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Britney Spears: Britney

Britney Spears
Release date: November 6th, 2001
Critique Date: November 6th, 2001

Let me go ahead and say that this is really the first (or second…I couldn’t help myself) time I’ve heard these songs, besides ‘Slave’. These are my own opinions and if you don’t like them…don’t read them. I like Britney’s music in general, so this isn’t meant to be a slam…I think that fans tend to be better critics…AT TIMES. So without further ado…

I’m A Slave 4 U: I liked this song the first time I heard it on the VMA’s. The beats and the rhythm are solid and it’s something totally new for her. It’s all the Neptunes…Pharrell and Chad, they have the best abilities and do wonders for the music business. Do I believe she’s talking about being a slave to her dancing? Yes. And no. ‘Baby, don’t you wanna dance up on me?/Leavin’ behind my name and age’ Sounds more like a one night stand to me. It’s ok Brit, you’re legal now remember? However, I LOVE the chorus and all the ‘get it get it’s. It kinda reminds me of some stripping song actually. Not that I strip. I have to admit it gets me on the dance floor at the Neon Cactus because it’s sexy, so it gets a high score.

Overprotected: The beginning is funky…but it’s like, BAM! ME! You can tell that it’s a Sweed song. Max Martin’s name is all over this. The sound of her voice, the chorus…hell, all of it. It sounds a bit whiney, and it takes me back to the last album a bit, like ‘Can’t Make You Love Me’ style. Did Max boy write that one too? I have to check. YEP. It also…whoa. Hold the phone people, she pulls a Justin in this one. ‘May’ is back in full effect! She’s been hanging with the boy too much :) ‘I'm so fed up with people telling me to be/someone else but MAY’ Rock it girl. I have to say I like it, but its not my favorite.

Lonely: What an awesome voice. I love the fact that she’s singing in her own range now, instead of that high voice pop shit. She’s edgy and more jazzy…her voice is better suited for this kind of singing. Damnit, she needs to cuss in this song and not fake us out that. I love the electric guitar in the back too. I can’t believe she wrote this song…props to Britney. Much better than ‘Dear Diary’…I was nervous when I heard she had written some songs on here after that one…so far, so good. You can also tell that Rodney Jerkins was in on this bad boy. Darkchild Entertainment baby…he’s so awesome. This song is wicked. Ooh, there’s a rap. ‘Mess with Brit/boy you must’a tripped’--that is ghetto fabulous. Since I am ghetto fabulous, this will be up there as one of my favorite songs I’m sure. It kinda has a Janet Jackson feel to it, and its just not bubblegum. Thank GOD. I love the rock flares too.

I’m Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman: I’m not one to enjoy most of Britney’s ballads. The first time I actually put the CD in my CD-ROM drive this morning, I skipped it, I have to admit. But let’s give it a go eh? At least she’s singing more in her vocal range. Again, Mr. Max Martin & Rami. Dido even had a part in this one, but ‘Thank You’ is not on my favorite hit list so this does not impress me. I have to say, I like the melody…and Britney’s voice. At least she’s not forcing the high notes…wait…I spoke too soon. I think I could put this on my ‘fall asleep’ music list. I don’t absolutely hate it…but yeah.

Boys: The beginning almost sounds like the beginning to ‘Independent Women Part I’ by Destiny’s Child. Only for a second. OK, we are SO hit by the Neptunes once again. This song has definite potential. I like how she talks between lines, just like ‘Slave’. This song is another phat one. ’Lets turn this dance floor into our own nasty world’, wicked. I’m loving the edgy Brit here. Its different from the other songs on the album, and I like the different sections of it, how the melody changes. Another dance tune, one that you can definitely rock the clubs with.

Anticipating: Oh jeez. It sounds like ‘Dancing Queen’. This reminds me of my friend Andy when we were out at this bar one time…but I wont get into it because I would embarrass him. This also reminds me of Hoku’s ‘Perfect Day’ from Legally Blonde. This is so bubblegum it’s giving me a cavity. Yuck. Gee, who wrote this one? You guessed it…Britney. So she’s 1 for 2 in the song writing department so far. I have to stop listening to this…it’s SO CHEESY.

