"Hey umm where's uh What's her name??" A. J asked looking behind b-rock.
"Who know's??" He said not careing. "You don't even know each other hardly and you hate eachother." I said annoied.
"What makes you say that." He said sarcasticly. "Did she say where she was going at all??" I asked hope that he would know.
"Ahh... I forgot" He said scratching his head. "I think I know where she is" I said then I A. J behind me with brian following.
"Whee... this is fun!" He said joking. We were walking down the stairs and entered the "GAP".
Of coruse there was Kelly looking at the clothes. "Kelly you know that you don't go anywhere wit out me!" I said joking. "What am I your pet?" She said back.
She looked in the mirrow holding up a tank-top up to her. "Well you sure act like one." I said under my breath.
"We are gonna go over here for awhile ok." They pointed to where they would be. "Alrigt." i answeared back.
After Kelly was done looking in the mirrow she went over to the guys. They were at the means section. I was still looking for a new outfit.
I looked over at Kelly and called for her. "Hey, does this look nice?".
I had a spigitie stringed tanktop that was yellow and kawkie capries. "Yea that looks great." Kelly said looking at it.
"That would so look nice for your date..." She drifted off. "What?? What are ya talking about?" I thought confused what the hell.
"Oh, well i kinda asked A. J if he would go on a date with you to Strazzeri's." "KELLY"