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Lance's Bio

You'll find my comments in italics and my friend Kelz's underlined she's a bit of a perv! j/k

Full Name:James Lance Bass

Nicknames:Poofoo, Scoop, Stealth, Lansten where did he really get the nickname scoop? hehe

Birth:May 4, 1979 Mississippi Like ya didn't know

Eyes:green I LOVE his eyes...sorry



Home:Orlando and Mississippi Of course he can't let us forget that

Mom:Diane, Dad:Jim, Sister:Stacy Brother-in-law:Ford

Favorite food:French toast You got a lot of money off of it didn't ya, Lance? We know what French stuff you really like. *cough*7th Heaven*cough*

Fav ice cream:butter pecan

Car:4-Runner I want one too! A silver one though

Sign:Taurus Which is compatible to me and I want Justin! Well I'm compatible with Justin and I want Lance!

Fav tv personality:Lucille Ball

Fav color:vivid red and vivid blue

Fav movie:Clue Have you seen this movie? What is he thinking?

Fav holiday:Christmas Cause it's 2 days after my birthday!

Fav tv show:I Love Lucy I hate this show

Fav music:Brian McKnight, Garth Brooks, Boyz II Men To be in a boyband do you HAVE to like this group? Not that I don't, but every one of them likes em.

Collections:Beanie Babies, antique knives and guns, and Taz I wonder if he sleeps with his beanie babies? I'm more afraid of the gun thing

Fav chilhood toy, according to mom:"A Mickey Mouse that he carried around until he was 5 years old. 'Mick Mouse' as he was called, was lost for one day and Lance cried himself to sleep. But we found hem, and Mick Mouse is still around." Does Lance cry when he dosen't have Mick Mouse on tour with him?

Childhood ambition:to be an astronaut Why does he like white things that point upward? UGHHHH!


Bad habits:biting his nails That has to be the grossest thing ughh.

Kelz and Megs's dirty minds at work

Fav *NSYNC member: his own (this one was all kelz)

Fav article of clothing:those damn overalls

Side Note:He falls asleep when he's on nething that moves...must SUCK to be his girlfriend!!

I LOVE his leather pants! hehe!

Even though I am a total Justin lover I love Lance's butt it's so cute. Hey!

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