October 30, 2001
Guess what I got today...TICKETS!! I'm so excited! Four of us are getting together and trecking the 40 minutes to State College to see our girl, Brit, on stage!! Courtney, Kate and Lorrie... we're going to have a blast!! On another note, some new pics were added, but not any significant number. A Willa Ford page was added so be sure to check that out. That's about it, Happy Halloween everyone!!
October 21, 2001
Already adding to the new layout! I set up an "In Honor" page. Check it out! 'Britney' the album comes out in a little over two weeks. I'm still trying to get tickets for the tour (November 8th, State College) so we'll see if I get to go. Go on, explore...and sign the guestbook!
October 17, 2001
AHHH!! It's finally ready!! Well? How do you guys like the new layout? Right now, I like it... let give it awhile, huh? Well, as you can tell, a lot is different. I'm still adding things like crazy, so keep coming back for more. I have a few things saved and ready for uploading. Until then, enjoy the new look. The album's on it's way!!!