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Two Tickets to Paradise - Day 2

Jon rose early in the morning and slipped out of the hotel room without waking Caryn. He was anxious to hit the golf course and didn’t want to run into any “interference” as he called it. He grabbed a quick bite to eat and a cup of coffee in the café off the lobby then retrieved his car from the valet.

Caryn woke around 10 o’clock to an empty room. She knew where Jon had gone already. She was a bit disappointed but also glad that she was able to sleep in. That was the longest sleep she had experienced in a very long time and she smiled at the thought.

She slowly rose out of bed and sauntered to the sliding window. She pulled the drapes back and slid the glass open. The sound of chirping birds filled the room along with the scent flowers and the ocean. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and smiled.

She looked out over the grounds. “What a beautiful sight,” she sighed. “I think I’ll go down and lay at the pool today,” she told herself, then proceeded in taking her shower and getting ready for a rough day lounging in the warm, Hawaiian sun.

Caryn had called room service for a cup of coffee and a bagel to be delivered. Stepping out the shower, she heard a knock at the door. She slipped on the white terri cloth robe the hotel provided and made her way for the door.

She took her breakfast out to the balcony and sat outside, sipping her coffee and nibbling at her light breakfast. A small bird flew onto the balcony, waiting for a scrap to fall. She pulled a small piece of her bagel off and tossed it to the scavenger. It flew away happy, the scrap in it’s beak.

Humming, Caryn closed the window and curtains and slipped into her new two-piece swim suit. She looked in the mirror and decided that even after two children, she had a pretty nice figure. Of course, all that time at the gym had paid off and helped her stay that way. Perhaps her husband would see that when he returned later!

After finding the second card key and grabbing a towel, she made her way down to the pool. Opening the outside door, she grinned widely. “What beautiful surroundings!” she said aloud. Young newlyweds passing by looked at her briefly then smiled at each other, sharing looks of love between them. Caryn just wished that she could experience that kind of love and desire in her life once again.

She sighed and vowed not to be disturbed by all the newlyweds at the hotel as she walked out to the pool.

The hard part was deciding where to sit. This was no ordinary pool. It made its way down a hill, separated into three parts connected by waterfalls flowing from one pool into the next. Palm trees sprinkled the grounds adding to the tropical ambience.

She decided to sit at the second tier of the three pools. There was a poolside bar there that she decided to visit frequently during her visit!

Pulling up a lounge chair, she settled herself down for some serious tanning. ‘I’ve got to get some color on this skin! You’d never know I lived in LA,’ she thought, giggling.

She started by exposing her back to the sun. She thought she could do some reading later on while tanning her front. The warm, tropical breeze felt good against her skin and had an almost hypnotic charm all of its own.

After about a half hour on her stomach, she decided to take a plunge into the pool. She stood by the side, lifted her arms over her head, and dove into the crystal blue water. It was warmer that she thought it would be. The hot Hawaiian sun must work overtime keeping the water that warm.

As she came up on the other side of the pool, she looked up, surprised at who was sitting on the edge no more than a foot away from her, his feet dangling in the water. It was Nick!

Startled, she let out a small, “Oh.” He grinned, his smile almost shimmering as bright as the sun that was outlining his face.

“Hi there,” he said, excitement in his voice. “I remember you from the lobby yesterday. Fancy meeting you here!”

“Oh…well…I was going for a swim. I didn’t mean to…” She wasn’t sure what she had done. It was just the surprise of him being right there in front of her that had her all flustered.

“It’s ok. Where are you sitting?” he asked.

“Oh, I have a lounge chair on the other side, close to the man holding the pineapple,” she grinned, pointed towards her chair.

“Just what does that guy with the pineapple do?” Nick asked, intrigued by the man who didn’t move. In his hand was a silver tray with a full pineapple in the middle. Upon closer observation, they could see hors d'oeuvre of pieces of fresh pineapple speared onto flowered toothpicks.

“I think he serves the pineapple,” Caryn said, almost in a whisper attempting to hide the deep secret. Her arms were now crossed on the edged of the pool next to Nick. Nick just nodded, still staring at the man with the pineapple. Then he let out a small chuckle.

Then he looked down at Caryn and asked, “You alone? Mind if I join you?”

“Oh, yeah, that would be nice. Get your stuff and meet me on the other side.”

Nick did just that. He picked up his towel and walked around the pool, which was not easy since he had to go back up to the top pool and walk all the way to the other side just to walk back down to the second pool. Caryn had swam over and was making herself presentable in the chair when Nick walked down the stairs toward her.

