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Joey's Bio

Once again my comments are in italics and Kelz are underlined. Good Luck!

Full Name:Joseph Anthony Fatone, Jr. Why is Steven older, but Joey got named after his father?

Birth:January 28,1977 Brooklyn, NY


Nicknames:Flirt, Phat One, Superman, Dancer Face Shouldn't it be FAT one?





Family:Mom:Phyllis, Dad:Joe Sr., Brother:Steve, Sister:Janine

Food:Italian Uhhh...dosen't he mean nething?

Car:Acura SLX

Ice cream: Mint chocolate chip Is it a requirement for them to like this ice cream? Lance doesn't!! He's an exception!

Actor:Robert DeNiro I can't get away from this man, first my brother, now Joey. At least Joey dosen't worship Robert like he does Superman.

Movie:Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Joey does kinda look like an Umpa Lumpa

Music: Doo-Wop, Botz II Men, Mariah Carey Hey hey hey Boyz II Men!

Color:Purple I wonder why purple? Sprinkles need I say more?

Collections:Superman stuff Once again, like you didn't know that.

Fav childhood toy according to mom:"It was a red,white, and blue monkey, he dosen't have it anymore. He loved hand puppets. He still has one, a big brown monkey that his aunt bought him that still sits in his room." Does Joey have a thing for monkeys? And what does he use those puppets for now?

TV show:South Park OMG!! They killed Joey...opps...Kenny!


Theme park ride: Tower of Terror

I think he's funny. I think he blinded me for life on Making the Video in those tight ass leather pants! Which should be reserved for Lance! His favorite member of *NSYNC is Justin cause he dosen't have to use pickup lines! He's the Italian Stalian and I wanna take a ride!" SHE IS A PERVERT!! "I'm a ski bunny going down the slopes" --on Snowed In

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