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Thank You's

Well, there are a few people I would like to thank for helping me with my writing and sticking by me, and that's what this page is for. It is LONG overdue, and these people deserve some recognition. I love you all :)

Sharshy: Where do I start? You have had a great deal of influence on me from writing AYTS to posting it to creating my own page. It's much more than just that though. I've known you for years, and you have helped me through a LOT. I can't thank you enough, but I thought I would start here. LYLAS ALWAYZ!

Cheryl: MY PFBF! You and I share the *NSYNC bond of a lifetime, and I have to say that it has brought us very close and for that I am grateful. The basement is our safe haven and will always be. Green sleeping bag, crispy rounds, salsa, kudo's, pepsi, Larry (R.I.P), Sammy, and the vegetable blanket forever! Thanks for reading my story and listening to me go on and on about Justin like its my job :)

Mandy: Manday! Keep twirling Chris' necklace forever :) I am so glad you are my friend and that we can joke around about BIG RED and how much we can't stand what she does. Thanks for getting so excited over my writing; there arent many people that I see on a day to day basis that I share this with, and Im glad you read it and give me your opinions.

Georgie: Geoith! Girl...we've been through a lot of shit. And a lot of fun times too :) Who would have thought a random email about 'Down With Bitchney' where I thought you were 12 and you thought I was 12 would turn into this crazy ass friendship? Who would have thought that I would someday like Britney Spears as much as I do? Who would have thought that being 'Soul Sistaz' would last THIS long? (Could we write any more? Seriously?) I have to say that that day at MGM was awesome, even though you did look like a punk ass. By the way, I'm sending you pictures! I love ya to death girlie! Thanks for keeping me in the writin' mood, lol!

Lyn: You gave me the ultimatum: if I create my own page, you would host my story. You were the first to do it for me, and you put me out on the so-called map of fiction. I remember when your site first opened and we got to chat all the time while I was reading BofY. You are a great person and your writing pushed me to actually post what I had been wanting to for a long time. Thank you.

Steph: Nals, Crack Sista, the other half of the chair...and many others right? You were the first person to give me like, REAL feedback, and I am so glad we've kept in touch since then. You let me bounce ideas off of you a mile a minute and helped me figure out a lot of important things. We have the best conversations...JC's crack dealings to Fasa's wacky hair to the ever famous Homeless Fatone. You rock!

Becky: My Beeeeeeeks! We've gotten close quickly and recently, and it's awesome. Thanks for putting up with my craziness and ghetto fabulous style :) You are a great writer and I cant wait to read more of what you have to put down on paper (or cyberspace as the case may be).

Rachel: My slurpee lovin' friend! When we get the chance to talk, it's always fun :) You let me rant and rave about my story and help me figure out so much, its amazing. You have great ideas and I love the fact that you write and post so other people can notice your skills. Keep on going girl, you have talent. Thank you for the fun talks and great ideas!

WTG: My girls; Carly, Div, Symone. There had to be a quick shoutout in here to the best girl trio to hit the music biz. I mean, with your phat dance moves and awesome style, you'll be unstoppable :) Thanks for all our fun times, and for keepin' it real. Good luck with everything that is going on for you and keep in touch! WTG 4 EVA! FU MAN SKEET HOES baby.

My Readers: Last but most certainly not least. You guys keep me writing. I love the feedback that you send, and even those of you that dont, I thank you for reading. My update list keeps growing and people keep on coming back to read, so thats a good sign right? I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, and I hope you like what I've got planned!

If I have missed anyone, know that you aren't forgotten and that I appreciate everything you have done for me in creating this page and creating another aspect of my life. Now, before I get way too intellectual and serious about all this...I'm done :) Go on back to your regularly scheduled programs...
