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Here we have my sister sites! I guess I would say these are feature sites that I really enjoy and I recognize as well check em' out already!

This is my crack stealin' sister Steph and her friend Krista's site..Steph has a story up thats just a few chapters but is wicked! Go visit her and send her some feedback!

Here is FictionLyn's site. I recommend you go and read all three of her stories (she's working on the fourth!), she is an amazing writer and was the first person to host my story and get it out on the web!

Here we have Anna's (Banana) site. It used to be known as 'The Phenomenon that is NSYNC' but now its been totally revamped and its WICKED. Oh yeah, and the stories are awesome too :)

My good friend Rachel here has made a site of her own, and it seriously just kicks mine into the ground. I was hosting her story, 'There Was A Time...', but I took that page down and besides, she has it up at hers. Check it out, its worth reading and her site just speaks for itself!