YOU ::said::

YOU ::said::

:: write to me ::

DATE: Fri, 4 May 2001 18:35:14
From: "Kristen"
Hi. I just visited your site, and I must say I totally agree with your viewpoint on the guys and girlfriends. I'm happy for them and whoever they date, (esp. Justin and Brit) I'm glad some people realize that the guys just wanna have a normal life as possible. I don't love them any less for it. thanks for posting that, because anyfan who creates hate sites about them and their girlfriends, is not a true fan. keep up the good work. my email address is *xxx*, if you ever wanna chat.

DATE: 27 Sep 2001
From: "jcs_angel_008"
Hey!!! This is a great site you go there! Great pics (especially of JC), and a cool layout! Um i wuz just wonderin'.... can i have the 'i'm a JC girl' banner? thanx! also, who your fave member of *Nsync? you don't have to answer i'm just wonderin'. Much Love and Later Dayz!

DATE: Mar 25, 2002
FROM: "Miranda"
Hey Dana! i think you and i may possibly be the same person!...or at least have pretty much the exact same opinions...except for bsb...i never liked them. this is a cool site...lots of funny shit...the articles that you wrote on in red made me laugh my ass off! keep up the good work!

DATE: Wed, 11 Sept 2002 18:35:14
From: "Shannon"
I just wanted to say I really like your site and how it is set up. I got the link from I was just wondering where you were from and stuff like that. Hope to hear from you! :)
I WROTE BACK (Yes, I do that!)...AND THEN....
Not a problem writing you. I think if people take the time to put up a site like that, that I enjoy looking at they should get a little praise. It is a good site and I could never do that lol. Do you have AIM or a sreen name? Hope you had a good day.

DATE: Feb 20, 2003
FROM: "Emily"
Hey Dana! LOL...I just love your site. It never ceases to amuse me! :) You have really great pics (a lot that Ive never seen) and I love all your Nsync extras(Esp. Daney's Justin list..lordy, its all my favs too! Know where I can see anymore of her lists??). The media wasnt working though..I couldnt get the Nsync outtakes to work!! *frown* Anyways, keep up the good work!!!

:: write to me ::

:: site ::