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Date: 8.19.01
Source: Dorough Lupus Foundation

Dear Supporters of The Dorough Lupus Foundation,

It is with great pride and joy that the Dorough Lupus Foundation and I are happy to annouce that Howie has been awarded the honour of becoming a Salt Lake City 2002 Olympic Torch Relay Carrier.

I wanted to thank each and everyone of you once for your support of this campaign. It is very much appriciated. Together we accomplished this wonderful feat. The Salt Lake 2002 Olympic Torch Relay Committee received over 10,000 e-mailed votes from the general public for Howie to be given this outstanding recognition.

Look for the Olympic Torch Relay Committee to offically announce the winners at the end of this month. In February of 2002, Howie will be carrying the Olympic Flame with another great humanitarian, Lance Armstrong and other worthy recipients. The publicity this distinction will bring to our Organization is priceless. Thank you.

Please feel free to post this wonderful news on all BSB sites and any related pages. On behalf of the Dorough Lupus Foundation and the Dorough Family I would like to say thank you once again for your continued support of our fine organization.