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Chapter 9

Danielle woke up on Brian’s bare chest and smiled. She thought about last night.

“Hey good morning baby”, Brian smiled waking up and kissing her on the lips, “I love you”

“I love you too”, Danielle smiled.

“Dani, I have something I would like to ask you”, Brian said as put on his boxers quickly and picked up something out of his jeans and hid it behind his back. Then he came over to her next to the bed and took he hand and got down on one knee, “Dani, I have known you my whole life, we’ve had such good times together especially in this treehouse. We always talked to each other about everything, your my best friend, we both have lived when we had life threatening deaths cause of the miracles that happen when your in love. And I’m in heaven when I’m with you, you make me the happiest man alive. I love you. Will you marry me??”, Brian said smiling looking into her eyes.

Danielle began to cry, “Oh Bri, Yes! I love you”, Danielle said as Brian slipped the ring on her finger and hugged her.

“So this was what you were up to”, Danielle smiled as she got down getting dressed and walked over and sat down next to Brian on the couch.

“Yup baby”, Brian told her kissing her on the lips, “Wanna go tell everybody we’re engaged?”

“Yeah come lets go”, Danielle answered as they both climbed down and walked back to Brian’s house hand in hand.

(Brian’s House)

Danielle and Brian walked into the living room to see both their parents were there.

“Hey you guys where did you stay last night we were worried about you?”, Brian and Danielle’s mothers asked.

“Oh umm”, Brian began to say as he remembered that no one knew about the treehouse except his father.

“They were in a hotel that i got for them remember Brian?”, his father said covering for them.

“Yup that’s where we were anyways, Dani and i have some news for all of you guys”, Brian began.

“We’re engaged”, Danielle smiled finishing for him as everybody jumped up looking at the ring and congratulated them.

“We always knew this day would come some day”, Danielle’s mother said.

“Yeah you to are the cutest couple you were meant to be”, Brian’s mother said smiling.

Chapter 10
