Chapter Six

*Two Days Later*

Jamie brushed back her wavy brown hair and wiped sweat from her brow.

“Wanna know what I heard?” Theresa drew her knees to her chin and drank from her water bottle.

“What!” Leana eagerly scooted so close to her, she could feel her light breathe.

“AJ and some girl from his morning drama class are dating.” She smiled, raising her eyebrows and nodding her head.

“No way! AJ’s a hottie. I remember he used to assist in my chorus class.” Leana drooled.

“Yeah he is, but I want to know what lucky bitch is going down.” Theresa stretched her legs, reaching for her toes.

Jamie glanced around the circle of sweaty, exhausted dancers. They were at the play try-out, which turned out to be a musical/play. The dance teacher was picking the best dancers, and then tomorrow would be AJ’s try-outs, for the roles. She hated everyone in the circle with a passion. Theresa had no life of her own, so she got her hypes by talking about others constantly, making things up here and there…just to make it interesting. Leana was so gullible. She believed anything and everything that oozed out of Theresa’s’ mouth. Then there was Susan. Susan was the most stubborn person she had ever met. A couple weeks ago, AJ was going over the play rehearsal. She insisted that just a couple days ago, she was supposed to say this, not that. She argued with him for a half-hour till he finally kicked her out of class…everyone cheered as she left. Andy was the pig-headed, overly proud of himself jerk that everyone knows, but hates. He thought he was the bomb. That nobody was better than he was. The best dancer, singer, actor, negotiator, best dressed, best in bed, everything. Just thinking about these people made her want to cut off their arm and beat them with it. “He’s not dating anyone right now…” She spat out in the middle of Theresa’s’ sentence.

She spun around and eyed her suspiciously. “But Jami-“

“He’s not. I-I asked him…” She thought of a way to save her friend’s back.

“Why did you ask him?” Susan barked, making the idea seem petty and impossible.

“Well…because I just wanted to know. Why is it any of your business anyway?” Jamie folded her arms. She spotted Susan click her tongue and fold her arms as well.

“Jamie…” Theresa laughed. “It’s harmless gossip.” She sported a nervous, fake smile and flipped her ponytail.

“Well Theresa, have you ever stopped to think of what it would be like on the other side. People talking about you and your life? You know, adding in some interesting detail to make people’s eyes pop out…look at you differently?” Jamie felt proud and superior as she made these sorry people realize their flaws. Not to mention being the first to make THE Theresa Peterson speechless.

“Listen you little bitch-“ Susan started but Theresa shushed her. Leana was staring at the carpet, waiting for her name to be called.

“Jamie Cross.” A lady in a leotard called from the doorway. She had a huge grin on her face as she walked away, swaying from side to side.

*Same Time*

“Is she still in there?” Howie asked as he flipped through papers sitting in front of him.

“Yeah. She can’t believe how much I’ve changed since then.” AJ laughed. He stood up and walked to the glass cupboard.

“Oh jeeze!” Starr laughed hysterically as she read the quote. She was sitting on the floor of AJ's Backstreet room. It was full of BSB stuff. There were plaques, platinum records, magazine covers in frames, and posters all over the walls. In the corner was a queen-sized bed covered with a BSB print bead spread and 2 BSB pillows. Against the wall by the window, was a bookshelf with rows and rows of home videos, authorized and unauthorized tapes and tons of books (4 Tour Programs). Then there was an entertainment center with a TV, VCR and a stereo on it. On the shelves were little things like BSB lunch boxes, folders, dolls, puzzles, buttons, T-shirts, practically every little thing ever made of them. She was staring at a piece of magnet on the wall. On it were all the little magnets of them. She walked over to the stack of CD’s and went through them. She gasped at how many she didn’t realize they had out. Singles, interviews, albums, profilers…everything.

“Hey there. I brought you a drink.”

She smiled and glanced back down at the CD’s. “Hi. Wow, did they make tons of stuff for you guys…”

“I know. It’s crazy huh?” He picked up “Millennium” and turned to the back. Starr carefully set the CD’s down on the rack. She walked towards him and draped her arms around his neck. AJ smiled and looked down into her eyes. She kissed him softly. AJ kissed back but stopped. He glanced around at the posters. “Let’s not do it here.” Starr laughed and ran out of the room with him. He nibbled her ear as he held her close. She couldn’t help but giggle uncontrollably and loud.

