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Chapter Seven

They finished dinner and were back in the dorm room. The evening was coming to an end, and Jen knew they were going to have to say good bye very shortly. Everyone was just talking, lounging around the room. Joey and Ashlee were sitting on the futon; JC was in Jen's desk chair while Chris was in Ashlee's. Lance was sitting on the corner of the desk, and Jen and Justin were occupying a beanbag together. The conversation was casual, finding out where in Florida Ashlee was from, telling the story about how Jen met the guys, and hearing entertaining yet embarrassing stories about the guys from the tour. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Woah, are we expectin' someone Ash?" Jen asked. She climbed up outta the beanbag and checked herself in the mirror before she looked through the peephole. She straightened up quickly and snapped her head towards Ashlee.

"Oh My GOD Ash! It's that cutie we met yesterday in the dining hall! Kyle!" she whispered, excitement in her voice. Ashlee's eyes went wide.

"Hello! Open the door, Jen!!" she whispered back. The guys looked around the room at each other, confused and thoughtful. Justin muttered quietly.

"Kyle? Who is Kyle?"

Before anyone could answer, Jen swung the door open.

"Hi! What's up Kyle?" she said, trying to stay calm.

"Hey Jen. Um, I just came by to wish you happy birthday. I remember you talkin' about it last night, and I figured I would stop by and say hi," Kyle stuttered. He was 6'2, darker blonde hair spiked up with the tips dyed blonde, big green eyes and a dark tan over his well-toned body.

"Wow! That's so sweet of ya! Why don't you come in?" Jen gestured into the room. He stepped in and immediately felt out of place when five pairs of eyes were on him, already pre-judging him. He looked around trying to figure out where to sit. Jen grabbed two folding chairs and opened one up for him to sit down. She placed the other next to him and sat in it. Justin looked at her questioningly, wondering why she wasn't next to him. There was an eerie silence before Jen broke it.

"Hello! Sorry Kyle, lemme introduce you to everyone. Well, there's Ash on the couch, you already know her. Next to her we have Joey. Then in the chairs we have Chris, the one with the dreads, and JC. Sittin' on the edge of the desk is Lance, and last but not least is my friend Justin on the beanbag makin' himself at home," She explained, pointing to everyone in the room, as Kyle nodded silently, trying to remember the names.

Just 'friend'? Not 'best friend'? What's UP with her, and WHO is this Kyle character? I don't like him already. Justin thought to himself. And why didn't she come sit with me again? Now that KYLE is here she can't sit with her best friend?

"Hello everyone," Kyle said, interrupting Justin's thoughts. "Do y'all go to school here or do you know Jen and Ashlee from home?" he asked.

"No, we don't go to school here," JC began to explain. He glanced at all the guys who just kinda nodded towards him, all except for Justin of course.

"We actually sing…we are *NSYNC. We've known Jen awhile, actually. You just missed the story," JC finished, trying to form an opinion on Kyle.

"OH! You are that other boy band, like the Backstreet Boys, right? Jen, you know famous people? You didn't tell me that! Damn, you guys must be rollin' in the dough. I bet the chicks are all over you," Kyle exclaimed, star struck. Justin did NOT like his attitude, and he and the rest of the guys winced in reference to the Backstreet Boys.

"She's not gonna announce it to the world ya know. AND, we have great fans, not just 'chicks'," Justin muttered grumpily.

"Umm, we make good money," Joey said uncomfortably. Jen decided it was time to steer the conversation in the other direction.

"Hey, why don't we turn on some music?" she said, getting up out of her chair and walking to the stereo. She flipped on the radio and they listened to the very end of "Sweet Lady" by Tyrese. As Jen was walking back to her chair, Justin grabbed her around the waist and pulled her down next to him on the beanbag.

"Yaaaa! Thanks Stin! No worries, ya just scared the crap outta me!" she said smiling, and smacked his stomach lightly.

"Now ya gotta pay some attention to me," he whispered into her ear. The room was silent yet again as they listened to the DJ.

"That was "Sweet Lady" by Tyrese. Now these next guys are no strangers to this station. Here's Florida's fab five hotties with "I Want You Back", *NSYNC, up next." Jen glanced up to Ashlee and they locked eyes. The five guys rolled their eyes, and Kyle's face lit up.

"So you sing THAT song," he said. The five looked at him and just nodded. In the meantime, Jen and Ashlee got up and decided it was time for a show. Justin watched Jen get up, and he knew what was coming.

"Hey guys, looks like we got another show comin' up!" he announced, smiling. He and the guys thought it was one of the funniest things to watch. They got up and moved all the chairs out of the way, giving the girls dance space. Ashlee watched, shocked.

"I take it you have done this before," she whispered to Jen.

