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Jonny No-Name Concert Review

Remember, this is not my review.:-D

AJ Mclean attracts the weirdest fans in the world! There were so many freaks in line with us. Anyway, we got there at three and the doors opened at 6 and there were at least 100 people there. We saw the tour bus behind the building but no one got on or off while we were out there. Everything was pretty cool until ten to six, AJ decided to stick his head out the window above the sign of the theater. Well, he started a riot! Was he trying to get us killed? We love him and all, but that had to be the dumbest thing he ever did. And there were obviously not enough cops there. Anyway, when we got inside, we saw that we were about 4 rows back from the stage, but it was very cramped, none of us could see, and we did not wanna get pushed and trampled. So we moved toward the back but the place wasn't big at all so we could still see pretty well and had more room to move around. People who were up close got pushed and hit and everything else you could possibly think of. So we are glad we moved.

The show started a couple minutes after 7. AJ came out as himself to introduce Mindi Abair, who plays in the BSB and Johnny band and also has her own CD. She was the first opening act. She has blonde hair and she had pink at the bottom of it but she still looked pretty. She sang about 5 songs, and they were all really good. I actually ordered the CD at Then AJ came out again to introduce the next act. It was Nobody's Angel and they SUCKED!!! First of all, they were lip synching. Secondly, all the songs they sang sounded the same. Third, they were on for way too long! Opening acts should only sing two songs, three tops. Cuz no one is there for them. We could go on and on about why they sucked but we won't. But anyway...on to AJ!

Johnny was standing in the middle of the stage and two really big guys were standing in front of him. One was his parol officer and the other was a buddy from jail. The handcuffs came off and he went nuts! And it was awesome! First he did a song by Stone Temple Pilots. Then he introduced himself and said you'll always know he's around when you here the phrase "absolutely naked." Now there were some tall people in front of us so we could only see him from the thighs up, LOL. Now, we don't remember the songs in order but here are the ones he sang. Brian McKnight's "Back at One" was incredible! And everyone sang along. He also did "Hey Mr DJ" but with a rock twist to it but of course it sounded awesome, along with his well known pelvic thrusts!!! He also did "Lay Down Beside Me", the long version. Well, when it gets to the part where he sings "hold me and don't you let go" he asked if we knew about the whole floor thing that AJ does. Of course everyone knew what he was talking about. So he got a headset, took off his jacket, and humped the floor. Of course everyone flipped, but we were pissed cuz we couldn't see it!!! We were so angry! Then he went on to make fun of each BSB member, everything from Kev's eyebrows to AJ's sexual nickname. Then he sang "Bad to the Bone" as a tribute to AJ and he played guitar for it too. It was so cool and at the end of the song, he tried to smash his guitar but it never broke, LOL. He also sang a song with Mindi called "Play That Funky Music". In the middle of the song, he sang the first verse adn chorus of "Don't Want You Back" and then it went back to the other song again. And he said there were too many boy bands but BSB's new album would make them all go BYE BYE BYE. He introduced the band, who all had a sexual nickname! Then he left and came back as AJ with no shirt on! He said a bunch of thank yous and brought people out on stage, like his mom. She was so cute. Then he asked for Nobody's Angel to come out and along with them came Howie! We were so excited and surprise! They all sang "Brick House" and it was awesome, and Howie was laughing at all the crazy stuff AJ was doing. During a few breaks in the song, AJ would start singing Ricky Martin songs. And doing all kinds of other crazy things! Then he said his goodbyes, everyone bowed, Mindi poored water on AJ's head, and the parol officer handcuffed AJ and Howie together and they all exited the stage.

It was definitely one of the best concerts ever. Very different from a Backstreet concert but just as good, if not better! People who may not necessarily like BSB might like Johnny. It's rock and R&B put together but it's awesome. There was much more sexual content too but you shouldn't expect anything less from AJ! VH1 should really air one of the shows because he raised lots of money for Save The Music and fans around the world deserve to see such a great concert! go to and email them telling them to air one!
