I'm living a dream....

     By the time any of you read this, I'll be in sunny Florida working in a Disney resort for the span of 5 months.  Thousands of college students go to Walt Disney World each semester to intern for the company, and I get to be one of them.

     Since I graduated in May, the real world has been knocking on my door.  Florida seems like just as good of a place to start looking for a job as any, so keep your fingers crossed  that this may lead to something more.

     I decided to keep all of my sites open while I'm gone, just not updated as frequently, if at all.  Truly and surely, I will miss being in this "web world" while enjoying a 'whole new world' (sorry, couldn't resist the Disney reference on that one!).  Anway, when I went away to college 3 years ago, I thought that would be the end, but *Nsync *Nsanity and Brit*s World expanded into *Nsync *Nsanity, Brit*s World, In Defense of Brit, Catch Your Breath, Delusions Fan Fiction, Showin' Shazam Love, Showin' Pictures (Both JC Chasez sites), Completely Justified, Completely Pictures (Both Justin Timberlake sites), 5 Guys :: 1 Girl Message Board (for all the up-to-date news and gossip), and a few other sites that I just never update (Jessica Simpson, Mandy Moore, Faith Hill, Wild Orchid, RENT!).  Anyway, they've improved and I expanded because, well, I like doing it.

     I honestly have so much fun doing these sites, but sometimes I feel them to be an obligation.  An obligation to show you all the BEST pictures out there.  Or the latest piece of gossip that you just HAD to hear!  Anyway, I've loved the past 4 years... 

     I'm one of those rare pop fans that absolutely adore both *Nsync and Britney Spears.  I look up to them, admire them and their talents... whatever those may be.  In a general sense they've taught all of us to follow our dreams.  That's what they taught me.  The more I see how far they've come, the more I realize that anything is possible.  I'm moving to Orlando, FL knowing only one person (that I met through my *Nsync infatuation, thank you very much!), and I'm starting my life.  I'm starting a new part of my life that I get to choose.  No matter how I preach that neither *Nsync nor, and especially, Britney were not here to influence lives, they've affected mine.  No dream is too big if you have to patience and guts to go for it.  Thank you guys for teaching me that invaluable lesson.

See Ya Real Soon...


*Nsync *Nsanity Showin' Shazam Love Showin' Pictures Completely Justified Completely Pictures Brit*s World
In Defense of Brit Delusions Catch Your Breath In Your Eyes MOORE Please! Wild Orchid:  Hypnotic