“Hey you two. I can hear that…” Howie teased from the kitchen table. A loud ring echoed off the white walls. They stood in the hall and listened tentatively. Howie dropped the pen he was holding and reached into his bag.

“Hey Dad.” A soft, soulful voice answered his hello.

“Hey! I miss you girls!” He leaned against the chair and folded his free arm under his elbow.

“We miss you too. Guess what? Pam called and said we’re nominated for “Album of the Year” on the Grammy’s.” The three years of awards hadn’t yet drowned the excitement out of this girl’s voice “Hold on Lyndsee. I’m talking to him!” Kelly yelled to a hyper whine in the background.

“Congratulations. I’m very proud of you.”

“Thank you. Well here’s Lyndsee…” her voice faded away as the phone was yanked from her hands.

“Hello!” An excited voice greeted, a little too loud.

“Hey girl. I’m happy for you guys.” Howie smiled. Lyndsee had always been his favorite. She was so full of joy and perkiness. No matter what mood you were in, even a happy one, she would put you at an even happier level.

“Thank you soo much. We couldn’t have don’t it without you!”

“Sure you could have.”

“You were there to guide us Howie. We miss and love you! Tell AJ I said Hi, will ya?”

“He’s right here.” He held the phone out to him.

AJ whispered “Who is it?”

“It’s Lyndsee.”

Starr, who was sitting at the table gasped. AJ smiled and took the phone.


“Hey! I’m Lyndsee.” She practically fainted.

“Hi...How are you?” He sat down next to Starr. He ran his fingers up and down his glass, the perspiration moistening his fingertips.

“I’m fine. I bet Howie already told you, but we’re big fans of you!” She squeaked.

AJ could hear two girls chatting in the background. “As I am yours…Are the other girls there?”

“Yeah! Hey Jodi, its AJ!”

“Hello.” An almost too sweet, sexy voice loomed over the silent phone line.

“Is this Jodi?”

“Yes it is. Is this AJ?” She mocked.

“The one and only.” He tried hard not to flirt. Oh God, he tried. “So, How’s the biz life?” He smiled at Starr, who was walking into the living room.

“Really good. For the first time, it’s actually what I expected…what we all expected.” He could hear a door shut quietly from where she was.

“Where are you?”

“We’re in the studio. But it’s our lunch, so we get to do anything.”

Flattery over-came AJ. She was totally flirting with him. He just laughed cockily to himself and sighed.

“What?” She tried to urge an explanation out of him.

“Aw nothing. You were just flirting with me…that’s all.” He let his voice crack; knowing it drove girls crazy.

“Excuse me. What did I say that made you THINK I was even beginning to flirt?” She couldn’t believe he said that. It was actually kind of funny to her.

“It’s not what you said, it’s how you said it. It’s all about the tone.” Wait! What was he doing? Starr was sitting right next to him!

“Well Jodi it was nice talking to you. But I got to be going.” He stood up and pre-paired to give the phone back to Howie. “I forgot this was Howie’s phone. Don’t wanna use up his time.”

“Well you too. Bye.” She handed the phone to Liz AJ gave Howie the phone, then leaned down and kissed Starr’s forehead.

“So are they cool?” Starr clasped her hands and smiled. AJ sat and admired her. Her smile was the most beautiful one he had ever seen. He just didn’t get it. How could girls get away with looking so beautiful and refreshed after just waking up and not even brushing their hair yet? He guessed that’s one mystery about them…and why guys love girls so much.

“I love you Starr.”

Starr was a little struck by his sudden comment, but looked up as Howie walked into the room.

“Ok Starr. I’ve bee thinking…” Howie adjusted in the chair to a comfortable position. He rested his elbows on his knees and peered down at papers he was holding. “Since you want acting to be your career so bad, I’m willing to be an agent slash assistant for you. What do you think?”

Starr’s hole world started spinning she’d been waiting SO long for this opportunity, and next to wining her first Grammy, this would be the best thing that will happen to her yet.

