10/11 -98
The guestbook still grows and Amazing seems to be the most popular song!!! VASA is back
playing with Pontus & Amerikanarna again. They released a new album recently called
12/11 -97
Added a few singles in the discography (thanks to Gustaf Forsslund). By the way, itīs
great to see that the guestbook is getting longer all the time...
17/3 -97
Added a new section about related projects. Changed the discography layout. I will rescan
all pictures to increase quality and decrease size...
9/2 -97
Scanned some more songtexts and pictures, more to come. Don't forget to check out the
27/11 -96
Added some pictures and a few songtexts (in the discography).
9/10 -96
Big and VASA have separated. The information is unconfirmed so don't give up hope yet.
Anyway, maybe we will hear Big or VASA in other projects in the future. Big Money page
will remain the same whatever happens.