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*November 8th, 2001* I rewrote parts of my story "Angel" I feel that it is much better than before. Go read it and see for yourself!

~Angel~ This story's about Brian falling in love with an angel. (Staring Brian from BsB) *Rated PG-13*

*July 27th, 2001* I fixed my story "Different Kinds Of Love" It was previously missing chapter 10. If you would be so gracious.. go read it! hehe.. it makes more sence now and if you've never read it before you don't know what your missing! (I'm so full of myself)

_Different Kinds Of Love_ When Brian finds out he has cancer... things start going wrong in his life more than he ever thought possible.(Starting Brian Littrell, Nick Carter, and Aj McLean) *Rated PG-13*

*February 19th, 2001* I added a new story called Memories.

Memories Best of friends since the beginning... Brian and Lenore are meant for each other but can there love last through the trials of growing up? -27 Chapters- (Staring Brian Littrell) *Rated PG-13*

*January 2nd, 2001* I added a new story that I wrote called "_Different Kinds Of Love_"

_Different Kinds Of Love_ When Brian finds out he has cancer... things start going wrong in his life more than he ever thought possible.(Starting Brian Littrell, Nick Carter, and Aj McLean) *Rated PG-13*

*December 12th, 2000* I added a new story called "Shattered"

Shattered A story of life, love, hopes, dreams and the way things can go terribly wrong -7 Chapters- (Staring Nick Carter) *Rated PG-13*

*December 10th, 2000* I added the sequel to "Marry Me" check it out!

Simple Kind Of Life Sequel to "Marry Me" -37 Chapters- (Staring Brian Littrell and Aj Mclean) *Rated R* (Sexual Content and Language)

*November 15th, 2000* I added a new story.

Marry Me When Sophia's long time relationship with Aj doesn't seem to be going anywhere fast she does the logical thing and ends it. When circumstances arise she realizes she still wants him, but will it be too late? -26 Chapters- (Staring Brian Littrell and Aj Mclean) *Rated R* (Sexual Content and Language)

*November 11th, 2000*~I re-did a lot of the site and I am going to be re-doing it for a while. Check back here every week or so and see what else is new!

~I took out all the poems... I want to focus on just the stories