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Chapter Nineteen

Fried eggs, bacon, pancakes, and orange juice were spread out all over the kitchen table as Justin put his bowl of cereal in front of his chair. He turned and looked back at Jen and silently watched her grab some coffee mugs out of the cabinet, standing up on her tiptoes reaching for the ones in the back. He smiled and his eyes traveled down her body slowly, taking in her tan, toned arms, her long torso, the short khaki shorts and her long, dark legs straining their muscles. Jen sighed, totally exasperated and fell back onto her heels. Justin smirked and casually strolled over.

“Need some help there shorty?” Justin asked with a playful tone. Jen stood up straight as an arrow and jumped slightly. She then relaxed and spun around face to face with him. He looked down into her face with a cocky smile.

“A of all I am NOT short and B of all-“ she started to say, trying to defend herself. She could not finish because Justin captured her lips in a spontaneous kiss. He pulled away a few seconds later and that same grin appeared on his face. Jen stared at him dazed; her heart felt like it was going to pound right through her chest.

“You were saying ‘B of all…’ Jen. What did you want to add?”

“Huh?” she asked, oblivious to what he said. He chuckled and leaned into her body, pushing her hard against the counter and reached up into the cabinet to reach the last two mugs. Jen was crushed in between Justin and the counter but couldn’t think of a better place to be. She could smell his cologne from the day before, and he was still warm from getting out of bed. As he reached up his wifebeater raised and she could feel the heat of his skin on his stomach.

He got them in his grasp and slowly reached his normal height, taking his time. He searched her eyes and felt the electricity running throughout his body, just from looking at her. He didn’t know how he could have possibly not noticed all of this before.

“There ya go babe, I have done my duty,” he said softly, not moving from his place. Jen smiled up at him and grabbed the two mugs. She put them on the counter behind her and shook her head. She playfully shoved him away and winked.

“Thanks, but I didn’t need your help,” she giggled and then started to put the mugs on the table. Justin stared at her incredulously and shook his head in awe. He grabbed some mugs and began to help her.

“You snot, I’ll remember that,” he said smiling. Jen left the kitchen and went to the base of the stairs, wondering where her five friends were hiding.

“Hey! Maybe y’all wanna eat breakfast while its hot!!” she yelled up the stairs.

“Is it ok to come down? You two decent in that kitchen?” Chris yelled back from the top of the stairs, staring down at her. Jen rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips.

“Christopher Alan, I am going to kill you!” she yelled back up.

“Come on then! Jen you don’t scare me!”

Jen started to make her way up the stairs and Chris’ eyes widened.

"OHHH! JC save me!” he squealed to JC next to him and jumped into his arms. JC caught him out of reaction, but then dropped him quickly.

"I'm not getting involved here bud, YOU started it,” he said. Chris looked up at him from the ground and rubbed his head.

“Man, you are so outta my will,” he said as Ashlee helped him up. “And Ashlee, you are taking JC’s place, in the will AND in the group!” he added, sticking his tongue out at JC, who shook his head and started down the stairs.

“Hello Babydoll, breakfast smells good!” he said, meeting Jen halfway down the stairs. He threw his arm around her and led her back down, drawing her away from Chris.

“Thanks Jace, what can I say, I try. What were you guys doing up there?” she asked as they walked towards the kitchen, with the rest of the cavalry trailing them.

“Going through your bag…” Joey said from behind. Jen sighed and continued walking with JC.

“Please Joey, you do that all the time, its nothing new. When are you going to surprise me and do something different?” she asked, not fazed by his comment.

“Well, you surprised me girl. I saw that leopard bra you had in there,” he quipped back. Jen blushed to herself and cursed under her breath. Of all the times they had left her bag alone, they had to rifle through it today.

Oh well, nothing is ever private around these guys anyway.

“Noted,” she threw back as they entered the kitchen. Justin was sitting in his chair, his legs bouncing up and down as he waited impatiently. The guys all walked in and stopped, staring at all the food that was on the table. Jen kept walking and sat down next to Justin and started to put some eggs into her plate. She stopped when she noticed that everyone was still staring.

“Well? You gonna watch it or are you going to eat?” she said, pointing towards the food. That was all it took for the five of them to sit down and start dumping the food into their plates, talking about what was going on today and commenting about how good the food was. They all sat around eating and enjoying each other’s company, with the guys in their pajamas and the girls dressed for the day.

