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BMI - Body Mass Index

The BMI formula

The Body Mass Index (BMI) formula was developed by Belgium statistician Adolphe Quelet(1796-1874), and was known as the Quetelet Index. BMI is also referred to as 'body mass indicator'. BMI is an internationally used measure of obesity.

How to calculate BMI

For users who wish to manually calculate BMI we have provided a BMI formula for both imperial & metric measurements. We also offer an online BMI Calculator in imperial measurements. Body mass index calculation is very straightforward. Calculating body mass index requires only two measurements, height & weight.

You can either use the formula above, or if you prefer, use the calculator below.

Body Fat Calculator

Weight: lbs.
Height: Ft. In.

Body Mass Index

According to the Panel on Energy, Obesity, and Body Weight Standards
published by American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, your category is:

The chart below is the standard BMI Cart according to the medical establishment. Your weight and BMI might place you in the category of "morbidly" obese. But since we are all happy gainers here at Gainer Web, then we don't like that word "morbid" so we prefer the word "massive" instead, because we are all cheerful and happy fatties here! There is nothing "morbid" about us! Also we love the word "obese" because it does sound kind of sassy in defiance of the social norms set by society in general.

Match your BMI on this chart to determine what your BMI means, according to the medical establishment, that is!
Under 16
16 and 18
19 and 25
26 and 29
30 and 34
35 and 39
40 and 49
50 and 59
60 and over
Obese or Obesity Class I
Obese or Obesity Class II
Morbidly Obese or Obesity Class III
Morbidly Obese or Obesity Class IV
Super Super
Morbidly Obese or Obesity Class V

Since the chart above is the one used by the medical establishment, we can just ignore it and use the next chart below instead. What is considered obese by the medical establishment is merely chubby by our standards, because we are happy gainers here. So instead, use the chart below to find out where you're at by our upwardly revised and more liberalized standards.

OK! Now match your BMI on THIS CHART to determine what your BMI really means!
That is, according to all of us happy fatties here at Gainer Web! Ha! Ha!
Under 16
16 and 18
19 and 25
26 and 29
30 and 34
35 and 39
40 and 49
50 and 59
60 and 69
Ideal? No! Still too skinny!
Overweight? No such thing as overweight!
Only a little bit pudgy
Just a little bit chubby
A little bit chunky
Nice and plump
Roly Poly and kind of cute!
Between 70 and 79
80 and 89
90 and 99
Between 100 and 109
Between 110 and 119
Between 120 and 129
Between 130 and 139
Between 140 and 149
Between 150 and 159
Between 160 and 169
Just beginning to get fat
Nice and fat! Not yet obese!
Very fat!
Borderline obese
Mildly obese
Massively obese. NOT morbid!
Super Massive Obesity
Super Super Massive Obesity! Just beginning to have fun!
Super Super Super Massive Obesity! Excellent! Keep gaining!
Between 170 and 179
Between 180 and 189
Between 190 and 199
Between 200 and 209
Between 210 and 219
Between 220 and 229
Between 230 and 239
Between 240 and 249
Between 250 and 259
Gigantic Obesity! If you want to set a new BMI record for males, keep on gaining!
Super Gigantic Obesity! BMI record for males is 185 so keep on gaining to top the female BMI record!"
Super Super Gigantic Obesity! Good! You have set a new BMI record for males! Keep on Gaining!
Super Super Super Gigantic Obesity! Still far from braking the female BMI record! Eat! Eat! Eat!
Gargantuan Obesity! Keep on eating! Don't stop now!
Super Gargantuan Obesity! Eat continuously through out the day from dawn to dusk! Come on guys, we can do it!
Super Super Gargantuan Obesity! You need to wake up every two hours from your sleep to eat some more!
Super Super Super Gargantuan Obesity! Just a few pounds more to reach the BMI record set by females!
Divinely And Wonderfully Obese! If your BMI is greater than 251 then you have broken the female BMI record! Don't stop now if you want to be the first human to weight a ton or more!!!

Now, isn't this chart much better? Instead of using the term "morbid" to describe obesity, it's much nicer to use the word "massive" instead. Also, for us happy gainers, there is no such thing as being too fat. The fatter the better! This chart is a lot more fun!

OK! Now let's see if you can break the following records.
The heaviest male on record was Jon Brower Minnoch (1941-1983) of 
Bainbridge Island, Washington. He was 6 ft 1 in tall and weighed 
over 1400 pounds, BMI 185!

The heaviest female on record was Carol Yager (1960-1994) of Flint, Michigan. She was only 5 ft 7 in tall and she weighed over 1600 pounds! BMI 251!!!
Aw! Come on guys! Can't we do better than that???