to try and get it off of her neck. She finally managed to get it off her neck, but once it was off she collapsed to the ground and blacked out for about five minutes.

Meanwhile in Orlando, Florida at an arena…..

Brian was on stage performing as usual and enjoying all the screaming that the audience, mainly the girls were doing. He loved putting on a show for their fans, for they were always so appreciative or whatever it was they did. Suddenly he felt as though he couldn't breathe, and could feel his throat begin to tighten; he didn't know why, but he felt as though he were staring death straight in the face again. He abruptly stopped singing and dancing and just stood there, desperately trying to breathe again. The other guys noticed something was wrong, and they too stopped singing and dancing, as they quickly hurried over to see what was wrong. Brian couldn't take it anymore, his legs felt like jello and his head felt as light as a sheet, the next thing he knew everything was black. A few minutes later he awoke to the sound of worried voices.

"Are ya sure he's okay?" Kevin queried for like the zillionth time. "What's wrong with him; it's not his heart is it?"

"It's not his heart," the paramedic assured him. "For some reason he wasn't breathing, yet his heart was working just fine."

"W…w…what happened?" Brian asked confused as to why he was lying on the stage. "Why am I lying down?"

"You passed out," Howie informed him. "What happened?"

"I…I dunno," Brian replied. "One minute everything was fine and the next, I was out like a light."

"Do ya remember anything else?" The paramedic questioned.

"I have to call Lenore!" Brian declared. "I have to call Lenore, now!""

"Why?" Nick interrogated. "Can't it wait until after the show?"

"NO!" Brian shouted. "I have to call her now!"

"Brian, what's wrong?" A.J. asked worriedly. "Why is it so important ya call her now?"

"GIVE ME A PHONE!" Brian yelled, forgetting his microphone was still on. "I HAVE TO CALL HER NOW!"

The fans suddenly went quiet and you could've heard a pin drop then, for that's how quiet the arena now was. They were all shocked that Brian was yelling and demanding a phone so he could call some girl. There was a twenty-minute intermission then, so Brian could use the phone and so the guys could take a break to calm their nerves some.

Brian grabbed his cell-phone from his bag, and seated himself in a deserted part of the dressing room. He then quickly dialed Lenore's number, for he knew something was up, and was determined to find out just what it was.

Phone conversation…..


"Lenore are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Then why do ya sound all choked up and as though ya can barely breathe?"

I dunno."

Did you pass out at all a few minutes ago?"

No, why?"

I was just wondering 'cause I suddenly past out for no reason at all while I was singing."

Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are ya sure ya didn't black out, even for just a minute?"

"I'm sure. I wonder why ya blacked out though. It couldn't have been our little kinda telepathic or whatever ya call it thing that no one believes or understands, 'cause I've been just fine all night."

"Are ya sure nothing's wrong?"

"I'm sure okay, nothing's wrong."

"Well, in that case I'll let ya go now, for I have to get back out there and finish the show."

"K Bri, I'll let ya go now. I hate to keep ya from all ya devoted fans."

"I'll call ya back tomorrow for ya birthday, that's a promise."

"K, I'll talk to ya tomorrow then. Tell the guys I say hello and send 'em my love."

"I will. Bye Bunny, I love and miss ya lots."

"I miss and love ya too Brian. Adios."

Brian hung up his cell-phone and shook his head sadly; he knew something was wrong, but she wasn't telling him, so instead she lied through her teeth, which was something she knew he hated. He knew it must be something really bad, for she'd called him Brian at the end of their conversation instead of Duckie like she always did. He was determined to find out what was bothering her, and he knew he'd blacked out because of their 'magical' thing because of her, even though she'd denied passing out at all that night.

Meanwhile in Kentucky…..

Lenore sat down after she'd hung up the phone and started to cry, for because of her stupidity she'd caused Brian to pass out as well. She knew that he knew that something was wrong and that she'd lied to him. She couldn't believe she'd lied to him like that after all these years; she knew she'd hurt him by not telling him the truth, and for that she was ashamed. She felt worse for lying to Brian, than she did for trying to commit suicide; she loved him so much, and hated not being able to tell him everything, but knew that if she'd told him what she'd tried to do he'd be really mad at her. She hated when he was mad at her, so that had been one of the reasons she'd lied to him instead of confessing to him what she'd attempted. She decided that, until she could admit to what she'd done, she wouldn't talk to him at all, for she felt so ashamed of herself, and didn't want him to be disappointed in her. Even though she was twenty-three (almost twenty-four), his approval still mattered a whole lot to her, and all she ever wanted to do was make him proud of her, like she had when they were younger.

(Part 2)

Lenore was so upset that she'd lied to him, she decided to write yet another song, to sort out all her jumbled feelings. She knew she'd do anything and everything for Brian, but wasn't sure whether or not he already knew that.

(A.N: Yes, another Aaron Carter song, but only 'cause I love him so much & his songs come in handy for this story.)

