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The Call Video Shoot - Los Angeles, CA ... continued

AJ was all in black leather vest and black leather pants. His hair is in cornrows and he has a bandana around his head.

AJ walking over to us

While AJ was signing things, there was a little boy at the fence, perhaps 5-ish. AJ squatted down to talk to him. It was so cute! He talked very soft to the boy, asked him his name, asked to shake his hand. The boy put his little hand through the fence and AJ commented how the boy could do that but he couldn't. It was sweet and very touching.

The cars set up for AJ to run through

AJ is actually running on the right here but it's too dark to see

When they finished shooting, AJ left shortly after and they started tearing down. It was 3am and I had to go to work in the morning, so I left.

And that was my Backstreet Adventure!

Click here to see the items signed by Nick and AJ

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