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JC's Hair

WARNING:It's a bit digital!

Normal Ole Guy

His hair is not anything fancy just normal and boring. Doesn't he look like he's crying to you?

What the Hell with the Gel?

It's basically the same but somebody took a bottle of gel to his head. And I don't even want to know why he's got that dog, or what he's doing with it.

Flipped Up

Long and flipped up then back ok. It looked like this forever.


He finally did something exciting! Go JC! That's the color highlights I have too. Well sorta. There sorta gone now. hehe

It's still the one

Ok this is now. Almost exactly the same, only it's a little more spikey than just flipped up.

Sexy Boy

Good Lord. It must be illegal to look that hot. I LOVE his hair like this. Totally hottie material man. I bet it took forever to get his hair to look like that.

Someone's got a fro...and it's not Justin!

Look at the curls!! I love them too. His hair kinda reminds me of mine. If my hair was that short, it would look kinda like that. Hehe. Color and all.

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