Brian helped Brooke get on the bus.They sat down at the couch again.Brian gently put a piece of her long brown hair behind her ear.
"Do you want to tell me now?" He asked.
Brooke sniffed. "Yea,"she replied,then told Brian everything.She told him when that the abusing started about 3 months after they started dating,and how Steve once broke 2 of her ribs by throwing her up against a brick wall,and how he always told her she was fat and she couldn't eat.It felt so good for Brooke to finally open up to someone about it. She had never told anyone before.
Brian didn't know what to say.He wasn't really expecting this.It was so sad to see something bad happen to someone as sweet as Brooke.He didn't know what to do,so finally he just put his arms around her and held her tight.
Brooke fell into Brian's loving arms.She inhaled the sweet smell of his cologne.She closed her eyes and rested her head against his chest.
Brian stroked her hair. "Don't worry.It'll be ok now.Steve isn't going to hurt you anymore.We are going to report him to the police tomorrow morning."
Brooke just nodded and let Brian hold her.
Brian gently shook Brooke awake.She lazily opened one eye and looked at him. "What?" She said.
"We are at the police station",he replied."Come on,get up"
Brooke grabed Brian's arm and looked at his watch.
"5:30 in the morning?!Why are we here so early?"
"Because,"Brian said,"We want to report Steve right away"
So finally Brooke got up and they got out of the bus.They were the only one's up.
"Do you want me to go in with you?"Brian asked.She nodded yes and they walked in together.
They went up to the desk where a woman was sitting.
"Um,excuse me?" Brian said. "Yes?" she said,not even looking up.
"Where do I go to report someone?" He replied.The woman just pointed to her left.There was a man sitting on the bench with a coffee cup in his hand.
Brooke and Brian walked over to the man. "Excuse me?"Brian said again.The man looked up. "Can I help you?"He asked,in a cranky voice. "Um,yea.How do I report someone?"
"Depends on what that person did"The man said,then took a sip of his coffee. That's when Brooke and Brian told the man all about Steve.Then they showed him Brooke's scars.
Then the man led them to the desk.He grabbed a bunch of papers and started asking Brooke questions.
"Brooke Renee Peterson."
At this point Brian realized he knew this girls whole life story and the whole time he didn't even know her last name.
"Ok,now questions about the abuser"the man said,turing a page on his clipboard.
"Full name?"
"Steven Marshall McGreyson."
He asked a few more questions then said,"Thank you miss Brooke.We will keep an eye out for him"
Brooke went to turn to leave but Brian stopped her.
"Wait a minute" Brian said to the cop "That's it? You'll keep an eye out?What if this guy is out looking for Brooke or something? Can't we get a restraining order put against him at least?"
The man stood up.He was like 6 foot 4. "Look son,I told you we would keep an eye out and if you don't want to be put in jail for arguing with a police officer,then I suggest you leave."
Without another word Brian took Brooke's hand and they left the police station.
"Brooke,I'm sorry"Brian said,when they returned to the bus."I'm sorry I couldn't do anything about it"
"Don't worry about it.At least you tried.Thanks"
Brian just smiled a little then laid down on the couch.
Brooke stared out the window.She watched the beautiful green trees go by.Then she looked over at Brian.He was asleep on the couch.She was tired of this.She felt trapped,like there was no possible way of escaping what was holding her down.
Next she did the thing she thought was right to do. She went to the front of the bus and sat down by the driver.
"Hi.Do you think you can drop me off at this Holiday Inn right up there?" She pointed towards the Holiday Inn they were now approaching.
The diver nodded."Sure thing,my lady"
As they were turning in the hotel,Brooke walked over to Brian and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. Then she thanked the driver and got out of the bus.She turned and watched it leave.
When it was out of sight,she turned back towards the Holiday Inn,tears streaming down her face as she walked in.