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Chapter Twenty Eight

Justin thought that once JC explained everything that was going on with Jen, he would feel better. That wasn’t the case; he actually felt worse for not calling and just being her friend. He understood where JC was coming from about not telling him Jen was calling, but he was still a bit hurt. He didn’t like the fact that she could not talk to him about anything that was going on in her life; it made him feel like an outsider and that was something he had never encountered with her ever. He felt helpless, and that was a feeling he did not like when it came to the people he cared about most.

”Have y’all seen my cell phone? Its seriously been lost all freakin’ week,” Justin yelled throughout the bus. No one answered so he tried again.

”Oh! Pizza place what do you guys want?” All four of the guys came piling into the back, ready to place their order.

”Pepperoni, with green peppers,” Joey said quickly.

”We are on the bus…if you saw a pizza place…we passed it,” Lance said slowly. Justin nodded and rolled his eyes.

”You are all geniuses. Now my question, have you seen my cell?” Justin asked again. He was actually talking to them now, more so than before but he was still holed up and quieter than usual.

”It’s not like it can be lost…unless you left it in Chicago. Remember when Chris lost his cell phone and some fan found it?” Joey laughed.

”Have you checked your bunk oh-smart-one? Most likely its there, you’ve been sleeping with it,” JC answered, flopping down on a chair.

”I’ll check again. Keep an eye out ok?” Justin said as he made his way to the bunks. He slid open his curtain and started poking around the bed and in between the wall and the mattress. His eyebrows rose when his hand hit something hard.

”I’ll be damned…” he muttered as he flipped it open and pushed in a few numbers until he heard the automated voice.

”You have three new messages.”

”Blah blah…ok Johnny, great, you haven't found anything yet. Way to go. Hmm, yet another fan to get my number…cant believe they actually left a message…” he mumbled to himself as he listened only half-way.

”Justin…it’s me…” the last message started and a familiar voice rang through his ears. He froze and the phone slipped from its perch between his shoulder and ear to the ground. He scrambled to pick it up while yelling out, “Jen oh God hang on a second! Wait wait!”

The guys heard Justin’s yelling and once they heard Jen’s name they all looked at each other and jumped. They made their way towards Justin to see what was wrong. Justin pushed a button and sat down on the edge of his bunk when the guys piled into the room.

”Is she ok what’s going on?” Chris asked, plopping down next to Justin. Justin shoved him off the bed and pulled the phone away from his ear to glare at the guys.

”Excuse me. You have all talked to her. She called and left a message…now leave me alone so I can hear it ok?!” He said flustered.

”Sorry J, we were worried when we heard you yell,” Lance said as they started to walk out of the room and towards the back once again. Justin rolled his eyes and glanced down at the phone. His hands were shaking; this was finally progress, yet he was nervous to hear what she had to say. He slowly pushed the number that would repeat the message, and he brought the phone up to his ear.

”Justin…it’s me…hi. Um…I don’t really know what to say…”

Justin smiled tenderly as her voice carried into his ear. He could practically picture her sitting there, fiddling with something in her hand as she began speaking.

”…I wanted to tell you that I have been talking to JC…but you’ve prolly figured that out. Don’t be mad at him for not telling you, I asked him not to. I had to ask how you were doing, and I figured that he would know.”

He nodded into the phone, almost like she was really talking to him at that second. She knew exactly what was going on when she wasn’t there, and it never failed to amaze him how well she knew him.

”I miss you J. I miss our friendship; I just hope you understand why I needed…need to take a break and think. Now to the point of the call. Um…I really need you to call me back as soon as you get this, I think I’ve found something and its really upsetting me…please call me back as soon as you can. Bye Stin.”

The phone beeped at him, signaling the call’s end. He stared off across the room and his forehead crinkled as he fell deep into thought.

Needed, she said ‘needed’ a break before correcting herself…that’s good. What could possibly upset her even more? Man, this call is from a week ago, holy shit I hope she doesn’t think I am avoiding her!

He snapped out of his trance and stared at the phone; grateful to hear from his friend, but fearful of what she had to tell him that was so disturbing.

