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Last tourney results


Red Oak BASS Club

Red Oak, Tx.

Federation Logo




Club Schedule

Club Standings

Club Photos

Club Bylaws

Club Roster

Tournament Rules

        Our Tourney Rules



1. All fish must be caught on artificial bait by casting. No trolling with outboard motor. Only one rod may be used at any one time by a contestant. Other rods may be in the boat for substitute purposes.

2. All federal, state, and local laws must be observed.

3. Minimum Length: 14" or lake specifications. Bringing a short fish to weigh-in will result in the culling of the largest fish of that day's catch. If only one fish is caught in a two(2) day tournament and it is short, you will lose show points for that tournament. A .10 pound deduction will be made for each dead fish weighed-in. All fish must be brought to weigh-in in an approved weigh-in bag. Failure to do so will result in disqualification for that day's tournament and loss of show points.

4. Protests must be submitted in writing to the Tournament Director(or a club officer) within 30 minutes of weigh-in. Tournament Director's decision will be final as to tournament records, qualifications, weigh-in, standings, and prize payments. Cause for dismissal, charges of cheating and other matters affecting the membership or club image will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and their decisions will be final.

5. Life jackets must be worn and fastened while outboard motor is in operation. Kill switch shall be operational and attached to the operator.

6. No fishing within fifty(50) yards of another tournament boat that is tied or anchored with the trolling motor in the up position without permission.

7. Scoring will be based on the weight of pounds and hundredths of pounds of bass (Largemouth, Kentucky, Spotted or Smallmouth). All fish are to be weighed in by the contestant who caught them. Contestants may enter on fish for big bass. Big bass may be included in the total weight of that day's catch. A total of five(5) fish per day unless otherwise stated.

8. Participants 16 years old or younger must be accompanied by parent or adult who is 18 years or older.

9. Sportsmanship, courtesy, safety, and conservation is expected from each participant.

10. Tournament lake is off limits 12 hours prior to the tournament. Boats may be launched and beached. Entrants may not hire paid guides at least 7 days prior to the tournament day.

11. Guests may fish three(3) tournaments per year as boater or non-boater. As a guest, he or she has the option to fish the first tournament with the sponsor member. From that period forward the guest will go into the draw. Yearend points will not be awarded to a guest.

12. No alcoholic beverages or drugs(unless prescribed by a doctor) will be allowed in the boat during tournament hours. Any member or guest under the influence of drugs or alchohol during the tournament, weigh-in or any function sponsored by Red Oak Bass Club or the B.A.S.S. Federation that effects the image of the club will be disqualified from the tournament.

13. Tournament starting times will be at first safe light with numbered starts. Starting time and weigh-in times will be announced by the Tournament Director at the Thursday's meeting prior to the tournament. Livewell checks will be at the discretion of the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will draw the Boater/Non-Boater pairings.

14. Anyone caught cheating will be dismissed from Red Oak Bass Club and all functions asscociated with Red Oak Bass Club and B.A.S.S. Federation-Northeast Texas Region. The decisions of the Executive Committee will be final and passed on to the Board of Directors of B.A.S.S. Federation. NO REFUNDS. Anyone observing another competitor breaking a rule must report it to the Tournament Director or a member of the Executive Committee or he/she is in violation of the rules also.

15. No fish with dirt or foreign matter on its body will be weighed. No iced fish.

16. Individual Draw Tournaments: Members must pay entry fees at the Thursday club meeting to be eligible for the tournaments. A member may contact an Officer of the club to enter if unable to attend the meeting. Members must state boating preferences on entry sheet prior to the drawing.

17. Boaters/Non-Boaters found not fishing tournament to avoid fishing with drawn partner will be in violation of the Sportsmanship Rule.

18. Non-boater, Boater will share mutually agreed upon expenses with drawn partner(minimum of $20.00 is suggested).

19. The Non-Boater will have an option to operate the trolling motor for 1/2(one half) of the tournament day.

20. Boat choice among boaters paired shall be determined by coin toss, or mutual agreement.

21. Use of landing net is permitted.