We've had our good times and bad

Baby what is sad

I miss you Brian

Oh yes I do

Now that you're gone…away

It's hard for me to say

I miss you Brian

Oh yes I do

I just want you to know

That the love I have it true

But Brian I really want to show you how I feel


I'd do anything

To be with you again

Just name the place

And I will be there

Oh tell me why can't I

Have the one I love

Just like the way it used to be

I miss you all of the time

when you were mine

I miss the way it seemed so right

How could I let the man I love

Slip right through my hands

I can't get you off of my mind


I just want to make you happy

I want to make you understand

I need you for my boyfriend until the very end

Oh I miss holding hands and playing games

I get chills when I hear your name 'cuz I know

It'll never be the same


I'd do anything

Just to be with you

I'll tell you that I love you

If you want me to

Just call my name

And I'll be there

To let you know

How much I care



She finished the song, and realized she'd burst into tears again. She was so ashamed at what she'd done (both reasons), and knew she could never show him the song; the only way he'd see it would be if she finally decided to show it to him or she were dead. She placed the song, which she'd entitled I'd Do Anything, in her diary, along with the song she'd written, I'm Gonna Miss You Forever, when she was eighteen.

Chapter 25: Hello Again

It'd been a year since Brian had seen or even heard from Lenore for that matter; he was anxiously waiting for her long awaited arrival, for she'd finally called him up and said she was coming down to visit him and the guys. She'd also said she had something she wanted to tell him, and that she couldn't do it over the phone, that she really needed to tell him in person. Finally her plane landed and he soon spotted her amongst the crowd; she looked the same as always, her green eyes flashing and her short brown hair tucked behind her ears, she was wearing blue jeans and a blue T-shirt.

"Hey Lenore!" Brian exclaimed. "Long time no see girl!"

"Hey Brian!" Lenore returned embracing him in a tight hug. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you more!" Brian verified. "Why didn't ya ever call?"

"I, uh, was, um, busy," Lenore lied. "Yeah, I was real busy with stuff."

Brian knew she was lying to him again, but didn't say anything, for he didn't want to get into an argument so soon after her arrival, and in the airport in front of all those people. He took her suitcase from her, then took her hand in his and smiled warmly at her. "I'm glad ya decided to come and visit, I was getting a little sick of Nick whining 'cause I beat him in Nintendo."

Lenore laughed, "Is he as bad as me yet?"

"Believe it or not, he's worse," Brian chuckled. "Way worse."

"Whoa. I thought no one was worse than me."

"Same here, but it looks like we found that 'no one'."

They reached Brian's black corvette, climbed in, buckled up, then headed for his apartment. Once they got there, they were greeted by the rest of the guys, who eagerly wanted to be filled in as to why Lenore hadn't visited in a year. They hung out for awhile, then Lenore escaped into the room that'd be hers for the next little while for a nap, for she still kind of had jet-lag. She awoke a few hours later and went out into the kitchen area to find Howie sitting at the counter.

"Want some hot chocolate?" Howie queried. "It's still hot 'cause I just made it a few minutes ago."

"Sure, why not?" Lenore responded. "Um, Howie, can I talk to ya 'bout something?"

"Anything ya want Lenore," Howie answered. "Ya know I'll listen to ya problems anytime ya want me too."

"Yeah, I know, but this problem is major," Lenore sighed. "So major, that I'm actually ashamed of it, for I've kept it bottled up for so long."

Howie handed her a mug filled to the brim with hot chocolate and marshmallows. "So, what's bothering ya?"

"What's bothering me is this; I have to tell Brian something that has to do with why I haven't acknowledged him for a year," Lenore started. "The thing is, I dunno how to tell him, for I know he'll get mad once he here's my reason."

"I'm sure he won't get mad, knowing Brian, he'd probably be understanding," Howie told her. "Do ya wanna tell me what it was, that you're so ashamed of?"

"Trust me D., he'll be fuming once I've finished telling him," Lenore stated. "I can tell ya the one reason, but I ain't exactly ready to tell anyone the other reason."

"So, what's the first reason?" Howie interrogated. "I don't think ya could ever do anything that'd make Brian really mad."

"Ya don't know me very well then," Lenore replicated. "The first reason is, I, uh, kinda dropped outta school."

"Ya dropped outta college?" Howie questioned. "Why?"

"It was a h-e-double hockey sticks hole," Lenore replied. "I had no friends and everyone there hated me for no reason at all."

"Whoa. That must've been kinda lonesome," Howie acknowledged. "No wonder ya didn't wanna stay there, for ya didn't have a friend in the world."

"Yeah, well, that's 'bout it," Lenore yawned. She placed her mug in the sink, kissed him goodnight, she then returned to her room.

"I wonder what her other reason is?" Howie pondered quietly.

The next day…..

"Morning Bunny," Brian riposted as he entered the living room. "How are ya this fine morning?"

"Okay," Lenore said. "Whatcha wanna do today Duckie?"

"Dunno. We could always go to the park and shoot hoops," Brian replicated. "I have like three balls, just in case fans decide to steal one; I decided I should have back-up balls."

