Alloy Chat - December 6th 2000

Mandy: Thank you, everybody, for stopping by tonight!

Tabby187:What is it like being so young and having a record deal?

Mandy: I guess you finally have to realize that you have a lot of responsibility all of a sudden. It's weird taking something that you considered a hobby and turning that into a profession.

Xonxixa: What was it like touring with *NSYNC in last summer's tour?

Mandy: It was amazing! I didn't get to meet the guys much, but I watched their show practically every night! I was so impressed with them as people and performers.

Lori: Mandy I noticed that you did some acting on the TV show 2gether. Do you plan doing any more acting?

Mandy: I actually just finished my first movie called The Princess Diaries, so the answer is yes! But there is more to come in the future.

CLAIRE_50: Mandy, how do you keep a private life and tour at the same time?

Mandy: I guess you really have to realize that in this biz, there is a fine line between private and what people want to know. You have to prioritize and remember what is important to you at the end of the day.

farrah31: Out of all of the artists or celebrities you have met over the years, who have you liked, or who has impressed you the most?

Mandy: Celine Dion, BSB, and I even met Faith Hill last night! She rocks!

Shanna94: Besides being an entertainer, I see you've hosted on MTV quite a few times. What was that experience like?

Mandy: I have a three year contract with MTV, so fortunately I'll have the opportunity to do more of that! It is amazing to get the chance to show people that you have a personality.

shearer: Do you get nervous before going onstage?

Mandy: I get nervous before every performance!

Amanda L: Who is your celeb crush?

Mandy: Robbie Williams!

JESSICA30: Mandy, now that you have your license, have you bought a car?

Mandy: I have a car -it was my first big splurge! I got the new BMW x5.

mmmcandy: What's in your CD player right now?

Mandy: The Backstreet Boys' new album -- I'm in love with it!

kwl2k: How tall are you, because I hear from 5' 5" to 6' 2"?

Mandy: I guess I'm somewhere in between -- I am 5' 9'' and a half.

Allstar_2003: If you weren't singing, dancing, or acting, what do you think you'd be doing?

Mandy: I would still be in school, probably studying to become a journalist.

q_kit: Who would you most want to do a duet with?

Mandy: I think I would want to do a duet with someone up-and-coming before someone really established.

jessica2920: Mandy, what do you miss the most from before you became famous to now?

Mandy: I miss being home with my friends sometimes. I even miss doing homework! Living out of a suitcase, ordering room service and eating fast food isn't always fun.

mmmcandy: Hey Mandy, you've risen to fame in a relatively short period of time -- what do you think of the music business so far?

Mandy: It's a business like any other! But it's great, and I am so fortunate to do what I love all the time, and to be in the same class as people that I respect in the music industry. But it is weird to be in that category now.

InLoveWithMM: Mandy, are you writing any songs on your upcoming album?

Mandy: I have written one song that I know for sure is gonna be on the next album.

koralkid: What do you look for in a guy?

Mandy: I don't know, I guess the same characteristics I would look for in a friend: Honesty, humor, and somebody who likes to have a good time. I guess when you find that person you just find them!

kiskewl: Mandy, you have so many girls who look up to you. Do you feel any pressure to be "perfect" all the time?

Mandy: Oh, I have no pressure to be perfect, because I'm not perfect. Perfection is unattainable. You have to learn to love yourself. It's cheesy, but you have to be comfortable and confident with yourself.

insignfcant: Other than singing, what other interests do you have?

Mandy: I love writing. Sometimes I will just get on the computer and just write what I am feeling out -- keep typing and typing. I also love getting on the Internet, shopping, and I am a roller coaster junkie! But that's not something that I get to do all the time.

jesika: What advice would you give to girls or boys who want to pursue a career in music?

Mandy: I guess the advice that I always give -- never pass up on any opportunity, 'cause you never know who is sitting out in the audience.

mandys#1fan: What did you think was the most interesting thing that happened at the Billboard Music Awards?

Mandy: To be quite honest, I was backstage for most of it, and I am dying to see a tape of the whole show, so I am not sure. I was just excited that I got to meet Faith Hill!

aznzhahboh: Are you going to go to Prom this year?

Mandy: I hope I can go! I really do. I went to my Homecoming, so I hope I can go to Prom as well.

krysten: Who do you most look up to in your singing career?

Mandy: Bette Midler. I love her!

KITTEN: Do you have a boyfriend? If so, how do you find time for guys?

Mandy: I am dating someone right now, and I mean, you have to face it -- what girl is not going to make time for guys? At the end of the day, that's just as important as one of your friends, and there's always time in the day to make a phone call.

lollipoptash: If you could travel to any place in the world, where would you go?

Mandy: I would probably head off to Australia or New Zealand and hit the beach! I think it is spring or summer there now.

Amanda L.: What do you want for Christmas?

Mandy: I want to be home with my family, which I am going to be, so I am very happy!

AC-NC-JC: When you return to your high school for things such as Prom or Homecoming, do people treat you differently?

Mandy: Some people do. It's really hurtful. This year, some girl came up to me and went off on me, and I started to cry. People think you've changed, when they have kind of changed, 'cause they are the ones treating you differently!

JaredsBabe14: What is your fave song on your album?

Mandy: I think it's "Your Face". It's a wonderful melody, and the lyrics are simple enough that any age group can relate to it.

funky_butt86: Where is your fave place to shop?

