* Quotes *

They say that "kids say the darndest thing". I think this can also be said about these five. Enjoy!

Chris       JC       Joey       Justin       Lance

From the mouth of….CHRIS:   Back to Top

"I grew up thinking women were the boss. Women are right, men are wrong, the end” ~Chris Amen Brother!

"I think I pulled something in my ass" ~Chris

"Lance likes Tasmanian devils, I like large bills" ~Chris

"The worst feeling in the world is when you stick your hand in a bowl of jelly and you don't wash it off. Now that's a bad feeling! It goes all sticky and crusty!" ~Chris

"Hey, I think I see a Loch Ness monster in my lake. Oh never mind, they're really big ducks" ~Chris

"I think my ball got stuck!" ~Chris

"That would look great on you pants-less" ~Chris

"Britney Spears is coming!...Act normal! Act normal!" ~Chris

"If my girlfriend were taller than me, I'd have to wear heels." ~Chris

"I'm in love with an alien." ~Chris

"This is the time of our lives. We're just having fun at the best thing that could have happened to us." ~Chris

"What sets apart the Rollng Stones from The Beatles? The sound. The look. I guess it's really the same thing. *NSYNC is about who we are and what we like to do." ~Chris

"I didn't have a pacifier, I had a little football I used to suck on." ~Chris

"It's very freaky, everywhere, these people, are just like tons of people, its crazy!" ~Chris

"Have I shown you my new car? It's a Budget, a '98 Budget." ~Chris

"See, in Orlando we have trees that grow basketballs." ~Chris

“Government Cheese is good. Have you ever had Government Cheese? It's like a big slab of Velveeta.” ~Chris

"There's a storm coming. It's called El Nina. Y'all better get in." ~Chris

"That would be a politically incorrect statement to make" ~Chris

"I don't care if we get booed off the stage...I'm just gonna be like, 'Yo Janet, whassup?...You're welcome, they're ready for ya, get out there'!" ~Chris

"I'm gonna sco-o-ore tonight!" ~Chris

"It's so over our heads right now. We really don't even understand what's goin on." ~Chris

"We just get flabbergasted that maybe we'll see our CD in the store or somethin’ like that, and we're like, 'Wow, that's us'!" ~Chris

"And the fans have been incredible, they're so nice." ~Chris

"We've put in 150% effort into everything we did. Interviews, we did the interviews. Videos, we did the videos. Music, we did the music. Everything we did we put in as much as we could, and I think our hard work and dedication paid off." ~Chris

"This is me at work. Hello, Chris at work!" ~Chris

"We understood what we were getting ourselves into before we signed the big record deal." ~Chris

"If we have problems, it's like you've got four other brothers right with you that might have already had the same problem and figured out how to handle it." ~Chris

"It's gonna be cool. Can't wait. We've already made friends with the parrots. Now we're workin on somethin a little bit bigger." ~Chris

"I'm just gonna ride one of the dogs. It's a little bit too dangerous, and I could hurt somethin, like my face or somethin’, on one of these horses." ~Chris

"We don't sing we lip sync" ~Chris

"If this all ends, I have no problem with going back and getting a regular job again. I'm not afraid of work." ~Chris

"[FuMan Skeeto] was the most unique name I ever heard. Besides, my initials are CK, and I couldn't use that since some guy already has it." ~Chris

"I think my ball got stuck!" -Chris

"We're not serious thespians...no, I said THESPIANS -- *sigh* leave it to Joey." ~Chris

"I scream when I hear his name too." -Chris about Justin

"Lance is a Mississippi Albino...they're very rare in this part of the country." ~Chris

"A lizard...what?" ~Chris on his kissing style

"Chris would like to thank JC and sometimes Lance and maybe Justin and this one time Joey no two times Joey. Actually, could you switch JC and Joey? But seriously, just Justin. No, make that Lance. Come to think of it, it should just be Joey." ~Chris Kirkpatrick ('Celebrity' Thank Yous)

From the mouth of….JC:   Back to Top

"People think they know you, and that's cool or whatever. It's a fan thing, I guess...it's not a bad thing. Just give me a break once in a while" ~JC

"I love to sing, I love to dance, and if I had to do it broke, I'd do it broke" ~JC

"Why is everybody bustin’ my chops? I've never said anything" ~JC

"I'd want to be a woman" ~JC I honestly did’nt want to know babe! And trust me.. You don’t!

"And the next thing I knew I was seeing pictures of me with Rollos in my ears" ~JC And I bet you looked absolutely adorable!