Jen was utterly confused. It had been a week and Justin never called her back. She had thought that she would have gotten a phone call the night she had left the message for him. She could not believe the pictures she found in Ashlee’s drawer, she was in denial that someone she was this close to could do something like that. It was almost like she thought she was imagining things. She had decided that it would be best to talk to Justin before saying or doing anything.

Maybe I waited too long to talk to him and he’s really upset. What if I totally blew our friendship? I never would have thought that he would blatantly not call me…

Jen’s mind wandered off as she approached her door. She could hear Ashlee’s voice inside; it sounded like she was on the phone with someone.

”No she’s not in right now, can I take a message? OK, bye,” she overheard and opened the door, watching Ashlee place the phone back on the charger.

”Hey Ash, phone for me?” Jen asked, hanging her bag on the back of her desk chair.

”Some telemarketer wanting to sell me a credit card. You know how it goes, I just say I’m not home,” she answered, sitting down in her chair.

”Oh yeah, tell me about it. Did anyone call for me?” Jen pushed, hoping Justin called.

”Nope. You expecting a call from someone? A certain person we know and love who sings his heart out nightly?” she asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

Jen was hesitant to talk to Ashlee about anything that was going on with the guys ever since she spotted the pictures. She wasn’t sure if Ashlee had actually submitted them to the Enquirer, because they had all taken the same pictures that night. She hadn’t found the club pictures in that roll that she looked at, but she was still suspicious.

”Actually this girl from my education class borrowed my notes and was going to call me and tell me where to meet her so I could get ‘em back,” she lied. The less Ashlee knew for now, the better.

”Nope, no one called.”

”OK, I called just now and left a message with Ashlee tellin’ her to have Jen call me back,” Justin explained to the guys as they walked through the venue on the way to sound check. He had talked to them after he had listened to the message a few times and they brainstormed what could be wrong.

”She’ll call back soon,” Chris said, patting his friend on the shoulder.

”I hope so, I’m worried about her.”

”As usual Curly, as usual.”

”Shut up Lance, I’m serious. I’m happy she called, but I want to be in Orlando, hell, Tampa right now to see what’s going on and why she’s so distressed about whatever it is she’s distressed about,” he continued on and scratched his head.

”Eloquently put Mr. Intelligent,” JC laughed.

”Ugh. Why am I friends with all of you again?” he asked disgustedly.

”You love us lil’ man.”

”Whatever Joe. Just…whatever.”

(Next week)

Jen had not received a phone call from Justin, and to say she was upset was an understatement. She refused to call him again and make an ass out of herself on his phone, so she wandered around school furious. She had not spoken to one of the guys in at least two weeks, and she was at the point where if she saw them on TV she would shut it off and slam the remote down. She used to listen to their CD’s to calm her, now they were collecting dust.

Justin was also upset. Jen had not returned one of his phone calls and he had no idea why. Every time he called Ashlee picked up. He would ask where Jen was, she would say ‘out’ or ‘in class’. He would leave a message for Jen to call him back at anytime. When he questioned Ashlee about it she just said that she had given Jen the message and that was that.

”Something is definitely wrong Chris, I can feel it.”

”Are you sure J? It’s weird that she hasn’t called, but she could have just been really upset that night and now is regretting calling…as harsh as it is to say,” Chris countered, trying to calm his friend.

”No. I can FEEL it. It’s sitting in my stomach, and it wont go away until I find out what is up out there,” he answered shaking his head.

Chris nodded and took a deep breath. Once Justin got a thought in his head, no one could change his mind. Justin had approached Chris late that night on the bus after the show to talk. He watched his young friend run his fingers through his wild hair countless times, and watched his blue eyes cloud over with emotion. All he could do was listen and try to help him get in touch with his friend.

”OK, lets think. It’s late there now J, you can call her and prolly catch her-“

”I really didn’t want to wake her up…I was hoping I would be able to talk to her during the day. You are right though, I know she is there now. I’ve waited too long-“

”Oh YEAH. You should have called her in the middle of the night DAYS ago…” Chris interrupted and rolled his eyes.

