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This Needs To Be Said

An open letter to all BSB and 'N Sync fans...copyright 2000 April Brown

I want to start by saying hi to one of the most powerful groups of people in the North American marketplace. Just think about it, we consist of at least 50% of TRL's viewership. We helped make two groups who were written off as talentless manufactured pretty boys into the two most successful, phenomenal gropus in the world. We're changing the face of fandom by proving our loyalty and demonstrating the power of the internet.

But look at us. It looks like we've got ourselves a full blooded feud going on. Whether or not any animosity actually exists between the two groups, it's hard to ignore it's presence between the groups' fans. There are those of us who prefer one group and dislike the other. There are those of us who prefer one group and are indifferent to the other. Then there are those of us in the special situation of liking both groups, but liking one a little or alot better. This is especially difficult because we have to try to be diplomatic, but still get a little (or alot) defensive when we feel some slight has been made against our favorites. So it goes on an on in the message boards, on the websites, in schools. But guess what? While we're worried about this endless, neverending argument about who's better, the world is going on happily around us with no concern for the petty arguments of boybands or their fans. There's war in Bosnia, there's a Presidential election going on, there's a gas price crisis in the U.S., world hunger, animal testing, etc, etc etc. It goes on and on. Isn't part of why we listen to this music to get a brief escape from the strife of the outside world? Then why do we insist on creating even more?

I realized recently that I was so wrapped up in this rivalry that I'd forgotten alot of things. Then I went and actually sat and listened to my favorite group's music, and I realized that that's all that should matter.

I'm hereby calling for a truce. It's time we got back to what's important. The music. Now, how do we start? Well, the problem with alot of truces is that both sides are afraid to be the first to put down their weapons. Well, as a fan of the BSB, I will say, right now, that I quit this rivalry full force. And here's how I plan to do it.


Alot has been made of alot of inflammatory remarks made by both parties in this issue. Some say that the BSB participate more in it, others say that 'N Sync does. Well, this elementary school game of "He started it" is getting us nowhere. We really don't know everything that has been said in every interview in every magazine or newspaper so there's no way to count. It shouldn't matter anyway, because a large part of it is taken out of context. How many people got upset when Chris said in the Making the Video for "Bye, Bye, Bye" "It's not about making videos, it's about seeing who will last." When taken out of context, that could apply to the Backstreet Boys. But it doesn't. He was simply talking about the stunts involved in the video. And when Kevin supposedly dissed 'N Sync by not talking to them on the red carpet at the Grammy's, it got blown out of proportion. He was being rushed into the auditorium because it was 5 minutes before show time. And JC laughed. Believe it or not, some of it IS good natured ribbing. As far as the infamous BSB MTV interview goes, alot of that was taken out of context too. There's some of it that really could be directed at 'N Sync. And there are instances where 'N Sync has subtley or not so subtley made digs at the Boys, such as Joey making fun of the BSB chair dance. These things shouldnt' have been said, no matter how frustrated the said artist was. BUT, these guys never professed to be perfect. We all say tactless things occasionally, but most of us are fortunate enough not to have everything we say endlessly scrutinized. They make mistakes like everyone else. It shouldn't be held over their heads forever. So, next time you hear something Justin said about the BSB or that Kevin said about 'N Sync, just sit back and think about the first time you heard your group, or the first time you saw them in concert, or that time you met one of them. You'll remember what it is you like about them, and that noone else's opinion matters in this but yours. Plus, this is something that the guys are all just going to have to work out themselves. Think about how you'd feel if someone was constantly implying you copied them. Or how would you feel if your manager stabbed you in the back while modeling another group after you?


Let's face it, it's a pretty old industry. Nothing much is original anymore. The only artists I can think of that have been called original in the past couple of years have been Busta Rhymes and Macy Gray. And even those two have been compared to George Clinton and Billie Holiday, respectively. The fact is, Janet Jackson did a chair dance back in 1989, and Garth Brooks did the flying thing before either 'N Sync or the BSB. Just be glad that neither group is being compared to NKOTB quite as much anymore.


We've all been on a message board when someone come in and says "'N Sync Sux" or "BSB are FAGS." Think about this for a minute. If this person is so uncreative and so bored that they have to resort to this behavior are they really worth your time? This type of person trives on attention, whether it be good or bad, and they're just trying to be inflammatory. They might not even be a fan of EITHER group. It could be some random Blink 182 fan you're jumping all over. The shouting matches that result in not ignoring these people are pointless, and irritate others who are just on the board for information. Also, try not to take it personally when someone doesn't like the group you like. When they say they don't like your group, they aren't saying they don't like you. Even if they say they don't like you, they don't really know you. So just let it go.

If someone does say something relevant that upsets you, don't reply immediately. I know from experience that this is hard. But if you sit and think about what you're going to say, it will come out so much more eloquently, which makes people more prone to listen to you. Try not to insult the other person, or just throw back insults at their group. That gets us nowhere. If it's a misunderstanding or a miscommunication, just try to clear it up. If the person keeps going, realize you aren't going to convince them and ignore them. Alot of people find it hard to ignore instigators. If they see someone else taking their bait, they can't help but jump in too. Resist this urge, it's better for us all in the long run.

If you come across something you don't agree with on a website, don't send hatemail. I run a humor site, and let me tell you first hand, we really DON'T pay attention to insulting mail. We laugh at it and delete it. And if we reply, it's out of amusement, too. If you disagree with someone, by all means tell them, but do it in a respectful manner.


Being involved in this rivalry takes alot of energy. Alot of it negative. Most of why I stepped back and took a look at things was because I felt so bad every time I logged on. This is supposed to be fun, guys. So here's a few suggestions for making this constructive. Write a letter to MTV telling them what instigators they are and threaten to boycott TRL. They'll think about those advertising dollars, because our demographic is the most powerful in the consumer market.Write a letter to your favorite guy. Those of you planning on buying multiple copies of the Boys new album, save up that money. On the day the album comes out, buy how ever many copies you can actually make use of, and then donate the extra money to one of the BSB's charities. Or take it a step further and donate it to one of the 'N Syncers' charities. Those of you who bought extra copies of NSA: if you don't really need that extra copy or two, give it to someone who couldn't afford it. I guarantee that the feeling you get from that will be equal to or greater than the feeling you got when you found out about the sales record. Or just, go outside and look around. Sit in the mall or at an airport and watch people. You'll begin to see how ridiculous this all is in the long run.


Sales records where made to be broken. BSB fans, remember how proud you were when the Boys broke the record? Try your best not to diminish that feeling for 'N Sync fans. Those guys worked just as hard as our boys, went through the same thing with Lou, and care just as much about their music. Millenium is still the same album it was on March 20th. And 'N Sync fans, try to understand that it is a little upsetting to have the record smashed so thoroughly. But it's not because we didn't want it broken. It's because alot of people in the media are quick to decide that the Boys' career is over based on this. I mean, who knows, on May 16th, Britney Spears could shatter the new record. Do we really want this to be an industry fueled by album sales alone as a basis of "who's better?" I don't think so. So let's try to keep the business side separate from the show and enjoy this gift that these guys have given us at the sacrifice of so much of their personal lives.

Thanks for listening,

Love, April

