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September 19, 2000 - I'm updating! YAY! Nobody tried the contest 8o( So there are no winners, I guess nobody looks at this page, I guess I'll have to do some site changes....Anyway, I got new information on AJ and the rest of the guys. I'm getting new pics and if anyone has any ideas, just email me.

August 6, 2000 - Okay, I am starting a contest to see which loyal site visitor is definately one of AJ's #1 fans. What you have to do is send a e-mail to me explaining in at least 3 complete paragraphs why you love AJ (and no "he's so sexy", cuz we all know that!) In the subject line, just write "Contest" and the winner will be decided on August 20. The winner will get a cookie!

July 26, 2000 - Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been a little lost on what to do w/ the site. Well, what I have come up w/ is a contest type thing. Well, someone suggested it and all, so keep a close eye out for istructions and rules.

June 20, 2000 - I have two addresses for you all to go check out, one is this really cool news letter dealing w/ Johnny No-Name. I urge you to check it out! Just send a e-mail to and make the subject Subscribe to ML4NN-AL That's all! And also check out It's a cool site about all the Boys'. Until next time, peace!

June 11, 2000 - I have 7 new pics, thats all for now.

June 4, 2000 - I have changed the font color from light purple to light blue. People complained about not being able to see the purple, so I changed it. I have 9 new pictures and I also changed some info on the girlfriends page.

April 30, 2000 - I have completed the Johnny No-Name section, check it out. Thank you out to 'The First Johnny No-Name site' for the pictures. When I get some new pictures of AJ, I will be sure to post them. Peace out!

April 25, 2000 - I added a whole new section on AJ's alter-ego Johnny No-Name.

April 23, 2000 - It's Spring Break and I am spending it updating my site! Aren't I devoted?! LOL :-) There are new pics, info, etc. Enjoy!

January 16, 2000 - Sorry, I haven't updated in awhile. I have fixed all the broken links and I added new News Info.

January 9, 2000 - As of now, 'almost' EVERYTHING is new. Happy B-day AJ!