”Shove it Christopher.”

”THIS is the thanks I get?”

”Don’t start…”

”Call her already, I cant believe you waited this long to get in touch with her.”

”I call EVERY DAY! What if she just doesn’t want to talk to me?” he asked, already questioning what he was about to do.

”OH my GOD call her or else I am going to have JC and Joey hold you down while I knock some freakin’ sense into you,” he said and shoved him out of the booth in the kitchenette.

”Fine…thanks Chris. I mean it,” Justin added, smiling slightly.

”Get outta here and call the girl already,” he answered, waving his friend off.

”Hey Justin! How is everything in Germany?” Jen asked.

”Life is good. We just shot our first video, “I Want You Back”. You’ve listened to it right?”

”DUH, you sent it to me forever ago J. It’s tight, song 8 right?”

”Uh huh! It’s weird, people here are screaming for us…but its so much different than MMC was,” he explained excitedly.

”I’m so happy for you Stin…that’s really great,” Jen said softly.

”I miss you JJ, I wish you were here. How’s things in lovely O-town?”

”It’s boring. School is sucking; who would have known junior year was so hard? I miss you Justin, I-“

”Damn JJ, I gotta go. We have a photo shoot to get to. Sorry this is so short, I will call you soon ok? I love you, always will,” he said, cutting her off.

”Love you always Justin, Seeya,” she answered holding the phone closer to her ear, trying to physically be near her best friend.

”Seeya…I will be home soon so I can beat your ass in basketball…stay safe, bye!” and with that he hung up the phone.

”Bye Stin…” she whispered.


The phone broke Jen out of her dream and she sat up confused and disoriented. Her mind flashed back to her dream and her heart softened at the memory. Jen wondered who would be calling at that time of the night, and hoped everything was ok at home. She reached over and picked up the phone, ending the obnoxious noise that raised her from her slumber and spoke groggily.



Her eyes went wide and her heart stopped beating. She swallowed hard and glanced across the loft to see if Ashlee was still sleeping. When she noticed she was, she slowly climbed out of her loft and made her way to the door.

”Justin…oh my God…” she whispered as she closed the door and sat in the hall in her pajamas, pulling her knees into her chest hanging onto the phone for dear life.

”How are you? Finally I can talk to you,” he said quietly, making sure everything was OK.

”Took you long enough to call me. What the hell? I left that message like, two weeks ago Justin. Are you THAT busy doing other things that you forget about me? You called me from Germany more than you do now on the road...what the hell does that say about our friendship?” she said angrily, remembering the dream she was having just minutes earlier.

”Jen, I lost my phone for a week, it was shoved in between the bunk and I couldn’t find it-“

”Do you think I am dense or something? I’m not a floozy teenybopper that hangs on your every word, so why do you think you can pull a fast one on me? I know you too well Timberlake. Gimme a break, your phone was missing for a week and you did nothing about it?”

Justin ran his hand through his hair and tried to keep his cool. Things were NOT going well. “Jen, I swear its true…wait. I have called you multiple times every day this week, and you haven't called me back. What is UP with THAT?”

”What are you talking about?”

”Jen, I’ve been calling constantly, any time I have a free minute I’m dialing your number. I must have left a million messages with Ashlee. She said she gave them to you and you just haven't called me back so who is the one not returning phone calls?” he said matter-of-factly. He was getting angry, and he slipped into the bathroom and closed the door, hoping he didn’t wake his fellow bandmates up.

Jen sat there on the floor dumbfounded. She glanced around to make sure no one was listening to her conversation, and mentally slapped herself when she realized exactly what she was doing.

Figures. Who else would be up at this ungodly hour? No one in their right mind. Then, no one in their right mind would have a pop star as their best friend either.

”You…you have? Justin…this is so weird…” she said, resting her forehead on her knees.

He sat down on the counter and leaned against the wall. “Ok, so basically you haven't gotten ANY of my messages. Why would Ashlee do that?”

