1:52 pm, 06/01/01

subject: my graduation

Starting from today, I am officially done with High School...forever. As I put on my cap and gown last night and walked into that arena, for the first time, I realized what an accomplishment I've achieved. After all those late-night studying sessions, hundreds of pages of history notes, countless book reports and exams, this is where everything leads to...

I don't think I even remember most of the speeches, except that "tomorrow, you'll be on your own." As they announced my name to receive my diploma, I said to myself, "wow, this is it!." For some reason, everthing seems so final at graduation, knowing it would be impossible to assemble the entire class of 2001, ever, again. Everyone is going off to a separate direction, so am I. But am I ready for such a change? I still feel so young inside, but already, I am about to be "on my own." 2006, that's when the reunion is...think so and so would get married? What about her, think she'll published her first novel by then? And most importantly, what about ME? What would I have become in 2006...would I be as successful as what my class has always predicted me to become? Would I be married by 2006, though I've promised myself I won't settle down until I am financially independent? Who knows? Everything is so unpredictable.

Good-bye Utah; good-bye, my friends; good-bye, Oly; and good-bye, my childhood.

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