I Love Rock ‘N’ Roll: She has to do a cover on each album, it must be like, some unwritten rule for her. Homegirl records 23 songs…and has to sing a cover as one of 12 tracks she does pick to be on this album. I have to say that I like the orginial version of this song…and this one too. Again I’m going back to her voice…she’s so much better in her actual range. I’ll try not to say it again…but we’re only at song 7. Anyway, good cover, rock it out Brit. We know you love rock ‘n’ roll…wait…I just heard another ‘May’. Bad Justin!

Cinderella: This sounds like…well, yeah, a Max Martin/Rami hit. Wait, Britney had a hand in this one? Here she goes with her pop diva high nasally voice…take me back to the BOMT and OIDIA albums please thanks. Yeah, it’s a song that will get stuck in your head, but that’s Max for ya. It’s how he operates. Ok, to the song. It’s one that I’ll listen to because I like the beat…it’s almost got an old school Backstreet Boys vibe to it. Wait, did I just say that? Let’s talk about the ‘rap/talk’ section. I understand the song is ‘Cinderella’…but I won’t return to thee? Gag me. This song would have probably worked better on the ‘Ever After’ soundtrack…like, 3 years ago when it came out. Shall I give her credit on her writing skills? I’m thinking….no. 1 outta 3 isn’t too bad. Still, I know in a week or so I’ll be singing along at the top of my lungs. Damnit.

Let Me Be: The beginning reminds me of Jessica Simpson’s new stuff…the beat and rhythm. I love it when songs do that repeating type thing ’why wont you let me let me be’, like Digital Get Down. This song could have also been on the OIDIA album. I like the bridge though…I know she’s gotta throw some of the old style in there too keep some of her long-time fans satisfied. Well, she wrote this one…and it’s pretty decent so we’ll give her points on it, 2 for 4. It’s okay. And that’s all I really have to say about it.

Bombastic Love: Ohh Maxxxxxxx! Raaaaaami! The beat is so promising…damn. I’m convinced he makes her do that with her voice…or its just the way he mixes it. It has to be the mixing. I don’t like this one. Plus the title makes me think of Shaggy, “Mr. Lova Lova...mmmm, she call me mr. Boombastic truly fantastic…”…except I like that song better than this one. Ok yeah, another one I just have to change. Britney…I expected better from you on this one.

That’s Where You Take Me: A Britney creation…her last on the album. A ballad…uh oh. Don’t like the ‘oh baby oh baby’s….ooh, it turns into a two-step beat. Sweet! She just scored major points with a two-step…I love the Euro-House. If only she kept a song with BT mixing. Again, it’s one of those airy-fairy type joints…and I thought she was moving more towards R&B. I think it might be too pop for me…so she doesn’t get a ton of love for it. She finishes her writing abilities with a 2 out of 5…which is...well, it’s not ‘Dear Diary’ for five songs so congrats B.

What It’s Like To Be Me: OK Justin & Wade…it’s on the line. Ooh, ‘on the line’…that’s a bad joke. I have to say Justin doing backup vocals totally works for this song. I also like the way he writes…and this song is PHAT. He needs to write more for her. Coming with the edgy stuff…with her good voice…not the high pitched pop nasal shit. It’s like a Michael Jackson/Janet Jackson ‘Scream’ or Janet’s ‘What about that’. I hear beatboxing…oh yes, this is going to be a favorite. I have to make it clear that even if Justin had no part of this song I would love it. I really think this IS my favorite song. Great lyrics (props to Justin and Wade), good vocal arrangement, hot beat, kickin’ sounds (vocally & well, everything else). What a strong way to end the album. Definitely a great track, and I suggest you listen to it after hearing one of the less amicable ones. Everyone can relate when they’re pissy.

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