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My Stories

Summary: Jen has just transferred out of the Windy City to University of Southern Florida for her sophomore year of college. Can she handle the ups and downs of being away from home? Sure, if her long-time friends have anything to say about it. Her best friend has always been her rock...what happens when feelings start to change?

**This story is complete**

Summary: In the entertainment business, word travels like wildfire. Some things you believe, some you don't. Gina Corleone knew this well; the business was her life and she was accustomed to it. A run in at an awards show confirmed the stories she had heard about Justin Timberlake, but bumping into *NSYNC wasn't something she had planned or even thought twice about. Tempers flare as two do not get along. Is there dislike for one another indifferent, or is it true what they say; hate is as strong and parallel of a feeling as love?

**This story is incomplete**