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You think you know...but you have NO idea.

You think you know…

…but you have NO idea.

This is the diary of Jungle Girl…

…the DanceBitch who’s NOT. THAT. INNOCENT.

What’s up? You’ve reached Jen. I’m not in right now, so drop me a line and I’ll see ya on the flipside.

What do I do, who am I, why do I do this, you ask? Lemme break it down for ya, one time!

My screenname. People ask all the time. Well, Jungle as in crazaaaaay. A nickname donned on me by a close friend. Girl because, yeah, last time I checked I was a girl. 21 is my favorite number of all time, so slap that puppy at the end of the SN and there you have it.

My occupation: student/choreographer/general lunatic.
Age and ish: Im 20, a junior, Im nutty and RARELY serious.
Location: Midwest, and occasionally a tour bus or dance studio. I also work the corner for extra flow.
Hobbies: Anything that has to do with sports (Jock freak extraordinaire), all that is music and dancing…and reading. Yes, I like to read. So HA.

Speaking of music. I have grown an instant liking for Eden’s Crush. They are just rockin’ my world right now. I’m also breaking out all my old Janet CDs, damn MTV Icon.

Generally, I like pop music…give me *NSYNC, give me Britney—hence my favorite signature, "I’m not. That. Innocent." I am a hard-core R&B and Hip-Hop fan, and I adore rap.

I watch BET more than I watch MTV.

Keep country and alternative away from me for the most part.

Let’s get into general info now eh? I’m a tall girl…I have wild, crazy, short curly hair that extends to fro-like measures at all times. It was recently highlighted (yay!) so now it’s brown with blonde streaks. Phatty boom batty. I have brown eyes and you can just SEE the Italian heritage radiating out of me. Basically, don’t piss me off. I know people.

I’m addicted. To Pepsi. As in, cannot LIVE without it.

*Takes a sip of it and places the can back in its spot, right next to the keyboard*

I am also addicted to Blue Kool-Aid and recently, Thin Mints. Oh…and if you see me eating Peanut Butter and Chocolate *or* Jamoca Almond Fudge ice cream, don’t think about jacking it. If you do…pain will surely come next.

What do I aspire to be when I "grow up"? I’m in school for Elementary Education. I love kids.

However, my passion is music, and I really would love to work behind the scenes in the biz, doing management or even artist development. Hell, anything. Johnny Wright is my freakin’ HERO. I would love to have him as a mentor, to show me what to do. You’ll all see. One day, I am going to be the next Johnny Wright. You can say you knew me way back when I wrote fiction about *NSYNC.

On second thought, don’t say that.

There you have it…and now YOU know.