Lenore smiled, "Sure, why not? Of course, ya should get dressed first, even though I'm pretty sure fans would love to see ya in ya rubber ducky boxers."

"Don't worry, I'll have clothes on," Brian laughed. "I don't need anyone else knowing I have these cute little boxers that ya sent me for my birthday."

"I could always tell everyone for ya," Lenore smirked. "So, don't ya dare go making me mad."

A little while later they went to the park to shoot hoops. They went out to a little deli near by for lunch, then returned to the park. Later that night they returned home around eight o'clock.

"Lenore, I didn't wanna ask ya this earlier, but what's wrong?" Brian asked. "And don't ya dare tell me nothing 'cause I'll slap ya; I know something's wrong and I wanna know what it is right now."

Lenore sighed, "I knew I'd have to tell ya sooner or later; naturally I was hoping for later. Can we go in your room and talk, I don't want anyone else to hear what I have to say."

"Sure." They went into Brian's room and sat down on his $50 waterbed. "Start talking."

"Well, there's two reason's why I haven't contacted ya for a year now."

"Well, what are they?"

"Um, the first one is…" Lenore trailed off. "It's 'cause I dropped outta college."

"What? Why?"

"No friends, everyone hated me, teachers were making me feel stupid, got into a fight with my roommate…" she told him, as she ticked her fingers off as she listed the reasons she'd quit school. "It was basically a h-e-double hockey sticks hole."

"It was really that bad eh?" Brian replicated, for he understood. "I'm sorry ya had to go through all that."

"Um, there's another reason I haven't contacted ya, that's way worse than the first one," Lenore continued. "I'm so ashamed of that reason, that I've never told anyone what it was, not even you."

"So what's ya second reason?" Brian queried. "It can't be that bad."

"Promise me ya won't get mad?"

"I can't promise ya nothing if that's how this reason starts off," Brian verified. "Ya know I can't, you should know that better than anyone."

"I know, I know," Lenore groaned. "Um, ya know how ya called me last year the day before my birthday 'cause ya passed out during a show?"

"Yeah, and you said ya hadn't passed out or anything."

"Well, I, um, lied. I know ya know I lied to ya, but there's a reason for that."

"What's your reason?"

"I, um, uh, I…" Lenore tried. "I, uh, um, I…"

"Spit it out already!"

"Itriedtocommitsuicide!" Lenore stated all in one breath.

"Could ya say that in English please?"

"I tried to commit suicide," Lenore admitted. "I tried to hang myself, but I stopped, 'cause the more I thought 'bout you, the more I wanted to live."

"You what?" Brian demanded as he stood up and started to pace. "Did I hear you right? You tried to kill yourself?"

Lenore nodded sadly. "Yes."

"What the (beep) made you wanna do that?"

"Everything. School, neighbours, you being away, people in general, frustrating problems, pretty much everything that was anything."

"Bull! You should never try to kill yourself 'cause ya don't have very many friends, and loads of problems! No reason is a good enough reason to try and commit suicide!"

"I'm really sorry, I didn't know I'd make you pass out too by going slow."

"So what are ya saying? Ya should've done it faster?" God dang it Lenore! I can't believe you'd even think 'bout doing something like that!"

"I am really sorry Brian; I just didn't know what to do or who to turn to."

"Ya know ya can always tell me anything!"

"I know, but I didn't want ya to get all mad at me."

"And I'm not mad now? God dang it! You're so (beep) full of it!"

"For it being my second attempt I think I'm doing okay."

"Second attempt? When was the first?"

"Shortly after the rest of my family was killed in that car accident."

"Why? 'Cause ya wanted to be with 'em again?"

"Give me a break, I was only seventeen at the time."

"That's no (beep) excuse! Lenore Edna Crowder I can't believe you!"

"I didn't mean to lie to you; I never ever wanted to hurt you."

"Not hurt me my foot! Without you I'm nothing; don't ya remember your essay in like grade three on best friends? And how after ya read it, I told ya I agreed with the you're my everything part?"

"I remember. You were crying and so was the teacher 'cause it'd touched you both."

"I can't believe you'd throw all that away by (beep) trying to kill yourself!"

"I didn't throw it away Brian; if I did I wouldn't be here right now confessing all this to you."

"Why didn't ya talk to me 'bout ya problems, ya know I would've helped ya through 'em!"

"I was scared, okay? I didn't know what to do, and the only thing I could think of was to commit suicide."

"Scared or not, you should've come to me first!"

"What are ya, my freakin' father?"

"No, but I am practically your brother!"

"What's that have to do with anything? You're my best friend first!"

"It has to do with everything! Why do ya think I was always there to protect you?"

"I thought it was 'cause you were being a good best friend!"

"I was, but I was also acting as your older brother! You were one of those people who needed to have someone by their side all the time or they'd flip out!"

"Well excuse me for only wanting a friend to hang out with 24/7!"

"You didn't want a friend, you wanted a (beep) security guard!"

"No I didn't, I wanted you as a friend! And would ya stop swearing at me already?"

"If I am your friend, then why would you try to (beep) kill yourself instead of calling me and talking 'bout your problems?"

