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Chapter 6

Danielle walked into her house at about midnight. She had just gotten done with the photo shoot and got the modeling contact to Tommy Hilfiger. She sat down all tired out and reached for the phone. She then dialed Brian’s number. The phone rang about 15 times and still no answer. She just figured he was asleep she quickly fell asleep on the couch.

(The Next Morning)

Danielle woke up to someone knocking on the door. She quickly got up and answered the door.

“Hey Kev”, Danielle said looking at the terrified face Kevin had on him.

“Dani”, Kevin began as he walked into the house, “Brian’s in the hospital”

“What??”, Danielle said as tears began to form, “No he can’t be in the hospital. He’s home I’m gonna go see him”, Danielle said in denial not wanting to believe it as she grabbed her coat and went towards her car.

“No Dani”, Kevin said as he grabbed her and turned her around, “Brian is at the hospital, come on get in my car I’ll take you there”

Danielle nodded and began to cry as Kevin pulled her in for a hug. He knew how much they meant to each other every since they were little, “Kevin I can’t lose him, I can’t”, Danielle said as she and Kevin got into his car.

“I know Dani, I know”, Kevin said as he drove to the hospital.

(At The Hospital)

Danielle and Kevin walked into the waiting room where Brian’s parents and all the guys were.

“You never told me how and what happened to him?”, Danielle asked worried.

“Danielle you have grown up with Brian and you know about his heart problem, well i guess he’s been having trouble lately with it and he hasn’t told anybody about it. When I came to his house this morning he was passed out and very pale right now they have him in heart surgery”, Kevin explained.

“Is he gonna be alright?”, Danielle asked through tears.

“Oh Dani all we can do is pray”, Brian’s mother said as she pulled Danielle in for a hug. Danielle was like the daughter she never had and she always knew one day her and Brian would get together. Danielle nodded and left the waiting room. She walked outside and down to the nearby beach.

“Oh God, Please listen to me. All my life I have grown up with Brian, he’s always been my best friend, we have been though everything together, you name it we have done. When we were little i had the biggest crush on him you could image”, Danielle smiled a little and remembering, “Ever since then we’ve always been there for each other. All through when he started being a Backstreet Boy i would totally support him and we hardly saw each other as much. I remember he would call me before every concert started and have one of his bodyguards hold the phone so i could hear them all sing together when i couldn’t make it. He was the only guy in my life i could be totally opened with about everything. I could tell him anything and he would think of me no different. Every time one of my boyfriends or his girlfriends broke up with us we would always go to our secret place in back of both of our houses in the woods. It was beautiful back there near a creek and all meadows with this one big oak tree we made a tree house in. It was like our second home, we had everything in there, no one knew about it except Brian’s dad cause he built for us. We would talk in there for hours about anything and everything. It seemed like everything in the world stopped except for us”, Danielle said as she sighed as a couple tears fell down her face.

“Us. Me and Brian, what would i ever do without him”, Danielle finished as she stared out into the ocean.

Chapter 7