"You can definitely spread a rumor about me and Janet Jackson" ~JC

"I'm an avid watcher of Sesame Street, I'm down with Grover, you know what I'm saying, he's skinny, he's cool" ~JC Yeah, I like skinny guys too ;-)

"I just got a computer and I'm learning how to be Mr. Computer Guy" ~JC

"I just closed my eyes and I went in!" ~JC Out of context, that sounds REALLY bad

"Leader? There's no 'I' in *NSYNC!" ~JC

"I'm..I'm tryin' to ger her paid man!" ~JC

"Y'all are gonna see some pretty freaked out stuff!" ~JC

"There's nothing better than going out with your friends and having a good time. And that's what it is. These guys are my best friends, and we get to go out and we get to see each other have fun. That's the best part about the job." ~JC

"My body's just skinny, can't do nothin' 'bout it" ~JC

"Life wouldn't be any fun if you didn't have any dreams." ~JC

"For the girl who eats everything I bring you fudge, cookies and stuff" ~JC

"Everyone thinks I like to sleep. It's not that I like to sleep, it's that I don't like to get up! There is a difference." ~JC We are WAY to similar sweetie

"Give it to me, come on!" ~JC Um, ok!

"Yeah, those aren't fully grown yet" ~JC

"I just wanna be the guy in the chair." ~JC

"An interviewer asked me once if I thought I was sexy. Actually, I don't give it much thought. Really I don't!!" ~JC I do…

"It's not even Christmas and I'm in the Christmassy mood." ~JC

"We try to make it sound so nice that it's a tour bus, but it's a motorhome." ~JC

"We threw a party in the van with our stuffed animals." ~JC

"I figure 'Okay, I'll bury my personal life for a good three or four years.' You have to sacrifice, but tons of people do it." ~JC

"Today in the cafeteria: meatloaf, madness, and apple surprise" ~JC

"Who's your Daddy?" ~JC

"All that time he spent potty training, the minute he gets on tv, he froze up and let it go. Whatcha gonna do?" ~JC

"There's no way in hell you'd catch me in some club sniffing some shit that's gonna kill me...it's a waste" ~JC

"We all take turns to clean up, we're a pretty diplomatic band." ~JC

"You forgot my sexy good looks!" ~JC No I didn’t..

"We're so pumped about performing live. Our shows are all about bringing our music to the fans. It's so great to be able to look out into an audience and see people responding" ~JC

"I am romantic to a certain extent, but I'm not like over the top. I mean, I'm not quite a flowers-and-candy guy. I can do that but I always feel a little funny about it." ~JC

"When I'm on stage more than 20 minutes, I sweat a lot." ~JC

"There's a fine line between conceit and confidence." ~JC

"But needles invading your body, I don't like it!" ~JC Me either…ew!

"The minute we heard him sing with us, it was like there are the five pieces, it's like, it's like your hand, I mean, that's it." ~JC (on Lance)

"Our relationship with our fans is actually, it's quite unique, we get along with them just like they were, you know, anybody who could've lived next door, we're not like, you know, 'You have to be here and you have to be in the audience, and we have to be on the stage and that's the job that the both of us have to do.." ~JC

"It's not exactly Beatlemania, but it's pretty cool!" ~JC (on their success)

"If I sit down for long, my body goes 'Okay, you're not tired, but you know what? You need to rest just in case." ~JC

"Our fans want to have a good time, and when they go to a show, we want to entertain the heck out of them." ~JC

"The beauty of music is that everyone hears it their own way and every song you hear leaves an impression on you that alters the way you hear everything from that point on." ~JC That is too true! Because all it takes is a certain song to make your whole day go better.

"I think love is the quest that every man in the entire world is in search of. That's why love is the idea behind 90% of the songs ever written. It's what every person has in common." ~JC Ahh, how adorably sweet!

"I am romantic to a certain extent, but I'm not like over the top. I mean, I'm not quite a flowers-and-candy guy. I can do that but I always feel a little funny about it." ~JC

"Everytime I see myself naked, I get so freaked out that I do a little dance" ~JC Honey, If I ever saw you naked I'd do a little dance too!

