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Chapter Two

The girls had finished their water and their conversation and called it a night. They had two more days before school officially started, since they decided to move in a few days earlier than everyone else. The next morning, Jen opened her eyes and raised her head in dismay. She glanced at her alarm clock, which read 9:00am. The banging had begun.

"Jen what IS that?" Ashlee asked, her pillow muffling her question.

"Loft building. Welcome Freshman," Jen replied as she shoved her head back into her pillow and pulled the blankets over her head. Two seconds later she threw them off. "UGH! Now I am SO up...this banging will give me a headache by the end of the day!" She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and climbed down her own loft, which was up yesterday. She jumped off the last step, then looked up at Ashlee. "You coming girl? Let's scope it out, then we can blast some music…." She let the sentence hang, wiggling her eyebrows at Ashlee, who was now sitting up in bed.

"Fine J, you win this morning. I get to pick what we play though!" she said as she got to the floor. The girls smiled at each other and dawdled out into the hall in their pajamas, watching the younger girls run back and forth to their cars, unloading them and trying to figure out how to set up their rooms. Some of the girls looked so scared, but all of them had excitement in their eyes. The two roommates walked up and down their hall, making side comments and pre-judging everyone there, like girls often do. Then they decided enough was enough of move in day, they had better things to do. They trucked back to the room, and got dressed for the day. It was still early, so they were planning out their day.

"Let's hit the mall! I gotta scope out the new clothes at Abersnobby," Jen said as she put on her eyeshadow.

"Aiight, that works…we can find some posters and stuff to put up in our room so...we'll check out the music store too OK?" Ashlee replied as she slipped on her sandals and grabbed her purse. "Are ya ready yet slow poke?" she said looking at her watch playfully.

"Hold your horses…or should I say Joey?" Jen teased as she grabbed her favorite sunglasses, her silver Oakleys, and placed them on her face. "Aww, I'm just kiddin' Shlee. I know Justin is the one you really want," She finished as she flashed Ashlee a huge smile. Ashlee looked at her as if she had grown a third eye.

"Ugh Jen please! Justin? He is so not my type…he is all yours if ya ask me. You two could be like, twins! Ya both talk the same, wear the same type of clothes, listen to the same music, like the same sports! You know I'm a Joey girl! We talked about it last night, remember yo? Which, by the way, you never told me who your favorite was!" Ashlee stated, placing her hands on her hips with a twinkle in her eye. She was playing with Jen, trying to get her to admit to her favorite NSYNC boy. She had avoided all of the questions last night, and Ashlee was gonna get to the bottom of it.

"Oh please Ash. I told you I like em all. They are good singers, and Justin and I may have a lot in common, and maybe I do like him a tad bit better then the rest, but I love those guys!" Jen explained. "Now COME ON! My poor car is waiting outside, begging me to drive it!" She grabbed Ashlee's arm and pulled her outta the room. The girls raced to the electric blue 1999 Jeep Wrangler and drove out to the mall, with the conversation they just had already in the back of their minds.

They spent a few hours at the mall, where Jen bought some tank tops and shorts from Abercrombie and Fitch, and the new TLC CD from Sam Goody. Ashlee bought 2 NSYNC posters for the room, and a new pair of sandals. They got back to the room and were debating on where to put the posters.

"J, lets put one right across from the door so everyone can see 'how much we love them baby'," Ashlee laughed, realizing she was quoting "I Drive Myself Crazy".

"Nuh uh. Let's put it on the back of the door. What are we gonna do if guys come up to our room and walk in and see them on our wall? They will think we are nuts girl!" Jen argued. Ashlee thought about it, then agreed to it. They put it up and put the other one up on the ceiling, then they put their other things away.

"Hey Jen?" Ashlee asked, lounging on their futon.

"What up?" She replied, sitting down on the floor across from her.

"When were ya gonna tell me your birthday is tomorrow?" Jen's head snapped up.

How does she know? I wonder who told her?

