MTV Interview - December 1st 1999

MTV: What was it like when you heard "Candy" on the radio for the first time?

Mandy: It is the trippiest thing in the whole world just to [hear], "And here's 'Candy' by Mandy Moore." It's like, oh my gosh, it's a feeling you can never get used to. And it's a feeling that's so, so indescribable. You know, I did that song, and I knew "Candy" was going to probably be the first single, but it's still like [I thought], "Maybe it will be played by a few radio stations and sell a couple [copies] and stuff." It went gold... and I just freaked out! I mean, it's just like... not in a corny way, but I never imagined doing this. I mean, I always wanted to [have a hit single], and someday I told myself I was going to, but not at 15. I thought maybe 20, 21, 22, you know? It's pretty weird.

MTV: Tell us a little bit about the video for "Candy." It's got a great look to it -- it's sunny and colorful, and it really fits the song well. I heard your brother's in it?

Mandy: Uh-huh! My little brother's in the background in a couple scenes in the video, and he was happy about that. It was so much fun to make.

MTV: And then there's that great car...

Mandy: I wanted to have the car in the video! I didn't actually get to drive it, but I still had fun.

MTV: What was shooting the video like? Was it a lot of waiting around on the set for stuff to happen, or did you get treated like a star?

Mandy: It was a lot like making a commercial, except I was the product. I was the box of soap, I was the candy bar, or something. So I found that was pretty funny, but it was still amazing. I just stopped myself sometimes and thought, "Whoa, Mandy, look at all these adults. This is their job. They're trying to make a video for you. They're working hard for you." It's just mind-boggling. It's like, "Wow, all these adults' jobs are relying on you." But again, in another sense, it's just like, "Whoa, this is party time! I'm ready to go!"

MTV: Since "Candy" has been such a success, your album got moved up to a December release, right before the holidays. Are you excited about that?

Mandy: I'm looking forward to it, and Christmas, and everything like that. You know, new CDs, they're a great stocking stuffer and everything!

MTV: Any plans for the holidays?

Mandy: Being at home, just to get home and spend some time with my friends and my family, and I get to drive around, because all my friends are turning 16 now. We can drive by ourselves, so I'm looking forward to that. But just actually being home, back in the warmth... it's a little chilly, some of these places we've been lately. [Laughs]

MTV: Right, you're just finishing being on tour with the Backstreet Boys, and you went on the road with 'NSYNC too. Those are two amazing opportunities for someone at this stage of their career. Plus you got to see, up close, how they deal with being these huge superstars on the road, the fan hysteria and all that. What was that like? Did you learn anything from them?

Mandy: I learned everything, especially [while] being on tour with the Backstreet Boys. They're almost inspirational to me, in a way, because they are so genuine, and they are so real, and it seems that nothing has fazed them. All the success they've had hasn't changed them a bit. That's something that I really look up to. I think sometimes [when you become famous] you don't stay grounded, and you forget who you really are, and you start to be, like, someone you're not. But those boys are the exact, exact opposite of that. They are so cool, and they're so supportive. They come out and watch my show [and say things like], "Good job." "Is there anything we can get for you?" So I really felt like I was part of the tour, and it was such an honor to be there. We just had so much fun.

MTV: Now you're studying while you're on the road, right? I read that you're doing a program with Texas Tech. How does that work?

Mandy: Well, I'm tutored, and I actually go through Texas Tech University, the extended studies program. I just get my book and my curriculum, and I do most of my work by myself on the road. When I go home, I check it with a tutor. I can get a chapter done in an hour and a half, or two hours, and just move on to the next thing.

MTV: Where does that put you in terms of graduating from high school?

Mandy: I can probably graduate somewhere, probably halfway through my junior year to the end of my junior year. Maybe the beginning of my senior year, but before the rest of my class does. So I'm looking forward to that!

MTV: Is it hard to study on the road?

Mandy: It's hard to get motivated, because the people I'm around are out of school. I'm the only one [who's not]. I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. School's important, and I still realize that fact. I actually liked school when I was in school. I was a weird kid, I guess.

MTV: It's interesting that your live show is really different from a lot of the teen-pop and especially teen girl-pop that's out there now. Most of those acts put a lot of emphasis on the dancing and stage stuff, while your live show is really focused on your singing.

Mandy: My whole philosophy is, I want to be known as a singer who can dance and not a dancer who can sing. My show is more based around the singing, because I have four incredible guy dancers who are backing me up and just busting their butts every night. They're doing a wonderful job, and the audience really likes that, so they're really receptive to that. Singing is my passion. I like dancing, and I think that's a great part [of being a singer]. You have to entertain people. They come to see you, and they want to see you move and stuff. But I feel like I connect with more people through my singing than with my dancing.

MTV: So with the tour finishing up right before your album coming out, that doesn't really give you much time for a break. You're probably going to be busy promoting and stuff well into the New Year. What do you have planned?

Mandy: Whatever comes up! Backstreet's going back out on tour in February, so I might be doing them again.

MTV: With all this stuff going on, are you going to try and get your learner's permit anytime soon?

Mandy: As soon as I get home. I vow to get my permit as soon as I get home.

MTV: Stick shift?

Mandy: Oh no, automatic!

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