6:11 pm, 09/09/01
subject: enjoying life
Wow, it seems to have been forever since I last wrote. I bet all my devoted journals readers must be wondering what I have been up to? LOL Well, I *think* I have almost overcome the transition phase, as I now start to enjoy my new life. Recently, I pledged to an open sorority - Alpha Delta Kappa, which is committed to community service - the main reason of why I decided to pledge. Like everyone, I used to have this misperception and stereotype about sorority know, being superficial, fake, but after going through the rush process personally, I fell in love with the sorority life immediately. I cannot wait to find out who my big sis is, and of course there are the informals and exchanges....everything is gonna be great.
Friday night was a "historical" moment for me because I went to my first "real" frat. party. It was okay I guess...but I really didn't like the scene as everyone was trying to hook up with everyone. The smoking, drinking, and suggestive dancing really did bug me...the environment just made me feel very dirty and sick. Oh the guys there...are trying SO HARD to get girls. This one guy (he's pretty cute) asked what my name was and said, "my favorite cousin's name is Joanna too...and I love her very much." get the ideas...also this other Greek frat. tried to put his moves on was purely DISGUSTING! So yah, I don't think I'm ever gonna be a fan of parties.
Oh, I started working for USC's Leavey Library last night. My shift is the graveyard hours - from 6:00 pm to midnight. Luckily, my co-workers are very nice, especially Yorgo. Okay, I gotta mention him because he is so darn nice! He's a Chinese major at USC and was actually an English teacher in China for two years after taking some time off from school. So I enjoyed talking to him a lot and was very impressed by his Chinese, since it is very difficult for Americans to master in this language. So yah, he is very COOL...
Hmmm..what else...oh, my roommate and I went to Sephora yesterday and oh man, I could have spent hours in there! Besides the malls, Sephora gotta be my second favorite place in the me, it's definitely worth it to invest your money on good, high-quality cosmetic products. In comparison to drug-store products, you can definitely tell the difference.
An hour or so ago, there was like an 8 seconds earthquake where I am...that was cool. Hmm...I guess that's everything I want to say for this time.