"Umm…I dunno?"

"Girl! Your MOM had to tell me on the phone! Good thing I got you something when we were at the mall. Shame on you for not telling your roomie!" Ashlee mock scolded her. Jen smiled.

This girl is awesome…I am so glad I got a good roommate!

"Sorry. I didn't mean it! Well, tomorrow is the big ole' 1-9. I wonder if I am gonna get anything from my friends. Check that, I KNOW I will get something from the guys..." she stopped as she realized she might have let something slip.

"What guys? Are they hot? Tell tell!" Ashlee prodded. Jen looked down, reminiscing.

I am in Florida…they HAVE to send me something. They know I am here, I talked to them yesterday and gave them my address...Hmmm, I wonder if they have anything planned…

"Jen! Earth to Jen! Tell me about the mystery boys!!"

"Aiight Shlee, you asked for it," Jen started. Ashlee's eyes lit up, and she looked eager and ready to hear all the juicy details. "Well, lemme tell ya, they are amazing. First, there is C.K. He is awesome! One of the few guys with a true sense of humor. He calls me Jenko…from my last name, ya kno? He can make anyone laugh at anytime…what a character! Then we got Lancelot…he is kinda quiet, shy…but if ya know him, what a devil! That boy is cunning! He calls me Jenkins most of the time. He is a sweetheart. Next up is Giuseppe…my Italian brotha. He is totally your typical Italian male…he loves to eat, and he's adorable. He's got much love from me, especially since he calls me Vinnie…which would be my name in Italian…he's my Italian connection…that's what the guys like to call us. Then we move on to P.J…that is short for Poppa J. He isn't that much older than I am, yet he calls me babydoll. He likes to act like the father figure ALL the time. He's another cutie, and he is a great listener. Last but certainly not least is 'Stin, my best friend. He is my life support, my rock. He is the ONLY one in the world who can call me JJ; even my parents and family know this. He is in one word, amazing. We are a lot alike, and we are always showing it. When I am with him, its like I am with my other half. He' s awesome," She finished her speech, and looked back up at Ashlee, who was sitting there, wide-eyed.

"Woah Jen, sounds like these guys are your closest friends! How am I gonna compete with that eh?" she joked.

"No competition. Even though 'Stin might be my best friend, the boy cannot have girl talk like me and you, and he can't babble about NSYNC to me like you can!" Jen laughed as she grabbed a pen and threw it at Ashlee. That started a massive pillow fight, and when it was over, the room was a mess.

"So, these guys send you stuff for your birthday?" Ashlee asked, pulling feathers out of the futon.

"Yup," Jen answered, "They haven't missed a birthday yet, and lemme tell ya, each year it's a total surprise! I can't wait to get the mail tomorrow!" she said, looking around the room for more feathers. Soon the mess was cleaned up, and the girls both yawned.

"Aiight, I vote that since we got up so early, we hit the sack now. I'll put on a movie and we'll go right to sleep eh?" Ashlee said, looking through the movie selection.

"Sounds like a plan, we might wanna get up early and catch some breakfast. I don't wanna sleep my 19th away!" Jen answered, putting her pajamas on. "Hey, put in Ace Ventura, I feel like laughing!" she added.

"Cool cool...Ace it is," Ashlee pushed the tape in and climbed up into bed. "Goodnight J! What time ya wanna rise and shine kiddo?"

"How about 9:00 again? That should be OK. The mail will be here by noon…so that gives us time for breakfast and a shower and all that good stuff. I can't wait for the mail! Woohoo! Goodnight Lee! Sweet Joey dreams!" Jen laughed at the last part, but in the middle of it she yawned.

Dang! I really am tired! Well, I wonder what the guys are gonna do for me this year? I mean, my new car for my 18th was stretching it…but hey, why wouldn't I accept my dream car? I can't wait for tomorrow!

The two girls fell asleep to the comic relief of Jim Carrey, both anticipating the new day. Neither knew what was in store for them.

Chapter Three