"I already told ya why!"

"That's still no excuse!"

"Brian, please forgive me, I know it was stupid, but I promised myself I'd never do it again!"

"Sure ya won't, that's why it was your second attempt! I bet ya promised not to do it again after the first time you tried too!"

"I did, but…"

"But nothing! Get out!"

"Ya don't mean that."

"Get out!"




"How many (beep) times do I have to tell ya? Get the (beep) out!"


Brian turned around and slapped her across the face. "GET THE (BEEP) OUT NOW!!!"

Lenore ran out of his room in tears; she saw everyone else sitting in the living room, but ran past them without stopping and into her room, ignoring their questioning looks.

"I wonder what's wrong?" Kevin said. "I've never seen her come out of his rooms in tears before, unless they'd been punished for doing something wrong."

"I think she finally told him why she hasn't acknowledged him for a year," Howie stated. "But I don't see why he'd make her cry 'cause she quit college."

"She quit school?" A.J. interrogated. "Why?"

"A whole lot of reasons," Howie replicated. "Too many to name in five seconds."

"If it's only 'bout school, I don't see why he'd make her cry," Nick put in. "I mean, I quit during grade ten, she made it way farther than I did, and he didn't mind me being outta school at such a young age."

"She said there was another reason though," Howie riposted. "One she wasn't ready to tell me, and she said she was only gonna tell him if the time was right or he demanded to know."

Just then Brian came storming out of his room. "I'm going for a walk!" He snapped as he strolled angrily out the door. He slammed the door shut, so hard, that the whole apartment shook.

"I'm going after him," Kevin and Nick said at the same time.

"Let's go then little bro," Kevin told him. "Or we'll end up losing him." The two of them then headed out the door after Brian, to see what was wrong.

"I'm gonna talk to Lenore, and see why Brian's so mad, and she's so upset," Howie informed A.J. "You can either come with me, or stay here and watch T.V., either way you'll be informed as to what's wrong."

"I'll stay here," A.J. responded. "I think a cool movie is coming on now."

Howie then went over to Lenore's room, knocked on the door, and entered after waiting for about a minute. "Lenore? Are you okay?"

"He hates me Howie!" Lenore wailed, as he sat down next to her. "He really hates me now."

"I don't think he hates ya, I think he's just really upset and doesn't know how to handle it," Howie riposted. "Do ya wanna tell me what happened?"

"Might as well, you'll find out sooner or later any ways, probably sooner," Lenore sniffled. "I tried to commit suicide last year, for a whole lot of reasons, one being 'cause I missed Brian so much. He got all mad and started swearing at me, he told me to get out, and when I refused he…he…he…"

"He what?"

"He hit me," Lenore whispered as a new set of fresh tears streamed down her face. "He slapped me across the face and told me to get the (beep) out."

"He had no right to hit you, no matter how mad he was or how bad the situation," Howie confirmed. "I can't believe you'd try to commit suicide though."

"Don't ask, it was my second attempt," Lenore sniveled. "The first was shortly after my family died, when I was seventeen."

"I'll talk to him later," Howie replicated. "Trust me, he'll be getting lectures forever on this."

"There's another reason why I'm so upset," Lenore stated quietly. "All I ever wanted to do was make him proud, even when we were babies, I wanted him to be proud of me."

"I know ya do, he probably just hasn't realized that yet," Howie soothed. "Anything else ya wanna tell me?"

"I…I love him."

"I know ya do, everyone knows ya do."

"No, not as in brotherly love or best friend love," Lenore clarified. "Love as in real love."

"You do? How long have ya loved him like that?"

"Since I was about fourteen and I caught his butt with the hook on my fishing line while we were fishing, luckily it only went through the seat of his pants. Ever since, I've wanted so badly to taste those luscious looking lips."

"Did you ever tell him?"

"No. I was afraid I'd scare him away. Now, I'm ready to tell him, but I don't think he'll wanna listen."

"Don't worry, it'll all work out for the best," Howie promised, hugging her. "He'll forgive ya soon enough."

"I sure hope so," Lenore sighed. "I really do."

Chapter 26: Forgiveness

It'd been almost two weeks since Lenore had told Brian why she hadn't acknowledged him for a year; ever since he'd kicked her out of his room, he hadn't talked to her at all, which really hurt her inside. What she didn't know was that it was hurting him too, but he didn't want anyone to know. She was so frustrated and hurt that she decided to write a song about how she was feeling, and see if she could sing it at one of their upcoming concerts, for she wanted him to know just how she felt. She sat down and started to write whatever popped into her head; she soon finished it, then went in search of Kevin, to see if she could borrow his keyboard, so she could get the music for her song. Naturally Kevin agreed to let her use his keyboard, knowing she'd take good care of it; she disappeared back into her room and started to play the keyboard, finally she had the music for her song, which hadn't been too hard, for she'd already had the tune. She talked to Kevin and the other guys (Nick, A.J., and Howie) about performing her song at their next show; they agreed and promised to keep it a secret so she could surprise Brian. Finally it was the night she was to sing in front of a crowd for the first time, just her luck, there were over thirty thousand people in the audience. The guys (everyone, but Brian) could tell she was nervous and gave her encouraging words, which made her smile, and gain confidence. After I Need You Tonight she came out to sing her song, but first she decided to talk to the audience.

