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AJ's Biography

Name: Alexander James McLean

Birthplace: West Palm Beach, Florida (USA)

Currently Resides in: Kissimmee, Florida (USA)

Nicknames: A.J., Alex, Bone, Boner, Mr. Cool

Birthday: Janruary 9, 1978

Age: 21

Parents: Denise and Bob McLean

Siblings: None

Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Pets: Two Shih Tzu's, Panda and Bear

Favorite Color: Yellow

Instruments: Bass Guitar and Saxophone

Hobbies: Dancing, Writing poetry, Dying his hair

Favorite Food: McDonald's

Favorite Movies: Pulp Fiction, I Know What YouDid Last Summer and Devil's Advocate

What he looks for in a girl: "I like their eyes. Honestly. I know that most guys would not agree with me, but the first thing that I look at…Is eyes. I have to look into her eyes because if I could look deep part those eyes it’s like, ‘Wow!’ And I like long hair. I don’t care if they are fat, skinny, tall, short.."

Future goal: get a college degree