"Without every one of you and the relationships we have or have made I don't know if I would be sane, becasue at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what you do, but who you are and who you share that with. They say good things happen to good people, and everyone I have named has affected me in a good way, and I wish the same for all of you. God Bless and I will hopefully see you later in the journey." JC Chasez, [Celebrity, thank yous]

"I hear from fans a lot that they think I'm really cute, but if you really take a good look, I am not so hot-looking. I have zits and bad hair days and I look really tired a lot of the time... but there's a good reason for that. We're always on tour or in the studio. I don't really pay a lot of time to making myself look a certain way, except to shave, shower, and put on clean clothes. I've been offered modeling jobs but that's just not creative enough for me. When I have done modeling at charity shows, it was fun because I got to meet celebs and wear some really cool stuff... but if you have to do it all the time, it's gonna get old pretty fast. I love clothes, but I'd rather be working out or doing spiritual improvement than shop for clothes. We have people who pick stuff out from different designers for us, plus we have our costume clothes, so I don't really have to think about my wardrobe. I hear they are doing some outrageous stuff for us to wear on the cover of the new CD. I would say I'm just average-looking, but I have good stylists behind me making me look better than I would normally look. We have makeup people that have secret tricks for covering up "noon shadow" with pancake makeup and shiny noses by rubbing hair pomade into our noses (I kid you not). They have so many tricks, they could make a bulldog look like a million bucks. In today's society, a lot of emphasis is put on looks and I think people need to be more accepting of those who look different than them. We judge a book by its cover too much, and so often we are wrong. I am hopeful that someday people will be nice to each other no matter what shape they're in, or the color of their skin, or how tall they are. That might take a few years, but a person is really about what's on the inside, plus we have too many stereotypes. Do I appreciate the compliments that are paid to me? I do, and they make me feel good about myself, but I will always try to keep myself attractive on the inside by reading a lot of spiritual books, meditating, and being nice to folks I encounter. I think everyone should take time out of their busy day to try to clear their minds and just relax... even though it's just for 10 minutes. When people are happy, they get along better. To quote that old song by Ray Stevens, I honestly believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way and everyone needs to work on him or herself. You feel happiest when your mind, body, and spirit all work together. People sometimes laugh at all those Hollywood stars who are into religions we may not have heard of, but if it helps them pull themselves together, more power to them." ~JC Chasez I know it's long, but I still can not get over this quote!

"Everyone seems to hate my girlfriend..." -JC Well, 1) there might be a reason for that and 2) she's not your girlfriend anymore.

JC: "You have to take your spankings no matter what you do."
Lance: "Whoa, JC...whoa." Yes...Lance, I think you've said all that needs to be said for that.

"YES, we like girls and there's nothing wrong with that!! I'm a human being!" ~JC talking about being "hormonal"

"We just wanna do it everywhere!" -JC Me too...come on, let's go!

"Justin is the only person I know who can sexually arouse eight-year olds." -JC

"A fish...very open and wet." ~JC on his kissing style I coulda told ya that! ;-)

"I can get five pairs of underwear for $6! You girls have to go to Victoria's Secret and get lace. I'm cotton boy!" -JC

"I'm a Snickers bar because I always satisfy" -JC Chasez My God! Do you know what that does to me?? ;-)

"I wouldn't wear it if I weren't comfortable in it. You'll end up at the awards show and stylists will come in and say `Look, they're lowrider pants. We bought you this special underwear because we don't want your buttcrack to show' and they'll show up with these banana hammock things" -JC

From the mouth of….JOEY:   Back to Top

"Actually, I like brains. You can do just about anything with brains - you can get a job, earn lots of money then pay for surgery!" ~Joey

"If you know you are going to die, you're going to die. So, it's like, 'Woo-hoo!' Just run around naked and do a dance" ~Joey

"Hey you wanna go out? We got 5 minutes, lets go get some fries" ~Joey

"Spank me, hurt me! Spank me!" ~Joey

"I don't play like a girl, I just can't play!" ~Joey

"Yea Yea Yea I'm gonna pee my pants" ~Joey

"I look like bozo the Clown" ~Joey

"I hate inflicting pain on myself trying to do sit-ups and push-ups and stuff like that, but I need to do it" ~Joey My life in a nutshell, Joe!

"We're still normal guys. It's fun to be recognized but we keep each other in check" ~Joey

"I don't have a superman tattoo on my butt, I swear!" ~Joey Can I check to make sure?

