Ok, so let's face it. Sometimes, these guys are just too much to keep on top of. So here are some of the best news sites for entertainment news. If I find an interesting article, I'll put it on, otherwise, I say leave it to the pros!!

MORE News Links:

EW News
E! News

*Nsync @ DOTMUSIC News
*Nsync @ MTV News
*Nsync News @ Rolling Stone.com
*Nsync News @ Jive

Just some articles that I couldn't resist sharing!

"A Little Hiatus"
I feel like crying...but it's true, they do need a break. Damn, those boys work hard! (And damn, am I glad I got Celebrity Tour tickets!)

Fans and Two Ferets
This is such a cute little article that interviews each of the boys. It's not incredibly long. It must have taken place sometime on the PO tour, I'm not sure of the exact date. Enjoy!

Some of the Rudest Things I've Ever Read
Most arictles are written with integrity and for the most part, respect. These aren't. My comments are in red. Ok, so maybe I took some things a little personally. But, I love these guys. If, or when, I do emerge onto the journalism scene I hope I can at least keep an open mind to things that even I don't like and report and comment on the with that mind. Respect, people. It's not really a new concept. "Treat others the way you'd like to be treated". I haven't forgot the Golden Rule, I hope I never do.

Year 2000 -- NSYNC Style! --from Jen's Picture List
The year 2000 was definetly the year for Nsync. With sold out shows, record breaking CD sales and adoring fans all over the world, these 5 guys showed the world what they could do. Way to go guys!

:: nsync ::