History of the Site

In the beginning, this site was a part of a little something called THE BEAT.  I started a email zine when I still had AOL, and it was basically an *Nsync and Britney newsletter with some other pop stars thrown in on top of some other regular columns.  At it's peak, THE BEAT had over 500 subscribers and 6 regulars columnists other than myself.  I was proud to be a part of everything that THE BEAT was.  Then came the day we got rid of AOL, and I started my web designing days.  At first *Nsync *Nsanity and Brit*s World were only branches off of THE BEAT's site.  They became much more.

In June of 2000, Brit*s World became it's own site, starting small and with, I can say now, a pitiful layout.  I didn't give up.  We went through several layouts and several branch off sites including IN DEFENSE, a site purely dedicated to the defense of Britney Spears, CATCH YOUR BREATH, a clique for *Nsync and Britney fans.  In a few short months, I will be graduating from college at the age of 22, and yes, I'm still a Britney Spears fan. 

My vow is to keep this site up and running for as long as I possibly can.  I will always be a Britney fan.  In some small way, she's changed my life, whether I'd like to admit it or not.  She's an inspiration to me and this site.  I know in my heart the I am not the only person who feels this way.

It's Brit*s World...We Just Live In It