“Ok, before you answer that…I’ll tell you why. First off, you’re raw talent. You’re a great actress and most of all, you’ve got that look.” He smiled. “Second, I’ve been managing galaxE for 6 years, and they pretty much know everything about everything. Lastly….” He laughed. “I’m ready to start the next big thing. I need work. I’ve been so bored.” He handed her papers and continued “I don’t think I even need to bring this up, but I have to as a manager. I can see and feel the passion in your eyes. I don’t feel we’ll have a problem but...if you except my offer it means REALLY hard work and a lot of dedication. That means there will be days when you will hafta cancel plans for something that just came up-“

“And auditions, summers taken up, trips to other agent offices, time taken away from friends.” Starr finished, nodding her head.

Howie smiled. “I love this girl! So, what do you say?”

Starr sighed and turned to AJ.

He automatically raised his hands in the air as if surrendering. “It’s totally your decision babe.”

OK, well Howie’s got more connections than AT&T that could get her out there, but he lives in Orlando. She defiantly isn’t ready to move right now. “You live in Florida...”

“Not anymore. I’m moving in with AJ. We’ve already worked it out.”

“AJ smiled at Starr, squeezing the top of her thigh.

She shrugged.

*2 Hours Later*

Starr lay in her favorite thinking spot...on her bed staring up at Marilyn.

She remembered herself as a fifteen-year-old, wanting to get away so bad. She figured acting could do that. She thought stars were so lucky, not because the money and recognition, but because they were away. If they wanted to be by themselves, they could just fly to Rome or something. They answered to themselves. No rules. She wanted people loving her the way she loves Marilyn. That desire is what was gonna get her out there,

She jerked when her phone rang.

“Hello?” She sat up and answered it.

“Hey, where ya been?”

“AJ’s. What about you?”

“Play try-outs! It pissed me off that you left me with the bitches and a dick squad. I tried to call, but I got no answer.” Jamie cleared her throat.

“We haven’t spent much time together for awhile Jamie. Wanna go out with me? I’ve got some errands to run.”

“Sure. Pick me up on your way out.”

*10 Minutes Later*

Starr flipped through the radio to a good station. “So how did the dance thing go today?”

“Oh God! I pulled the dance part off easy, but Theresa, Leana, Susan and Andy were there. I thought I was going to choke them!” Jamie growled and made a choking gesture with her hands.

“Why?” Starr laughed, turning the corner.

Jamie had decided. She had decided not to tell Starr. “They were just being their normal selves. So what’s up with you and AJ?”

Starr glanced at her, almost feeling that that wasn’t the whole story. “We’re cool.”

“Have you two become physically introduced yet?” Jamie rolled down her window and stared at the passing buildings.

“You know, we haven’t even talked about it. I mean we’ve only been together three days...And I know if I tell him I’m not ready, he’ll wait.”

“I’m glad you feel he’s like that-“ Jamie cut it short, like she ran out of breathe and couldn’t speak anymore.

Starr tapped the dashboard. “Whatever happened to Jeff?”

“Oh, he’s seeing some chick.”

“That jerk-“

“No. I don’t really like him all that much anywise. Friend, remember? Plus, I’ve been SO busy focused on this play; I don’t seem to notice anyone around me. For some reason, it means so much to me.”

Starr gasped, “Omigosh! I forgot to tell you!”

Jamie turned sharply to her. “What!”

“You know how I told you AJ’s friend was coming in town?”


“Well, he’s like a talent agent and a manager. He manages galaxE and when he saw me acting the other day, he thought I was really good.”

“Get to the point Starr!”

“He asked if I wanted him to manage me! So now he’s my very own manager!”

Jamie’s shoulders relaxed, a content grin spread across her face.

“What is it?”

“I’m so happy for you babe.” She leaned over and hugged her.

“Thank you!” She hugged her back. A few minutes later, Starr turned her silver Mazda into the empty laundry parking lot.

“Me and AJ are going sky diving this weekend. Starr talked as she picked up her heavy, green basket of clothes. Her comment was recognized with wide eyes. “Yup.” She replied. “I told him I’ve always wanted to commit suicide, so he planned it as a surprise.” She smiled with a sarcastic expression. “He’s making me do it! But I get to drag him along next weekend to whatever I want...I’m thinking of sighing us up for a ballet class.” She laughed.

Jamie laughed with her. She hoisted herself onto a dryer. “Aren’t you nervous?”

“Hell yeah!” Starr could already feel the butterflies in her stomach.

“AJ is such a great guy...You suck.” Jamie hit Starr with a shirt she picked up.

“I know.” She stuck her tongue out at her.

Chapter 7 | Table of Contents
