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Chapter Thirty One

Jen was taking a break from studying…at least that’s what she liked to call it. She had her books strewn across the room, and she was on the floor cross-legged in front of them, but her eyes were glazed over and you could tell her mind was somewhere else.

It’s Wednesday, Justin and the guys will be here tomorrow…I need to study…I should be studying…I wont be able to study this weekend after I see them…and the show on Friday…I wonder if they all look the same…its been too long since I’ve…man I’m one step away from obsessive teenybopper status…

The two tickets for Jen’s friends arrived in the mail on Monday, along with Jen’s all access pass. She had torn into her certified mail package and smiled wide when she examined the laminated pass and checked the seats on the tickets. She could remember the expressions on her friends’ faces when she told them and handed over the tickets; they loved it.

She shook herself out of her daze and looked over towards the clock, having no sense of what time it actually was, or how long she had been off in her own world. The little green numbers flashed 12:45am, and she knew there was no way she would get any more work done that night.

”I am officially a lost cause…if I fail any of these finals…” she mumbled under her breath as she reached for a book.

”Why would you fail girl? Your mind this week has been totally somewhere else…what are you thinking about?” her friend CJ asked.

Jen shrugged her shoulders as she continued to reach for the same book, which was just seemingly out of reach. “Oh you know how the stress of finals is…you haven’t seen one in months…and then BAM…its in your face again. I mean, you don’t want to like it or have feelings for it in that way but you do…and it unnerves you. All five of those stupid finals do that to you…you didn’t say good-bye to the other four and you continually kick yourself for it, and now its like you are eager to see them because they are and always will be a part of you..,”

”Jen? What the HELL are you talking about?”

Jen looked up and her friend and her eyes widened. “Um…I have no idea where that came from…yeah, I’m a psychopathic insomniac…sue me.”

”You should get to bed before you totally fry your brain…I need to get some sleep too because we get to see *NSYNC on Friday…thanks to our wonderful third roommate. I hear they are going to be in town tomorrow…”

”Yeah I know they are.”

”You did? Why didn’t you say anything?”

Jen fidgeted with her pen and mumbled, ‘Well I thought ya already knew…anyway I should get to bed, before I start spewing more stuff about finals that makes no sense.”

CJ nodded as the girls gathered up the last of their things and changed into their pajamas. “Niight Jen, sleep well!”

”Night CJ, you too!”

The lights were shut off and Jen just stared at the ceiling, covers pulled up tight to her neck and her stuffed animal firmly in place under her arm.

You are insane…going off like that…who cares that you’re seeing them tomorrow, it will be the same old thing…same old…

She slowly fell asleep, anxiously awaiting the reunion with her friends.

”JUSTIN! Where are we meeting Jen at?” Chris yelled throughout the bus. Justin was in the bathroom shaving and just rolled his eyes.

”At school brainiac…I told her we’d meet her outside the dorm around one or so,” Justin replied, rinsing the shaving cream off his razor before he brought it back up to his face.

”Justin its 1:30.”

”WHAT?!” he yelled, cutting himself. He winced at the pain and then glanced at his watch, which read 11:00. His eyes narrowed as he turned slowly towards the doorway to see a smiling Chris come into his field of vision.

”Just kidding. Nervous yet?”

”You ass, I cut my damn face because of you.”

”Now Jen’ll think you’re an ugly mofo’ eh?”

”Not as ugly as you.”

”I’m hurt.”

”You’re about to be in a lot more pain.”

Chris rolled his eyes and walked away, yelling out into the kitchenette, “Justin’s nervous to see Jenko!”

It was a beautiful day in Florida, and it fit Jen’s mood perfectly. She had woken up around 11ish because she could not lie in bed a second longer. She went rollerblading, took a shower, and was now ready for the day to start. She glanced at herself in the mirror, wondering if her looks had changed any in the months she hadn’t seen her friends.

”Well…I’ve lost weight…” she mumbled to herself as she turned sideways and glanced at her profile. She faced forward once again and checked out her outfit for the day, making sure everything was in place. She didn’t want to dress up, but she didn’t want to look like a slob either. She nodded towards the mirror at her light colored denim shorts and her aqua colored tank and black sandals as if they were telling her they were right for the part.

It was nearing one o’clock so she decided to make her way down into the lobby and out into the courtyard of the dorm. She grabbed her Oakley’s and slid them back into her hair make-shifting as a headband and made sure her wallet and keys were on her.