"Hey y'all, wuzzup?" She said in her thick Kentucky accent, into the hand microphone Kevin had handed her. "Y'all enjoying the show?" She was met with cheers and loud applause, for Kevin had introduced her to them. "As y'all know now, I'm Brian's very best friend, Lenore, and I've come here to sing y'all a song that I wrote. I'd like to dedicate it to the person I wrote it about, you know who you are; this person hurt me and I want him to know just how I feel. The song's entitled Where Can We Go From Here, I hope y'all will like it.

"YEEEAAAHHH!!!" The audience screamed. "YEEEAAAHHH!!!"

Lenore listened as the band started to play the music, then she started to sing.

(A.N.: For those of you who don't already know, Brian really wrote this song, but I'm using it as my song in this story.)

I try to pick the pieces up

I can't think of starting over

We used to share the stars above

I don't wanna think of change

But now I've got to move on

I've got to catch up to the world

And even though I gave you my life

As wrong as it seems, I know it's right

But is there a place that I can go away

To escape the love that I will forever know

Where can we go from here

All I know is that I love you still

Sometimes we do things against our will

I know I cry lonely tears

Where can we go from here


Why do I cry inside

For a love that's gone away


How can I carry on

When all the love is gone

So where can I go to get away

From the pain of loving you

Tell me where

Where can we go from here

All I know is that I love you still

Sometimes we do things against our will

I know I cry lonely tears

Where can we go

From here

Oooooooh, yeah

She ended the song, hoping that no one else noticed that she was crying; she also hoped that Brian would now understand her a bit better. She walked off the stage after taking a quick little bow, and was met with hugs from all the guys, but Brian, who stayed in his spot over in the far left corner under the stage. He knew she'd written the song for him, and he wanted so badly to apologize to her, but didn't know how too. He decided that he should do what she did, write a song, for he knew how much she loved to hear him sing; writing her a song would the perfect way to apologize if only he could get her to stay away just a little longer. He told himself he'd start writing the song as soon as he got home; he then joined the other guys back on stage and they performed The Perfect Fan.

After the show, Lenore talked to the other guys, to see if they knew how Brian had reacted to her song. "Hey guys, did Brian say anything 'bout my song?"

"Sorry Lenore, he didn't say anything," A.J. informed her. "All he did was stand in the corner he was in when you came down and frown."

"He frowned?" Lenore fretted. "Oh God, I bet he's even angrier now; what have I done?"

"You did nothing wrong," Nick assured her. "All you did was try to tell him how you felt the best way you knew how. If he's angrier more now than he was before, then he has a serious problem, 'cause if that had have been me, I would've been embracing you in a big hug as soon as you returned here under the stage."

"Really?" Lenore asked as he nodded. "Gee, thanks Nick, ya really know how to cheer a girl up."

"No problem," Nick smirked. "Now ya know why all the girls love me."

"Very funny lil' bro," Kevin stated. "Now c'mon, let's go so we can get changed and meet some of our devoted fans."

"I'm with Kevin on this one," Howie agreed. "C'mon guys, let's go; we'll see ya a little later Lenore."

"Bye guys," Lenore said as they all left to get changed. "I hope Nick's right, maybe he wasn't mad, maybe he was just thinking."

Another week went by and still Brian would not talk to Lenore, but it wasn't because he was still mad at her, it was because he was ashamed that he'd hit her, and was working on the song he was writing for her. He didn't bother to tell anyone, not even Nick and Kevin, what he was up too, for he wanted to surprise everyone. He finally finished the song, and showed it to the guys and their band; he told then that he wanted to perform it at their next show, so she'd know that he'd forgiven her and wouldn't go home to Lexington. The guys were quite surprised that all this time he'd been working on a song to apologize to her, yet everyone thought he was just really peed off about her song, when in reality he'd actually liked it. They all agreed to perform the song at their next show, just as long as they all knew the whole song.

It was the night of the concert, and Lenore couldn't figure out why everyone was suddenly so jumpy whenever she entered the room. She was afraid that maybe all of them were mad at her now, but wasn't quite sure. She was surprised later on when Brian announced they had a new song to sing, for she hadn't heard about any new song.

"Hey y'all," Brian said. "We've got a new song to sing for ya. It's one I wrote this past week, to apologize to someone for hurting her like I did. She knows who she is, and y'all should too, for she sang her song last week. The scum-ball she dedicated it to was me; for I hurt her in a way I never have before. So I hope y'all like the song, and I hope she's still willing to forgive me, for I forgave her long ago, but didn't know how to tell her. The song is called It's True."

(A.N.: I know Brian didn't write this song, Max Martin, Andreas Carlsson, and Kevin did, but I'm using it to suit my purposes for it's such a nice song.)

