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Justin's Bio

My comments are in italics and Kelz's are underlined.

Full name:Justin Randall Timberlake

Nicknames:Bounce, Mr. Smooth, TENN-Man He acts like he owns our whole state now.

Sign:Aquarius Me too!

Birth:January 31, 1981 Memphis, TN mine is in 5 days!

Eyes:blue I love his eyes!

Hair:blond actually this should read: ranges from neon yellow to a poopy brown fro

Home:Orlando I thought he "owned" Tennessee

Family:Parents:Lyn and Paul Harless, Randy and Lisa Timberlake, half-brothers:Steven and Jonathan Timberlake

Fav food:pasta and cereal

Car:Mercedes M Class and a BMW

Fav Movie:The Usual Suspects

Fav color:Baby blue Like we didn't freakin know that one

Fav music:hip hop

Fav show:Seinfeld Does he know this went off the air?


Fav theme park ride:Space Mountain I have to totally agree with him here, it's an awesome ride.

Fav holiday:Christmas

Childhood ambition:basketball player or singer

Hates:Snakes, spiders, and sharks I agree here too.

Bad habit:burping Justin is hott! I love his smile and his muscles. UGHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Side note:I don't really hate Justin, he is cute and all, he just always gets all the attention and he steals other people's jokes. So i'm being mean to him

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