”Time to face the music,” she said and rolled her eyes at the obvious pun.

“Justin…sit still. We aren’t going to get there any faster by you hopping up and down in your seat,” JC said in a fatherly tone as Joey drove the van onto campus. They had stopped at the hotel and traded the tour bus for a more inconspicuous vehicle, a tan minivan.

Justin gazed out the window and looked at all the people out enjoying the day. Of course they all had their backpacks with them, and he had no doubt that finals material was buried somewhere in there.

I wonder what it would have been like…

”Well isn’t she a sight for sore eyes,” Lance said as he spotted Jen lounging on the steps with her head tilted back, trying to soak up some of the rays of the sun.

Justin snapped out of his thoughts immediately as his eyes found her. He smiled slightly as he just gazed; she was tan, she was in shape, and she was the most beautiful thing he had seen in months. She was his best friend.

As if she could feel it, Jen’s head rose and her eyes locked on the minivan, just staring.

”Oh my God she cut all her hair off!” JC almost squealed in a high-pitched voice.

”What? Oh! Look at her she looks gooooood with that short hair…dang girl work it,” Joey said appreciatively.

Justin grabbed his sunglasses and slid the door to the back of the van open and climbed out. He stretched his arms above his head and took a deep breath, happy to be on the solid ground, and happy to be so close to the person he loved.

Jen watched Justin and it was like he was moving in slow motion. Her eyes slowly made their way from the top of his now braided head over his covered eyes, straight down his self-assured smirk. His Abercrombie t-shirt hugged his torso and arms slightly, and his khaki shorts were as always, riding extremely low on his hips.

He started to walk over to her, and she rose from her seat and smiled wide. His smile grew as they got closer and closer to each other.

”Aww, this is so cute…like a fairytale,” Joey giggled from the car as the other four watched their friends with large smiles planted on their own faces.

”Man they are so meant for each other…boy better not mess it up,” Chris said.

”Shut up dude you are ruining the moment,” Lance smacked him upside the head and continued to watch.

They were about ten feet away from each other when Jen just broke out into a run over to Justin and jumped on him, throwing her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, burying her head into it also. He caught her effortlessly with a smile on his face that indicated pure happiness.

Jen inhaled the strong scent of his cologne and another mixed with it that was totally and undeniably Justin. “Hi,” she mumbled into his neck and giggled.

”Hey yourself,” he laughed, turning his head into her hair and taking a deep breath. She pulled her face out of his neck and looked into his eyes, her own brimming with tears.

”I missed you…”

”I missed you too…”

”I think you should put me down now, everyone is staring,” she whispered with a smile.

”Nah, let ‘em stare. They’re just jealous.”

”They recognize you already?” Jen asked worriedly, glancing around to see if anyone was approaching.

Justin laughed and shook his head. “No, that I have this beautiful woman in my arms and they don’t.”

Jen’s gaze locked onto his once again, and he knew. She diverted her eyes quickly and untangled herself from him and stood up.

”Outta the van, all of ya, now!” she ordered, placing her hands on her hips. The guys all smiled wide as they jumped out of the car and rushed over to her, ready for their hugs.

”Babydoll I can’t believe you cut your hair and didn’t tell us!”

”Oh but it looks SO good…speaking of ‘butts’…that looks good too…you sure you don’t wanna date me babe?”

Jen laughed at them as she hugged and kissed them all, animatedly talking about whatever had popped into their minds. Justin stood back and watched them interact, his eyes never leaving Jen. She seemed so happy and so alive, and he knew it was because they were back in town. Her eyes managed to slide over to him and though it seemed impossible, her smile became bigger. He winked at her and she winked back before she turned her attention back to JC, who was talking about the tour.

They had managed to get back into the van and off campus to a restaurant and ate a late lunch, early dinner. On the way back to the hotel, they all discussed what they wanted to do that night, since it was a night off.

”Clubbin’,” Chris announced matter-of-factly.

”Sounds good to me.”

”Sure, I’m in.”

”Hell you all KNOW I’m there,” Joey said, getting a laugh from everyone. The only two left to answer were Jen and Justin.

”I don’t think I’m going to-“

”Aww come ON Jenk we haven’t seen you in EVER! You HAVE to come!” Chris whined. Jen looked over at Justin almost pleadingly and he just shrugged.

”Chris you know I want to but-“

”You want to, so come,” Lance interrupted.