"I could bite my toenails, I don't want to but I could" ~Joey

"I definitely get served at better restaurants these days" ~Joey

"We're into the Backstreet Boys." ~Joey

"Ooh, you heard it here first- DISSED!" ~Joey

"I have big nostrils because when I was younger, I used to pick my nose." ~Joey

"My stuff is never in a mess. I'm a neat person." ~Joey

"I like my appearance." ~Joey

"I was scared!" ~Joey

"I dont stink....I smell like flowers." ~Joey

"How can you dance hammy?" ~Joey

"Alright I suck" ~Joey

"People always go on about our age differences, but we're all on the same level really." ~Joey

"Ugly, awful!" ~Joey

"My pants are getting a little bit looser" ~Joey

"Survey says..ding ding ding!" ~Joey

"I'm prolly one of the athletic slow ones of the group." ~Joey

"My family has always been really supportive of what I'm trying to do, even puttin up with me and my sister singing and being really loud around the house." ~Joey

"I do it too...I just don't play hopscotch." ~Joey

"It's so funny, because all of my family is just weird and very creative." ~Joey

"I was just dancin and...I don't know. I just felt a breeze, I guess. I thought I just had to fix my belt, and I was like Whoa!" ~Joey

"I don't know what the hell I'm doin." ~Joey

Justin: "Joey, will you please take that off?"
Joey: "No, but..."
Chris: "Stop touching me!"
Joey: "But, I love Justin!"
~NSYNC at MuchMusic when Joey is wearing an "I Love Justin" headband.

"I changed it. It's not Jello anymore. I wanna roll around in a pool of $100 bills. Everybody started giving me Jello, so now it's $100 bills." -Joey talking about his fantasy.

"I am a ski bunny...going down the slopes." -Joey

"A panther..." ~Joey on his kissing style

From the mouth of….JUSTIN:   Back to Top

"I just feel like there's two of me: the public-eye me and the guy-who-brushes-his-teeth-twice-a-day me. They're getting along all right now. Sometimes brush-his-teeth doesn't get enough attention, but it's worth it." ~Justin

"These pants are so tight, it's like I'm having sex with myself." ~Justin That’s impossible dearie…

"I daydream about playing in the NBA. I'm maybe 6'1". I can't dunk, though. I'm a white boy, I can't dunk." ~Justin

"That was my fifteen year old sex scene." ~Justin

"Aren't we kinky today?" ~Justin

"Please Joey, you got to sing a solo on the 2nd album, would you shut up?" ~Justin

"All babies look like lizards when they're first born." ~Justin

"When you get drunk, some say a cold shower helps, some say coffee helps, but nothing helps except Tommy Time!" ~Justin

"I'm not bitter, I just hate all women." ~Justin Well, well. Aren’t we definite! Where’s Brit, I gotta show her somethin’ ;-)

"No, it's Danger! Nah, it's Randall." ~Justin

"Need some wardrobe help!" ~Justin

"We think Europe has the next Olympic Gold medalists because they will chase our bus for one or two miles." ~Justin

"Never frown cause you don't know when someone is falling in love with your smile." ~Justin Ahhh….

"We're pissed off now. We're angry white boys who didn't get our props. No, I'm kidding." ~Justin

"Naw! What?! I was booty boppin in the endzone! Whachoo talkin' 'bout?!" ~Justin

"HEY! Cant we all just get along? We are the world.. sha la la.. we are the children.. Aight sit down." ~Justin

"Yo Dre, you gots mah stuff? Oh wait, mah bad! I gots my stuff." ~Justin

"We put the group together ourselves. I think that's something that's paid off in the long run because we were friends before we got a management team and before we got a record deal." ~Justin

"When we get time off there won't be a day that goes by that I don't talk to one of them and say what are you doing tonight, do you want to go do something?" ~Justin

"I keep having this recurring dream about Carmen Electra...No, I'm kidding, I'm kidding!!!" ~Justin

"We're not here to knock anyone off a platform. We're here to make a platform of our own" ~Justin

"We're all perfectionists at what we do!" ~Justin

"I ain't got nobody to dance wit! No I can't have dat!" ~Justin

"Are you crazy? We can't do it in here, this is a Mercedes!" ~Justin Hmm…

"I can't hear you, I can't hear you!" ~Justin

"Wait, wait, wait...as the team captain all I have to say is we're goin to Disney World, we're goin to Disney World baby!" ~Justin

"Oooh, I'm money!" ~Justin

"Don't be tryin to get my license plate on camera, or I'll have to kill you." ~Justin

"They got the X-ray of her, like the M&M's commercial or whateva." ~Justin

"I'm cookie man and this is my side kick Sprinkles [JC]" ~Justin

..."Pinky-- I love you more and more each day and if all this stopped tomorrow, I would be OK knowing that you would be by my side no matter what. I can't breathe without you. Don't ever forget that." ~Justin Timberlake to Britney Spears [Celebrity, thank yous]

