:: YOU said ::

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DATE: Sat, 19 Jan 2002
From: "brandyrand"
Hey... I love your site, it's so cool! Thanks for not being selfish. I am 19 and I am obsessed with Brit, she's so cool! My room is covered and everyone calls me Britney! It's so cool to know that I am not the only one over 16 who loves her! I have a question: there are some songs that aren't on any of her albums that are on this site and have lyrics to them. Where can I get those songs, do you know? Write Back...thanks

DATE: Sun, 10 Mar 2002
From: "britchick"
Hey girl. I just wanted to write you (I just signed your guestbook) I love your site and thanks so much for your kind words. You rock and I hope to talk to you sometime online. Don't be a stranger! Later days!

DATE: May 22 2002
FROM: "Weird Neffie"
I have too say that I love your web site and I love the fact that you express your opinion on surtten issues and though not everyone has too agree with you it's still cool.
Anyway I think it's time for me too say my opinon about Briteny and Justin. First off all I have too say they made or make (I myself am still confused is it weather or not they broke up or got back thougher.)
An aroable couple they are both very sweet and very taltened people and weather you believe or do not believe the stories that you read about them is up too you.
I personaly I am trying not too beleieve every singel little thing that the media writes about them.
I personaly do not think that Justin would make commtents about Britney's vriginity that too me doesn't not seem like something he would do, and I also know that he is NOT dating that dancer nor is he dating Alicia Keys.
Anyway this is just my opinon I am NOT saying you have too agree with me everyone is intitled too their own opinon.
Thank you, Weird Neffie

DATE: November 7 2002
FROM: "Carmen"
Maybe you missed the big interview he had and He said he didn't talk to no guy on no plane 2.He dumped Britney because of something she did.So I don't think it's all wrong doing on Justin part.Also in the chat he said HE LOVED BRITNEY WITH ALL HIS HEART AND THAT HE WILL NEVER DO ANYTHING TO HURT HER.I also heared that Britney cheated on him and she never told him the truth untill the guy she had on the side told him.

I wrote back to this chick explaining my opinion furthur, but apparently she gave a bad email address, cause I got an "address unknown" mailing back!

DATE: Wed, 01 Jan 2003
From: "Mick"
Meny thanks for allowing me to use the lyrics These will at present be stored in my database for latter use. Should there be any info that you would be interested in like Britneys uk chart info which I will be uploading and add some new bits to please. let me know. All my Artists Chart stats are updated every sunday at about 11pm GMT. Greate site love the lables you us for buttons ect [Hit Me....Baby] so I did and you got this.

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