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Chapter Five

Everyone filed out of the room, JC leading Chris out quickly, followed by Lance, and Joey had grabbed Ashlee and was also in a rush to get out. That left Justin and Jen in there, who just watched everyone rush out of the room. They looked at each other and just laughed.

"What was that whole thang Stin?" Jen asked, totally confused.

"I have no idea JJ. So, ya ready to see what we got ya?" he replied, avoiding the question.

"Yeah sure! Lead the way," she replied. Justin grabbed her hand and held it tightly as they walked out of the dorm room. Several girls shot glances at them, and double-taked at the sight of the teen celeb. Justin paid no mind, it seemed as if he was on a mission. Jen was practically dragged to the outside of the dorm to meet up with the rest of their friends, who were waiting restlessly.

"Hey y'all…we are here, in a mad rush from the room. But hey, we need to get you guys in a car or something…" and she stopped suddenly. Everyone was staring at her with broad smiles on their face. Justin was smirking, and pulled a North Carolina T-shirt out from behind his back.

"Here JJ, put this on, ya need a shirt to get in to where we are going."

She looked at him with raised eyebrows and a thoughtful look crossed her face. She threw the shirt on over her swimsuit top and for a brief moment inhaled the scent.

Mmmmm, it smells like him, so comforting and inviting…I LOVE this smell. WOAH, where did THAT come from?

She shook herself out of the powerful trance and opened her eyes to meet the familiar blue ones of her best friend.

"You OK girlie?" he questioned, with concern etched on his face.

"Fine fine," she answered confidently.

"OK, well, good. Turn around, here is part one of the surprise," he said, worries lines long gone. Jen smiled and turned around slowly to see a huge white stretch limo pulling up to the curb. Her eyes got wide and she smiled broadly. She impulsively turned back to Justin and jumped into his arms, kissing him on the cheek overflowed with excitement. She felt his arms wrapped tightly around her, and received a kiss back on the cheek, feather light but with feeling.

"You're welcome," he whispered, his breath tickling her ear and sending shivers down her spine. She pulled out of his embrace and turned towards the other four and Ashlee. Ashlee looked in shock, and the rest of the guys were smiling but trying to act conspicuous. Jen noticed and then looked around at the forming crowd. She then sprang into action.

"Let's get this show on the road y'all!" she announced to the group. They all took the hint as the limo driver got out of the car and opened the door for them. Jen was the first one to climb in, followed closely by Justin, then Ashlee and Joey, and then the rest of the guys. The door slammed shut and Jen looked out the window noticing that the crowd of people was not dispersing. She then turned towards the rest of the guys inside the limo. Joey and Ashlee seemed to be getting very cozy with each other. Lance, Chris, and JC were talking in hushed tones, and glancing at Jen and Justin every few seconds. Jen thought it was unnerving and turned her attention to her best friend.

"So Stin, where to now? " she asked, poking his side.

He smiled evilly and threw his left arm around her shoulder. "A gentleman never tells."

"Well then, J, where are we going?" Jen shot at him, teasingly.

Justin gave her a mock sad face and pulled her just a little closer to him. Then he said, "Ha ha ha. You are too funny for your own good JJ. We are going somewhere to eat, and that's all you're gonna get outta me."

"Oh really?" she challenged. She then heard him groan. She laid her head on his chest and sighed. Then after a few seconds she placed her left hand on his chest and raised her head up to his and looked him straight in the eye.

"Please Jussy? You're my bestest friend in the world and you know I love ya, and you really don't wanna make me mad on my birthday do ya?" she said, in a little kids voice. Justin knew this trick. She played it often and always seemed to win, no matter how much he steeled himself against it.

I am totally gonna spill it all to her. If her hand wasn't on my chest like that, I think I would be OK. Get a hold of yourself Justin! This is Jen we are talking about here! But her face is so close, just inches away…oh boy…

"Sorry Jenzie, no dice on that one tonight. Besides, we are here," he answered.

Thank GOD.

Jen looked around at the restaurant that they had brought her to and just smiled and started to talk to totally random people who were walking on the sidewalk.

"Today is my birthday, I'm nineteen today," she would tell them. They would look at her funny, some would smile and offer congratulations, and some would throw her dirty looks. She didn't care though; nothing was going to ruin her night.

"Oh My God its *NSYNC!" three young teens shouted. Jen's smile faded as she looked back towards the guys who were standing behind her. They shrugged innocently and turned towards the anxious girls. Jen pulled Ashlee off to the side and they silently observed the scene in front of them. The girls were shaking and nervous, one of them was actually crying. They all got autographs and hugs, and walked off floating on air. The guys turned their attention back to Jen and Ashlee.

"Sorry guys, but JJ you know how it is," Justin started to apologize, looking straight at Jen.

"I know, no worries. You guys are good with your fans, and that's important. Plus, NOTHING is going to ruin my night. Let's dish!"

The seven of them entered the crowded restaurant, and Justin strode purposefully up to the front to talk to the lady who handled the reservations. Jen hung back with the rest of the guys.

"So Babydoll, we know you like Rainforest Café, and at least you aren't underdressed for it!" JC kind of shouted to her. The place was loud and warm with all of the conversations taking place and all of the bodies that went along with them. Jen smiled, her eyes crinkling up and her face glowing.

"This is fantastic Papa J, I don't know how I can thank you enough!" she yelled back, and then gave him a hug. Then she turned to Chris and Joey and Lance and said to them, "You guys are truly amazing! What would I do without you?"

"You would be lost," Chris laughed.

"You would have no life," Joey added.

"You would be in total and utter despair," Lance finished. She laughed whole-heartedly and gave each of them a hug.

"You guys really are too much!" she added.

"Uh oh, there she goes quoting Disney Specials!" Chris piped in. "Now stop it Jenko or you're gonna make me bluuuuush!" He said batting his eyelashes. The whole group laughed and continued to joke around.

"Where's Curlyhead guys?" Jen asked, her curiosity getting the better of her as she searched the crowded room for her blonde-haired blue eyed bud.

Geez girl, how about we try to keep our mind off of him for more than 2 minutes please thanks!

"Ummm, bathroom prolly. I bet he's fixin' his hair or somethin'. He's always gotta look perfect, especially now that we are hangin' with you again babydoll," JC replied. Jen shot him a look, and then just rolled her eyes.

"Please Papa, don't flatter me. He has to look good for all the girls in here that he THINKS want him!" everyone laughed yet again.

Then a younger hostess walked up to the group and said, "You are the 'Jenkins' party correct?"

"Yes Ma'am, that's us," Lance replied, ever courteous.

"How did you know it was us?" Jen asked.

"Well, the blondie I was talkin' to said, and I quote, 'the beautiful one with the brown blonde hair and the North Carolina shirt'."

Jen shivered unconsciously and then laughed. "Ahh, that's my funnyman. Where is he anyway?"

The hostess smiled and said, "I don't know. He just told me to get you guys and bring you to the room."


"Yes, the private room. By the way, your boyfriend is really sweet," the hostess added as she lead the way to the room.

"He's not my boyfriend," Jen started. "He is my best friend."

The waitress just laughed and shook her head. "Well, don't all the great loves just start out like that."

Chapter Six