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Chapter One

"Sunny Florida, here I am!" Jen yelled as she walked up the steps to her new home for seven months, Owen Hall. Her brown, blonde streaked hair was high up in a ponytail, and silver Oakley's covered her brown eyes. She looked up from the front doors, and smiled as she saw many good looking guys with hard bodies walking around campus.

"I am SO gonna like it here", she said as one of the tanned guys waved and winked. She decided to get away from her parents and Chicago, so she transferred to University of South Florida, in Tampa for her sophomore year. So far, after her first ten minutes on campus, she liked it. She grabbed her bags and trucked up the rest of the stairs and entered the lobby. "Great…" she mumbled as she saw the long line of most likely college freshman checking in getting their room keys. She then noticed it was alphabetical, and thanked her lucky stars that her line had only one girl in it.

"Name please," the lady behind the desk said as she looked up.

"Jennifer Jenkins." The lady flipped through the pile of names she had and pulled out an envelope.

" Alright, here you are Jennifer," she cringed. She absolutely HATED being called Jennifer. It made her feel so…old. "Your room key, calling card, and mailbox key are all in here. Please do not lose it. Welcome to University of South Florida, honey," the lady finished and smiled genuinely. Jen thanked her and was on her way. She glanced at the envelope and noticed she was on the second floor.

Thank God, she thought to herself, as she heard the girl behind her complaining to her mom about being on the 10th.

"211, 213…221! Rock! Dis be my room!" Jen said aloud in the hall. She got some strange looks from others, but she could care less. She was in Florida. Not far from Orlando. It was always sunny and hot, much better than back home. She gathered up her stuff, which she had dropped again and walked into the room.

"Jennifer? Jennifer Jenkins?" a girl with medium brown hair and green eyes asked.

"That's me! Are you Ashlee?" the girl looked about 5'7, and was wearing a pair of jean shorts and a green tank that showed off her tan arms.

"Yup yup! Hi!! Wow! In the flesh finally eh? Well, lets get you settled in. As you can see, I kinda already picked a side and set up some stuff." Ashlee ran over and helped Jen with one of her bags. She decided right then and there that she got lucky with her roommate assignment. She had the feeling that they would end up being close. The girls unloaded Jen's things and set up the room to their liking. Jen had a baby blue comforter and sheets, while Ashlee had darker blue. Picture frames were up on shelves, and candid pics from back home were thrown up all over the place. The girls had talked up a storm while unpacking, and they both realized they had a lot more in common, from listening to the same music to playing sports to dancing and partying.

"Hey Jen, I am gonna throw on a CD so we can jam k?" Ashlee said as she maneuvered her way in between boxes to their massive CD collection.

"Sure thang! We should have done it sooner yo!" Jen's reply was muffled due to the fact she was digging through a box looking for something that seemed important.

Its now or never Ash, she said to herself as she pulled out a CD and popped it in. The first strands started playing and she studied Jen.

"Do you like NSYNC?" Ashlee asked shakily as "Tearin' Up My Heart" started. She didn't want her roommate to think she was some over-obsessed over-aged teenybopper. Jen looked at the girl and noticed the frightened look on her face.

Oh my god. She thinks I hate them! Jen thought. Then she smiled brightly to Ashlee.

"Shlee, we are gonna get along great" she said, liking the nickname she just gave the new roomie. Then she started pushing the boxes out of the way. "Now help me move these boxes so we can DANCE!" Ashlee smiled and piled the boxes up against the wall as "Tearin' Up My Heart" ended and the opening chords of, "I Just Wanna Be With You" began. The girls started dancing and jamming, then turning it into a major dance contest.

"So Shlee, who's your favorite?" Jen questioned as she handed her some water from the fridge. They stopped the dance contest due to the extreme heat, not to mention they were tired from unpacking. Ashlee plopped down on the floor and took a long drink of water. "Well… I like them all but my favorite is…" she started, and the girls began a conversation that would never end.

Chapter Two