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Chris's Bio

My comments are in italics and Kelz's are underlined as always.

Full Name:Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick

Nicknames:Crazy, Psycho, Lucky Lucky? At what? I beleive the Psycho thing.

Birth:October 17, 1971 Clarion, Pennsylvania

Sign:Libra I match him too, wahhh!



Height:5'9 He's only an inch taller than me!


Family:Beverly Eustice, mom, sisters:Molly, Kate, Emily, and Taylor

Fav Food:Tacos i bet he liked the Taco Bell dog. Does he know what they put in tacos? I'm suprised he's not dead yet!

Fav Actors:Adam Sandler, Jackie Chan, Brue Lee

Fav Color:Silver

Fav artist:Busta Rhymes

Fav TV show:South Park Let's just let them kill Joey this time.

Collects:Records I wonder if he has their CDs on records?

Favorite childhood toy according to mom:"He used to collect teddies. He still has most of them. It's funny, he had a doll that I made of left over peices of sheet, and he called him Joey. He dragged him around until Joey's head fell off." See Chris wants Joey's head to come off! And teddies? Like the bears or the clothing? Did he wear them?

Favorite Holiday: Halloween

Fear:Heights We've only heard this story a million and one times

Childhood ambition: psychologist He got off course too, didn't he? I think he needs to go to one! Just a random thought: Chris is totally hot now that he cut his hair. He used to be #5 but he's moved all the way to #3! hehe I'm just glad he isn't a human pineapple anymore. Disney? Orange and camo? Need I say more?