The guys had offered to clean up breakfast, even though Justin pitched a tiny fit because he claimed he help make it. By the time all the dishes were done and everything was put away, it was 2:00 and the guys had to get ready to head to Jive for rehearsal. They were all lounging in the family room with MTV on. Jen and Justin were on a small couch, Ashlee, Joey, Chris, and JC were on the bigger couch, and Lance was in a recliner.

“How long is rehearsal going to be you think?” Ashlee asked. Joey glanced at the other guys, and then back to Ashlee.

“Are you guys coming with us? Ash, you would love the inside of Jive, its pretty wicked,” Joey answered. Ashlee looked over at Jen and raised her eyebrows in question.

“Hey I haven't seen the inside of Jive either, I think it would be fun. We can make fun of their dancing, just wait Ash,” Jen said, winking. Justin poked her side and she jumped. She glanced back at him and smiled wickedly, then grabbed his hand and stilled him.

“Sounds good, we’re in,” Ashlee said, answering Joey. He nodded and smiled brightly towards the other guys.

“We should get ready,” JC started to say. “It will take about 20 minutes to get there, and if we kinda wanna show the girls around we should get going,” he reasoned. The rest of the guys agreed and started to move from their spots.

“Don’t go anywhere,” Justin whispered into Jen’s ear as he stood up and planted a kiss on her temple. She nodded and smiled as her and Ashlee watched the guys fly up the stairs, goofing around with each other. Ashlee jumped off the couch and over next to Jen, plopping down next to her with a broad smile.

“So, how’s things with you and the boy?” she asked, wiggling her eyebrows. Jen smiled and sighed, shrugging her shoulders.

“They are fine, a little different, but good. So, Jive! At least I don’t feel so bad telling Emily we were going there…cuz it really isn’t a lie, we are going to be there,” Jen said. Ashlee nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, we should probably take your car, in case she is out driving looking for us,” Ashlee added. The guys came running back down the stairs, causing all kinds of commotion.

“Chris those are my shorts, why are you wearing them?” Lance asked, waiting for an answer.

“Because I felt like it, that’s why. Besides, Joey is wearing my shirt so it’s only fair!”

“That makes NO sense and you know it,” Lance quipped back.

“Ash, get the camera…” Jen said as she got up off the couch and started to walk towards the guys.

“…and Joey was digging through my closet, freaking weirdo has to go through everyone’s stuff…” Chris said, trying to reason with Lance, who was standing there with his hands on his hips.

“Boys boys…cant we all just get along?” Jen questioned, throwing her arms around Lance and Chris’ shoulders. They both rolled their eyes and shook their heads.

“Can we please go now? Are you two done arguing like 12 year olds?” Justin asked, waiting by the door. JC laughed and grabbed Ashlee and yanked her out the door with him.

“Come on guys…” Jen said, grabbing their hands and pulling them with her out to the cars. Joey pulled the door closed behind him and they were off.

Justin, Ashlee, and Joey jumped into Jen’s car while the rest of the guys went with JC in his jeep to Jive. They pulled up into the private parking lot and parked next to each other. Ashlee jumped outta the car and was snapping pictures of everyone, with her and Jen’s cameras. She got one of Justin and Jen in her car, then a few of the guys making some funny faces in front of Jive, and then one of all six of them with big, broad smiles. She handed Jen her camera back and Joey grabbed Jen’s hand.

“Come ON already, we take enough pictures, lets get inside so you see this place…” Joey said, opening the door and letting her and Ashlee in. Justin sneaked in after Ashlee and batted his eyes back towards Joey.

“Why thank you kind sir,” he crooned in a high voice and walked into the building. Jen and Ashlee had stopped in the lobby/waiting area and were being questioned by the secretary when Justin showed up.

“Why hello Mr. Timberlake how are you this afternoon? These two ladies said they were with you,” the receptionist said, welcoming him. Justin smiled at her and then looked over and Jen and Ashlee.

“Hello, I’m fine thanks. How are you Mary? These two, hmmm, do I know you girls?” Justin said, looking back at Jen and Ashlee. Jen narrowed her eyes at him and started to take a step towards him. Mary looked between the two with a raised eyebrow.

“Stin, you are not cute when you do this,” Jen said, low and menacingly. Justin smirked right back as the rest of the guys walked into the lobby.

“Jenk you OK? You look like you’re gonna kill Bounce over here,” Lance said, throwing his arm around a still grinning Justin.

