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Wrong Time To Cry...Part Four

By: Joanne

It had been 3 weeks since Jo and Rachel's arguement. They didn't speak to each other until their characters had to speak in the show, plus, since the show had been completed a week and a half ago, they didn't phone each other, never went shopping, never talked about the latest movies, and never talked about the arguement. As far as Rachel was concerned, Jo could have fallen off the planet and she didn't care. Jo figured if Rachel had the chance, she'd push her off the face of the planet and laugh as they lowered her into the ground to disappear forever. Jo wanted to talk to her, but every time she called or came by Rachel ignored her. Hannah finally got fed up with all the nonsense and asked both girls to go shopping with her and to meet her at her flat. They agreed, not knowing the other was going to be there. Jo arrived first, complete with a smile and a good mood. Then Rachel pulled up in her Mercedes. When Rachel saw Jo in Hannah's living room, she turned around to head back out the door.

"You're not leavin, Rach. You two need to sort out your problems right now. This has gone on long enough. Now if you won't listen to each other, then listen to yourselves, ok?" Hannah lectured. She walked over to her CD player and put in Seven. Putting on track 10, she turned it up to where they could easily hear it. Through the sun, through the rain, I will still feel the same. Be it good, be it bad, I'll always understand. When you're down, when your blue, I will be there for you. Cos nobody does it better, we're gonna get there together," the stereo spat out. Both girls continued to sit in silence. Rachel got up and walked out the door. Jo heard Rachel start her car so she ran out the door and stood on the veranda.

"Why?" Jo yelled. Rachel just sat in her car staring at the steering wheel. Jo ran down the steps to Rachel's car. She repeated herself as Rachel spun out of the parking lot. Jo shook her head and made her way back up the stairs.

"I'm leaving. I don't see why you tried to fix it. We can't even fix it," Joanne said.

"You wanna know why I tried, you REALLY wanna know why I wanted to help? I'll tell you why..because since day one you guys were friends. I'm worried something is going to happen, then the other is going to have no one to turn to for help. I care, Jo, about you, about Rachel, and about the band. You guys don't have any clue how much tension is between the group because of you two. Yea, you go on, go about your life. But you can't say I didn't warn you,"

"Han, you don't understand. I've gone by her place about once a week, I've phoned every other day, but she doesn't want to believe me. It's her you should be telling this to, not me." Jo said as she, too, walked out Hannah's door.

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When Jo got home, Lee told her that Rachel had called. She froze in her tracks. In the process of taking her shoes off, she hopped towards the phone that laid on the kitchen counter. She immediately called Rachel's moby and didn't get an answer. She tried Rachel's flat...still no answer. Jo was beginning to get worried.

"Lee, get your keys. I need to go look for Rachel. She won't answer her mobile, which is where she called from, and she's not home yet. I'm really worried about her," she said, putting her shoes back on.

"Alright. Let me get my coat," Lee replied and they headed out the door. The first place she looked was on the freeway, second was Rachel's flat, third was Paul's, since him and Rach had an on again off again affair. She was nowhere to be found, so they headed back in despair. But to Jo's surprise, she saw a silver Mercedes sitting in front of her flat. Jo's feet were on the ground and out of the mini before Lee got it stopped. Rachel was sitting in the doorway looking at her feet when Jo finally reached her.

"Rach, are you OK?" Jo asked, out of breath. Silence. Jo repeated herself and sat down beside her ex best friend. More silence. Finally, Rachel looked up and stared coldly into Jo's blue eyes.

"I'm sorry," Rachel said and began to sob. She got up and ran to her car, got in, and sped off. Jo continued to sit in the doorway and looked off into the unknown. Lee was still in the car, since he figured the girls needed some time alone, especially Jo. He made his way up the walk and stood in front of Jo.

"You OK, baby?" Lee asked.

"Yea. You wouldn't believe what just happened," she paused, "Rachel appologized."

Lee stood there for a few seconds, "I reckon I'll take you to go after Rachel now, right?" Jo nodded and extended her hand, signaling that she wanted help from Lee. He pulled her up and they went to Rachel's apartment.

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