"All the time," she started to say, laughing. "I am surprised they still get a kick outta it. Man, you'll have to come with me to their house sometime, cuz that's when I get mega into it. Now I know you know the moves, this has to be good because I think Kyle thinks I am crazy."

"Nah, he's got it for ya. You have to see the way he looks at you," Ashlee said. Jen glanced over her shoulder quickly, watching Kyle be interrogated by Justin.

"Well, I'm thinkin' Justin doesn't like him. He has been quiet all night, and that is very un-Justin like. Surprise, he never likes the guys I date. You really think he likes me?" she questioned.

"Oh yeah," Ashlee said.

He's not the only one either, she added silently, watching Justin's actions.

The music started up and the guys quieted down. Jen smiled and turned around, approaching them slowly.

"You're all I ever wanted…you're all I ever needed, yeah. So tell me what to do now, when I want, you, BACK!" She lip synched, and her and Ashlee jumped into the dancing.

JC, Lance, and Chris were hooting and hollering the girls on, getting big smiles from them. Joey was amazed at Ashlee's dancing, and received a wink from her. Kyle was staring at Jen very obviously, and Jen noticed this. She pointed to Kyle and he blushed, realizing he was caught. She then turned to Justin who was standing there doing the dance himself slightly, like he always did. Jen started to lip sync once again.

"It's hard to say I'm sorry," her lips moved. Then she added Justin's normal add lib line, "COME ON!" which got an even bigger smile out of him.

She then approached him and just stared while she continued, "its hard to make the things I did undone. A lesson I've learned to well, for sure," then she turned around to go line up with Ashlee to do the body roll. The guys knew what was coming, and were cheering loudly for it.

"Body roll c'mon babydoll!!" JC yelled.

"Can ya do it Ashlee??" Joey teased.

"Woooooooooo! You go girls!" Chris said clapping.

"So don't hang up the phone now. I'm tryin' to figure out just what to do. I'm goin' crazy without you…" Jen continued and pointed to Justin without even thinking twice.

They continued through the song and finished it up with their backs towards the group. Everyone clapped and Justin started to walk towards Jen, but Kyle beat him there. He picked her up and spun her around in the air.

"That was really smooth! Didja make up that dance yourself?" he asked, setting her down on the floor.

"Thanks! Nope, gotta give props to these guys, they do it better than I ever could," she said.

"That's right JJ, you give us those props," Justin said, upset that Kyle got to her before he did.

"I better get going. That was awesome!" Kyle started, glaring at Justin out of the corner of his eye. Jen didn't notice.

"JJ? That's your nickname? Can I call you that?" he asked.

"Well actually..." Jen started, wincing. Justin had seen and heard enough.

"No, actually, you can't. Sorry," He said very shortly. He then walked up to them and added. "Thanks for coming."

Kyle stared at the two, eyes moving from Jen to Justin, back and forth.

"Okaaaaaaay. Well, JEN, I'll just have to think up a new one for you. Are there any other ones that I can't use?" he said, rolling his eyes slightly. He looked towards the guys who were all kind of nodding.

"You have got to be kidding me," he mumbled.

"Um, just try to stay away from babydoll," JC answered as a slight blush on his cheeks.

"I know you won't call her mine, so don't worry about it," Joey said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Me and Lance just call her 'Jenk' or 'Jenko', but we don't have claim on it or anything" Chris threw in, with Lance nodding next to him. Kyle looked at them all and acknowledged their requests.

"All right girlie, I'll call you. Happy 19th birthday," Kyle turned to Jen and placed a light kiss on her cheek before strolling confidently out the door. They guys watched him, surprised at his forwardness. Ashlee watched Justin for a reaction, but he was staring at Jen, who was touching her cheek where Kyle kissed her.

Wow, he is so fine. That was so sweet of him to come over and wish me happy birthday. He seems like a genuine guy, kinda like Justin is. And the guys didn't intimidate him, which is a mad plus. And if that kiss is any indication of things to come, I might just call him first!

Jen smiled, lost in her own thoughts.

"JJ…JJ? Jenzie! JENNIFER!" Justin yelled, trying to get her attention. Jen snapped out of her daydream and looked over at Justin.

"Why are you yelling?" she asked.

"I don't like him. He's arrogant. I know what you are thinking girl. Don't call him," Justin replied, reading her mind.

"Who are you to tell me what to do? I thought it was way nice of him to come over and wish me happy birthday," she shot back, getting angry.

"I just don't wanna see you get hurt," he said, softening his voice and reaching up to play with her hair.

"I just have this feeling he's gonna be trouble," he told her, staring into her eyes seriously.

Yeah, trouble for ME, he added silently, not wanting to leave Jen alone with Kyle here while he was back in Orlando.

Chapter Eight