There are so many people out there that deserve at least a little recognition concerning this site. I may run this site and keep it updated but everyone on this page deserves the same props. I may never have a record selling CD, but I still get to write some of my own thanks you's. |
With Angelfire, I wouldn't be here at all, so I'd like to thank them for giving me the opportunity to put my opinions out there. I've tried lots of other website creaters and I LOVE ANGELFIRE!!! Also, thanks to their huge galleries of graphics and codes that got me started way back when.Bravenet...
Counters, Message Boards, Greeting Cards... and so much more would not be possible on this site without Bravenet.HTMLgear...
Thanks for you endless little gadgets that make site building a breeze.Animation Factory...
For those times when I just felt like being silly and throwing on a sunbathing girl or santa looking for presents, Animation Factory had what I needed. Thanks for the tools to make me creative.Courtney...
If I were to measure our craziness for these guys against each other, I honestly don't know who would win. Thanks for always supporting my sites. I appreciate it more than you know.Justin Timberlake Anonymous
You all have been a great source of information, not to metion the laughter. I love keeping in touch with you. I think this is the best support group ever!All the great *Nsync Sites...
To all those sites that none of us will ever live up to. Nsyncstudio.com, nsync-land.com and so many more.Fans...
Obviously, without you guys I wouldn't be up and running for so long. Thank you for your support with the site, I appreciate it more than I can tell you. I love hearing from you whether it's through the guestbook or email. Keep it comin'!JC, Justin, Lance, Joey and Chris...
I don't think there are words to express my thanks to you. Yes, this site is a dedication to you, but it is so much more. I don't think you have ANY idea what you do for people, myself included. I still have tears rolling down my face when I hear "This I Promise You" and I will never forget how it felt to see you perform live. You ARE appreciated. Don't ever think you're not.