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Chapter Eight

It was getting late, and the guys knew they had a two-hour drive ahead of them and a packed schedule the next week full of promotional gigs and appearances. Besides, Jen and Ashlee had their first day of class tomorrow, and they needed their rest also. So, it was time to say good-bye and head on out even though none of them were ready to leave.

"OK guys, we really need to get going if we want to make it back to Orlando in time to get a few hours of sleep," JC stated, starting to get up out of the chair he occupied. The guys nodded in agreement as they all started getting up slowly. Jen and Justin were back on the beanbag, hesitant to start saying goodbye already.

"You're right. Plus, me and Ash have class tomorrow, and I still don't know my way around campus very well," Jen said, looking up towards everyone. They were all huddled around her and Justin, waiting for them to stand. Justin looked over at her and got up, holding his hand out to her to help her up.

"JJ, we can drive around campus now to give ya an idea if you want," he said. She took his hand and pushed off the ground with her other one as he pulled, and her momentum then carried her straight into his chest, which caused him to lose his balance and wrap his arms around her. They were laughing as they tried to gain their footing. Once they did, they stopped laughing and froze, staring into each other's eyes caught up in the moment. Jen was the first to turn her head to the side and break the connection. Once she did, Justin looked up towards the ceiling, keeping his eyes off her.

"I think we'll wait for ya in the car Curly," Lance said as he glanced towards the others.

"I'll escort you guys out," Ashlee added and they all bolted out of the room and out to the parking lot. Jen then turned back towards Justin, and threw her arms around his neck. She buried her head into the crook of his neck and sighed. Justin still had his arms around her, and he just held her tighter. They stood like this for a few minutes, procrastinating as much as they could. Jen pulled away first, and smiled at him.

"Well J, now that I am this close to you, and y'all are off tour, we'll be seein' more of each other than usual right?" she questioned, trying to reassure herself. Justin noticed her worried face and grinned.

"Hmmm, I guess so. We'll just have to have you and Ashlee over sometime soon for a barbecue and some basketball. Besides, I think Joey's got a thing for your roommate," he sighed and acted like he was being forced to hang out with her.

"Joey has a thing for everyone, but I agree." She said after she smacked him.

"So how about I call you when I have some free minutes tomorrow?" He asked, his arms still around her. She put her hands in his hair and started twirling the curls around her fingers.

"You better. I got voicemail on the phone, so if I'm at class, leave me a message. You'll have your cell on ya right? You also have my pager number," she replied and pulled her hands out of his hair and smiled, happy with the mess she had made. His hair was sticking up all over the place.

"Ok, so I'll talk to ya tomorrow then. I am so happy you are back with us JJ," he said, and he leaned in and kissed her forehead. Then he grabbed her hand.

"Shall we?" he asked in an English accent. She linked arms with him and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"We shall my English gentleman," she replied as they walked out of the dorm and towards his car arm in arm. Everyone was standing around Justin's car, talking and goofing around, yelling at some students. You could hear Chris and Joey going at it with some guys.

"Dude, who do you think you are?" Chris yelled.

"Not some dread head that's for sure," one of the kids replied.

"That was lame buddy," Joey shot back. Jen and Justin hurried across the street and Jen walked past the guys and straight up to the guys that were yelling. She talked to them for a few minutes and they walked away. She returned back to the group and laughed.

"I took care of it. I told the guys if they didn't leave ya alone, your bodyguards would kick their asses," she said, chuckling as she spoke. The guys just stared at her in disbelief.

"Jenko why didja do that? I can take care of myself!" Chris said, puffing out his chest and smacking it a few times. Everyone laughed at his display and Chris turned to all of them with an evil look.

"You all better pray that I fall asleep before you do tonight, because if you go before me, wait till you see what you'll look like in the morning." The guys quickly shut up and Jen and Ashlee kept laughing.

"And you two; don't think I don't know how to sneak into dorm rooms…I may be back sooner than you think," he added, pointing towards Jen and Ashlee. They both quieted down, but their eyes were still showing their amusement. JC was the first to step in and start the long chain of good-byes.

"All right, I talked about leavin' here a good forty-five minutes ago, so I am gonna start the good-bye train," he started and wrapped his arms around Jen.

"Good-bye Babydoll, I am sure we'll see ya real soon ok? Happy Birthday," he said and kissed her forehead. Then he moved right along to Ashlee.

"It was nice to meet you. I am sure we'll see you too!" he said and hugged her. Then Chris jumped in and hugged Jen.