”I have finals…I should get some sleep. I mean, I have the show to come see tomorrow night so I won’t have time to study then, and we can totally hang out…right?”

”Yeah…that makes sense y’all. I think I am going to stay home tonight too,” Justin agreed, glancing quickly at Jen.

The other four rolled their eyes and groaned. “Fine, talk, whatever, do your thing that you two ALWAYS HAVE to do after we tour. We are going OUT baby!” JC said as they pulled up to the hotel’s back entrance. Luckily, no fans had figured out the ‘secret’ entrance. They quickly entered the hotel and rode the elevator up to their rooms.

After the guys were primped (thanks to Jen) they left the hotel, shouting out all sorts of random comments towards the two.

”You are like an old married couple stayin’ in because it’s too late to go out or something,” JC said as the elevator opened

”BYE JACE. HAVE FUN JACE. LATER JACE,” Justin said with a fake smile on his face.

Joey grinned as the two and right before the doors closed on the four he said, ”Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do…actually, do everything I would do and then some.”

Justin and Jen laughed as they filed back into Justin’s room and closed the door behind them. Jen flopped onto one of the beds and looked around the room with wide eyes, unsure of what to say.



”You cut your hair…how come you didn’t tell me?” Justin asked and walked over to the bed to stand right in front of her. She looked up at him and shrugged her shoulders.

”I don’t know, I guess I just-“

She stopped talking when she felt his hands in her hair, first slowly feeling the ends of it and then working her hair to slide in between his fingers gently.

He noticed her immediate reaction and smirked. “You’re wearing it curly too, I like it.”

”Um…th-th-thanks,” she stuttered, fighting to control the wave of emotions that was hitting her full force.

He pulled his hands out of her hair suddenly and walked towards the phone. His back was to her as he tried to compose himself; he was nearly two seconds away from leaning down and kissing her, with the way she was looking at him and all.

Jen took a deep, shaky breath and closed her eyes tightly. She opened them after a few seconds and looked towards Justin, her eyes perusing his body slowly, appreciating his backside.

”Shall we order room service J?” he asked, picking up the menu and turning around. He caught her in the middle of her lustful glance and locked eyes with her. She quickly looked away and her cheeks colored and she cleared her throat before she looked back at him dead on.

”Sure what do they have?”

”Let’s get pizza.”

”Pizza? We always get pizza Justin.”

He jumped onto the bed next to her and put his arm around her shoulder. “Come on JJ, we’ll get the veggie pizza, I know you like it.”

”Don’t give me that pouty face. Justin, don’t. I end up getting to eat one piece to your seven, which makes the whole thing.”

”I’ll share…I promise!” he begged, holding up two fingers. “Scouts honor.”

”You were never a boy scout Stin.”

”Just go with it; it means the same thing.”

She looked at his face; his eyes were sparkling and a smile was ready to break, but he was trying to keep his pout intact. He looked so happy, and she loved just being with him and goofing around.

”Fine, pizza it is. Pepsi to drink, got it Timby?”

He saluted her with a smile. “Yes M’am!”

One vegetable pizza and an order of breadsticks later, the two were full. Justin had let Jen eat two pieces of pizza before finishing off the rest of it in true Timberlake style, which meant a huge mess all over himself. They were sitting on the floor with their backs up against the foot of the bed, legs stretched out in front of them. The TV was on and they were watching ‘Friends’, engrossed in the comedy.

Jen enjoyed listening to Justin laugh at the characters and the jokes, for even when he laughed he seemed to be in perfect pitch. She kept glancing at him, trying to absorb him all at once because she knew he would be out of Tampa and away from her for a while. The longer she was in the room with him, the more she questioned her decision about taking a break. Her eyes worked their way to his hair again and she just had to ask.

”Justin why did you cornrow your hair?” Jen asked, turning away from the TV to face Justin. He turned his head towards her and just shrugged with a big goofy smile on his face, looking back towards the television.

”Well, thanks for the detailed answer slick. Do I have to turn off the TV huh? Huh?”

Justin was totally zoned out, at least, he appeared to be. He heard every word she had said but was just trying to rile her up. She looked at him once more before standing up and moving directly in front of the television, blocking his view.

”Oh dang move girl come on! What are you doin’?” he said reaching out to move her.

”Oh…am I in the way? I’m so sorry, lemme just turn this off because I can’t hear you.” She reached behind her and turned the TV off with a sarcastic smirk set in place.

