I'm appalled by the lack of respect your magazine shows to young celebrities. I don't think I've ever read an article when a writer has given these popular stars the proper respect. I speak of groups such as *Nsync and singers such as Britney Spears. These few people I've mentioned are taking the world by storm and all you can do is put them down. Jealous much? Could that be it? That these 20-something (some younger) stars are making lives for themselves by doing what they love. Since when is that something to be ashamed of? I'm sure you know the facts on these artists. How they're breaking records, selling out concerts, and doing a lot for charity. Times are changing and people are mad that 'rock' isn't the popular music right now, and thus, they set blame to these popular 'pop' music stars. Has Britney Spears personally come to you and smacked you in the face? No. Then why do you continually smack her in her face? Being a Britney fan I learned to accept the fact that the media has a field day with Ms. Spears. But sometimes, it's taken too far. You seem to forget that Britney is 18-years-old. She has her whole life ahead of her and her future will sooner be ruined by media bugs than anything else. For the record, I'm a 20-year old fan of *Nsync, Britney and the others, and proud to be. I'm not some teenybopper that can't take a joke. I can, but what I can't tolerate are stuck up writers jealous of people half their age, that can't seem to find the decency to write a respectable article. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go work on my Britney Spears website.