The Boys then started to sing the song.

Even a lover makes a mistake sometimes

Like any other

Fall out and lose his mind

And I'm sorry for the things I did

For your teardrops over words I said

Can you forgive me and open

your heart once again, oh yeah

It's true

I mean it

From the bottom of my heart

Yeah, it's true

Without you I would fall apart

Whatever happened

I know that I was wrong, oh yes

Can you believe me

Maybe your faith is gone

But I love you and I always will

So I wonder if you want me still

Can you forgive me and open

your heart once again, oh yeah

It's true

I mean it

From the bottom of my heart

Yeah, it's true

Without you I would fall apart

I'd do anything to make it up to you

So please understand

And open your heart once again

It's true

I mean it

From the bottom of my heart

From the bottom of my heart

Yeah, It's true

Without you I would fall apart

It's true

I mean it

From the bottom of my heart

The bottom of my heart

Yeah, it's true

Without you I would fall apart


Oh yeah

It's true

Brian looked up, to find Lenore standing at the side of the stage in tears, they ran towards one another and hugged. Lenore then got the shock of a lifetime, as did the fans, Brian kissed her on the lips. Then he whispered in her ear (you could hear him through his microphone though) "I love you, I always have and I promise I always will."

"I love you too," Lenore stated through tears. "I've loved you for so long, but didn't know how to tell you."

They kissed again, as everyone (audience and the guys) cheered their approval. "Ask her out! Ask her out!" They chanted. "Ask her out!"

"Lenore, will you go out with me?" Brian queried.

"I'd marry ya at the drop of a hat if ya asked," Lenore replied. "For it seems as though we've been dating forever."

"In that case…" Brian trailed off as he got down on one knee. "Lenore Edna Crowder, will you marry me?"

Everyone, Lenore included, gasped, especially once they saw the canary yellow diamond ring.

Lenore started to cry again. "Yes," she managed. "I will."

Again everyone cheered, even though they couldn't believe he'd proposed to her.

Chapter 27: A Wedding

"Brian Littrell, do you take Lenore to be your awful wedded wife? Through sickness and in health; for better or for worse?" The priest asked. "For richer or poorer? To honor and obey you, and to always be faithful?"

Brian grinned, "Yes, I do."

"Lenore Crowder, do you take Brian to be your awful wedded husband? Through sickness and in health; for better or for worse?" The priest queried. "For richer or poorer? To honor and obey, and to always be faithful?"

"Yeah, I do," Lenore stated. "Now can we hurry and get to the kissing part?"

Everyone laughed, and the priest continued. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

They turned to one another smiling, Brian pulled her close, and they kissed passionately, until the priest said it was okay to stop anytime soon, causing everyone to laugh again.

Lenore threw her bouquet and smirked, when her other best friend, Aimee Peitroniro, whom she'd met that year, caught it.

Brian threw her garter, and everyone laughed at the look on A.J.'s face when he caught it. They laughed even harder when A.J. smiled devilishly, then went over and grabbed Aimee around the waist, pulled her close, and then kissed her.

At the reception…..

"I'd like to wish my cousin, and his wonderful bride the very best of luck and eternal happiness," Kevin began. "I remember when both of 'em were just babies, and even then you had a hard time separating them from one another. They were always together no matter what and in high school the teachers made sure they were in the same classes, for they knew one of 'em would flip if they weren't together. Everyone called 'em Frick 'n' Frack, for they've always been inseparable. I know they're perfect for one another, I could've told ya that long ago, when they were still young. I love ya both and hope ya have a memorable honeymoon."

"Don't worry, we will Kev," Lenore piped up. "Trust me, we will, for I know Duckie all too well."

Everyone laughed, then Nick stood up to make a toast. "To two of the best people I know, good luck!"

"Cheers!" Was the unanimous response.

After the reception Lenore and Brian raced out to their limo and took off for their honeymoon. They were going to Venice Italy, somewhere Lenore had always wanted to go, for two glorious weeks.


It was a hot Orlando afternoon…..

"Daddy! Daddy!" One-year old Silvana shrieked. "Daddy!"

"Hey Pumpkin," Brian said as he picked her up. "Daddy missed you."

"I miss you," Silvana clarified snuggling her head under her father's chin. "I love you."

"I love you too Sweetie," Brian replicated. "Where's your brother?"

"I here Daddy!" Two-year old Keith cried running to him. "I miss you lots!"

"I missed you too my little man," Brian responded, picking him up and kissing the top of his head. "Where you a good boy for Mommy while I was away?"

"Yesth Daddy, I was," Keith answered. "I very good boy."

"I'm glad to hear that," Brian riposted. "Where's Mommy and Jonathan?"

"We're right here Duckie," Lenore stated. "We've been here the whole time."

"Hey Bunny," Brian rejoined, coming over, with the kids still in his arms, and kissing her. "Long time no see girl."

"Ain't that getting a little old?" Lenore asked. "You've been saying that for years now."

"Oh well, it's true ain't it?" Brian replied, before leaning down and kissing four-month old Jonathan's soft little head.