Before she knew what had happened, Justin sprung up from the floor and grabbed her tightly around the waist and picked her up, tossing her onto the bed and jumping after her. She squealed as his hands began to tickle her around her waist.

”Justin ohmigod stop it! Hahahahaha Justinnnnn I’m gonna yak!”

He laughed and kept going, throwing a leg over her so he was on top of her to try to control her frantic leg thrashing.

”Don’t mess with T-T-Timberlake baybee. You don’t win!” he announced loudly. He tickled her for a few more seconds before letting up and placing his hands on his waist and raising an eyebrow at her in challenge.

”Oh you smug lil’ bastard…” Jen breathed out, trying to slow her heart rate down to a normal speed.

”You are in no position to get mouthy with me JJ, can’t you see?”

She noticed for the first time exactly how they were situated and her face began to heat up.

It’s just innocent Jen…get your mind out of the gutter and get back to those ‘friendly’ vibes…man we could get REAL friendly here in a second…

She pushed him off of her and he flopped ungracefully next to her. She sighed and rubbed her eyes quickly, trying to soothe her racing mind. He watched her quietly for a few seconds, wondering what she was thinking.

”You OK J?” he asked, reaching over and placing his hand on her stomach lightly. She pulled her hands away from her face and turned her head towards him, smiling.

”Yeah, I’m just tired.”

”Wanna watch a movie and just crash?”

”Sounds like heaven to me,” she whispered, still looking at him. They were both on their backs with their heads facing each other and eyes locked onto one another.

Justin slid his hand off of her stomach and rose to get the remote control. Jen’s stomach tingled from the loss of heat momentarily; at least that’s what she blamed it on. It was a pitiful excuse, and she knew it in her heart too. Justin made his way back to the bed and fixed some pillows against the headboard so he could prop himself up slightly to see the TV. Jen watched him lazily, her eyes always sought him out no matter what he was doing or where he was. He sat back down on the bed and stretched himself out while leaning against the pillows, trying to get comfortable.

”C’mere,” he said, patting the bed right next to him. Jen crawled up and over to him, and he lifted his arm up. She snuggled under his arm and against his chest, making herself comfortable. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head and squeezed her slightly to him.

”I’m glad you’re here Justin,” Jen mumbled as Justin was programming the movie. He stopped momentarily and rested his chin against her head.

”There’s nowhere else I would rather be.”

”Shh, let’s see what they are up to,” Chris snickered as the guys were walking down the hall, just getting back from the club.

”JC man, you have the key, open the door,” Joey whispered, pushing JC towards the door.

”Easy man, be quiet. We don’t want to interrupt anything.”

JC slid the key into the door and pushed it open slowly. All the lights were off, so the only light being shed into the room was from the hallway and from the TV, which was still on. JC entered in a few feet and then stopped, smiling wide. Lance followed him in, and Chris and Joey were fighting in the doorway about who would go in next.

”This is just too cute,” JC said looking at the bed. Lance nodded next to him and Chris and Joey finally made it into the room.

”Look at how happy their faces are,” Joey pointed out. The two had fallen asleep on the bed together, Jen’s head was resting comfortably on Justin’s chest, and her arm was around his waist. Justin’s arm was holding Jen close to him, and his head was resting on top of hers. They both had completely sated looks on their faces.

Lance walked over towards the closet and pulled a blanket out. He made his way back towards the bed and covered the two gently, making sure he didn’t disturb them.

”Let’s roll, we need to sleep guys. Night JC.”

They all quietly exited the room and retired to their beds for the night, each of them thinking of ways to get the two youngest members of their group of friends back together.

Jen and Justin woke up at about the same time, completely rested and relaxed. JC was sleeping soundly next to them, and neither one had any idea when the guys had come in from the club. Jen needed to get back to the dorm, so Justin had called and cleared it with Mike to take the van and drive her himself. The plans were for Jen to meet up with them after lunch, so she could get back to the dorm and shower and get her things ready, and then be back at the venue to chill out before the show. Justin had dropped her off and was on his way back to the hotel when he pulled out his cell phone and dialed a familiar number.

”Hi, it’s Justin. Yes, Justin Justin. I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me today…I really need to see you. I have something to tell you, it’s really important. OK, we can meet at Hard Rock Café at, say, noon? Alright, see you there, bye.”

He hung up the phone and smiled to himself as he pulled up into the hotel parking lot and pulled the mini van into its proper place.

Chapter 32