Mandy: Probably at department stores, 'cause you can get everything under one roof, or little stores in SoHo, NY.

sarah: How do you handle false rumors?

Mandy: At first I thought that it was really gonna hurt, and it still hurts a lot, but you have to develop a thick skin for this. You have to have faith that people don't believe everything they read.

case_boy: When is your next album coming out and what kinda of style is it going to be?

Mandy: It's going to be out in probably late March or early April. It's going to be pop, but with real instruments.

Amanda L. : Do you have any pets? If not, do you want one?

Mandy: I have three cats, and I've asked for a puppy for Christmas. But my parents already said no.

LmIaNnDdAy: What do you do so you won't be nervous before you go onstage?

Mandy: I make sure that I always pray -- my dancers, tour manager, mom, and dad -- we always pray. We have our rituals -- wish each other good luck, but it becomes common practice.

sugarjoe99: What's your best subject in school?

Mandy: English. Math is definitely my worst!

PrInCeSs2u: How do you keep up with your friends when you're on the road?

Mandy: Through e-mail and cell phones, I guess. But e-mail is the best!

*Candy_Gurl*: Do your parents travel with you on tour?

Mandy: I always have at least one or both, so definitely.

Sarah87: Mandy, when you sang the theme song for Center Stage, did you get to meet the actors from the movie? I loved "I Wanna Be With You" and I loved the movie!

Mandy: Thank you so much! The only actor I got to meet was Sasha, who was actually in my video. Other than that, no.

girlie_girl: Hey Mandy, whassup? I love your music and I just wanted to ask you how you got started in singing, and is there anything else you want to do?

Mandy: Thanks very much! I got started doing musical theater, and singing the national anthem. Eventually, it just took me being in the right place at the right time. I would definitely like to do some acting, and continue singing in the future.

Running_Gurl: Who is your favorite artist/band?

Mandy: Too hard to pick! I love and respect too many.

Kaycea12: Do you ever feel like you have to compete with Britney Spears or Christina Aguileria?

Mandy: Um, I think that the media pays a lot of attention to that because I am girl, I have blond hair, and I sing pop music. But, at the end of the day, if someone was to hear one of our songs on the radio, there are distinguishable differences. I definitely respect both of them, and think they are extremely talented.

Triza: Hiya Mandy, I love your style! Do you get to choose your own clothes? If so, what's your favorite piece of clothing?

Mandy: Thank you very much! I have a stylist, but I am fortunate in that I get the final say on anything I wear. I don't think anyone should be forced to do something or wear something that they are not comfortable with.

doll523: If you were abducted by aliens who were going to erase all of your memories except for one, which one would you pick?

Mandy: I don't know, you know, probably...this is so hard! Probably the day I got my record deal.

JaredsBabe14: Hey Mandy, this is Chelsea. I was wondering what's the craziest thing a fan has done for you?

Mandy: I think it's crazy when people wait in line for hours and hours before a show in all kinds of weather. I totally respect that! And nothing is more admirable, 'cause I don't know if I would be able to do it!

Crystal: Did you like working with the members of PYT in your video for "Candy"?

Mandy: Actually, Lauren is a friend of mine, but I grew to be friends with all of them.They are really talented and sweet, and I was really happy to share my first video experience with them.

Kaycea12: When you go out in public (besides concerts) do you have to wear a disguise?

Mandy: Oh no, not at all. I think my biggest disguise is dressing really casual and wearing my hair in a ponytail, my glasses and no makeup!

*Candy_Gurl*: Hi Mandy! I heard that when you went to England to promote "I Wanna Be With You," you became friends with Prince Harry! Is this true?

Mandy: Oh I wish! But sadly no.

Toofpoc: What's your favorite kind of candy?

Mandy: I'm a gum-a-holic.

PrInCeSs2u: When you're not on the road, what do you like to do for fun?

Mandy: Shop. Or get on the Internet, like I said before. I'm pretty spontaneous, so whatever pops into my head sometimes.

sweetkandy: What do you plan to be doing 10 years from now?

Mandy: Hopefully what I am doing now. But on top of that, maybe writing, producing, acting, and whatever the future has in store for me.

LmIaNnDdAy: Do you know what your next video will be? And the concept? I loved the ice-skating routine.

Mandy: Oh thanks! The next single is off the next album, so I am not sure yet, but you guys will be the first to know.

luv4mandy: What do you think of the hundreds of Web pages that your fans have created in your honor?

Mandy: I think it is amazing. All the time that they dedicate, it's mind-boggling to me.They are so intricate and well designed. They're better than some of the official ones out there!

PrInCeSs2u: What's it like being so young and yet having to take on the responsibilities of an adult?

Mandy: It's a hard concept to learn at first, but I think surrounding yourself with the right people makes things a lot easier.

*Candy_Gurl*: Mandy, when will The Princess Diaries be out in theaters?

Mandy: Sometime in July. I'm psyched! It was so fun to work on.

mandyzdgtlby: Who is your favorite *NSYNC boy and Backstreet boy? What do you think of both of their new albums, and can you rate both of them on a scale from 1-10?

Mandy: Um, I would say I couldn't split the groups up. I like both equally. I think both of their albums are so different. I would give *NSYNC a 10 out of 10, and BSB a 9 out of 10.

Mandy: Thank you everybody for stopping by tonight! Check out my website, And look for the album in late March, and my daily MTV show to start in February!

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