"Lata Jenko! I'll be around!" he said smiling. Then he also moved to Ashlee. Lance stepped up and kissed the tip of her nose.

"Take care Jenkins. It was great seein' you again. Happy Birthday," he whispered in his southern drawl. Then Joey opened his arms up and Jen went into them, while he wrapped them around her tight.

"Ah Vinnie, happy birthday again. You better be over soon, we'll make some pasta for dinner!" he stated and smiled down at her.

"You know it Joe," she replied and kissed his cheek. He too moved on to Ashlee, and lingered there for awhile. Finally Justin stepped up, always the last one in the "good-bye train" as they referred to it.

"Mah baby girl, you take care. I'll call tomorrow and we'll talk, ok? I'm gonna miss you," he whispered into her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

"You better be missin' me, even if it isn't a full 24 hours before we talk again. I'm gonna miss you too ya know. I always do," she answered and hugged him tight. He hugged her back and they rocked back and forth for a few seconds. He pulled away and leaned down and brushed her cheek very softly with his lips.

"Seeya JJ," he said.

"Seeya Stin," she whispered back, very close to him. It was their typical parting words, always said with care and gentleness. He moved towards Ashlee and talked with her.

"Nice meetin' ya Ashlee. Take care of my girl ok? Make sure she doesn't get into any trouble," he joked, winking at her. *Trouble like KYLE* he added to himself. He then hopped in the car and started it. They pulled out of the parking lot and honked as they drove off into the night. The girls watched them until they could no longer see the car and headed back inside.

"So what did you think of my boys?" Jen asked Ashlee, smirking.

"They are SO cool! I didn't think they would like me," Ashlee started, looking down towards the ground.

"Joey sure likes you!" Jen teased, opening their door. Ashlee looked up and blushed a bit.

"Well, on the subject of boys, I think Kyle is liking you," she said, changing into her pajamas.

"Yeah? Ya really think?" Jen questioned, climbing up into her bed and setting her alarm. As she leaned over her pillows, she could smell Justin's cologne lingering from before. She sighed and inhaled deeply, enjoying his scent.

"Are you ok up there?" Ashlee asked, watching her roommate. Jen snapped out of her trance and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just tired," Jen said, covering up.

That's why I can't get this smell outta my head. I am just tired. It has nothing to do with the fact that it's Justin's cologne. Lots of guys wear this cologne. I just like the smell of it that's all. The fact that it is mixed with Justin's smell has nothing to do with me liking it. I am so confused…I need to sleep and I'll be fine…

Ashlee had noticed her friend's confusion and felt bad. She HAD noticed Jen's reaction to the pillow, and thought back throughout the day, trying to figure out why she was acting like this. Then her mind figured it out.


Justin climbed up into Jen's bed and snuggled into the pillow. "Jenzie! Come up here and lay with me!" he whined. She looked up to the loft and saw him resting on his side, staring at her. She turned her head towards the guys when she heard who she assumed to be Joey snicker, and then just shrugged it off. She smirked and climbed up the ladder and plopped down next to him.

"Whats up babyface?"

"Are you happy we came?" he asked seriously as he started rubbing her shoulder.

Her features softened, they always did when it was just the two of them alone. Then she broke out into a huge smile and nodded.

"Of course I am J. Didn't I JUST tell you that?"

He nodded and said, "Yeah, well I wanted to make sure. I didn't wanna intrude or anything, especially with you just getting here and settling in, but girlie I have missed ya a LOT these past months. It was too long without seeing your face."

"I have missed you too," she started, and ran her hands through his massive blonde curls.

"A lot Justin. Talkin' on tha phone just isn't the same as live surround sound eh?" she joked around with him, lightening the subject.

He laughed and then sighed heavily. "Yeah, you know it JJ. But now that we are all here, we are gonna have some MAD fun!"

"Sounds like a plan!" Someone shouted out loud. Jen and Justin leaned over the edge of the bed to see what was up. Of course, all of them were right there, listening in.

"I missed you sooo much!" Chris said in a high-pitched girlie voice to Joey.

He turned around and replied in the same high voice, "Oh Chrissy I missed you too! The surround sound!"

~End Flashback~

"This girl is gonna have a lot of thinkin' to do," Ashlee whispered out loud. She then turned off the light and climbed into her bed, glancing one more time at Jen. She was fast asleep with that pillow held tightly to her body, like she was protecting it. Ashlee sighed and rolled over, thoughts of Joey sending her into a peaceful sleep, not worrying about what the next few days has to come. Both school-wise and socially.

Chapter Nine