"Yeah, I guess it is," Lenore smiled. "Where the other guys disappear to?"

"Right here Lenore," Kevin grinned. "Are our families here too?"

"Yeah, they're here, but they dunno you're home yet," Lenore informed them. "I didn't tell them y'all were coming home today."

"Why do I hear my Daddy?" One-year old Jerald queried. "Auntie Lenore, why do I hear Daddy?"

"Look up Jerald," Lenore stated. "Look who's in front of ya."

Jerald looked up. "Daddy!" He screamed. "You home!" He then jumped into his father's arms and gave him a big hug.

"Hey Jerald," Kevin said as he ruffled his son's hair. "How are ya?"

"Good Daddy, I was good boy too," Jerald verified. "Mommy no mad at me this time."

"That's good," Kevin riposted. He then looked up and spotted Kristin in the doorway with their two-month old daughter, Raffaella. "Hey Kris."

"Hey Kevy," Kristin replicated. "I missed ya."

"I missed ya too," Kevin rejoined, after he kissed her. He placed Jerald on the ground, and took Raffaella from Kristin. "Hey Sweetie, Daddy's home."

Raffaella looked up at him and gurgled her little baby love to him, smiling as she did so.

"I love you too Raffaella," Kevin whispered, kissing her little head again. "I love you too."

"Devin, Dawn, where are you?" Howie called. "I'm home!"

Devin and Dawn, Howie and Claudia's adopted two-year old twins, came running out of the house then, and jumped into his arms, then proceeded to plant kisses all over his face.

"I missed you both too," Howie retorted.

"Hey Howie," Claudia said as she came out of the house. "Ya enjoy the tour?"

"Yeah, but it was lonely out on the road without you," Howie replied. "Quiet too."

"Very funny," Claudia stated, as she playfully slapped his arm. "Ya know ya love and miss me."

"I do too," Howie replicated, kissing her cheek. "Way too much."

"Hey y'all," Danielle verified as she came out of the house with one-year old Nick Jr. in her arms. "Where's my Carter-Boy?"

"Right here," Nick responded kissing her passionately. "I sure missed ya hun."

"EEEW!!!" Nick Jr. cried. "Daddy has cooties!"

Everyone laughed as Nick took his little son in his arms and assured him that his Daddy didn't have cooties.

"Daddy home Mommy?" Two-year old Jordan questioned.

"Maybe," Aimee replied, as she watched A.J. sneak up behind their only daughter. "Maybe not."

"Gotcha!" A.J. yelled, as he grabbed Jordan around the waist and lifted her up into the air.

"AAAHHHHH!!!" Jordan screeched. "Daddy!"

A.J. turned her around, and kissed his only child. "I missed you so much!"

"I miss you Daddy," Jordan clarified. "Mommy say I miss you too much."

"She does, does she?" A.J. interrogated, looking over at Aimee. "Why?"

"Because she doesn't listen when you're gone," Aimee stated. "She's a little devil, and won't do as she's told, and she hurts the other children. She was hitting Keith yesterday, biting Silvana, pulling Devin and Dawn's hair, and she even beat Jerald up. And when I try to punish her, she just laughs, spits at me, and runs off, as though it's all a big joke; I'm getting sick of chasing after her too."

"Jordan Alexandria McLean!" A.J. exclaimed. "Did you hurt everyone else while I was gone? Did you not listen and be mean to Mommy?"

"Yesth, and yesth," Jordan responded quietly.

"I can't believe you went and did that!" A.J. riposted angrily. "What have I always told you?"

"Be nice to everyone," Jordan whispered. "But they all mean to me."

"Why? Because they wouldn't let you get away with what you were doing?" A.J. demanded placing her back down on the ground. "Because they yelled at you and told you to go to your room?"

"Yesth," Jordan answered just above a whisper.

"Oh, uh, Bone, she did receive a spanking while you were gone," Lenore told him. "But that's only 'cause she ticked me off by throwing my favourite stuffed animal in the garbage truck, and I had to tell the guy to stop the machine so I could rescue my stuffed animal. Thanks to her, I'm now the laughing stock of the town. So I guess ya could say she couldn't sit for the rest of the day; oh and teach her manners will ya, she swore at me, then took off and locked herself in her room, so I couldn't come in after her and tan her hide."

"She threw Baby Duck in the back of a garbage truck?" A.J. asked, knowing how much that duck meant to Lenore. "She swore at you too?"

Lenore nodded, "I'm afraid so A.J. I hate to be telling ya all this, especially considering ya just got home and all, but I figured you'd wanna hear 'bout what your little angel was up too while you were away."

"Jordan Alexandria McLean!" A.J. yelled. "Have you no respect for anyone anymore? What is your problem? Just because I'm not here doesn't mean you go and disrespect everyone!"

"I sorry Daddy," Jordan apologized, shocked for he'd never yelled at her before. "I real sorry."

"Come with me Jordan," A.J. riposted tonelessly as he took her hand in his. "We need to have a long talk about all of this."