“He’ll get it later, don’t worry. Now, show us around already before ya gotta get busy,” she answered, hooking her arms with Lance and JC, sticking her tongue out at Justin and walking away. Justin smiled and looked back at Mary.

“Well, she put you in your place eh? That was the famous Jen I hear you talk about so much I take it,” she said, smiling from her seat. Justin nodded and waved, taking off after the group of his moving friends.

Meanwhile, each of the guys are pointing out odds and ends in the office, showing them the pictures and albums on the wall, the recording rooms and the dance studios.

“So here is Britney’s album…I will never understand,” Jen remarked, shaking her head and moving to the next album on the wall.

“Oh, Backstreet Boys,” Ashlee added, pointing toward the album.

“Oh gee, look at that, its time to practice. Come on guys,” Chris said, walking back down the hall. Jen chuckled and glanced at the Backstreet album then shook her head. They followed the guys into Dance Studio 1 and looked around. Ashlee was amazed at the mirrors and the speakers that were surrounded in it. She stood at the door waiting while everyone else took it as an everyday occurrence. She pulled out the camera and started taking candid photos of the guys, giggling at their silly antics.

Jen had sat herself down on the floor leaning against the side wall, right by the door at the front of the studio. The guys had begun to stretch and loosen up before their choreographer came in and put them to work. Ashlee continued to stroll around the room, still taking in the whole effect.

Justin walked over next to Jen and sat down, continuing to stretch right beside her.

“So, mad at me?” he asked, getting straight to the point. Jen looked at him with a serious face and then looked straight ahead, watching the rest of the guys stretch.

“JJ…come on…talk to me…” he whined, placing one hand on either side of her hips, leaning over her stretched out legs and getting into her face. She kept her gaze fixated away from his eyes and didn’t answer.

“Baby…J…it was all fun and games,” he said quietly, rubbing his nose against hers. She closed her eyes and smiled faintly. Justin caught it and smiled. Jen opened her eyes and there was a playful twinkle in them. She rubbed her nose back against his and giggled quietly.

“I know, I wanted to see what you were gonna do,” she replied, smiling broadly.

“Oh really?” he asked, his face still inches from hers.


“Am I still in trouble?”

“Definitely,” she answered and closed the gap between them. Just as their lips were about to touch, a flash went off. They both jumped apart and looked up, seeing Ashlee there, taking a picture. Jen sighed and leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes, while Justin jumped off the ground and ran his fingers through his hair.

“Aww sorry guys, it was too cute to pass up!” she said smiling brightly. Justin smiled and looked back down at Jen, who was trying to gather herself subtly. Darren walked into the studio and clapped his hands, smiling at the guys.

“Well well, you guys ready to work your heartthrob butts off?” he asked, smiling at each of them. The guys nodded and Darren slipped in their CD and hit play. The music filled the room, loudly banging out of the speakers. He counted off the first few beats for the guys and they jumped into their choreography, mouthing along to the song. He saw the two girls sitting on the floor and recognized one immediately.

“Jen! Look at you girl! When did you get back here? Shouldn’t you be in school?” he asked, crossing the studio in front of the guys and walking towards the girls. Jen stood up and smiled brightly at the man walking towards her. She hugged him tightly then pulled back, looking into his face.

“I transferred to UCF! I’m down here in Orlando visiting the fab five over there, yet someone didn’t tell me they had rehearsal today until after we got here. Oh! This is my roommate at school, Ashlee. Ash, this is Darren, the best choreographer on the planet,” Jen said with a smile. Darren laughed and shook Ashlee’s hand. He looked at the two of them and then over his shoulder at the guys, who were finishing up the first song.

“I should get back to them, lord knows that right now I should be telling Joey to stop making those faces, Chris to make his moves more crisp, Lance to just WORK on his moves, JC to clean it up around the edges, and girl, Justin needs to stop looking over here at you...but I knew something was gonna happen between you two.” The girls looked over at the guys and noticed that they were doing exactly everything Darren was saying. Darren watched their faces and smiled.

“Am I right?” he asked and turned around.

“Yeah, you know them too well D,” Jen said, smiling brightly.

She shook her head and took back her seat against the wall. Darren walked back over and stopped the music, giving them hints and suggestions and then talking about how the show was going to be set up. The girls sat back down and talked about how the guys danced, laughing at them when they messed up, and applauding them and smiling when they totally hit their moves. Ashlee and Jen were snapping pictures left and right of them dancing, goofing around during breaks and of course some of Darren.