”Stin…I found some pictures in Ashlee’s desk drawer…”

Justin sat up straight and his eyes went wide as saucers. “What?”

”You heard me. I’m so confused…” she said quietly. Justin’s heart went out to her; he would give anything to hold her in his arms that instant.

”JJ…is she sleeping right now?”

Jen laughed coldly, and the sound made Justin wince. “Of course she is…everyone in their right mind is sleeping right now.”

”Do you wanna get the pictures and look at them while we are on the phone? Do you…do you have that tabloid?” he asked softly.

Jen swallowed hard and stood up. “Yeah…I have it…shoved in my drawer. I hate that magazine, I hate what they did to us Justin.”

”Me too J, me too. But someone had to give them that information…and photos.”

”OK I’m going in to get them, so I’m going to be quiet for a few minutes-“

”Going in? Where are you? Are you outside? Don’t tell me you are outside of the dorm at this time of night that’s so not safe,” he interrupted, his protectiveness immediately taking over.

Jen smiled at his immediate reaction. She missed the way he tried to shield her and protect her from the world; it made her heart ache for him.

”I’m OK…I’m just in the hall Stin,” she said quietly, giggling softly. It was music to his ears and he sighed, relieved.

She slipped into the room and glanced up at the bed once again, listening for Ashlee’s soft snoring. Once she heard it, she crept over to the desk in a cat-like manner, making absolutely no noise.

”Did you get it yet JJ?” Justin asked impatiently. She rolled her eyes and made no comment into the phone, but was thinking of a million things she would love to say to retort.

She slowly opened the drawer and reached in, grabbing the set of film. She then made her way over to her desk and propped the phone between her shoulder and ear as she used both hands to open the bottom drawer to her desk. She peered into her drawer and stared hard at the booklet of paper that had turned her life upside down. She almost gagged at the site of it and disgustedly pulled it out of her drawer. She then headed back towards the door, opening it and shutting it quietly.

”Ok I’m out. Jesus Justin could you be more impatient? I’m practically pulling a Tom Cruise Mission: Impossible and you are ragging on me to hurry up,” she quipped as she slid down the wall onto the floor, placing the paper and pictures next to her.

”Well so sorry, I haven't talked to you in four weeks, excuse me for being curious,” he mumbled.

Jen immediately felt bad. “Justin I’m-“

”I’m sorry Jen, that was so uncalled for,” he sighed as he rubbed his hand across his face. “I really wish I were there to just give you a hug,” he added, hoping she wouldn’t shy away from him.

”I know. I’ve been the biggest bitch all week when I thought you hadn’t called me back. You could only IMAGINE what was running through my head Justin…but never mind that.”

”Oh really? How so, enlighten me my girl,” he joked, letting out a small laugh.

Jen blushed and once again glanced around the hall. She missed talking to him and couldn’t believe she went four weeks without his voice and personality. She had to keep reminding herself of the task at hand, which wasn’t hard since her own face was staring at her on the cover of the tabloid.

”Justin…we should get back to this.”

”I know, I know. So I guess just compare the pictures and we’ll take it from there.”

Jen pulled the pictures out and started rifling through them. She saw the pictures of her and Justin and the guys at JIVE, and she opened the Enquirer up to the page she knew by heart. She looked back and forth and gasped.

”JJ? Is someone there? I swear if that bastard Kyle is anywhere in that hall I’m coming to Tampa on the next flight out.”

A slight squeak escaped Jen’s lips as she shook her head and fought for her voice. “Justin…no…these pictures. They are, they are….identical. Justin, Ashlee sent the pictures into National Enquirer.”

Justin shut his eyes and sighed heavily.

How could she do that? We welcome her in with open arms and she turned on us…and sold us out. I can’t believe it. This has to be killing Jen, I know it is. Wait a minute…


”Yeah Stin?”

”Where are the club pictures?”

”That’s what’s weird, I haven't found them yet.”

”Looking for the club pictures? They are right here,” Ashlee said from the doorway, holding the incriminating pictures in her hand.

Chapter 29