Everytime I open my mouth, it's like woah! ~Justin & Chris

Standing in the shower, feel the power, it's like woah! Everytime we get in the shower, it's like woah! Scrubbing off the bacteria, it's like woah! ~ Justin & Chris on Donnie & Marie (2000)

"We are a group of Dirty, Dirty boys" ~Justin

"Yeah, we really hate girls screaming our name." -Justin

"Look, woman..." -Justin

"...we're gettin' Naaaasty..."-Justin

"Like a dog...very wet with lots of tongue." ~Justin on his kissing style

"I could hang up on you right now and end this interview if you say anything like that to me. I am working on stuff for a solo project for fun, we all are and the guys are helping me out. JC is gonna help with some writing and stuff, and if Lance is around we were playing around with a song we thought sounded good with our two voices, but right now, we have a tour and other stuff. I am always in *NSYNC first, no matter what people want to say or crap they start, my friends know where I stand and I know where they stand." ~Justin (from a Philly radio interview when a DJ quoted an MTV special which said '[Justin] was *NSYNC and the other four were just replaceable.')Way to go Justin! Thank you Justin, for once again proving why we love you. Loyalty is awesome...

From the mouth of….LANCE:   Back to Top

"You get arrested one time..." ~Lance

"My nickname is Pez, cuz I have a big adam's apple." ~Lance

"I'm just *NSYNC. Last night some guy passed by and said 'Hey *NSYNC!' I was like, uh, my name's Lance." ~Lance

"My dog just peed all over the kitchen floor. I'm sitting here cleaning it up now." ~Lance

"The beginning of the shows are different. One time we'll say 'Hello, Denver'. Another time we'll say 'Hello, Memphis'. It's always different." ~Lance

"The background was glitter, the floor was glitter, I mean there was glitter all over" ~Lance

"My three favorite letters are...PMS." ~Lance Mine aren’t…

"Yeah, we'll clap for ourselves" ~Lance

"I don't collect old comics. That's in every magazine I read. I don't have an old comic." ~Lance

"Everything we do is always together, and I think that's what makes the group unique." ~Lance

"I was skydiving once and hit a bird." ~Lance Sounds like something I’d do!

"Happiness is the freedom to do what you want, and to make music that gives happiness to others." ~Lance

"My fave word is Whatchamacallit." ~Lance Swear to God, that was my favorite word when I was about 10! I went around saying it everywhere!

"Man, I didn't touch nothin..." ~Lance

"I get no love." ~Lance

"Basketball, it's a hard thing to do." ~Lance

"We all got our character voices down. Our dream is to be South Park characters." ~Lance Would you settle for the Simpsons?

"We all break into The Real World opening." ~Lance

"Soy bomb, soy bomb!!!" ~Lance

"*NSYNC is our project-not someone elses; so we're very insistent about making the group work, no matter what!" ~Lance

"We all wanna do our own stunts.. JC Especially. He wants to do the car crash." ~Lance

"Yeah...anyways..." ~Lance

"So Hit it!" ~Lance

"I'm glad I didn't work at any theme parks" ~Lance

"Chat rooms are so cool, especially if you go into your own chat room and all the people are talking about you and you pretend you're somebody else!" ~Lance

"You know what pecan is right? Well it's a nut, in a shell, & butter is butter, but it's sweet, NEVERMIND! Chocolate chip!" ~Lance

"Speaking of showers...what's the longest you've been without a shower? I take a shower every morning and sometimes every night because I can't stand it when I'm dirty. I like to be clean. Mr. Clean." ~Lance Mr. Clean gets rid of dirt and grime and grease in just a minute…

"I can't sleep with any light whatsoever. My cell phone has this little charger. It has this little itty-bitty light and I can see it when my eyes are closed and it bugs the heck out of me, so I have to have total darkness, unless there's a fireplace." ~Lance

"Get your party goin'" ~Lance

"Poofu Poofu where are you please come out and play" ~Lance

"You can hear Joey's dog barking through the wall" ~Lance

"You know, I wanna be there for my girl. I need to be a man about things." -Lance

"You get arrested one time and they blow it up." -Lance

"You said 'hormonal'?!" -Lance

"I guess a boa constrictor...big, long, and exotic." ~Lance on his kissing style

:: nsync ::