“Pull up that chair there,” she said, pointing to a nearby empty lounge chair. Nick pulled it up right next to her, only leaving a foot between the two chairs. For some reason, this made Caryn a bit nervous. She had trouble controlling her breathing but tried not to show it.

Once settled in their chairs, Nick put on his sunglasses then turned to Caryn and asked, “So how come you’re here alone?”

“Oh, my husband thinks golf is more important than relaxing. As a matter of fact, it probably the only reason he agreed to come here.” Her face looked a bit sad after that comment.

“Naw. I’m sure he wants to spend time with you,” Nick did his best to try and console her.

“Well, what about you? I saw a cute little blonde in the lobby with you yesterday,” Caryn turned the tables on him. “Where’s she today?”

“Shopping. I guess she thinks shopping is more important than spending time with me.” Nick stuck his bottom lip out, trying to play the victim. This just made Caryn laugh. But deep down she had other thoughts, like thinking about how sensual that lip looked and how nice it would to take that lip in hers and kiss it passionately.

She took a deep breath trying to clear her thoughts. ‘You have no business thinking those kind of thoughts about a young man like this. Besides, you’re married,’ she thought, silently scolding herself.

Then she noticed Nick’s eyes looking down her body and back up again, meeting her eyes as he finished. He noted she was about 5’ 5” and had the most clear green eyes he’d ever seen. He didn’t say another word. Just stared at her.

She cleared her throat and looked over at the bar. “So do you think they’re serving drinks yet?” she asked, trying to change gears.

“Probably. Do you want me to get you something?” he asked.

“No. They’ll probably have a waitress come around.”

“I see one over there,” he said, sitting up to wave the waitress over. Caryn noted that Nick had the kind of looks that made people pay attention to him, a trait she was sure he was aware of and used quite often to his advantage.

Caryn ordered a Mai Tai while Nick ordered a Coke. “Are you sure?” he asked, looking at Caryn. “Alcohol and sun usually don’t mix.”

“I’m sure they aren’t very strong. I’ll only have one,” she assured him.

They spent the afternoon chatting and sipping on their drinks along the pool. But all too soon they noticed the sun making it’s way to the horizon. Evening would soon be there and people were beginning to leave the pool to get ready for dinner.

“I guess it’s time to go back,” Caryn stated.

“Yeah. I had a good time today,” Nick said, standing and gathering his belongings.

“Me, too. It was very nice to meet you, Nick,” she reciprocated, standing and holding out her hand. He took it, thinking how soft it felt in his. But he kept thoughts like that to himself. No one needed to know how attracted he was to this woman.

“Maybe we could all go out to dinner some night. We’re gonna be here all week,” Nick offered.

“That would be great. Although I don’t know about my husband, Jon. He’s not much for socializing.”

“Well, perhaps we can see. Maybe just drinks then. We’re staying over there,” Nick pointed to the hotel wing on the other side of the pool.

“Oh, we’re over here,” she pointed to the opposite side, then she added “Room 1323.”

Nick smiled. “OK. I’ll give you a call, maybe tomorrow, and see what Jon says.”

They exchanged smiles then made their ways to their rooms. “What a pleasant afternoon.,” Caryn recalled.


Arriving back in her hotel room, Jon was laying on the bed taking a nap. He woke just as she closed the door.

“Where have you been?” he barked.

“Down by the pool all day,” she answered coolly. “I’m taking a shower now. What’s the plans for the evening.”

“I thought we’d go out to eat somewhere. Got any ideas?” His tone had now changed, a little softer than before.

“How about we just eat at the restaurant out by the beach and watch the waves pound against the shoreline,” she said seductively.

He picked up his golf magazine that had fallen alongside him while he napped and answered rather matter-of-factly, “Yeah. Whatever you want.”

She just shrugged and closed the bathroom door. “Why can’t he be more attentive?” she wondered as she showered.

She put on her cute Hawaiian print dress that she had packed and got ready for dinner. It had a square neckline and was sleeveless. She skipped hose and placed on her sexy sandals, in hopes of a moonlit walk on the beach afterwards.

Jon wore his kahki pants and white, button-down, short sleeved shirt. “You look very handsome tonight,” she said sexily. She got a grunt as a response. She knew he didn’t like dressing up but was hoping he would be a bit more romantic on the isle of paradise.

They had a nice dinner. Caryn asked Jon to take a walk with her on the beach. He declined stating he didn’t want sand in his shoes. “Besides, I have an early tee time tomorrow morning.” She sighed and resigned herself to a quiet night laying in bed, watching TV, and listening to him snore!

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