The three hours passed pretty quickly, and the guys were done. They were looking pretty tired and of course very sweaty as they picked up their bags and grabbed towels. They headed towards the girls, and Jen caught the look in JC and Chris’ eyes. She glanced towards Justin and knew that they were in trouble.

“Ashlee, heads up…we are so in for it when they get here,” Jen whispered, looking at the guys with slitted eyes. She bent down and grabbed her purse and keys, standing up quickly and moving towards the door.

“So you guys gonna shower here or at home?” she asked, casually. Ashlee stared at her like she was nuts. All of the sudden Joey and Lance jumped on Ashlee, covering her in their sweat.

“Oh NASTY! You GUYS!!!!” She squealed. Jen busted through the door and started running out to the car, laughing as Justin, JC, and Chris were hot on her tail. Darren just shook his head as they flew out of the studio and chuckled at their high spirits.

Emily was cruising down the streets of Orlando, blasting her music in her red convertible. Her ‘Creed’ CD was getting old, so she threw in her ‘Matchbox 20’ and turned it up some more.

“Nothing like a little Rob Thomas…mmmmm,” she said out loud, driving through the intersection. She realized the familiarity of the neighborhood and hung a quick right.

“Might as well check out Jive and see if they are there,” she murmured and slowed her car down. She crawled past the Jive lot and gasped as she saw Jen’s blue jeep in the lot. Her eyes then bugged out of her head as she saw Jen running out of the building screaming with three of the five *NSYNC members chasing her. Emily had stopped the car by now and was just watching in awe as her new friend was seemingly having the time of her life. She put the car in reverse and backed up to the side entrance, which was unattended at the moment. She pulled in and just continued to watch the scene unfold in front of her.

“Stay away from me you sweaty beasts!” Jen screeched and ran towards her car. She cursed it though, the car wouldn’t do her much good because the top was off and the guys could reach her anyway. She spotted the red convertible in front of her and a wide-eyed Emily behind the wheel. She stopped dead in her tracks and that was all it took for the three guys to catch her and slam her between them.

“Ha ha! Victory!” Chris yelled, and rubbed his arms on hers. Jen tried to dodge them, but it was no use, they had her trapped.

“You like that JJ? Huh? Yeah…that’s right you do…” Justin taunted, and rubbed his hair on her neck. JC was just holding her, laughing hysterically at her face.

“Enough I’m covered, you cant do any more damage,” she said and sighed. The guys realized she gave up, and they immediately stopped. They backed away and each gave her a separate hug.

“You are such a good sport Jen,” JC said and turned around. He stopped when he saw the unfamiliar car. Justin and Chris also turned around and looked in the same direction as JC, and stopped.

Emily realized she had been caught, but couldn’t help but stare back. Jen noticed and jogged over to the car, trying to wipe the sweat off of her.

“Hi Em, what…what are you doing here?” she asked, looking at her with her head tilted to the side in question. Emily smiled faintly and swallowed hard.

“That-that…they are...*NSYNC…” she said, stuttering. Jen nodded and smiled back at the guys, who waved awkwardly.

“Don’t be nervous, they aren’t gonna bite ya. Come on, you might as well meet the devils themselves,” Jen said soothingly. Emily nodded and turned off the car, getting out onto her wobbly legs. The guys realized what was up so they started to make their way over. Emily smiled confidently and looked at Jen. Before the guys had made their way over, she leaned over towards Jen.

“So you DO know them…I wasn’t spying I promise,” she added, feeling guilty. Jen smiled and nodded as the guys closed the gap and were now in front of them.

“Hey, this is Emily, Ashlee’s friend. I think she lives in Orlando too. Em, that’s Justin, JC, and Chris, but you already knew that,” Jen said, making formal introductions. They all shook hands and were talking casually when Ashlee came out of the building with Lance and Joey holding onto her tightly. They saw the group and walked over, and were immediately introduced to Emily.

“So, what now? Wanna go out tonight? Clubbin’?” JC asked, looking at the rest of his friends. Emily looked around and felt immediately out of place, so she started to turn away.

“Um, it was nice meeting you guys, talk to ya later!” she said and started back towards her car.

“Wait, you don’t wanna come with us?” Lance asked, looking at her questioningly. Emily stopped and turned around, looking at each of them.

“Sure, sounds good,” she replied, walking back over. They all smiled and made their plans, telling Emily where to meet them. They walked back to their cars and after a few more silly pictures and jokes, got in and drove back to the guys’ house, thinking about what the night had in store for each of them.

Chapter 20