Jordan looked up at her father, and for the first time ever in her life, she was afraid of him, and started to cry. "I sorry, really I sorry Daddy."

A.J. said nothing as he picked her up and took her into the house.

"Is Jordan in trouble Daddy?" Keith queried. "Is she gonna get spanking?"

"Yes she's in trouble Keith, for she was a very bad girl," Brian responded. "Yes, I think she's gonna get her first spanking ever from her Daddy."

"I glad I good boy and you no mad at me," Keith stated hugging his father tight. "It scary when you mad."

"I glad you not mad too," Silvana whispered, snuggling her head closer to his neck. "You smell nice Daddy."

Thanks Sweetie," Brian replied as he passed Keith to Kevin, and retrieved Jerald from his cousin's arms. "Hey Jerald."

"Hey Uncle Brian," Jerald smiled. "I miss you too."

"Daddy, I wanna see Uncle Nick!" Dawn whined. "I wanna see Uncle Nick!"

"Uh, Nick, ya wanna trade kids?" Howie pondered.

"Sure D.," Nick answered, passing Howie Nick Jr. and taking Devin and Dawn into his arms. "But I ain't trading ya wives."

"Didn't say I wanted ya too, although, it would be nice," Howie teased, as Claudia hit his arm again.

"Watch it Mister, I know where ya live," Claudia threatened jokingly. "I also know when ya sleep."

"What? Every minute of every day?" Aimee joshed. "Mr. Sleeping Beauty, that's what he is."

"That's why I'm so good looking," Howie responded.

The girls glanced at one another, then retrieved the hose and doused him with it, accidentally forgetting he was holding Nick Jr.

"Hey!" Nick Jr. cried. "I wet!"

"Sorry lil' Nicky," Lenore laughed. "But we had to get Uncle Howie no matter what."

"Yeppers," Kristin agreed. "Mr. I'm Too Good For Ya."

"K, I no mad," Nick Jr. grinned. "I wanted to swim any ways."

Later that day…..

Everyone was in the pool in Lenore and Brian's backyard, having a blast, all but Jordan, who'd been lectured for a couple hours, spanked, and put to bed early by a very upset A.J. He was still visibly upset, but pushed those thoughts aside as he hugged Aimee tight in his arms. Everyone knew and understood why he was upset, for he always tried to teach Jordan right form wrong, but by the looks of it he'd failed, and he hated to fail in anything, especially when it came to raising his only daughter. Also Jonathan and Raffaella had been put to bed in their parent's rooms.

"Hey guys, ya wanna play water basketball?" Lenore queried, for she loved b-ball, thanks to Brian who'd talked her into playing when they were little. "I gotta ball right here, and the net's already set up…"

"Sure, we'll play Lenni," Nick rejoined. "We know how long ya must've waited for us to come home and play it with ya."

"You've no idea how much she was starting to annoy us," Aimee giggled. "She was always bugging us to play, but we wouldn't 'cause of the kids. She was whining like a spoiled five-year old."

"My Bunny was whining?" Brian questioned. "Ah, how cute." He then kissed the tip of her nose.

"Bri-yuhn," Lenore groaned. "Stop it, you're embarrassing me in front of everyone, including the kids."

Everyone laughed, then they split up into two teams and played water basketball with their families. That's how the day ended, they all played water b-ball until it was way past the kids bedtimes, and the adults were too exhausted to play anymore, so they all retired to bed for the night.

Later that night…..

Brian and Lenore (and Baby Duck) were lying in bed, snuggled up close to one another. They'd been thinking back about all the good and bad times they'd shared together, laughing every so often at something they remembered. Finally at four o'clock that morning, they'd decided they'd best get some sleep for the kids would more than likely be up at seven. Though they were now married and had three small children, they'd never forget how'd they'd shared their lives with one another even when they were younger, and how their friendship brought them even closer to one another. They were both glad for everything, their friendship that'd brought them together, their marriage, their families (Mainly Brian's for Lenore's had been killed in a car accident by a drunk driver when she was seventeen), their children, and the other four guys, whom they loved very much.

The Boys continued making their marvelous music and sometimes brought their families on tour with them. All their fans approved of their families, and were very happy for them. Now and then the guys would bring their families on stage with them during a show, it was usually just one of their children, for the girls usually wanted to remain backstage, although Lenore came out quite a lot to perform her song. Where Can We Go From Here, for the fans. She'd recorded the song, and it had been included on the Boys fifth album Backstreet Boys: Backstreet Paradise. They were all very happy that the fans were so supportive and understood their happiness, and extreme joy they felt just by being with one another. Sometimes during a show, Lenore or Brian would tell embarrassing stories about the other or sometimes even Kevin, who usually pretended to be mad, even though he wasn't. Also, all the songs they'd written when they were younger were given to Nick's little brother, Aaron, to record for his album. Brian and the other guys recorded How Did I Fall In Love With You though, as well as a few other of their songs. All in all they all lived joyous lives together until the day they died (which wasn't for a very, very, very, very, very long time).

~Written by: Lenore(



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